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Hungary prepares for referendum on EU refugee quotas


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Please stay on topic and cease with the nitpicking and bickering.   Referendums and elections are not always based on logic.  


Oh, and it's now Sunday, well here it's Sunday....but in some places it isn't Sunday yet.


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9 hours ago, Xircal said:


There's plenty of evidence around and I'm sure you'll be able to find it if you really want to instead of expecting others to do it for you.


Is that how you think it works? One person throws out a, possibly, wild statement without any attempt to justify it, and those who raise questions about it are required to prove or disprove? What if I cannot find anything to verify the statement made (as is the case here)? Can you see why your approach is wrong?


9 hours ago, Xircal said:


As for the so called 'refugees' who have actually arrived in Europe instead of being appreciative of being accepted in a country where nobody is going to torture or shoot them, they just complain incessantly instead: Bored immigrants complaining



You seriously don't expect me to click on a link to the Express, do you, the second most repulsively racist newspaper in the UK, with as much journalistic integrity as its publishing stablemate, Asian Babes? I assume, though, that the failed journalist-turned gutter-scouring ambulance chaser who wrote whatever article you linked to found some whinging refugee who missed their shisha and, therefore used the classic newspaper smear of painting a large group of people as equal to the lowest common denominator - and you lapped it up?


10 hours ago, Xircal said:

Why should we accept them in Europe?


Well, I would say that we should assist where we can because it is the humane thing to do. I appreciate, however, that humanity is not a virtue equally bestowed.


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6 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Is that how you think it works? One person throws out a, possibly, wild statement without any attempt to justify it, and those who raise questions about it are required to prove or disprove? What if I cannot find anything to verify the statement made (as is the case here)? Can you see why your approach is wrong?



You seriously don't expect me to click on a link to the Express, do you, the second most repulsively racist newspaper in the UK, with as much journalistic integrity as its publishing stablemate, Asian Babes? I assume, though, that the failed journalist-turned gutter-scouring ambulance chaser who wrote whatever article you linked to found some whinging refugee who missed their shisha and, therefore used the classic newspaper smear of painting a large group of people as equal to the lowest common denominator - and you lapped it up?



Well, I would say that we should assist where we can because it is the humane thing to do. I appreciate, however, that humanity is not a virtue equally bestowed.



I don't see that my approach is wrong at all. If you're incapable to using a search engine in this day and age I feel sorry for you. But the fact remains that the evidence is there for all to see.


As for the link to the Express I posted, stop being lazy and use a search engine to find the same subject on another site. There are plenty around.


As for the humane angle, maybe you'd like to offer free accommodation in your own home to these parasites because they don't want to work and just want to exploit the welfare systems of countries that provide for their own citizens.

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3 minutes ago, Xircal said:

I don't see that my approach is wrong at all. If you're incapable to using a search engine in this day and age I feel sorry for you. But the fact remains that the evidence is there for all to see.


Fact? The only fact here is that the OP made an unverified statement. The laziness (or is it refusal to admit you are wrong and bigoted) is simply repeating the same trope "Google it if you don't believe me".


6 minutes ago, Xircal said:

offer free accommodation in your own home to these parasites


And there we have it - all that anyone needs to know about the sort of person you are.

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22 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Fact? The only fact here is that the OP made an unverified statement. The laziness (or is it refusal to admit you are wrong and bigoted) is simply repeating the same trope "Google it if you don't believe me".



And there we have it - all that anyone needs to know about the sort of person you are.


A "unverified statement" eh? Is that the best you can do?


Oh and I really don't give a toss about what you think of me.

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