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Why is Chicago a murder capital? Clues from a bloody month


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On September 30, 2016 at 10:20 PM, dontoearth said:

     Those ideas have been highly successful.  Unfortunately, the long recession has killed off even essential social services in most of the big cities.  I live in Chicago and shamefully our oldest social service agency James Addams Hull House even closed up a few years ago.  The story is a from a right wing conservative rag of the 'blame the victim variety'.  Crain's Chicago Business.   They certainly didn't delve into the decreasing level of social safety net services over the last decade in those neighbors VS the now surging crime rates.  They might not find cause without digging deep and doing lots of investigative reporting but correlation is certainly there!  Much easier to write up some idiot one simple example says it all type of tripe.  I long for the days when investigative journalist took it seriously and did a year or more of work and published 20-30-40 articles to give an in-depth view.  Sadly, this kind of one story funded nonsense leading conservatives to whistle and say "That is just those people"  is all Koch brother aligned papers seem to run.

      You would think that a paper like this might like to do some economic work?  NO?    A little analysis or what our lack of social service spending is TRULY costing us.  I am sure the conservative overlords will not enjoy reading a story like that.


Here is an article that further describes what you are saying. 




But it also suggests monies ARE being funneled to these communities unlike what you told me in a below post when the article states:


"We are all supporting organizations that we can believe in and that are doing good work with some positive outcomes that we can feel good about. But the problems in the black community keep getting worse."

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I was born and raised in the south side of Chicago. It was OK in the 50's. Neighborhood started to change in the  early  60's. By mid 60's it was gangs and knives. By the late 60's it was gangs with guns. 50 years later the murder  capital of the  world. Only in America. 

So glad to feel safe in Thailand 

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28 minutes ago, Blue bruce said:

I was born and raised in the south side of Chicago. It was OK in the 50's. Neighborhood started to change in the  early  60's. By mid 60's it was gangs and knives. By the late 60's it was gangs with guns. 50 years later the murder  capital of the  world. Only in America. 

So glad to feel safe in Thailand 

What was the "change" per tell?

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15 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Aka Democrats.

LBJ in particular.  He would not have gotten elected.  He only got in because someone killed JFK and then ran a year later.  If anyone had known what he was going to do about the Great Society and Vietnam they would not have elected him.  He refused to run for a second term because he realized he more than almost any other President had <deleted> up America. Seems odd to blame the problems of Chicago on a politician from Texas but he did it.  Kind of Karma really as Chicago got Kennedy elected fraudulently.  What did the Chicago mayor say, "Vote early vote often."

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41 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Aka Democrats.

Nice deflection.   Chicago and many communities were not ruined by the democrats or by the Great Society.   They have been ruined because there are no jobs.   Those jobs have been dwindling.   



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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

Public housing and welfare destroyed the Black family.  Or you can just say "The Great Society ruined America."


The ambitious “Great Society” agenda begun half a century ago continues to touch nearly every aspect of American life. But the deep philosophical divide it created has come to define the nation’s harsh politics, especially in the Obama era.



Pretty well sums up were we are today.


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7 minutes ago, Credo said:

Nice deflection.   Chicago and many communities were not ruined by the democrats or by the Great Society.   They have been ruined because there are no jobs.   Those jobs have been dwindling.   




its very bold to say that Democratic leadership in Chicago the past 40+ years has no bearing on the City's current state of affairs.


The idea is a bit preposterous really.


Chicago has always been a Dem stronghold.

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6 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Here is an article that further describes what you are saying. 




But it also suggests monies ARE being funneled to these communities unlike what you told me in a below post when the article states:


"We are all supporting organizations that we can believe in and that are doing good work with some positive outcomes that we can feel good about. But the problems in the black community keep getting worse."

      I am not surprised!  What excellent proof.  He mentioned how many $$$$?  The names of the programs?  How many people were helped based on the amount of people living in that community.    Hmmm!  Oh not any details at all really.  None!  He does mention sending or not sending a kid to china?  Again no details at all. 

      I read that the community receives so little resources kids can't even depend on a safe passage to and from school?  We all read the same thing!  We don't all comprehend as well!

      Yeah sounds like they are definitely making heavy investments ALL THE TIME in imaginary nonexistent programs they want to yap their gums about in some right wing business rag.  They probably spend more money every year at an awards banquet giving themselves plaques than they actual spend on these programs. 

       You might want to check into some critical reasoning and reading comprehension.  It will help you pick out propaganda easier.  It might  help you draw conclusions that are less biased.

        And this will the last conversation we will have!  I already told you your behavior is very poor.  I will not be speaking to you. 

        So you can post any nonsense you like.  I won't take the bait.


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47 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

      I am not surprised!  What excellent proof.  He mentioned how many $$$$?  The names of the programs?  How many people were helped based on the amount of people living in that community.    Hmmm!  Oh not any details at all really.  None!  He does mention sending or not sending a kid to china?  Again no details at all. 

      I read that the community receives so little resources kids can't even depend on a safe passage to and from school?  We all read the same thing!  We don't all comprehend as well!

      Yeah sounds like they are definitely making heavy investments ALL THE TIME in imaginary nonexistent programs they want to yap their gums about in some right wing business rag.  They probably spend more money every year at an awards banquet giving themselves plaques than they actual spend on these programs. 

       You might want to check into some critical reasoning and reading comprehension.  It will help you pick out propaganda easier.  It might  help you draw conclusions that are less biased.

        And this will the last conversation we will have!  I already told you your behavior is very poor.  I will not be speaking to you. 

        So you can post any nonsense you like.  I won't take the bait.





I provided a link which supported what you said and you freak out on me ?


What is wrong with you?


I read your earlier post. I attempted to find some links to refute it but instead found a couple that semi-supported you so I posted one and you go all ballistic on me and calling me names?





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On 01/10/2016 at 11:04 AM, righand3256 said:

uh no, there is no nipping in anywhere to buy a gun. The left media and politicians try to make it sound easy, but you will not be leaving walmart or a gun show, gun shop, etc. the same day you purchase a weapon, and if you think different, then you are very misinformed.

YOU CAN'T BUY A GUN IF: you are a felon, you have been in a psychiatric facility in the last five years, have been ruled mentally disabled or "defective," have restraining orders against you, have been convicted of a violent crime in the last five years, have failed a drug test in the last year, or are not an American citizen. To purchase a gun legally in Chicago you'll have to leave the city itself—there's nowhere to buy a gun in Chicago proper.

You can't legally buy drugs but everybody does.

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On 10/1/2016 at 9:43 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

Two-thirds of those "gun deaths" are suicides...but nice try. I bet those people in Nice felt the same as you too.


On 10/1/2016 at 9:43 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

Two-thirds of those "gun deaths" are suicides...but nice try. I bet those people in Nice felt the same as you too.


On 10/1/2016 at 9:43 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

Two-thirds of those "gun deaths" are suicides...but nice try. I bet those people in Nice felt the same as you too.

Another guy in never land, they are not suicides they are blacks killing blacks. Don't  speak of what you don't know.

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14 hours ago, alofthailand said:

You can't legally buy drugs but everybody does.

you can nip in to a Walmart or a pharmacy and purchase drugs given with a prescription from a shyster doctor, and leave the place on the same day you purchased, and sell your drug to people. This is not what the system was designed for of course, and it happens way more than people want to realize, and I am talking about the US, can't say for any place else. I was stating about the mis-information the media and government have brainwashed people with on how easy it is for the legal purchase of a gun, and this had nothing to with drugs.

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The real reason there are so many killings in Chicago is because there so many uneducated blacks living on welfare for generation after generation.  All they know is their projects in their neighborhood, selling drugs ans stealing from other blacks to support theirdrug habits

They don't  want to work, they are programmed to live on welfare and join street gangs. 

I know if what I speak as I was bon and raised in Chicago 

Please don't blame it on the government or the police or the whites or how the blacks are depressed . The blacks brought it  on themselves in Chicago. Blacks killin blacks, every day

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Interesting read on quality of life indicators for blacks in Chicago and historical reasons they have not improved. 



The generation of African-American children raised during the civil rights era has made virtually no advancement out of the nation's poorest neighborhoods," sociologist Patrick Sharkey writes in a new book, Stuck in Place. It's a conclusion many other researchers have arrived at as well.

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8 hours ago, thaihome said:

Interesting read on quality of life indicators for blacks in Chicago and historical reasons they have not improved. 



The generation of African-American children raised during the civil rights era has made virtually no advancement out of the nation's poorest neighborhoods," sociologist Patrick Sharkey writes in a new book, Stuck in Place. It's a conclusion many other researchers have arrived at as well.


But they always have enough money to pimp their ride, buy a pistol, get drunk on 40's and stoned on weed and occasionally score some rock. 


That is the life idealized in rap music for the majority of inner-city blacks. 


And obesity is pandemic in that demographic so they must have enough money to eat...or is that complimentsof food stamps?


The issues this group are suffering from are self made and tue result of a very broken paradigm that is constantly reinforced by wefare and passed on from generation to generation.



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