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Cheap Farangs Vs Pennywise Thai partners


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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

fair points. i have kids with a thai girl. and 5 years in we are getting along very well. money breaks most thai/western relationships. often because the thai get more and more demanding, i see it over and over again. my advice is set a salary and stick to it. they will try every story to get more but dont give in. for sure i am going to now get people asking 'would you pay your thai girl a salary?' well no i would not, because there is no way i would ever date a western woman. actually i would not date a thai woman either unless she was raising our kids. only thing better than being single is having kids.


I am with you, I provide my Mrs with 300 baht per day, she calls it her allowance, 3 x 20 baht for the kids to take to school, 2 x 30 baht for us for lunch, and the balance for what she buys at the local market in the evening (vegetables) to cook with, which includes something for her mum and dad is she so chooses. I think its a fair call, her sister works selling fruit all day in the heat for 250 baht.


10 years together, never ever has been demanding, however if she wants something like some woman's cream or something for her, she will ask when we are shopping, because in the beginning her sister who was with us shopping started putting in creams and this and that in the trolley, so I just went and got a separate basket for her and placed it and her items in the trolley, and when her sister looked at me, I said, what' I can't eat cream and this and that, suffice to say, I could see my Mrs's face feeling unstressed, oh and when we got to the check out, funny enough the sister was no where to be found, so we just left the basket behind, and found her siting in the back of the Ute, yes cheap Charlie I am, I know. 

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15 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

I am a bit envious of you guys who have found a Thai woman who is trustworthy with money, who is grateful that I provide her with money that I have and is willing to provide her portion of work and money on some sort of pro rata arrangement.   I just haven't found any ... whether they have a good education and a good job and benefits or whether they are of low education and low level job or no job.


I am a generous man with what I have to give... a long way from a cheap charlie ... But I find Thai ladies - high and low who want nothing but my money ... want it now - not later and a lot of it - all on a proportionate scale to their life experience ... I could be even more generous with the right Thai lady - IF she could possibly understand the 5 year plan of how we get to living a very good life ... I have reduced it to the 3 year plan -- but no takers... I can't find it in myself to be overly generous to a woman I barely know.  And for me - it would take 6 months to a year to say I know her. WAY too long for most I have met.  (Again - all over the map of education levels and job levels)... 


I see and know Farangs with nice Thai wives and girlfriends ... it seems to be working for them... BUT in all cases my analysis I see that he has much more money than I do and provides it generously to her... Wish I could do that.... I am not stone broke poor ... I live okay -- but no extravagant living for me - okay apartment - nice motorcycle - a little of this and that.    


It will happen some day ... I am optimistic ...  


I never let my Mrs know what I was worth in the beginning, why would I, when she asked me (once) what I did for a living, I told her I was between jobs, the less you tell them, the sooner or later you will find out if they are with you for the money or not.


I deliberately stepped on my wife's thong (flip flop) from behind when I 1st met her, and of course I broke it, I apologised and took her to a shoe shop straight away and said pick anything you like, I will pay for it, she had a quick look around and grabbed me and we walked out and across the road to a place that was selling a variety of things including thongs (flip flops), she said, can I have those ones there, 99 baht, I said but why, she said more comfortable and less expensive.


99% of woman would have gone for the jugular, not this one and her make up hasn't changed in 10 years, suffice to say, in it is most woman's nature to want some guy to be her long term meal ticket, this will only change when guys stop feeling that have to show off in the beginning in fear of, they want to be with them if they don't flaunt it, at the end of the day, it will bite them in the ass, but if your fortunate enough to be honest about who you are, it will come to you, its just a numbers game.



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12 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I am with you, I provide my Mrs with 300 baht per day, she calls it her allowance, 3 x 20 baht for the kids to take to school, 2 x 30 baht for us for lunch, and the balance for what she buys at the local market in the evening (vegetables) to cook with, which includes something for her mum and dad is she so chooses. I think its a fair call, her sister works selling fruit all day in the heat for 250 baht.


10 years together, never ever has been demanding, however if she wants something like some woman's cream or something for her, she will ask when we are shopping, because in the beginning her sister who was with us shopping started putting in creams and this and that in the trolley, so I just went and got a separate basket for her and placed it and her items in the trolley, and when her sister looked at me, I said, what' I can't eat cream and this and that, suffice to say, I could see my Mrs's face feeling unstressed, oh and when we got to the check out, funny enough the sister was no where to be found, so we just left the basket behind, and found her siting in the back of the Ute, yes cheap Charlie I am, I know. 

smart, sounds like a good working system. i like to call the monthly payment a salary, now thats what my girl calls it as well. gets all the romantics panties in a bind.

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18 hours ago, chrisinth said:

My missus has iteen known to drive up to 20 kilominters to save 2 baht on a packet of washing powder.


She knows a bargain when she sees it, bless her.....................;)


It's saIod that a woman will pay $1 for a $5 Item dhe doesn't need.


A man will pay $5 for a $1 Item he DOES need.


Can't edit typos, and no lower case 'I' (eye) since the TV 'upgrade', but only Ion my 'phone??

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Right.  The gold digger types might refer to their generous farang boyfriends/husbands as "Nam Jai" - something like that.   That's a total turn off to me.  I take care of business and help take care of my wife's aged Mom, it's small money, not a big deal.  They know I've got money and we don't want for anything, within reason.  I don't brag or dish out cash to show how "Nam Jai" I am.  I "take care", but I do it my way, by my rules, not theirs.  I also know how to say "No" to stupid shit, and do so when appropriate.


For the most part, my wife is a lot like me.  Not wasteful, don't like to pay full price but won't blink if it's something we need or it's gotta be done.  She can pull 5 Grand out of the ATM, go to the mall and come home giggling about 1 blouse she found on a promotion/sale rack for 100 Baht.  She's good like that and I feel lucky to have a woman like her, and in so many other ways as well. 


Edited by 55Jay
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18 hours ago, sanemax said:

Is the term "Cheap Charlie" used by anyone other than bar girls or mongers  ?

Yeah I hear it all the time, I am generous with tips but I don't care if you are. I also never worry about the price of small items, if I need it I buy it. In my experience I have found those who constantly worry about money are much less happy than those who don't. Even if they have a lot of money the constant worry tends to take away from the fun in life. I know people who throw their money away and live day to day and are happy as a clam. I also know people who have millions and scrutinize the bill at a cheap restaurant, and are very unhappy, complaining the price of everything. There is nothing wrong with watching your money closely, just make sure your having fun. Screw what anybody else says.

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Both myself and my late Thaise spouse were cautious or wise with money most of the time. We all make penny wise pound foolish mistakes once in a while or buy something we don't need and end up collecting dust. We were no exception. When my GF (wife to be) just immigrated I gave her my ATM card to use, but she spent very little so I joked to her that she was a Thai Kninaew. Her reaponse was simply that she was not stupid. After she git a job she started to spent a bit more (and sent a bit home every month, 50-100 euro's) but her money was our money and so was mine. And it was spent mostly wisely. So I have no experience with what the OP asks. Simply had a normal relationship with a person that happend to be Thai.

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Just to respond to a previous question posed - I am farang female here with my male farang partner.

I have my own income and don't expect him to support me.

I personally having been responsible for my own finances all my life would find it highly demeaning to ask for money.

If I want anything I pay for myself.

Before anyone queries it I pay for the house and everything in the house and he pays ouside of it.

Works well

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I can see the OP's point, ie. why is a farang called 'tight' when a Thai is 'celebrated' for being a spendthrift. Money is a huge factor in any relationship in every country. In the West (I'm from the UK) even if both partners work, it's quite common for women to think along the lines of 'his money is our money, and my money is my money'. Sure, we live in the age of the stay-at-home-dad, and where many women outearn their husbands but these cases are clearly in the minority. 
Whereas Thai women may call a guy 'kee neow' (sticky shit, stingy) I think most women in the west just go about things in a different way; same goal but different methods. In the west, it may be a shared bank account, or a credit card. There are other ways. 

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22 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

my advice is set a salary and stick to it. they will try every story to get more but dont give in.


A salary?

A salary paid to a Thai woman by a man is a form of income replacement.

Fair enough if you've got kids with her and she cares for the home but otherwise, I can't think of any reason why I would pay a woman a salary.


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Rather depends on your point of view and also the  experiences in your life.

i have been accused by Thais of being extravagent, and by farangs as being "cheap".

but i know very well what my monthly pension is (retirement) and there are things i like to do that I know I can afford, and other things that I know I can't really afford.

So I do what I like, and spend what  I know  can spend, and basically don't pay much attention to others opinions on that.



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12 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


A salary?

A salary paid to a Thai woman by a man is a form of income replacement.

Fair enough if you've got kids with her and she cares for the home but otherwise, I can't think of any reason why I would pay a woman a salary.


well she cant work in the bar any more so i have to give here money to support herself and to feed our kids. i could call it an allowance but then no one gets upset.

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Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

well she cant work in the bar any more so i have to give here money to support herself and to feed our kids. i could call it an allowance but then no one gets upset.


I trust you're being facetious

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20 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


A salary?

A salary paid to a Thai woman by a man is a form of income replacement.

Fair enough if you've got kids with her and she cares for the home but otherwise, I can't think of any reason why I would pay a woman a salary.


Spot on.Dont matter how much it is a month.Normaly its all gone either if its 5 or 50K.But I do think they should have something they can do whatever they want with.Unless you are a control-freek.

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On 2/10/2016 at 11:23 AM, khunpa said:

Farang guys are generally seen as ATM machines with Money-Trees growing in their garden. (from a rural Thai-woman point of view)


The Thai-woman celebrates the Farang spending,  if spent on her, but at the same time disrespects him for throwing away "her" money. Kind of a dilemma. 


When a Thai-woman then saves money later in the relationship, it is looked upon as good (like she really loves him)... BUT only because most Farangs, really do not have money to be big-spenders in the long run. And since the money she saves is actually HIS money, he can celebrate that their relationship will last longer than when in "spending-mode".


Of course when the money runs out, all the "celebrations", opinions and the relationship usually comes to an end. The woman thinks he is an idiot for throwing away his money and he blames her for not helping him save more from the beginning.



If you give them too much they wil use it on something.Or they will save it.Saving I have no problems with if its for a good reason.Gambling I hate and they might end up in dept also if it goes to far.I have experienced that mine was lending money out with interest and could not get it back.Then she at least learned to stop that shit by herself.They think for tomorrow.We need to think months ahead.Or at least I do.

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20 hours ago, Donutz said:

So I have no experience with what the OP asks. Simply had a normal relationship with a person that happend to be Thai.


^^^Exactly. Just a normal good old fashion relationship. 


I think this Cheap Charlie, ATM talk is "Bar Girl" lingo along with Teerak and a host of other words that have hit TV. If you have chosen that lifestyle one shouldn't expect too much and it is likely Thais are talking about you in that light. Outside of that, many of us go about our day and if my hunch is correct Thais are not talking about them as much as they think they are. At least where I am from.  

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^^^Exactly. Just a normal good old fashion relationship. 

I think this Cheap Charlie, ATM talk is "Bar Girl" lingo along with Teerak and a host of other words that have hit TV. If you have chosen that lifestyle one shouldn't expect too much and it is likely Thais are talking about you in that light. Outside of that, many of us go about our day and if my hunch is correct Thais are not talking about them as much as they think they are. At least where I am from.  

  It certainly is : Generally used by bargirls if you dont buy them a ladys drink in a bar

The word cheap charlie might be bar girl language...but u are the only two using that terminology here. It isn't me tinned in my OP.

Calling someone a 'cheap ass or 'cheapskate' or 'tight' or 'kee neow' is common everyday phrase usage
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