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Ridicule and pity of Americans abroad ...


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18 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

I find it odd that people from piss-ant countries that would place squarely among the poorest of U.S. states feel compelled to bequeath judgement against a people & country that their  country can never measure up to....

Most have flawed & failing social structures & programs & are with GNP's that might be large enough to match ONE of the US's 50 states....

As Finland was mentioned on the median income figures being only higher than 6 US states, I might open it up for you a bit. 


We tend to have different values. Education, free time, social benefits for the poor etc. Our GDP per capita is 41.000, not 25.000 like mentioned in the screenshots. 


While it is lower than in the USA, we have things like 4-6 week summer vacations, week or two winter vacations. We have 1 year maternity leave etc. We generally work for 7.5 hours/day, 5 days/week. 


Our schools are high standard for every citizen. University education is not only free, but our students get little salary and accommodation support from the government. These are benefits which we value a lot. It's not only good for the individual, but also good for the nation as well. 


But I guess, we are piss poor country, according to your standards. 


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On 10/3/2016 at 9:17 AM, Strange said:

Another @Jingthing thread trying to use any means necessary to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the hopes to find sympathizers. 


"Ridicule and Pity"


"Anthony Bourdain"




Honestly do not care what any holier-than-thou European or Aussie thinks about our country. IF they don't want to take the time to actually learn about us or our country, watch BBC news like its the gospel, then form insane opinions about us, go ahead. Their opinion does not matter at all. 


The majority are upset for whatever reason and it does not matter one bit what the subject is. If it wasn't the election, it would be something else. 

Or you can watch cnn or fox they are quality independent news centres that teach us so much about the people. Defend the Trump and Clinton candidates to your hearts content it is your democratic right God help America

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5 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

Or you can watch cnn or fox they are quality independent news centres that teach us so much about the people. Defend the Trump and Clinton candidates to your hearts content it is your democratic right God help America


Since you made a point to reply, I'm going to assume that I hit a nerve. Since you brought up Fox and CNN I'm going to assume that the nerve I hit was your viewing of BBC and taking it as gospel. 


I don't watch any news unless its un-opinionated (highly unlikely) or I can easily fact-check it. Furthermore, I definitely try not to form opinions about an entire country based on the news. 


You realize TV News is all about getting the most viewers right? 

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I am American and while I am and have been sick about the way our politicians turn our election into personal attacks rather than issues, I have not noticed any change in the way other nationalities treat me, or look at me. I judge people on their merits and personality, and anybody who doesn't do this is not the kind of person I hang around with. I think your question is valid though and I hope you feel my response was forthcoming.

   I certainly don't judge the wonderful Thai's that I live around by the absolutely despicable leaders they have.

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Some of the replies above do suggest a certain animosity and even arrogance by some Americans (who traditionally vociferously champion free speech) to any non-American expressing their views about American affairs, which we are perfectly entitled to do, particularly as we are constantly being told that the USA is the leader of the free world, which means that anything they do affects us all.   I seem to recall a certain American President recently not only expressed his views quite forcibly regarding Brexit but even travelled to the UK to do so.  We are at least expressing our views on this limited forum and not directly to your President.


My view is that many people around the world are growing tired of the democratic process usually resulting in the same old parties and same old faces being elected, resulting in the same old policies, and are willing to vote for anyone appearing to promise radical changes. I suspect this is why Donald Trump has exceeded all initial  expectations, despite saying things which would probably have completely killed Hilary's hopes of POTUS, had she said them.

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More likely to be ridiculed because of their crew cuts, flowery shirts, trousers at half mast, white socks and big black shiny shoes. Can be heard in bars and restaurants talking in loud voices.

Despite this, I like the Spams. Bless 'em.

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14 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

If I was a woman and was dating Trump, I wouldn't dare bring him home to meet my parents......they would throw me out along with him.

After he's bought them a new house and a Mercedes they may change their mind.

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4 minutes ago, jesimps said:

More likely to be ridiculed because of their crew cuts, flowery shirts, trousers at half mast, white socks and big black shiny shoes. Can be heard in bars and restaurants talking in loud voices.

Despite this, I like the Spams. Bless 'em.


And your tourists are any better there chief?

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The most scary thing about US politics is the business as usual establishment. They support Hillary because they know it will be business as usual. They despise Trump because he is not part of the establishment, That alone is a very good reason to support him. Voters should be ashamed of themselves for electing so many morons to congress. The system badly needs to be shaken up. One good step would be to drastically reduce the number of politicians. Perhaps the number of morons would be substantially reduced because more of the voter base would be reasonably intelligent.

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They both incarnate some of the worst American stereotypes, the white trash billionaire who thinks his brutality is some kind of wisdom and intellectual courage, and the arrogant mid-west college girl who spreads all politically correct dogmas as if they were holy words, with an horribly irritating accent moreover.

I hope Trump will win, he is more likely to cause damages to the US than to the rest of the world, while with Clinton it’s the other way around.

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On 10/3/2016 at 7:43 AM, giddyup said:

I have to admit that out a population of over 300 million, the best candidates that America can produce is a buffoon like Trump, and a dishonest and morally bankrupt Hilary Clinton. Things don't bode well for America.

I have heard via the grapevine that under NAFTA Canada is being offered bother Trump and Clinton in exchange for Trudeau. Canada wants something to boot to sweeten the trade. Alaska has been discussed. Oh by the way the little Canadian flag pins are all the rage abroad this year. 

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As Bill Maher said on his last show "I am getting Fbleep Tbleep" of this damn election. I am to what a long draw out process. Does the constitution allow for updates simplicity like the person who wins the majority plus one carries the day. 90 day brick throwing campaign and lets get on with life. Its like a 3 ring circus. The whole thing boils down to 3 or 4 states who are being courted by the 2 court jesters. The rest of the country does not seem to matter much. 

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I feel I'm treated the same here as last year  Both candidates deserve to loose.  I think hysterical, habitual, controlling posters should just be blocked. I welcome all other opinions.  Give it a rest. 

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This is not a thread to make campaign/voting cases for either candidate.


There are always multiple OTHER threads very open to do that.

If people continue to post in ways that make this just another partisan advocacy thread, as the O.P. I will strongly suggest it be closed.


Thank you for your cooperation.

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Dear Thai Visa like they say on Z Nation (I like zombies) please mercy me and take those two  side by side pictures of Hillary and Trump off your site. I am a daily Thai Visa user and am tired of these two turkeys scowling back at me. I know you will not but it makes me feel better to ask. Have a great day. 

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I don't give a rat's ass who is next in the White House. Anybody will be better than the a-hole currently holding the job. Trump may rise to the position and turn out better than expected. Much would depend on who he chooses as his advisors and if he will listen to them. Hillary is going to be Hillary. She will lie and peddle influence until the Clinton Slush Foundation is equal to the US Treasury. Slick Willie back in the White House is the big disgrace. I don't live there and am not much affected by what goes on. I no longer pay taxes and most of my money is out of the country and out of the dollar. Would be nice to see something other than US politics on TV.

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On 10/3/2016 at 2:11 AM, Jingthing said:

You clearly misunderstood the topic.

It's not about whether you like Bourdain or not. I see you don't.

It's about the question of how Americans are viewed now by foreigners that are following the election (and clearly many are) and whether it has CHANGED significantly because of it.

I think it has. 

Don't care how others view the US election  most are too ignorant to understand the complexites. Overheard 2 Brits say "oh the stupid Trump how is he going to build a wall around the border ?" Donald doesn't mean a litteral wall around  the entire border but a combination of wall, fence , patrols , drones and other electronic meas to secure the border.  Here is a clip of Hillary saying the exact same thing 

See people forget that. I rather have someone who is blunt not always politically correct than a liar , schemer who destroyed e mails to protect herself .  See as an American I can say anything I want about inept President Obama or others trying to replace him. Other countries don't truly understand whats going on  and I am not going to sit and try to explain to them about whats going on. Worry about you own countries and Governments . My pension  and benefits when I die to my wife will be paid by the US Gov no matter where I am in the world and even if my wife is Thai and never sets foot in the USA. Does your Gov alow that?

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OK, I've heard enough.

That was the biggest risk of starting this thread.

That many people would totally DISRESPECT what the thread is about, which is in the O.P.

People -- you FAILED.

It is not allowed for members to start a political debate thread and that's not what I started. 

But that's how it ended.

I am formally requesting the thread be closed  because of that.:signthaivisa:

Oh well. 

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On 10/3/2016 at 8:39 AM, anotheruser said:

Many times those that harp on about the USA do so because they have nothing to talk about in regards to what great things there countries are doing. Just about any country in the world that wants to sit their and crap on the USa I can fire back against pretty well. I don't mind the banter and am not too concerned about their opinions of my country.


We are the ones running the show so are open to criticism and they are from Luxembourg... or some other irrelevant place so for the most part can be largely ignored. Europeans are fun to mess with because they take things so seriously. They worry more about our elections than we do. Nothing is funner than telling them they thankfully don't get to vote and their opinions are irrelevant. 


So I just toy with them because I really don't give a rat's ass about what they think of it but it is fun to see them fume. GO TRUMP!!!! lol I don't really support Trump but am not above pretending to just for the comedic value of being confronted by a self righteous European or Ozzie. 


They get frustrated when it becomes abundantly clear that there is no way to impose their high standards of social awareness on an animal like me.

Yep thats Democracy at work there USA, if thats what ya country throws up for president you lot really dont get it at all.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OK, I've heard enough.

That was the biggest risk of starting this thread.

That many people would totally DISRESPECT what the thread is about, which is in the O.P.

People -- you FAILED.

It is not allowed for members to start a political debate thread and that's not what I started. 

But that's how it ended.

I am formally requesting the thread be closed  because of that.:signthaivisa:

Oh well. 


You had to know it was going to turn out this way right? 

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


You had to know it was going to turn out this way right? 

I didn't know 100 percent. I suspected it would which is why I EXPLICITLY directed people NOT to do that in the O.P. You can't blame me for trying if people did not RESPECT that. 

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2 minutes ago, Billy Bloggs said:

Yep thats Democracy at work there USA, if thats what ya country throws up for president you lot really dont get it at all.


We seem to have been doing pretty well since WW2. 

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