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Trump offends again


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Well it's clear that Trump only has one way and that is to keep attacking.  He hasn't got the intelligence to defend so his only answer is to keep throwing insults and dumb accusations.  You do now see that he is floundering.  However all is not lost because he has invited Nigel Farage to attend the next debate.  Apparently Nigel has been advising Trump on how to conduct himself in the debate, let's see how that works out...

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3 hours ago, garywim said:

So, once again Donald puts his Foot or Feet in it.

Well done boyo.

This is nothing he did recently, but he should have thought about before putting his name forward for presidency, every cupboard will be opened looking for skeletons. 


If the Democrat's are behind this they have timed this just right, and expect more in the next few days, the Republicans have wasted there powder to early, all they can do is rehash old dirt. 


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9 hours ago, amykat said:

And MANY Trump supporters believe that Trump does pay big taxes


Trump fans believe some of the most ridiculous things. Some of my good friends are Trump supporters. They either can't see what a conniving ass he is, or they choose to support him no matter how odious he is.  I asked my friends how roads get built or schools get funded if no taxes are paid.  My elder US friend (who is a millionaire American) said private citizens would voluntarily build roads.  I told him that hasn't happened since the days of King Arthur.  The other friend rants on about how the Clintons are deeply involved in corrupt oil deals in Ugunda.  I told him I'd never heard of that.  He said, "It's on Facebook. Look it up."

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7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Whatever you think about Trump is one thing. But seriously Hilary as President - jeez. A liar, openly controlled by Wall St and the banks, with a husband who lied to congress and the American public. Her track record hasn't exactly been littered with major successes either. If I were American I'd seriously be worried about how two such appalling people could be selected to lead what, despite all it's issues and warts, is still the most important country in the world. 


Even if HRC was half as bad as Trumpsters want us to believe, she's still miles better than Trump. Don't take my word for it.  Listen to prominent Republicans, many of whom have been in top positions of gov't, military, intelligence services, and businesses for decades.  The same people who sorely want to support the Republican candidate, but puke when thinking of Trump in the Oval Office with control over the US Armed services.   The 'great businessman' who lost nearly 1 billion dollars in one year.  If he canr bankrupt 5 or 6 companies and brag about it, then it will be a breeze for him to give full effort to bankrupting the US.   Romans had marauding vandals coming in en masse - razing their city and destroying their empire.   The US has Trump.

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10 hours ago, StevieH said:


it's why he was sniffing so much at the first debate. he's allergic to facts.

He wasn't sniffling. His microphone was tampered with and did not work. Even the officials admitted that Trump's microphone was faulty. Clinton New Network is suspected of doing it on purpose so Hillary couldn't be beat up so much by Trump.

Demos are scared of the truth and certainly of Trump. 

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On 10/3/2016 at 8:08 AM, iReason said:

Watch Donald Trump Lecture Americans For Not Paying Taxes:

"On July 18, 2011, Trump appeared on Fox News and was asked about President Barack Obama's comments that well-to-do Americans should make a sacrifice for the country by paying more in taxes."


"He replied:

Well, I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it's a problem."





Classic blatant hypocritical B.S. from the Bloviator.





Why is this an issue?  There is not a taxpayer in the US (of the 50% that actually pay taxes) that don't take advantage of any loophole they can.  Whether it is business or individuals people deduct what they can deduct.  Why should it matter what income bracket a person is in.  Most people earning over the $100,000 bracket take their normal deductions and they then get screwed by  the government because the government feels they should pay more and are hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax, which basically negates the deductions.  If the tax structure needs changing, and it certainly does, the tax systems should be overhauled.  The problem facing that fix is that all the tax preparers would be out of work.  No reason on Earth why it should take a CPA to do the average persons taxes.  Even with programs like Turbo Tax, a person with a $100,000 income most likely with need a Tax Preparer to do the taxes.


 I'm sorry but we already know that the top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the US: the top 0.1% - just 115,000 households, whose average income is more that $9.4 - pay more than 20% of it. (From Market Watch Apr 18, 2016)


With only 115,000 households paying 20% of all taxes, the liberals want to squeeze them more to pay for all their vast array of programs, while almost 50% of the population pay nothing.  Why should Trump be held to a different standard that the average taxpayer?   Trump has never claimed to be a large philanthropist and if under the audits you can bet the IRS gets what they think he should pay.  What's the issue here?  I see no issue in what he does or does not pay in taxes unless he has committed fraud.  He is doing nothing more than following the tax laws.  This is an issue over nothing.


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The minor issue here is Trump and his accountants being extremely aggressive with the tax laws. In effect his companies lost other peoples money and through some convoluted scheming, figured out a way to use those losses against his personal income gains.  Now most of us do not make enough to hire the number of accountants and lawyers to, in effect reverse engineer the tax codes to our favor to this degree.


The major issue is how the 1%, actually the .10%, lobby to manipulate the tax code to their favor.  The best example was the case where the 25 major hedge fund managers were able to lobby congress to maintain the loophole, the fiction, that their income was all capital gains. There are countless other loopholes written by the lobbyists to help the wealthy. Think about it, how many times can you depreciate your home?  Of course you poor schmucks don't get to depreciate you home while Trump gets endless depreciation for his buildings that appreciate in value, appreciating in value mostly due to public spending on infrastructure.  And yes, it is all legal on one low level.  For a better insight into this national (US) disgrace that not even Clinton will talk about (New York Senators led the cause of the hedge fund managers and she is the scarlet woman of Wall St) is to read the book by David Cay Johnston "Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You With the Bill)".


Of course expect to hear the chorus from the right wing rabble about how poor people pay no income tax on poverty wages.

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12 hours ago, VillageIdiot said:

"Only the little people pay taxes."

Leona Helmsley was right.



10 hours ago, Neurath said:

And Jailed - precisely because she tried to act on that. Wonder whether the same people lionizing Trump for not paying Taxes were lionizing her also. Nah, not likely - her being a woman and all.



Yes, you are correct.

Leona Helmsley was sentenced to 16 years in prison for a wide variety of tax offences resulting in several million dollars owed.

She did 19 months in Club Fed because she had the audacity to tell the truth.

"We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes."

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14 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Let he /she who hath no sin cast the first stone. The Clintons did the exact same thing as Trump.


Clinton’s 2015 tax returns reveal that Hillary Clinton also reported capital gains losses in order to lessen her tax burden through a “carryover.”


Page 17 of the tax returns show “Capital Gains and Losses” for “WILLIAM J CLINTON & HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.”

The Clintons reported a “Long-term capital loss carryover” of $699,540.

Thus, the Clintons reported a “Net long-term capital gain or (loss)” of “-699,540.”




So what you want to run with the but but but Hilary argument? Classic. These would also be the same tax returns that HRC voluntary released would they not? See any difference here? The blind faith that people have in this clown and the lies insults and behaviour that he is allowed to get away with in a presidential candidate is truly astounding.  America deserves unfortunately the rest of the sane, critical thinking world does not. 


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4 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Yes, it's over. He's fallen in the water. No getting out this time.


If that's true I think that is amusing and an insight into the public's stupidity. I can think of 50 better reasons not to vote for Trump. This tax thing is nothing to anyone who knows anything about corporate taxes. It makes me wonder if these people know how the companies whose stock they own in their retirement portfolios operate. Most of them don't even report real earnings.

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15 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward? It's a pillar of US corporate tax policy. If this offends you I urge you to look at how the Fortune 500 group of companies utilizes US corporate tax policy.


Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward?


Why would anyone defend Donald Trump being a swindler tycoon apparently exempting himself from taxes for 18 years which what he did. Minimum.


Wait till we see his carry back tax filings in which you receive refunds of taxes paid in previous years for business losses in the present tax year(s). Refunds. For previous years taxes actually paid. Refunds for then existing business losses. Donald Trump.  


Now New York State today issued a cease and desist order to the Trump Foundation for accounting irregularities, specifically, not filing certified reports. Or any reports. Trump Foundation cannot raise any further money in New York state. Further, the Foundation must now provide certified accounts reports. Looks like some people over there are going to look good in orange jump suits, which is where this one is headed.  


This stuff is only the beginning of Donald Trump getting shredded politically because of his business swindles.


As soon as Trump became the presumptive nominee, which, as we recall, was several weeks before the Republican National Convention, the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign gave the nod to the guys in the green eyeshades to go through all of Trump's papers and documents that had already been gathered. And then some since.


Avalanche Ahead. 


The guy who said the election is Trump's to lose has missed the fact Trump's lost it already and now he's only going to get creamed.

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward?


Why would anyone defend Donald Trump being a swindler tycoon apparently exempting himself from taxes for 18 years which what he did. Minimum.


Wait till we see his carry back tax filings in which you receive refunds of taxes paid in previous years for business losses in the present tax year(s). Refunds. For previous years taxes actually paid. Refunds for then existing business losses. Donald Trump.  


Now New York State today issued a cease and desist order to the Trump Foundation for accounting irregularities, specifically, not filing certified reports. Or any reports. Trump Foundation cannot raise any further money in New York state. Further, the Foundation must now provide certified accounts reports. Looks like some people over there are going to look good in orange jump suits, which is where this one is headed.  


This stuff is only the beginning of Donald Trump getting shredded politically because of his business swindles.


As soon as Trump became the presumptive nominee, which, as we recall, was several weeks before the Republican National Convention, the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign gave the nod to the guys in the green eyeshades to go through all of Trump's papers and documents that had already been gathered. And then some since.


Avalanche Ahead. 


The guy who said the election is Trump's to lose has missed the fact Trump's lost it already and now he's only going to get creamed.


He was always going to get creamed.

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


He was always going to get creamed.


Thanks for stating what's been obvious since Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower. Get ready to look at his back side going back up it November 9th, the day after.


Again, here is a precious quote from one of your previous posts to the thread:


Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward?


Don't see how anyone can express sympathy or acceptance of Trump's carry forward or carry backward or fall over sideways. Trump is entirely and completely unsympathetic and Trump is obviously Swindler in Chief. 


The Ignoramus of the United States. That, cheating and swindling are the only things straightforward about him. This is just the beginning of what will be the final and decisive month of Trump revelations and that will conclude with Halloween. 


Avalanche Ahead.

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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Thanks for stating what's been obvious since Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower. Get ready to look at his back side going back up it November 9th, the day after.


Again, here is a precious quote from one of your previous posts to the thread:


Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward?


Don't see how anyone can express sympathy or acceptance of Trump's carry forward or carry backward or fall over sideways. Trump is entirely and completely unsympathetic and Trump is obviously Swindler in Chief. 


The Ignoramus of the United States. That, cheating and swindling are the only things straightforward about him. This is just the beginning of what will be the final and decisive month of Trump revelations and that will conclude with Halloween. 


Avalanche Ahead.


There's no cheating or swindling going on here. Unless you mean how Congress gets bought off to write tax policy that favors the rich. I think Trump made that point early on about how people like Hilary Clinton did his bidding because he paid them to do his bidding. They're whores. Good enough for you, apparently.

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If we can get some balance here.  Most businessmen pay accountants to find ways to avoid paying tax. I have a few clients who are very good at it. So nothing unusual in that.  When that person then crosses  the road and tries to appear squeaky clean and condemn others for not paying up they are on a very slippery slope indeed.  You need to be very sure that you haven't crossed any lines and if you have then you can expect to be called out.

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If we can get some balance here.  Most businessmen pay accountants to find ways to avoid paying tax. I have a few clients who are very good at it. So nothing unusual in that.  When that person then crosses  the road and tries to appear squeaky clean and condemn others for not paying up they are on a very slippery slope indeed.  You need to be very sure that you haven't crossed any lines and if you have then you can expect to be called out.

your last two sentences explain the situation exactly. Can you inform all the Trump surrogates of that. This is nothing to do with 'being a genius' or 'it's legal', it is exactly as you say it. Trump is not squeaky clean!

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48 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:




18 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


There's no cheating or swindling going on here. Unless you mean how Congress gets bought off to write tax policy that favors the rich. I think Trump made that point early on about how people like Hilary Clinton did his bidding because he paid them to do his bidding. They're whores. Good enough for you, apparently.


The next Potus will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. No one else but.


I've made my choice and you have made your choice. However you may vote -- and maybe you won't vote -- you will act whether it is to directly or indirectly elect Donald Trump.


My vote will be to elect Hillary Clinton Potus. You want to give to us and the world Donald Trump in the White House. At all costs.


No way I could vote in any way toward electing Donald Trump. There is just no sympathising or accepting anything about him. Hillary is competent, Trump is a psychotic. And here I'd though the choice was obvious.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump fans believe some of the most ridiculous things. Some of my good friends are Trump supporters. They either can't see what a conniving ass he is, or they choose to support him no matter how odious he is.  I asked my friends how roads get built or schools get funded if no taxes are paid.  My elder US friend (who is a millionaire American) said private citizens would voluntarily build roads.  I told him that hasn't happened since the days of King Arthur.  The other friend rants on about how the Clintons are deeply involved in corrupt oil deals in Ugunda.  I told him I'd never heard of that.  He said, "It's on Facebook. Look it up."


Worst of all they believe every word he utters... :cheesy:

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24 minutes ago, Publicus said:




The next Potus will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. No one else but.


I've made my choice and you have made your choice. However you may vote -- and maybe you won't vote -- you will act whether it is to directly or indirectly elect Donald Trump.


My vote will be to elect Hillary Clinton Potus. You want to give to us and the world Donald Trump in the White House. At all costs.


No way I could vote in any way toward electing Donald Trump. There is just no sympathising or accepting anything about him. Hillary is competent, Trump is a psychotic. And here I'd though the choice was obvious.


I happen to believe that "lesser evilism" is the root of many of the nations problems. I won't be voting for either of the two major party candidates and if whomever I vote for aids one or the other of them to victory then so be it.



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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

As the Trump supporters on TV slowly dwindle away or wake up to the reality of a Trump presidency I think that is reflected in the real world.


No, we have not dwindled away, we are here.
We are in force, we are united.
We know and choose our reality, and reject yours.
We see what the lying MSM is spewing out.
We fact check, and discover the lie(s).
We will never convince you, we don't even want to try.
We want you, and those whom are anti-Trump, to eat 'crow'.
And 'eat crow' you shall.


Trump won the 1'st debate with HRC.
Even thou it was rigged...
- HRC and Lester with an earpiece,
- Trump with a 'bad' mike
- HRC had the questions beforehand
- what's with HRC's hand signals
- whom was that HRC 'cleaner'
- why was Lester the 3'rd debater


The 'on-line' polls were mostly accurate.
HRC and 'company' tried to 'spin' it,
saying 'it was rigged, it is not valid', blaming 4chan and reddit.
Well I voted per reddit, did not cheat (to much hassle).


The MSM's polling has already been proven to be skewed.
Don't you remember?


HRC staff is in panic mode (for a lot more reasons).
Read for yourself...


Inside 'Correct the Record'_Post-Debate PLOT!
This is Google's cache of http://www.realtruenews.org/single-post/2016/09/27/Inside-Correct-the-Record-Post-Debate-PLOT.
It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Oct 1, 2016 04:02:10 GMT.
September 27, 2016 | Max Insider
Correct the Record is a Hillary-campaign super-pac that is dedicated to "fighting the lies" on the Internet.
What it is, is a battalion of paid trolls whose job it is to
disrupt, demoralize, and defame any Trump supporters and message boards.
They communicate using a secure messaging software called "slack" pictured above.
 We were able to get some monitoring software onto a junior analyst's laptop...



Hillary To Mainstream Media: KILL THE INTERNET POLLS!
September 28, 2016 | Max Insider
What you see up there is a combined image of virtually every internet-poll
that took place after the first presidential debate.
At the top are Time, CNBC, and Fortune.
As you can see, Donald Trump handily won all of them.
The polls represent millions of users,
they are not "controlled" or "adjusted" the same way
that "professional polls" (kind of like "professional wrestling") are.
You go, you vote, that's it.
If someone tries to game the system and vote twice?
Well, sure--but you're up against all the other internet users
who could be doing the same thing.
In other words, it's a real poll the way real people really understand polling.
They were conclusive.


Yes, Correct the Record=CtR.
Perhaps that is what many here are. A troll.


Assange is about to release more material.
(no, he did not release Trumps old Tax Return)
(I doubt Trump will sue NYT now, perhaps later)


IMO, HRC and company are really scared.
That would explain the fervent shilling of the lying MSM.


Pence will destroy Kaine in the VP debate.


Don't bother to respond to me,
I will not engage you any longer.

Trump will win, excluding
- election fraud
- voter fraud
* already seen a lot of each.


Have a good rest of this election.
I'll be back to claim a prize,
would 'luv to watch you eat 'crow'.

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On ‎03‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 9:21 AM, DiamondKing said:





All he did is use the current laws to his advantage THAT IS SMART BUSINESS


Yes, Trump is/was using so-called (but wanted) legal loopholes. And you seem to be very happy that your darling did it. It's so smart to let the taxpayers pay for some not so smart incapable business men - your opinion.


At the same time you and the other rightwings are not so happy about Obama's/Clinton's plan to lift the taxes ….. because people like Trump avoided the taxes …. ehm, legally.


Edited by puck2
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46 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:
3 hours ago, howto said:


No, we have not dwindled away, we are here.
We are in force, we are united.
We know and choose our reality, and reject yours.
We see what the lying MSM is spewing out.
We fact check, and discover the lie(s).
We will never convince you, we don't even want to try.
We want you, and those whom are anti-Trump, to eat 'crow'.
And 'eat crow' you shall.


Trump won the 1'st debate with HRC.
Even thou it was rigged...
- HRC and Lester with an earpiece,
- Trump with a 'bad' mike
- HRC had the questions beforehand
- what's with HRC's hand signals
- whom was that HRC 'cleaner'
- why was Lester the 3'rd debater


The 'on-line' polls were mostly accurate.
HRC and 'company' tried to 'spin' it,
saying 'it was rigged, it is not valid', blaming 4chan and reddit.
Well I voted per reddit, did not cheat (to much hassle).


The MSM's polling has already been proven to be skewed.
Don't you remember?


HRC staff is in panic mode (for a lot more reasons).
Read for yourself...


Inside 'Correct the Record'_Post-Debate PLOT!
This is Google's cache of http://www.realtruenews.org/single-post/2016/09/27/Inside-Correct-the-Record-Post-Debate-PLOT.
It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Oct 1, 2016 04:02:10 GMT.
September 27, 2016 | Max Insider
Correct the Record is a Hillary-campaign super-pac that is dedicated to "fighting the lies" on the Internet.
What it is, is a battalion of paid trolls whose job it is to
disrupt, demoralize, and defame any Trump supporters and message boards.
They communicate using a secure messaging software called "slack" pictured above.
 We were able to get some monitoring software onto a junior analyst's laptop...



Hillary To Mainstream Media: KILL THE INTERNET POLLS!
September 28, 2016 | Max Insider
What you see up there is a combined image of virtually every internet-poll
that took place after the first presidential debate.
At the top are Time, CNBC, and Fortune.
As you can see, Donald Trump handily won all of them.
The polls represent millions of users,
they are not "controlled" or "adjusted" the same way
that "professional polls" (kind of like "professional wrestling") are.
You go, you vote, that's it.
If someone tries to game the system and vote twice?
Well, sure--but you're up against all the other internet users
who could be doing the same thing.
In other words, it's a real poll the way real people really understand polling.
They were conclusive.


Yes, Correct the Record=CtR.
Perhaps that is what many here are. A troll.


Assange is about to release more material.
(no, he did not release Trumps old Tax Return)
(I doubt Trump will sue NYT now, perhaps later)


IMO, HRC and company are really scared.
That would explain the fervent shilling of the lying MSM.


Pence will destroy Kaine in the VP debate.


Don't bother to respond to me,
I will not engage you any longer.

Trump will win, excluding
- election fraud
- voter fraud
* already seen a lot of each.


Have a good rest of this election.
I'll be back to claim a prize,
would 'luv to watch you eat 'crow'.


Have a good rest of this election.
I'll be back to claim a prize,
would 'luv to watch you eat 'crow'.


Trump had to eat a shit sandwich on the birther thing. His own shit besides.


After the Detestables bought their own "Detestables" t-shirts the Trump campaign started including a shit sandwich in every box lunch.


Trump is beginning now to disappear under the avalanche of financial and business swindles, cheating, exploitation of tax laws, stiffing of contractors, Trump University, the Trump Foundation and the like that his opposition has long been collecting on him for release this month especially. So there's lots more to come.


The only hope of the extremist rightnoids at this point is Vladimir Putin and Russian cyber warriors, Julian Assange and Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and other magical and wishful -- desperate -- intervention from some black hole somewhere. 


Youse guyz over there need to pray harder. The righwing superpatriots in the intelligence agencies couldn't do it, the FBI saw the absurdity of it, the House Republicans burned themselves out on the Ben Ghazi witch hunt, Whitewater turned out to be clean water which what it always was.


Word is today that Assange and Wikileaks have had to come out at this very frantic Trump moment with their secret files that finally and long last will destroy Hillary Clinton...they may present stuff today, but don't count on it being Trump's 2nd Amendment solution because whatever it might be it won't be it either. Let Assange Putin and Wikileaks shoot their wad today cause we'll finally hear that shoe drop and then there will be nothing more or nothing else. Period. Finally. Game over.


I think youse guyz over there are finally beginning to get the point HRC (and Bill) are politically indestructible by the right and their hero Putin. The killer for the rightwhinge is that it is the voters who decide, not the fringe rightwingnoids or their mass of super-funded rightwing media and their tabloid concoctions. They've taken control of the Republican party and still can't do it. No matter what the right and their well funded mass of media say or do -- or try -- they cannot pull in the strong majority of the electorate.  


There are still people who won't vote for HRC but they will vote Libertarian or Green, not Trump. The reason is that Trump was always a wildman radical crackpot loser and he is currently in his long foreseen full meltdown. 


Sandwiches anyone...

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