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Trump offends again


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On ‎03‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 7:50 AM, Gecko123 said:

If Donald Trump did not pay Federal taxes for upwards of twenty years, obviously he had a strong motive for not revealing this politically damaging truth. Instead, he pretended he had nothing to hide and that the only reason he refused to release his taxes was because he was under a Federal tax audit. This revelation also helps explain why he has refused to release earlier tax returns for years not under audit. The fact that he hid these motives behind the pretext of a Federal audit raises serious questions about his honesty and integrity. This revelation should give all Trump supporters pause to reconsider whether he is fit to lead and represent the American people.

  (Quote:   Donald Trump, at a campaign rally in Charlotte, NC  on 8/18/2016)

"In this journey, I will never lie to you. I will never tell you something I do not believe." 


It is legal to offset losses for 18 years in the US. This whole tax thing is just another irrelevant stick to beat Trump with because HRC is so unappealing to voters that any muck possible is thrown in the hope that it sticks.


News flash, Trump doesn't care, his supporters don't care and all the people that dislike Hillary don't care. They will vote either for Trump or against Hillary regardless of anything her surrogates or the media come up with.


Be afraid, be very afraid.

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23 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I detect an element of misogyny in the ranks of people who don't like Hillary Clinton. Personality conflicts, Whitewater, Bengazi, email servers, Bill Clinton's affairs? That doesn't explain the raw hatred she engenders from the right. I think it has a lot to do with her being a woman. I really do. I think it's driving the alt-right crowd crazy that America is about to elect the first woman president, especially after having elected the first African-American president eight years ago.

There you go again ( I loved it when Pence used that in the debate this morning ).

Can't point to anything positive that HRC has done, so accuse those that point out she is untrustworthy, unlikable, dishonest etc etc etc of being deplorable and irredeemable or misogynists.

We don't hate her because she is a woman ( always the mantra of horrid women that are not popular ), we dislike her because she is a bad person. We disliked Fiorina as well, because she was horrible boss.

Put up a decent female candidate, and she'd have wiped Trump out long ago.

Personally, I'd have liked Sarah Palin to have run for president. She would have done better than Trump, and I would have voted for her if I could.

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56 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Personally, I'd have liked Sarah Palin to have run for president. She would have done better than Trump, and I would have voted for her if I could.


Oh my dear lord.


(And that's coming from an atheist :smile: )

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11 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Oh my dear lord.


(And that's coming from an atheist :smile: )


Even Atheists thank God for bringing us Sarah Palin. Even though Trump is a clown show, I really miss that special Sarah kind of comedy: "I can see Russia from my house."

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Trump just keeps on catching up with Trump. 


In contrast to the past dozen-plus months when Trump's words of insult and offense won him votes, those very words are now beginning to cost Trump votes. This is the case because we are currently in the closing month of the general election. 


Below are 'battleground' state polls released Tuesday morning USA time.


The polls In Pennsylvania and North Carolina include in-state polling organisations that specialise in polling in the respective state only on a number of issues or corporate marketing strategies, Potus elections being their headline polling event. 


Here are the latest state polls as of Tuesday morning USA time:


Pennsylvania: Clinton 47%, Trump 38%, Johnson 5% (Franklin & Marshall)  +9 Clinton

Pennsylvania: Clinton 50%, Trump 40%, Johnson 5% (Monmouth)   +10 Clinton


Nevada: Clinton 44%, Trump 41%, Johnson 8% (Hart Research)  +3 Clinton


North Carolina: Clinton 45%, Trump 39%, Johnson 9% (Elon)   +6 Clinton

North Carolina: Clinton 46%, Trump 44%, Johnson 5% (SurveyUSA   +2 Clinton

Donald Trump needs to win Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida or he can't win the election in the Electoral Vote count (270 ECVs needed to win). All of the states are in the Eastern Time Zone and will report their vote at 8 pm the night of election day November 8th.


Trump is currently leading in only Ohio and it is in a large part due to Republican Governor John Kasich throwing the Republican party behind Trump in the state Obama won twice. The problem here is that Trump needs four more Kasichs that he won't get nor can he ever get.


Trump has to run the board of all five battleground states on polling day. HRC needs only PA and VA to win. So Trump can forget this whole thing and just go ahead starting next year to pretend it never happened. Deny, deny, deny. 


The vital factor at this point is that the Trump campaign had already peaked by the beginning of last week. If worse than this might be possible for Trump, HRC is still building her campaign. Trump has nothing left while HRC is still going and she is only going stronger.


(Pennsylvania hasn't voted Republican for Potus since 1988 so I just laugh each election time when Republicans say they can win Pennsylvania. Forget that too to youse guyz over there. What youse can't recognise is that the whole of the Republican campaign for Potus is rooted in fantasy.)

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35 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The vital factor at this point is that the Trump campaign had already peaked by the beginning of last week. If worse than this might be possible for Trump, HRC is still building her campaign. Trump has nothing left while HRC is still going and she is only going stronger.



You know every time I start to get a little bit worried about this race moving in Trump's direction, I just read one of these latest posts by Publicus and I feel much, much better. Publicus boils it all down nicely and neatly. Thanks!


Trump dug himself into a very large hole after the debate. Instead of climbing out of it or someone taking his shovel away, Trump just kept digging and digging. Soon we will only see the wisp of fur from the top of his head. I must say however that Pence did a good job of deflecting all of Kaine's attacks on Trump's character (or lack thereof) at the VP debate. Pence lives in his own reality and has a very different view of what Trump says. Pence must have his very own specific Trump filter mechanism that allows him to think Trump says one thing while Trump completely says another.

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On 10/4/2016 at 11:30 PM, Publicus said:


That's it.


The desperate right just ran out of eggs.


Screwed cause there's nothing there. Again as always.


Game over.


Truth is never black and white though the naive would like it that way because it's easier.

From another perspective, security concerns was the given reason  Assange  abandoned his balcony conference. Real or imagined it's a legitimate concern.

Hillary does not recall but does not deny.


All possibilities should be considered

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21 hours ago, Pinot said:


If a quacks like a duck, waddles like it...


You probably don't even realize that you hate her because she's a woman. Just like you didn't realize you hated Obama because he was black. Think about it. Na, don't bother. 


You probably don't even realize that your default position must then be by your own definition, that you love Hillary because she is a woman and you love Obama because he is black. How does that not make you sexist and racist?

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2 minutes ago, Linzz said:


You probably don't even realize that your default position must then be by your own definition, that you love Hillary because she is a woman and you love Obama because he is black. How does that not make you sexist and racist?


Why don't you also ask him if he's stopped beating his wife. :laugh: 

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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't play games. It's well documented that trump has strong support of Nazis and racist white supremacist groups in general. It's not unreasonable to mention Nazis when the truth reveals actual Nazis. Don't be naive either. The dark trump movement has a history in American politics going back to fascist racist pro Nazi isolationist hyper nationalists Lindbergh and Ford. He even uses their same slogan.


Don't forget others have history also including Hillary


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20 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Truth is never black and white though the naive would like it that way because it's easier.

From another perspective, security concerns was the given reason  Assange  abandoned his balcony conference. Real or imagined it's a legitimate concern.

Hillary does not recall but does not deny.


All possibilities should be considered


The possibility needs also to be considered that the lunar fringe right in orbit up there is sending signals to its terrestrial allies and partners in the Trump campaign. 


No dice down here in respect of the rest of us however. :wink: 


No question extreme desperation has set in over there. 

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The possibility needs also to be considered that the lunar fringe right in orbit up there is sending signals to its terrestrial allies and partners in the Trump campaign. 


No dice down here in respect of the rest of us however. :wink: 


No question extreme desperation has set in over there. 


Usual extra terrestrial colourful embroidery you get off on. Never mind, enjoy your hyperbole.

Actually I don't give a rats ass who wins, it's your country and you have a poor choice. But you said in another post that Assange didn't deliver again 'as always nothing there'. Weird. Did you miss the uncovering of the Hillary team conspiring against Bernie and the subsequent resignations and the outcry of Bernie supporters? How did that happen but for Assange? The possibility that Assange would feel under threat would be real. That you consider it's desperation politics for that explanation clearly shows your inability to be objective and how much you've pulled the partisan wool over your own eyes.

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59 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Truth is never black and white though the naive would like it that way because it's easier.

From another perspective, security concerns was the given reason  Assange  abandoned his balcony conference. Real or imagined it's a legitimate concern.

Hillary does not recall but does not deny.


All possibilities should be considered


Ah yes, Wikileaks. Now there is a organization that knows how to promote an infomercial. October surprise, my butt. They punked anyone willing to listen to their poorly veiled attempt at self promotion for 2 hours with Julian mumbling something about "people in power".


Julian is more concerned about tooting his own horn and hawking his latest books to really care about anything else. He has really deluded himself into believing he is some true to life superhero. Whatever. What could be a source for enlightenment has become Julian's own little parade.


We shall see how Julian disrupts the US election, if he can. They are "sorting" through whatever they have to spring it upon the US voters at the optimal moment so they can look like heroes. I await the "big" announcement. Bring it on.

Edited by Silurian
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On 10/3/2016 at 6:06 AM, Chris Lawrence said:

A bit like that young Bush boy who was President; both know how to loose their own money to the point of being insolvent. :post-4641-1156693976:

They actually DON'T lose their own money...they lose everyone elses money. The investors, the lenders and the bondholders and they walk away unscathed. :post-4641-1156693976:

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19 hours ago, Linzz said:


Usual extra terrestrial colourful embroidery you get off on. Never mind, enjoy your hyperbole.

Actually I don't give a rats ass who wins, it's your country and you have a poor choice. But you said in another post that Assange didn't deliver again 'as always nothing there'. Weird. Did you miss the uncovering of the Hillary team conspiring against Bernie and the subsequent resignations and the outcry of Bernie supporters? How did that happen but for Assange? The possibility that Assange would feel under threat would be real. That you consider it's desperation politics for that explanation clearly shows your inability to be objective and how much you've pulled the partisan wool over your own eyes.


you said in another post that Assange didn't deliver again 'as always nothing there'. 


There's always something there from the Hillary haters and by those who only criticise HRC and the Democratic Party only, while always giving the right and their Republicans a free ride in the absolute. That is, the ideological extreme right.


The rightwhingers. They give Trump The Ignoramus Moron a complete free ride while always being focused against those who stand against Trump and his Despicables.


Carry on.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


you said in another post that Assange didn't deliver again 'as always nothing there'. 


There's always something there from the Hillary haters and by those who only criticise HRC and the Democratic Party only, while always giving the right and their Republicans a free ride in the absolute. That is, the ideological extreme right.


The rightwhingers. They give Trump The Ignoramus Moron a complete free ride while always being focused against those who stand against Trump and his Despicables.


Carry on.

The trumpeteers just hate HRC, and that's it! Look at all the posting on this form, they never come back with a real remark! 

All they talk about is there hate for the Clintons, even when it distroys the USA, they will vote for trump.

But these people are proud to back up there master, who losted 900.000.000 dollars in ONLY one year. Because if you loose all this money, you are a good in business!


Oh, btw, the remarks that are made about trump on this form, are his own!

The clown loves to be in front of the camera, the only problem is, that he doesn't understand that these days they save everything on media. But than, don't blame him, he is not up to date because he doesn't read any books, only the stuff about himself.

that is, if he can read, going by his telepromter speeches????


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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


you said in another post that Assange didn't deliver again 'as always nothing there'. 


There's always something there from the Hillary haters and by those who only criticise HRC and the Democratic Party only, while always giving the right and their Republicans a free ride in the absolute. That is, the ideological extreme right.


The rightwhingers. They give Trump The Ignoramus Moron a complete free ride while always being focused against those who stand against Trump and his Despicables.


Carry on.


OK thanks I will. 

With the MSM mostly anti Trump and here also the ideological extreme L/W zealots who give Hillary and the Dems a free ride,  no need to join in as well with the back slapping mutual admiration delusion. 


Besides there's bigger issues currently. For instance, even when devices and subpoenaed evidence are destroyed despite preservation orders and immunity from prosecution for obstruction of justice is given by the DoJ to protect Hillary, all quiet over there on that side of Left over fruit cakes. No need to investigate because this is considered normal by the  dogmatic loony left.


No care for real justice, curiosity or consideration of corruption, preserving any ideology at all costs, whether that be Left or Right, simply put, is fanaticism of the indoctrinated

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18 minutes ago, Linzz said:


OK thanks I will. 

With the MSM mostly anti Trump and here also the ideological extreme L/W zealots who give Hillary and the Dems a free ride,  no need to join in as well with the back slapping mutual admiration delusion. 


Besides there's bigger issues currently. For instance, even when devices and subpoenaed evidence are destroyed despite preservation orders and immunity from prosecution for obstruction of justice is given by the DoJ to protect Hillary, all quiet over there on that side of Left over fruit cakes. No need to investigate because this is considered normal by the  dogmatic loony left.


No care for real justice, curiosity or consideration of corruption, preserving any ideology at all costs, whether that be Left or Right, simply put, is fanaticism of the indoctrinated

Lets see Trump answer charges for the statutory rape of a 13 and 12 year old girl (papers in the court), Fraud and misappropriation of funds (NYC investigation on the Trump foundation) and release his tax returns and I will go and find Hillary's emails myself! 


Would you rather have  President of the United States careless with emails (nothing compared to the Bush administration deleting 5 million emails after 9/11 and the run up to war - where's the faux outrage on that?) or a potential Pedophile of the United States?  The choice is of course yours to vote on what your conscience tells you is the worst alleged crime. You seem to think Clinton is guilty as there can be no smoke without fire. Do you hold the same standard to Trump now three independent witnesses are ready to testify on charges of Pedophilia? No smoke without fire eh! ;)

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Lets see Trump answer charges for the statutory rape of a 13 and 12 year old girl (papers in the court), Fraud and misappropriation of funds (NYC investigation on the Trump foundation) and release his tax returns and I will go and find Hillary's emails myself! 


Would you rather have  President of the United States careless with emails (nothing compared to the Bush administration deleting 5 million emails after 9/11 and the run up to war - where the faux outrage on that?) or a potential Pedophile of the United States?  The choice is of course yours to vote on what your conscience tells you is the worst alleged crime. You seem to think Clinton is guilty as there can be no smoke without fire. Do you hold the same standard to Trump now three independent witnesses are ready to testify on charges of Pedophilia? No smoke without fire eh! ;)


I am with you when it comes to justice for anyone, anywhere, any how, place or time. But "careless" with emails is an understatement to deliberately destroying devices and bleachbitting "innocent" emails which is a factual cover up. The concern here is unprotected classified material and national security being exposed which is far more serious than Trump's taxes where he did nothing illegal. Don't know anything about Trump's phedophilia. If that's true the police should be involved. Same with Bill's "rapes" then too

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54 minutes ago, Linzz said:


OK thanks I will. 

With the MSM mostly anti Trump and here also the ideological extreme L/W zealots who give Hillary and the Dems a free ride,  no need to join in as well with the back slapping mutual admiration delusion. 


Besides there's bigger issues currently. For instance, even when devices and subpoenaed evidence are destroyed despite preservation orders and immunity from prosecution for obstruction of justice is given by the DoJ to protect Hillary, all quiet over there on that side of Left over fruit cakes. No need to investigate because this is considered normal by the  dogmatic loony left.


No care for real justice, curiosity or consideration of corruption, preserving any ideology at all costs, whether that be Left or Right, simply put, is fanaticism of the indoctrinated


whether that be Left or Right, simply put, is fanaticism of the indoctrinated


The post comes at us directly from the right. As do all of 'em by the poster. Always and completely. Nobody's fooling anybody around here.


The thread and topic btw seem to be about Trump offending so the prattle in the post about Hillary, DoJ, "obstruction of justice" blah blah blurp blurp is non-germane. It is also the SOS.

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


I am with you when it comes to justice for anyone, anywhere, any how, place or time. But "careless" with emails is an understatement to deliberately destroying devices and bleachbitting "innocent" emails which is a factual cover up. The concern here is unprotected classified material and national security being exposed which is far more serious than Trump's taxes where he did nothing illegal. Don't know anything about Trump's phedophilia. If that's true the police should be involved. Same with Bill's "rapes" then too

Nobody filed a complaint with the courts about 'Bills ALLEGED rapes', however Papers have been filed against Trumps alleged crimes with pre-pubescent girls..


Any comments on the 5 million emails the Bush administration deleted (against Federal law) that covered 9/11 and the run up to and entering of the war. Not on personal servers, but deleted from Government servers. I guess you have read all about that? How come you know nothing of the underage rape claims against Trump? You are reading a variety of news and media sources to keep getting a balanced picture of the news surely. Or is it just Fox News for your source of 'current affairs'.?


I have to laugh that people consider the MSM are against Trump. You think the Dems now ALL of the major publications and TV channels in the USA? Even hardcore republican newspapers down in the deep South are now endorsing Clinton, that's endorsing Dems for the first time EVER. Are they part of the conspiracy theory also? Or could it just be that those who have not been mass hypnotised actually see Trump for the oxygen thief that he is?

Edited by Andaman Al
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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


whether that be Left or Right, simply put, is fanaticism of the indoctrinated


The post comes at us directly from the right. As do all of 'em by the poster. Always and completely. Nobody's fooling anybody around here.


The thread and topic btw seem to be about Trump offending so the prattle in the post about Hillary, DoJ, "obstruction of justice" blah blah blurp blurp is non-germane. It is also the SOS.


Congratulations! I've said before I'm right of centre many times so it's not too clever to see through a non existent disguise. Most people have inclination in one direction or another but not necessarily extremely so. Not many could remain neutral. Then there are fanatics. 

My opinion is that this election for you guys is a choice between the lesser of two evils. The 2 candidates have  polarized America like never before. 

Some support Trump ranging from adoration through to grudging compliance and with big reservations of his suitability. Others support Hillary with bells on and bestowed sainthood and because of partiality refuse to countenance any possibility of wrongdoing.Then there would be those who vote Democrat regardless but again with reservations because they at least have retained a vestige of objectivity.


Some TVF posters and the language of disdain they use to mock and deride anyone that does not share their bias betray their own doctrinaire ideology. I call them zealots and fanatics. Same old stuff as well.

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4 hours ago, Linzz said:


Congratulations! I've said before I'm right of centre many times so it's not too clever to see through a non existent disguise. Most people have inclination in one direction or another but not necessarily extremely so. Not many could remain neutral. Then there are fanatics. 

My opinion is that this election for you guys is a choice between the lesser of two evils. The 2 candidates have  polarized America like never before. 

Some support Trump ranging from adoration through to grudging compliance and with big reservations of his suitability. Others support Hillary with bells on and bestowed sainthood and because of partiality refuse to countenance any possibility of wrongdoing.Then there would be those who vote Democrat regardless but again with reservations because they at least have retained a vestige of objectivity.


Some TVF posters and the language of disdain they use to mock and deride anyone that does not share their bias betray their own doctrinaire ideology. I call them zealots and fanatics. Same old stuff as well.


This poster welcomes points of view from foreigners in respect of the USA. Some foreigners express views with which I basically agree, others post disagreement, yet others post against the USA with bile spleen and rancor. In any event, they have the same freedom of speech the USA affords to its residents (TV.com operating in the former LOS is also registered in the USA under USA laws, as well as in Singapore).


The post I just read comes from the regular right as it exists in any English speaking country and society. The UKIP regular right, the Pauline Hanson regular right; the LePen regular right in France, the Putin regular right in Russia, the regular military right in Thailand etc.


So this poster would highly recommend to the regular rightwhinge across the board the book The Paranoid Style in American Politics by the late Prof Richard Hofstadter of Columbia University in NYC and the subsequent body of research developed by his successors. Dr. Hofstadter developed his book thesis based on his Herbert Spencer Lecture at Oxford.


He's a hint of it: In congressional hearings on chlorinating water supplies in the USA many scientists and health professionals in and outside of government testified. Three ordinary civilian guyz also testified after they drove to Washington from Texas so they could express their opposition. They said chlorination of US local water supplies throughout the country was a communist plot to rot the brains of Americans so the then USSR could take control of the country.


Here's a link to anyone interested in taking a look at the crackpot lunatic madman extreme fringe paranoid right from then up to the present day. Do pop in on it to at the least know that youse guyz over there are well known and have become better known by social science and the political world.


Hofstadter's subject is the strand of American politics that tends towards "heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy" and that had revealed itself in moral panics over such issues as immigration, Mormonism and Freemasonry.  He makes clear that he is not using the term "paranoid" in its psychiatric sense - the problem was that the ideas that he outlined were embraced not simply by mentally deranged fantasists but by "normal" people.

Hofstadter draws an interesting distinction here.  The old paranoiacs feared that their country was about to be taken away from them by Masons, bankers or priests.  Their modern descendants thought that it already had been taken away from them by assorted cosmopolitans, socialists, intellectuals and other traitors.  Hofstadter observes that "the real mystery, for one who reads the primary works of paranoid scholarship, is not how the United States has been brought to its present dangerous position but how it has managed to survive at all".



It does greatly help to recognise and to comprehend how Donald Trump got this far before inevitably falling over on his political and culturally base face.


Bon reading.

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15 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Lets see Trump answer charges for the statutory rape of a 13 and 12 year old girl (papers in the court), Fraud and misappropriation of funds (NYC investigation on the Trump foundation) and release his tax returns and I will go and find Hillary's emails myself! 


Would you rather have  President of the United States careless with emails (nothing compared to the Bush administration deleting 5 million emails after 9/11 and the run up to war - where's the faux outrage on that?) or a potential Pedophile of the United States?  The choice is of course yours to vote on what your conscience tells you is the worst alleged crime. You seem to think Clinton is guilty as there can be no smoke without fire. Do you hold the same standard to Trump now three independent witnesses are ready to testify on charges of Pedophilia? No smoke without fire eh! ;)

Hmmmm. I wasn't aware Bush was running and it is OFF TOPIC to discuss him.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm. I wasn't aware Bush was running and it is OFF TOPIC to discuss him.

It seems OFF TOPIC then to discuss Bill Clintons relationships, or Obama then. And definitely off topic to discuss charges that have been dealt with by the US judicial and investigative organisations which have found that no charges are appropriate for HRC. Leave it and find your next scape goat. Unless you know better than Judges or the head of FBI or head Attorneys that is, which as a TV couch member I am sure you do.


By the way, regardless of off topic or not, you should be SCREAMING about those 5 M deleted emails from the run up to the war. Or is that just an inconvenient truth?. Justice must be seen to be applied equally all over, you can't have your cake and eat it. If you want Clinton jailed then campaign also to get Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld all jailed and perhaps HRC may join them, but the case is vastly different.



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9 hours ago, Publicus said:


This poster welcomes points of view from foreigners in respect of the USA. Some foreigners express views with which I basically agree, others post disagreement, yet others post against the USA with bile spleen and rancor. In any event, they have the same freedom of speech the USA affords to its residents (TV.com operating in the former LOS is also registered in the USA under USA laws, as well as in Singapore).


The post I just read comes from the regular right as it exists in any English speaking country and society. The UKIP regular right, the Pauline Hanson regular right; the LePen regular right in France, the Putin regular right in Russia, the regular military right in Thailand etc.


So this poster would highly recommend to the regular rightwhinge across the board the book The Paranoid Style in American Politics by the late Prof Richard Hofstadter of Columbia University in NYC and the subsequent body of research developed by his successors. Dr. Hofstadter developed his book thesis based on his Herbert Spencer Lecture at Oxford.


He's a hint of it: In congressional hearings on chlorinating water supplies in the USA many scientists and health professionals in and outside of government testified. Three ordinary civilian guyz also testified after they drove to Washington from Texas so they could express their opposition. They said chlorination of US local water supplies throughout the country was a communist plot to rot the brains of Americans so the then USSR could take control of the country.


Here's a link to anyone interested in taking a look at the crackpot lunatic madman extreme fringe paranoid right from then up to the present day. Do pop in on it to at the least know that youse guyz over there are well known and have become better known by social science and the political world.


Hofstadter's subject is the strand of American politics that tends towards "heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy" and that had revealed itself in moral panics over such issues as immigration, Mormonism and Freemasonry.  He makes clear that he is not using the term "paranoid" in its psychiatric sense - the problem was that the ideas that he outlined were embraced not simply by mentally deranged fantasists but by "normal" people.

Hofstadter draws an interesting distinction here.  The old paranoiacs feared that their country was about to be taken away from them by Masons, bankers or priests.  Their modern descendants thought that it already had been taken away from them by assorted cosmopolitans, socialists, intellectuals and other traitors.  Hofstadter observes that "the real mystery, for one who reads the primary works of paranoid scholarship, is not how the United States has been brought to its present dangerous position but how it has managed to survive at all".



It does greatly help to recognise and to comprehend how Donald Trump got this far before inevitably falling over on his political and culturally base face.


Bon reading.


Nice to see you attempting to be reasonable. Thank you. But I fear you and other arm chair psychologists  endeavor to favour categorization and labels without any  apparent self evaluation in the scheme of things. It's tempting, simple and tidy to categorize people, and even movements which are more complex. I try to resist but the objectification of people in this way does not encompass or explain complexity of motive. Paranoia is only one facet of motivation for some people.


The challenge is to differentiate between what is reasonable and what is extreme. For instance UKIP satisfies certain economists who are not racists and certain racists who are not economists. People are complex and contradictory and can be loosely or tightly held by movements which are fluid in entry and exit and have attrition rates.


I personally may hold certain mostly economic right wing views but at the same time have an extreme dislike of Pauline Hansen and Mormons and the British National front. Le Pen is gaining strength  because of Merkel's and other's mistakes. There seems to be a huge trend towards populism in the Western world because globalism and nation building has not worked and ordinary people have been left behind. That a character like Trump can get as far as he has proves it. How is it  that it is now the Republicans will represent the working class and the Democrats the Establishment? This is a bit more than a movement by deranged fantasists and paranoids.  Populism is a real phenomenon not just a dirty word. Also largely underestimated by the so called educated who spend their time trying to contain it by belittlement and labels of derision. Waste of time. Brexit proved that. 


Personally I don't know Pauline Hansen but only through what she has said and I also don't know any Mormons but their book is nuts. Our individual view of reality is but a small slice, but often it is ego that is self deluding into thinking we see more  than we really do. People will try to influence, manipulate and predict the future but in vain because it is cycles that govern just about everything from nature through to history. If we're due for a Trump, we'll get one, like it or not.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It seems OFF TOPIC then to discuss Bill Clintons relationships, or Obama then. And definitely off topic to discuss charges that have been dealt with by the US judicial and investigative organisations which have found that no charges are appropriate for HRC. Leave it and find your next scape goat. Unless you know better than Judges or the head of FBI or head Attorneys that is, which as a TV couch member I am sure you do.


By the way, regardless of off topic or not, you should be SCREAMING about those 5 M deleted emails from the run up to the war. Or is that just an inconvenient truth?. Justice must be seen to be applied equally all over, you can't have your cake and eat it. If you want Clinton jailed then campaign also to get Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld all jailed and perhaps HRC may join them, but the case is vastly different.




Yep you are correct,they should all be jailed 

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16 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Nice to see you attempting to be reasonable. Thank you. But I fear you and other arm chair psychologists  endeavor to favour categorization and labels without any  apparent self evaluation in the scheme of things. It's tempting, simple and tidy to categorize people, and even movements which are more complex. I try to resist but the objectification of people in this way does not encompass or explain complexity of motive. Paranoia is only one facet of motivation for some people.


The challenge is to differentiate between what is reasonable and what is extreme. For instance UKIP satisfies certain economists who are not racists and certain racists who are not economists. People are complex and contradictory and can be loosely or tightly held by movements which are fluid in entry and exit and have attrition rates.


I personally may hold certain mostly economic right wing views but at the same time have an extreme dislike of Pauline Hansen and Mormons and the British National front. Le Pen is gaining strength  because of Merkel's and other's mistakes. There seems to be a huge trend towards populism in the Western world because globalism and nation building has not worked and ordinary people have been left behind. That a character like Trump can get as far as he has proves it. How is it  that it is now the Republicans will represent the working class and the Democrats the Establishment? This is a bit more than a movement by deranged fantasists and paranoids.  Populism is a real phenomenon not just a dirty word. Also largely underestimated by the so called educated who spend their time trying to contain it by belittlement and labels of derision. Waste of time. Brexit proved that. 


Personally I don't know Pauline Hansen but only through what she has said and I also don't know any Mormons but their book is nuts. Our individual view of reality is but a small slice, but often it is ego that is self deluding into thinking we see more  than we really do. People will try to influence, manipulate and predict the future but in vain because it is cycles that govern just about everything from nature through to history. If we're due for a Trump, we'll get one, like it or not.


Alas, the beat goes on...


the Republicans will represent the working class and the Democrats the Establishment


Methinks you may have contorted yourself inside the chicken and egg trap. How izzit you ask? In this 2016 election you'd have to present, to include analysis, the dynamic that would have created your, well, creation. Who in 2016 would be each player? How would each player differ from his role in the traditional past, i.e., post WW2 to the 2008 Bush financial bust. Problem is your crystal palace is at the end of a path pocked by a thousand potholes that the Jag you're driving can't possibly negotiate. 



This is a bit more than a movement by deranged fantasists and paranoids.


Political-cultural nationalistic racist paranoids, not personal clinical paranoids. It'd help if youse guyz over there might actually read Prof. Hofstadter rather than only dashing off helter-skelter into the wild blue yonder of reactionary politics and society. Can't argue or carry on against a thesis you haven't read to properly consider. 



Populism is a real phenomenon not just a dirty word.


In this equation it is both but more. Populism varies in its manifestations, ranging from a virus to a plague. Nothing more that either or both, as nothing good has ever come of it (save for the Volkswagon family vehicle).



Also largely underestimated by the so called educated who spend their time trying to contain it by belittlement and labels of derision.


I do indeed like to think of myself as a cosmopolitan, even if I might not actually realise my aspiration some or most of the time. The one thing I am not however is anti-intellectual. A major item of evidence of it is that I regard Donald Trump as a grotesque ignoramus. No one over on that side could conceive of the possibility. Over there, Trump = good and Hillary = bad. Period.



If we're due for a Trump, we'll get one, like it or not.


USA is not Europe of 1920 - 1940. USA is due for a radical change in the nature of its president. Conversely, American voters are forming up to give Donald Trump the bum's rush. Count on it. Like it or not over there.

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


Alas, the beat goes on...


the Republicans will represent the working class and the Democrats the Establishment


Methinks you may have contorted yourself inside the chicken and egg trap. How izzit you ask? In this 2016 election you'd have to present, to include analysis, the dynamic that would have created your, well, creation. Who in 2016 would be each player? How would each player differ from his role in the traditional past, i.e., post WW2 to the 2008 Bush financial bust. Problem is your crystal palace is at the end of a path pocked by a thousand potholes that the Jag you're driving can't possibly negotiate. 



This is a bit more than a movement by deranged fantasists and paranoids.


Political-cultural nationalistic racist paranoids, not personal clinical paranoids. It'd help if youse guyz over there might actually read Prof. Hofstadter rather than only dashing off helter-skelter into the wild blue yonder of reactionary politics and society. Can't argue or carry on against a thesis you haven't read to properly consider. 



Populism is a real phenomenon not just a dirty word.


In this equation it is both but more. Populism varies in its manifestations, ranging from a virus to a plague. Nothing more that either or both, as nothing good has ever come of it (save for the Volkswagon family vehicle).



Also largely underestimated by the so called educated who spend their time trying to contain it by belittlement and labels of derision.


I do indeed like to think of myself as a cosmopolitan, even if I might not actually realise my aspiration some or most of the time. The one thing I am not however is anti-intellectual. A major item of evidence of it is that I regard Donald Trump as a grotesque ignoramus. No one over on that side could conceive of the possibility. Over there, Trump = good and Hillary = bad. Period.



If we're due for a Trump, we'll get one, like it or not.


USA is not Europe of 1920 - 1940. USA is due for a radical change in the nature of its president. Conversely, American voters are forming up to give Donald Trump the bum's rush. Count on it. Like it or not over there.


Don't think you're really listening. The poster still gravitates to a black vs, white simplistic analysis to blame, damn and categorize the undereducated for being who they are, but it makes the poster feel good for sure because  by contrast can make a definition in a "I'm not like that"  them and us moment. Only the insecure need to make this kind of definition and use the usual sort of elitist derisory language of others but that's a psychological problem not too different than the one Trump has.


The statement below illustrates my point very well:


" Over there, Trump = good and Hillary = bad. Period."


This is the poster's same thinking also, but just the reverse and laughably is not noticed.


The fact is I don't look at Trump as an ignoramus completely ( the need is to understand shades of grey a little) but certainly he is a vulgar sexist and a misogynist which is once more confirmed today makes him unsuitable for the job. I agree there. The alternative  because of her lies, cover ups ( before you instantly dismiss that willfully, recall the  1 device /many devices, no classified material on her server/many classified emails etc , I could go on, but that's just two)  proves Clinton cannot be trusted to tell the truth plus being a creature of Wall Street also under wraps makes her unsuitable for the job as well.


USA is not Europe of 1920 - 1940. USA is due for a radical change in the nature of its president. Conversely, American voters are forming up to give Donald Trump the bum's rush. Count on it. Like it or not over there.


The first sentence of the above paragraph is contradictory to your former position on the so called Mussolini. The second sentence I agree with but contradicts the last two in my view. Electing Hillary will be more of the same which is her problem in regards to discontent and the rise of populism, to differentiate herself from Obama yet continue Obama.


No one can be absolutely sure of the outcome of this election but I realise I'm talking to a psychic who said many months ago said he didn't do predictions.. I think it's probably most likely Hillary will win but if  so that will be by default of Trump's ineptitude, not her talent for honesty. 



Edited by Linzz
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