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Trump offends again


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On 10/6/2016 at 2:52 AM, Silurian said:


Ah yes, Wikileaks. Now there is a organization that knows how to promote an infomercial. October surprise, my butt. They punked anyone willing to listen to their poorly veiled attempt at self promotion for 2 hours with Julian mumbling something about "people in power".


Julian is more concerned about tooting his own horn and hawking his latest books to really care about anything else. He has really deluded himself into believing he is some true to life superhero. Whatever. What could be a source for enlightenment has become Julian's own little parade.


We shall see how Julian disrupts the US election, if he can. They are "sorting" through whatever they have to spring it upon the US voters at the optimal moment so they can look like heroes. I await the "big" announcement. Bring it on.


Well he has and what now? Oh it's the Russians you will say, No comment from the Dems yet. Added to the basket of deplorables now the Left is described as a bucket of losers.Is that you she's talking about? Not many left out now!

And Trump is not suitable also as re confirmed today in case you wonder on my position about him. I pity Pence having to defend him. Good luck America, you're shafted.

Edited by Linzz
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13 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Well he has and what now? Oh it's the Russians you will say, No comment from the Dems yet. Added to the basket of deplorables now the Left is described as a bucket of losers.Is that you she's talking about? Not many left out now!

And Trump is not suitable also as re confirmed today in case you wonder on my position about him. I pity Pence having to defend him. Good luck America, you're shafted.


Yes, Julian delivers some non-exciting emails. Hillary wants "open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." Wow, how damning is that. Green and sustainable energy, Holy Cow! How controversial.


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4 hours ago, Linzz said:


Don't think you're really listening. The poster still gravitates to a black vs, white simplistic analysis to blame, damn and categorize the undereducated for being who they are, but it makes the poster feel good for sure because  by contrast can make a definition in a "I'm not like that"  them and us moment. Only the insecure need to make this kind of definition and use the usual sort of elitist derisory language of others but that's a psychological problem not too different than the one Trump has.


The statement below illustrates my point very well:


" Over there, Trump = good and Hillary = bad. Period."


This is the poster's same thinking also, but just the reverse and laughably is not noticed.


The fact is I don't look at Trump as an ignoramus completely ( the need is to understand shades of grey a little) but certainly he is a vulgar sexist and a misogynist which is once more confirmed today makes him unsuitable for the job. I agree there. The alternative  because of her lies, cover ups ( before you instantly dismiss that willfully, recall the  1 device /many devices, no classified material on her server/many classified emails etc , I could go on, but that's just two)  proves Clinton cannot be trusted to tell the truth plus being a creature of Wall Street also under wraps makes her unsuitable for the job as well.


USA is not Europe of 1920 - 1940. USA is due for a radical change in the nature of its president. Conversely, American voters are forming up to give Donald Trump the bum's rush. Count on it. Like it or not over there.


The first sentence of the above paragraph is contradictory to your former position on the so called Mussolini. The second sentence I agree with but contradicts the last two in my view. Electing Hillary will be more of the same which is her problem in regards to discontent and the rise of populism, to differentiate herself from Obama yet continue Obama.


No one can be absolutely sure of the outcome of this election but I realise I'm talking to a psychic who said many months ago said he didn't do predictions.. I think it's probably most likely Hillary will win but if  so that will be by default of Trump's ineptitude, not her talent for honesty. 




The criticisms regardless of whether they are of Potus over the years, or of the Democratic candidate for Potus, or of a given poster, are from the extreme right and they are issued in this vein without exception.


The criticisms are always of the views and of the people that are politically-culturally centrist and left of center.


The dogmatic and persistent criticisms of liberal and progressive ideas, views, philosophies, persons, posters, are falsely presented as balanced, independent, rational, fair-minded, reasonable. The approach is not viable due to its nature, i.e., it always (and forever) comes from the right, and the criticisms are consistent in the absolute with the extreme right sector and its well known and hard core points of view. 


My ordinary use of a common colloquial lexicon and of generally acceptable slang terms to describe and to characterise the extreme right sector of society are terms that are used in everyday language by ordinary people, and at general interest discussion boards where many people casually express their own views -- in this instance our own political-cultural views. Conversely, this poster very much eschews expressions and terms to include concepts, policies, views, that are trite, glib, mundane, cliched, banal -- with only a rare exception.


You are more than a mainstream conservative in your political-cultural views. You are on the far right of the political-cultural spectrum. Your criticism of education is in fact the political and cultural view and posture of the anti-intellectual extreme right that, inter alia, targets what it calls political correctness, among the multiplicity other whinges the far out right have and that self-define it.


I think this about sums it up thx and it summarises your predicament in relatively brief terms. Your posts are indeed welcome by this poster even if they are pretentious and ineffective, not to mention pedestrian and droll. Fact is, you are simply another rightwhinger. That your posts often present more discussion than are presented in the posts of the typical hit and run rightwhinger, the fact is but a slight and somewhat distinctive mitigation that would most likely derive from your own individual background.

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Don't wish this discussion to get more tedious than it already is but I don't believe I am far right at all, having most of my life come from the left. Stuff always rubs off. One can have liberal social views and be economically conservative too. Since I also have a business background I am grateful to having had my eyes opened to the other side of the coin that many of my left wing friends (that are still involved in education) have not moved from in their lifelong views. I suspect (but don't know) that this may also be your case. It almost looks as if you see anyone right of centre as extreme which is not so. Your avatar explains your position if not your crusade.


I am not anti education at all, on the contrary, I am also of the opinion that certain educators believe by merit of their education that they enjoy a more objective and global overview but I have found having moved beyond those circles, that this is not always the case. Once challenged their response too often is condescending, arrogant and patronizing because to change their views might mean to having admit they have often been wrong in their lifelong views.


I will continue to comment on the intolerance of the left and wherever I see delusions of grandeur promulgated on TVF. 


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On 10/8/2016 at 9:08 AM, Silurian said:

Yes, Julian delivers some non-exciting emails. Hillary wants "open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." Wow, how damning is that. Green and sustainable energy, Holy Cow! How controversial.



Hillary wants "open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere."


Seriously. Open Borders? For real? This alone is enough to lose the vote. I can not comprehend why someone would actually want this. Do you realize that with open borders we would no longer be the United States anymore? Same goes for a path to citizenship - when did we start awarding people for breaking laws? 


We already have very VERY open trade, more so than the UK and AUS, to the point that businesses are actually leaving because its so open just to sell the product BACK to us. What exactly does she plan to do? 


Green energy is a "feel good" statement if I ever saw one. The technology isn't there yet. Not by a long shot. Ever stop to thing about what this means? I highly doubt she means spending money on research and development and trying to become a front runner in renewable energy. More likely bureaucracy on top of more bureaucracy on the tech we already have now all at the cost of the taxpayer. 


Powering growth? How exactly? What does that even mean to "Hill"? We need free up bureaucracy within independent business so it can expand and create jobs. We need to free up bureaucracy so that companies can become innovative again. Its stagnant in the United States now. 


I just wish people would read more into the "Feel Good" Statements provided by "Hill".... What, pray tell, will she be able to do any different than our old boy Obama? All these people have been living in the same house so.... What? "Hill" is now the magic ticket because she can do it and Obama can't? 


The only thing Obama did for me or anyone else I know is triple our insurance costs. I went from about $300 a month private to $740 a month private, for JUST ME. 


 But hey, if it makes you "Feel Good"

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


The point is that she has been dishonest about her real views. 


HRC was quoting Abraham Lincoln in President Lincoln's discussion of his strategies and tactics in getting Congress to enact the 13th Amendment which prohibited slavery.


The Amendment had been preceded by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and, further, in its additional prohibition of involuntary servitude per se, the 13th is a basis and model today of anti-sex trafficking laws and other forms of directly related sexual degradation and abuse.


Do change your own strategies and tact to try to keep up, difficult as that unquestionably is for you plse thx. Hint: It starts by overcoming glib, trite and otherwise predictable hit and run dogmatism.

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8 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Do change your own strategies and tact to try to keep up, difficult as that unquestionably is for you plse thx.


The same old condescending spin. At least you kept it down to three paragraphs for a change. :spamsign:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I said it from the beginning and I still stick by it. Trump was put forward as the republican candidate so to get Hilary elected. She has an awful amount of political 'baggage' and people just don't like her. I expected Trump to become more controversial closer to the election date. What surprised people and myself to an extent was the support and popularity he received. But the elite who back to horses  just in case will and have released all the things trump has said on tape, just at the right time.


I wonder if all the exposes of Hilary will be released. Lesbian lover, sex parties, corruption just to name a few. I suspect not and the current campaign to discredit trump will continue.


Hilary's health seems to have gone away from the media. I don't like either of them but it seems clearly obvious to me how the outcome is rigged.

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The same old condescending spin. At least you kept it down to three paragraphs for a change. :spamsign:


Kindly cease and desist quoting me in fragments of my posts -- your calculatedly selected fragments besides.


It is your practice and pattern that you do in the absolute, but is is highly objectionable because it misrepresents the whole of the post; moreover, your fragmented quoting of my posts removes the context of the quote fragment that you consciously and deliberately choose to wrongfully isolate.


If you can't help yourself in this, then so be it.

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36 minutes ago, Publicus said:


HRC was quoting Abraham Lincoln in President Lincoln's discussion of his strategies and tactics in getting Congress to enact the 13th Amendment which prohibited slavery.


The Amendment had been preceded by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and, further, in its additional prohibition of involuntary servitude per se, the 13th is a basis and model today of anti-sex trafficking laws and other forms of directly related sexual degradation and abuse.


Do change your own strategies and tact to try to keep up, difficult as that unquestionably is for you plse thx. Hint: It starts by overcoming glib, trite and otherwise predictable hit and run dogmatism.


She was quoting Abe as a deflection tactic for her turn coat stance on everything and being a general wish wash liar. Everyone loves Abe, so how can you not love "Hill" right?


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Just now, Strange said:


She was quoting Abe as a deflection tactic for her turn coat stance on everything and being a general wish wash liar. Everyone loves Abe, so how can you not love "Hill" right?



That is your fabricated construction which is presented (generously to the self) as a rather sly one. More like slippery however.


It apparently needs to be stated that I presented fact in context. That the post you made spins and contorts my statement. In baseball we call that pitch a curve ball. Kindly be advised some batters hit the curve ball out of the park. Put the pitcher in the clubhouse showers and on his own hook.  :wink:

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


The same old condescending spin. At least you kept it down to three paragraphs for a change. :spamsign:


Wouldn't want you to spend too much time readin' now would we? :laugh:


All tha time that it would take and all...



Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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13 minutes ago, Strange said:

Trump won the 2nd debate and even gave the best high road compliment at the end 


Media spin incoming


"Trump Backs Hillary!!"


That Trump got subdued in manner voice and tone still leaves him with no path to Electoral College victory. Fact remains, Donald Trump is not fit or suited to being Potus. Never was, never will be. This debate only reinforced the continuum of the reality.


More videos and Trump statements of degradation and abuse are in the pipeline btw.


White suburban Republican married women across the country are voting for HRC. Trump also continues to run behind Romney's pace in 2012 except for evangelicals and a few other nutcases. If Trump thinks he's still going to get the Catholic vote he'd be nuttier than Father Coughlin himself was. Not to mention Joe McCarthy.


Trump is a walking talking loser and the fact has been so from the day he descended the escalator at Trump Tower. The final image of Trump in all of this will be his backside going back up the escalator and into the maw of Trump Tower.





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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump is a walking talking loser and the fact has been so from the day he descended the escalator at Trump Tower.



He was not a loser today. He won the second debate fair and square. Hillary is having a conniption fit in privacy somewhere right now. 

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36 minutes ago, Publicus said:


That Trump got subdued in manner voice and tone still leaves him with no path to Electoral College victory. Fact remains, Donald Trump is not fit or suited to being Potus. Never was, never will be. This debate only reinforced the continuum of the reality.


More videos and Trump statements of degradation and abuse are in the pipeline btw.


White suburban Republican married women across the country are voting for HRC. Trump also continues to run behind Romney's pace in 2012 except for evangelicals and a few other nutcases. If Trump thinks he's still going to get the Catholic vote he'd be nuttier than Father Coughlin himself was. Not to mention Joe McCarthy.


Trump is a walking talking loser and the fact has been so from the day he descended the escalator at Trump Tower. The final image of Trump in all of this will be his backside going back up the escalator and into the maw of Trump Tower.


More leaks and exposure on "Hill" lying and misleading EVERYONE are in the pipeline btw


Cant wait to see some unbiased polling information after this 


This is not an invitation so please control yourself

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He was not a loser today. He won the second debate fair and square. Hillary is having a conniption fit in privacy somewhere right now. 


Probably involving collapse and seizures and possibly her team trying to scramble the best "Call in Sick" lie for the next one. 

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35 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Another hit and run cliche.


The ole and glib pot and kettle and black. It's so -- is 'reliable' the right word?


At any rate, don't stop now...


Yep reliable is a good choice, you can close the thesaurus now


Not looking good at all. So far just the Abe Lincoln joke Tweets alone are wounding "Hill" 

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Sorry to burst the bubble...


Trump won the debate among the Republican base that has longed for a candidate who would stand up to the Clintons without fear of reprisal. The problem for Trump is that we know from polling that his base isn't nearly large enough to win an election. Republican pollster Neil Newhouse, who was the lead pollster for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, put it best.


Trump playing to his base. Reinforcing every voter who was already for him. 40% of the vote isn't going to be enough.


— Neil Newhouse (@KCkid) October 10, 2016





Actually this poster is rather pleased to provide this up to the moment report by a leading Republican party pollster. And if Trump ends up with as much as 40% of the general election vote, which remains an open question.

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