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back in uk now


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I am out of the thai loop, left August no more pound down, down,down just in our pockets now.Watched my pensions shrink and shrink. enough is enough. with tax hand outs, pension increases,(fixed for 10 years) House  benefits, bus pass, child tax rebates, winter fuel payments, Free school dinners,  we are a lot better off in Old blighty .  I was paying 200,000 baht  a year for private british school for my son, now free school and books. BUT it is a challenge coming back believe me, getting back into the system has been hard, but all looking good now. 20 years in Thailand  was enough i think

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7 hours ago, chiang mai said:

" getting back into the system has been hard", can you explain what you mean by this and give some examples, please?

Well happy to elaborate on that

1 had been out of the UK more than 25 years (France,germany usa, Korea, then Thailand)  No property in uki, kept a bank, paid all 44 years tax,national insurance,no debts, no court orders nothing.


2 having decided to rent a place, we were turned down by landlords 5 times, deposits, searches, fees lost 5 times. In the end we had to pay 9 months rent in advance plus deposits to secure a rental contract. In a nutshell, my credit score was NIL/zero. they just  could not trace me,where i had been.


3. The main reason to return was for my son to get a better school. This was an uphill thing. there are certain times of the year in UK when you must apply. Of course during this early process I was still in Thailand, thus no UK address to apply. Most would not accept an application with out a local address!

After writing to 10 schools in the area  I chose (my home county) we did get 2 schools that agreed to take him in.

He started September and blended in very fast, his english is good.


4. The tax system is difficult. I wanted to claim the tax relief for my son, which every one gets for a child. After 3 months i still wait. They wanted, and still have, every piece of original documents, passports, birth, marriage papers on and on.  In 10 years I have lost out in the tune of 30K gbp, I could not claim that relief in thailand. it will happen they assure me


3 my income and with my sons age (10) i qualified for housing. council tax benefits. same same with documents but more.

There is a thing call HABITUAL HABITATION TEST this basically means I had to prove to them i really was returning to live. (A lot of people from India/Pakistan/Africa have abused the system it seems) So in the end it means these documents and actions

a LONG TERM rental contract

b School acceptance letter

c A car insurance document

d Register to   vote

e doctors/  dentist register

f  T v licence

g Buss pass

h Tax records/all income etc, but all showing the new address

i letters of reference  from old friends (3 police friends helped a lot)


imagine a spider web and every  form and official paper pointing into the center of the  web with the new address. i passed, a lot do not.

i still wait for the increase of state pension which was frozen in thailand.

On top of all this of course is my wife's spouse visa /settlement visa which is well in hand.  It helped a lot that she had a 5 year visitor visa, which allows her a 6 month stay, so she was able to travel with us to get us all settled in. Nearly all the items above are relevant to her visa application too. We are nearly there now,  The sending of original documents has been a problem as they cannot be in two places at once

At 73 yrs old, I never thought I would return but i do it for my sons future, things not looking very good for Thailand really. I do miss many things (not the heat) i walked a lot in our city in the North, the markets, the people working hard to put rice on the table, no handouts, lovely people. i always related to the poor in the North. The rich,the elite, The military, the police and the corruption and politics frighten me to death

The slow but steady erosion of the Pound's value has also been a great concern  these past 8 years. When we built our Farm in the mountains, south of Chiang Mai, we were getting 74, at one point when we bought the furniture it was 78.every  month less and less baht for the monthly Pension transfers.

Those who own a property in the uk, much of the about might be easier . We still own the farm in thailand, maybe  at a later date a PLAN B?

All the  best and thanks for nice comments wishes  Cheers




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12 minutes ago, alzack said:

Well happy to elaborate on that

1 had been out of the UK more than 25 years (France,germany usa, Korea, then Thailand)  No property in uki, kept a bank, paid all 44 years tax,national insurance,no debts, no court orders nothing.


2 having decided to rent a place, we were turned down by landlords 5 times, deposits, searches, fees lost 5 times. In the end we had to pay 9 months rent in advance plus deposits to secure a rental contract. In a nutshell, my credit score was NIL/zero. they just  could not trace me,where i had been.


3. The main reason to return was for my son to get a better school. This was an uphill thing. there are certain times of the year in UK when you must apply. Of course during this early process I was still in Thailand, thus no UK address to apply. Most would not accept an application with out a local address!

After writing to 10 schools in the area  I chose (my home county) we did get 2 schools that agreed to take him in.

He started September and blended in very fast, his english is good.


4. The tax system is difficult. I wanted to claim the tax relief for my son, which every one gets for a child. After 3 months i still wait. They wanted, and still have, every piece of original documents, passports, birth, marriage papers on and on.  In 10 years I have lost out in the tune of 30K gbp, I could not claim that relief in thailand. it will happen they assure me


3 my income and with my sons age (10) i qualified for housing. council tax benefits. same same with documents but more.

There is a thing call HABITUAL HABITATION TEST this basically means I had to prove to them i really was returning to live. (A lot of people from India/Pakistan/Africa have abused the system it seems) So in the end it means these documents and actions

a LONG TERM rental contract

b School acceptance letter

c A car insurance document

d Register to   vote

e doctors/  dentist register

f  T v licence

g Buss pass

h Tax records/all income etc, but all showing the new address

i letters of reference  from old friends (3 police friends helped a lot)


imagine a spider web and every  form and official paper pointing into the center of the  web with the new address. i passed, a lot do not.

i still wait for the increase of state pension which was frozen in thailand.

On top of all this of course is my wife's spouse visa /settlement visa which is well in hand.  It helped a lot that she had a 5 year visitor visa, which allows her a 6 month stay, so she was able to travel with us to get us all settled in. Nearly all the items above are relevant to her visa application too. We are nearly there now,  The sending of original documents has been a problem as they cannot be in two places at once

At 73 yrs old, I never thought I would return but i do it for my sons future, things not looking very good for Thailand really. I do miss many things (not the heat) i walked a lot in our city in the North, the markets, the people working hard to put rice on the table, no handouts, lovely people. i always related to the poor in the North. The rich,the elite, The military, the police and the corruption and politics frighten me to death

The slow but steady erosion of the Pound's value has also been a great concern  these past 8 years. When we built our Farm in the mountains, south of Chiang Mai, we were getting 74, at one point when we bought the furniture it was 78.every  month less and less baht for the monthly Pension transfers.

Those who own a property in the uk, much of the about might be easier . We still own the farm in thailand, maybe  at a later date a PLAN B?

All the  best and thanks for nice comments wishes  Cheers





Many thanks for all that, it sounds like it was painful! A few years ago I returned to the UK after living in CM for ten years and I tried to buy property, the Solicitor got me so wound up with money laundering and proof of source of wealth that I gave up and decided it wasn't worth the hassle hence I can relate to some of what you've written. Good luck with it all in going forward, we'll keep an eye on Northern Thailand for you, until you get back!




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          Interesting post. I'm your age and quite frankly have no desire to return to my Country of birth. I agree with you about the political situation here but by keeping a low profile it doesn't really affect me at all.

        You have only been back in the UK a couple of months. Please post again in 6 or 7 months time when you have experienced an English winter. Let us know how big your heating bills are. Do you own a vehicle? wait till you see how much even basic insurance costs. I doubt you;ll be doing much walking like you did in Chiang Mai unless you like the cold, wind, rain, sleet and snow.

       Anyway good luck to you all. I hope your wife settles down and likes it there, some Thai women become very homesick after a time.

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Hi you guys and firstly to thank you for your kind wishes and positive replies. some times here you know you can get very negative  responses. As you say THE WEATHER. i was brought up on a Farm after we left London after the war, weather and more weather. Walking or biking to school later an 8km bike ( pushbike) to work and back. yes its going to be a pain. But my Thai wife has seen it by way of 10 trips here in Uk, ( camping for christ sake) ,France Germany and USA, and seen lots of different weather. But i'm sure you will agree Thai people just take to different and cooler weather, look at the way they flock North in the thai winter.  I think you are right about thai wives getting pissed off, but i dont work and shes not stuck at home alone, we are always doing something,going some place together, plus a 10 yr old son to look out for of course.

Although back just 2 months, food cheaper here, our shopping bill good. My car (oldy) but half the price of an equivalent car in thailand. insurance 180 pounds. lovely to buy good wine at last at a good price, and cheese. its so good watching the BBC this week, pound down to its lowest level in 31 years, finished with all that. Just how some guys can get thier annual Thai visa soon will be an issue i think. In the end, i could have stayed on, we have lovely place in the north, but decided to do it for my son, a better chance for him will post again in april watch this space , cheers

All the best to you all 

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this  is the place, Been renting out now for 4 years,  we had to buy another house closer to an international school. so for the most part only lived there weekends.

life was never dull in the land of smiles interesting 

here we are


all the best

Edited by alzack
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Best of luck to you and your family, thanks for giving an insight into the process you went through.

It's very interesting for other Brits like myself to read.

I'm 33 and my son is 8 so I commend your bravery in having a son at your age! My personal philosophy on fatherhood is that it's like dying: you only have to do it once.

My hat's off to you sir. 

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3 hours ago, alzack said:

Hi you guys and firstly to thank you for your kind wishes and positive replies. some times here you know you can get very negative  responses. As you say THE WEATHER. i was brought up on a Farm after we left London after the war, weather and more weather. Walking or biking to school later an 8km bike ( pushbike) to work and back. yes its going to be a pain. But my Thai wife has seen it by way of 10 trips here in Uk, ( camping for christ sake) ,France Germany and USA, and seen lots of different weather. But i'm sure you will agree Thai people just take to different and cooler weather, look at the way they flock North in the thai winter.  I think you are right about thai wives getting pissed off, but i dont work and shes not stuck at home alone, we are always doing something,going some place together, plus a 10 yr old son to look out for of course.

Although back just 2 months, food cheaper here, our shopping bill good. My car (oldy) but half the price of an equivalent car in thailand. insurance 180 pounds. lovely to buy good wine at last at a good price, and cheese. its so good watching the BBC this week, pound down to its lowest level in 31 years, finished with all that. Just how some guys can get thier annual Thai visa soon will be an issue i think. In the end, i could have stayed on, we have lovely place in the north, but decided to do it for my son, a better chance for him will post again in april watch this space , cheers

All the best to you all 


Just a brilliant post, one of TVF's best ever, thanks.

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13 minutes ago, jadee said:

Best of luck to you and your family, thanks for giving an insight into the process you went through.

It's very interesting for other Brits like myself to read.

I'm 33 and my son is 8 so I commend your bravery in having a son at your age! My personal philosophy on fatherhood is that it's like dying: you only have to do it once.

My hat's off to you sir. 

Thank you very much yes its a bit unusual a man  73, with a 10 yr old son in uk (Only pop stars) but he keep me young, and will put every thing aside for him.not seen a doctor/Hospital for over 20 years now, long may it last.

All the best from sunny (yes) kent

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Just now, Anthony5 said:


Since you are soooooo rich, and know everything about Thailand, show me the money and I post the documents issued by the Thai government that show my house is in my personal name.

Yes your house can be in your name but not the land can it and if you are married the  lease you have is not worth shit on the land look it up no it all .

i am rich and smart to to put all my money in to a 3 Rd world country like you .

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9 minutes ago, paul18620 said:

I am sorry to say this 


If you own a company .............so really you should get your facts correct before stating this bullshit things you are saying ,but I forgive you since you are old and maybe are a bit senile.

And wait for all the other people who are really interested in this thread to also jump in and say something 

Ok so you tell me all the men in issan have Company's do they no .

so one thing about being old I have got to this age you have to get here .

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6 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Yes your house can be in your name but not the land can it and if you are married the  lease you have is not worth shit on the land look it up no it all .

i am rich and smart to to put all my money in to a 3 Rd world country like you .


I doubt very much you're smart, because you make too many ASSumptions.


I'm not married, don't have a Thai partner at all, but I own the property I live on.


Again, show me the money, and I give your more egg on your face than you ever can absorb.

Edited by Anthony5
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Good luck to you fella, and you have definitely made the right decision for your son, and only you really know that too. Dont worry about the snide comments, some people cant help themselves. We made the move back 26months ago or thereabouts, and my kids are thriving. Myself and the Thai wife both work and earn around 50k a year between us here without really breaking sweat. She has so many perks given to her than I was ever given in Thailand, and all I ever done was ship money into the place for 12yrs. Good luck to you, and I wish you many happy years ahead with your family. Looking at your pictures does make me miss it a bit though ! But never again, Ive turned my back on the place for good now. Just nothing left for me there anymore. 

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7 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Yes your house can be in your name but not the land can it and if you are married the  lease you have is not worth shit on the land look it up no it all .

i am rich and smart to to put all my money in to a 3 Rd world country like you .


For someone who's so rich, you spent a lot of time on another thread whining about how much cheaper the cost of living in Australia is compared to Thailand. I think you're a strong contender for this year's Thaivisa Walter Mitty Award

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10 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Are you joking me how the hell can you say that about that man you need to wiser up not him get a life .

what  Business is it of yours if he has a 10 year old son .

you tell me Mr no it all , do you have kids not sure but if you do you would be happy for that man not put him down .

if kids come in to this world and mum or bad die when the child is 10 years old and that father was 50 at the time that mean that child dose not have a dad and that child still gets on with there life yes .

so being 73 and kid is 10 dose not mean a thing are you  jealous .

i for one are very happy for that man .

not get on here and bag him .


For once, you have said something nice, without getting into an argument, you see, you can do it.

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3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


For someone who's so rich, you spent a lot of time on another thread whining about how much cheaper the cost of living in Australia is compared to Thailand. I think you're a strong contender for this year's Thaivisa Walter Mitty Award

Not sure who you are talking about not me I not get on a other thread here at all your got that wrong.

yes I do say about the cost of living is there a problem with that I can't have my say is that not what TV is all about.

i think you a strong contender for  Leo <deleted> award if you are going to throw shit at me I am 1 million times better at throwing shit back at you .

ps YouTube Leo <deleted> and you are just like him 55555555

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