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Obama, DiCaprio team up against climate change


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Obama, DiCaprio team up against climate change



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama and actor Leonardo DiCaprio teamed up on the White House South Lawn on Monday to sound a call for urgent action to combat climate change.


Obama told a crowd gathered for the "South by South Lawn" festival of technology and music that the world is in "a race against time" to combat climate change.


The president said the world gets an "incomplete" grade on its response to global warming so far, but he added that "the good news is we can still pass the test."

"I tend to be a cautious optimist about our ability to make change," Obama said.


Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton was mentioned in the discussion, but their presence was nonetheless felt.


DiCaprio, who recently completed a documentary film about climate change, told the White House crowd that he had timed the film to come out before the presidential election.


DeCaprio, who supports Hillary Clinton's campaign, said the scientific consensus about the dangers of climate change is in, and "the argument is now over."


He added: "If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts or in science. And therefore, in my humble opinion, you should not be allowed to hold public office."


Trump has repeatedly referred to climate change as a hoax.


DiCaprio's film, "Before the Flood," got its domestic premier on the White House lawn after his discussion with the president and climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe.


The "South by South Lawn" event was designed to replicate the vibe of the South by Southwest festival held annually in Austin, Texas.


It included panel discussions on topics such as "feeding the future" and "fixing real problems" as well as booths and vendors promoting everything from virtual reality technology to fake tattoos.


Tech blogger and entrepreneur Anil Dash said the South Lawn festival was a way to connect the dots between Austin's SXSW, with its ideas for changing the world, and the people who are "doing the actual work" to use technology to improve worker rights, civil rights and more.


The White House tech fest also featured a student film festival, a wall of art made of Post-Its, Lego statues, demonstrations on the science of food and using technology to help the disabled and lots of music. Among those performing: the Lumineers, Gallant, Black Alley and DJ Bev Bond.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-04
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DeCaprio, who supports Hillary Clinton's campaign, said the scientific consensus about the dangers of climate change is in, and "the argument is now over."


He added: "If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts or in science. And therefore, in my humble opinion, you should not be allowed to hold public office.

And it is very good scientific method to declare the debate is over and to demonize any alternate point of view, right. Isn't that how science works? By winning the argument through mockery, shaming,and refusal to consider alternatives? And of course alternate views are also proper grounds for losing your right to be elected.


Progressive Liberal democracy in action.

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

And it is very good scientific method to declare the debate is over and to demonize any alternate point of view, right. Isn't that how science works? By winning the argument through mockery, shaming,and refusal to consider alternatives? And of course alternate views are also proper grounds for losing your right to be elected.


Progressive Liberal democracy in action.


No, by winning the argument through overwhelming scientific consensus. Would you also like to argue, for the sake of having an "alternative view," that cigarettes are not carcinogenic (as the tobacco companies' fake scientists tried to do for a while), or that the earth is flat, or that the moon is made of green cheese?

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The earth has had many changes from ice age to other over the approximately 4.5 billion years of it's existence. 

Depending on what you read,  mostly extreme, the problem is man made. Other media would say the Earth is actually cooling but this is not enough to slow the momentum of the ones who postulate the warming theory and accuse mankind of  their faults.


I need to see some credible evidence before I would agree to what some say. I am sick of graphs supposedly telling me the story with no X axis numbers reeks of an act to keep the momentum going.


A lot of money is made out of this for some.


I was forced to attend a meeting about this subject as the fairly large company I worked for insisted on all managers attending this two day lecture. The total crap put forward left me totally convinced the whole thing was a charade. This was  presented by the director of climate change.


We were also instructed that the ocean levels were rising as the Carteret Islands were being inundated. Well the fact is, like a number of coral atolls, these islands are sinking absolutely nothing to do with rising sea levels. I loved on a yacht for ten years and the water level around the marina hasn't changed noticeably

It would be good to have some real facts, not temperature readings at convenient times and places.

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Climate change has been going on since before man set foot on the planet, and guess what...the climate will continue to change long after we are all dust, regardless what these two clowns have to say about it!!

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14 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


No, by winning the argument through overwhelming scientific consensus. Would you also like to argue, for the sake of having an "alternative view," that cigarettes are not carcinogenic (as the tobacco companies' fake scientists tried to do for a while), or that the earth is flat, or that the moon is made of green cheese?

You offer up things that can be falsified through scientific method. Anthropogenic warming of the earth cannot be simulated in a lab. The link to cancer by tobacco can be seen through countless medical histories. Earth's history shows that warming of the earth causes increases in CO2 and not the other way around. Like today's fake scientists are trying to show.

At least you understand that fake (junk) science is a real thing.

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12 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

You offer up things that can be falsified through scientific method. Anthropogenic warming of the earth cannot be simulated in a lab. The link to cancer by tobacco can be seen through countless medical histories. Earth's history shows that warming of the earth causes increases in CO2 and not the other way around. Like today's fake scientists are trying to show.

At least you understand that fake (junk) science is a real thing.


I am not a scientist. Offhand, I cannot debunk nor confirm your statement about C02, and I have no idea where you get your information from. However, something like 97 percent of climate scientists do believe, through research that they have conducted, that global warming is real and man-made. I think it's entirely unreasonable to conclude that 97 percent of climate science is junk science, and the remaining 3 percent is what we should bank on.


Another way of looking at this is to follow the money, and here the example of the tobacco companies is instructive. Who profits from the notion that global warming is man-made? Manufacturers of solar panels perhaps? Last I looked, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not a major global industry. But who profits from debunking the notion that global warming is man-made? Industries that, I think, are among the most profitable in history, certainly profiting enough to buy off a few scientists and raftloads of politicians.


Drill, baby, drill!

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Leonardo DiCaprio... .ha, ha, ha.  Leonardo DiCaprio likes to tell us we have to cut back our lifestyles to "save the planet."  


     He's a wealthy jet setting champagne socialist.   A "Watermelon".   Green on the outside... red on the inside..  


      The jet setting hypocrite owns what ?  Four or five luxury massive homes ? ? I can't remember..  

   ...Rents his Saudi pal's huge 485 foot private yacht, "Topaz", and parties with 21 friends up and down the coast of Brazil, South America ..... the fifth largest private motor yacht in the world..  Sheikh Mansour is a close friend of DiCaprio.  The Sheikh paid more than $510,000,000.00 for the yacht. 


 DiCaprio also likes to rent or borrow the motor yacht Rising Sun for cruising around the mediterranean out of Cannes, France.   It was custom built in 2004 by Lurssen Yachts and owned by business magnate David Geffen.

It reportedly cost $200 million to build and is the 11th largest yacht in the world. 

It offers accommodation for up to 16 guests, a cinema, a wine cellar and is capable of carrying up to 45 crew members onboard. 

It also boasts a basketball court which can be transformed into a helipad if necessary.  Leonardo has even used it just all for himself before.


  DiCaprio hitched a flight on a private jet from the French Riviera to the U.S. to pick up an award... . then right back on the jet to fly back to France...     Flies all over the U.S. back and forth several times a year to parties and gatherings and speaking engagements..   


   And the idiot seriously tells the rest of us lowly peon middle income people that we have to cut back our "elaborate lifestyles" to "save the planet "    LOL....   


    Uhmmmm give me a moment to think it over before I give DiCaprio a yes or no to me cutting back my much poorer middle class lifestyle because he says so... .........            NO ! ! ! 

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58 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


No, by winning the argument through overwhelming scientific consensus. Would you also like to argue, for the sake of having an "alternative view," that cigarettes are not carcinogenic (as the tobacco companies' fake scientists tried to do for a while), or that the earth is flat, or that the moon is made of green cheese?

More infantile Green/Left red herrings. The topic is climate change.


The truth is that the Alarmists have lost. For all the lame virtue signalling that Obama and di Caprio can do, nothing can alter the fact that India has just ratified the Paris Agreement on climate, which legally allows it to triple its CO2 emissions by 2030, making it a larger CO2 emitter than even the US. China will approximately double its emissions by the same date.


Even scientists have acknowledged the failure to take meaningful action on CO2 in a report released last week:


"“The pledges [made at Paris by 190 nations] are not going to get even close,” said report lead author Sir Robert Watson, a University of East Anglia professor and former World Bank chief scientist who used to be chairman of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “If you governments of the world are really serious, you’re going to have to do way, way more.”


They clearly aren't going to do anything more, let alone "way, way more", just like they've done nothing for the past 20 years. 


That's the ball game.

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10 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


I am not a scientist. Offhand, I cannot debunk nor confirm your statement about C02, and I have no idea where you get your information from. However, something like 97 percent of climate scientists do believe, through research that they have conducted, that global warming is real and man-made. I think it's entirely unreasonable to conclude that 97 percent of climate science is junk science, and the remaining 3 percent is what we should bank on.


Another way of looking at this is to follow the money, and here the example of the tobacco companies is instructive. Who profits from the notion that global warming is man-made? Manufacturers of solar panels perhaps? Last I looked, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not a major global industry. But who profits from debunking the notion that global warming is man-made? Industries that, I think, are among the most profitable in history, certainly profiting enough to buy off a few scientists and raftloads of politicians.


Drill, baby, drill!

The American government alone is spending 22 billion this year on fighting mother nature. LINK

And that is just the government. imagine how much private citizens and corporations are contributing as well. And then consider all the other governments and corporations and citizens around the world. It gets into trillions. Wouldn't it be nice to be on the receiving end of that avalanche of cash.


So you ask who benefits, well, the entire discipline of climate science for one. Wouldn't it suck for all of those climate scientists, to have world to find out  this is a natural event which can't be altered.

And then you have politicians who really love to have a threat to save people from. And then you have the socialists who want to punish all capitalists. And then you have the globalist one world government people who find this to be an excellent platform to eradicate the sovereignty of nations. And so on...

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You missed out all the "progressive" journalists in the legacy media, the NGOs, lobby groups and activists who get taxpayer money thrown at them, the Mafia (who made billions out of bogus emissions trading schemes), insurance companies who jack up their rates, the big banks who get to 'disburse' climate funds, and otherwise unemployable hobbledehoys who find a living in the public bureaucracy 'advising' on climate change.


Taxpayers are the only losers.

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23 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

The American government alone is spending 22 billion this year on fighting mother nature. LINK

And that is just the government. imagine how much private citizens and corporations are contributing as well. And then consider all the other governments and corporations and citizens around the world. It gets into trillions. Wouldn't it be nice to be on the receiving end of that avalanche of cash.


So you ask who benefits, well, the entire discipline of climate science for one. Wouldn't it suck for all of those climate scientists, to have world to find out  this is a natural event which can't be altered.

And then you have politicians who really love to have a threat to save people from. And then you have the socialists who want to punish all capitalists. And then you have the globalist one world government people who find this to be an excellent platform to eradicate the sovereignty of nations. And so on...


<sigh> When the topic shifts to one-world-government conspiracy theories, my eyes just glaze over ... sorry ...

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He's the same Di Caprio who recently flew 8,000 miles in his private jet to accept an environmental award, of all things.


Obama is dishonest about climate, but Di Caprio is just clueless.  But they both enjoy addressing assembled world 'leaders' at the UN, so that's all right, then.

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3 hours ago, Hayduke said:

Wonder if Mr DiCaprio flew (as usual) to this jamboree on his environmentally friendly private jet?



Yeah I too read some reports a few months ago that he traveled on his private jet to pick up some climate award somewhere in Europe.


Still have to laugh about the Wolf of Wall Street movie he did financed by the stepson of the Malaysian Prime Minister with money that was plundered by those crooks from the Malaysians.


DiCaprio is as fake as someone can get and he has absolute no ethics.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I don't think his personal hypocrisy which I wouldn't bother denying is especially relevant to the issues here. It's a convenient way for science deniers to play games though. 

The only ones playing games are Obama (who knows he can do nothing about the climate but has to pretend he can) and Di Caprio (who urges people in the most publicly condescending way to give up their lifestyles while indulging his own to the full.) And it has nothing to do with science.


It's more than hypocrisy; it's a clear message that those who claim to care about 'climate change' are not prepared to act in a way which accords with their beliefs. The contempt shown for the despised masses is laid bare. Credibility is shot. And so nothing gets done.

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4 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


No, by winning the argument through overwhelming scientific consensus. Would you also like to argue, for the sake of having an "alternative view," that cigarettes are not carcinogenic (as the tobacco companies' fake scientists tried to do for a while), or that the earth is flat, or that the moon is made of green cheese?

temperature record from the British Antarctic Survey, temps taken at the Antarctic Pennensula: [ www.theaustralian.com.au%2fnews%2fnation%2fantarctic-cooling-after-decades-of-warming-say-scientists%2fnews-story%2fb69b61d71286ae3668301baa33ab0eb1/RK=0/RS=atSQMPeQXWXulTlKqben4wNWX74- ]

antarctic cooling for 20 years




and it's corroborated by more ice in Antarctica: [ http://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/nasa-study-mass-gains-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses ] and also by Antarctic sea ice extent records broken in 2013 and 2014 & BAS recorded lowest temperature ever at antarctica at -55.4*C in August 2014.




Asia glaciers "mysteriously" expanding

http://www.livescience.com/48256-asia-karakoram-glaciers-stability.html ..and more 'mystery' expanding glaciers in South America: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/06/090622-glaciers-growing.html


Arctic Ice has just very recently started to rebound http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.1.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.8.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.2.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.10.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.4.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.12.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.13.html http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/recent365.anom.region.7.html








where's your winning argument and scientific consensus now?


Edited by pkspeaker
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The debate is over.


It doesn’t matter what you think about the science of ‘global warming’, one fact is clear.


The policies being enacted by governments worldwide are exactly those that climate skeptics would agree with.


Do nothing on CO2, keep on burning fossil fuels to power your economies, while doing plenty of research to see if there is  some other energy source which can compete with oil & gas in terms of low cost and high reliability.


Those policies are now enshrined in international law, thanks to the Paris Agreement.


Obama and Di Caprio's virtue signalling is silly and irrelevant.

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I believe in climate change but I do not believe in an apparemtly wide-spread belief that the opinion of any famous person' on this subject, or any other major topic, is necessarily any more important than that of the man in the street.  Pop stars, sport personalities etc are often asked for their opinion by the media on all sort of subjects as if their response is of particular importance simply because they are famous.


In the case of Di Caprio, however, he clearly seems to be quite knowledgeable about climate change, so perhaps his opinion should be respected because of his knowledge and not just because of who he is.

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