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Chainat school investigating after 16 year old student alleges teacher attack


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It is Against the law to strike a child in Thailand.

Anyone who doesnt act within the l aw and give this prick a taste of his medicine should also be locked up.

Good thing for the teacher the police only work when paid. If you go to the police station they tell you to go home and call even. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzyy....

They also dont know many of the laws that are in place or just play dum.

Tax payers money at work ;)

Sadly for this girl she will be forced to take a meager bribe. Thats what these kids are learning.


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4 hours ago, DM07 said:

I hope, you will never be near my kids!


Astonishing, how in your life-experience, the victim always is the culprit and authorities are always right!


Please...don't answer!

I feel sick enough already!

I think you are being a little harsh with this guy, the teacher might have slapped her ear for talking rude, he might have even jabbed her with his finger, she's 16 or 17 years old M5 student! Unless you have been in the same situation you have no right to judge, some of these young "ladies" and "gentlemen" are only at school because the parents don't want them at home! This altercation took about a minute, conversation, assault and departure. Time it yourself see how far you get into the scenario!! :smile::wai:

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4 minutes ago, TPI said:

I think you are being a little harsh with this guy, the teacher might have slapped her ear for talking rude, he might have even jabbed her with his finger, she's 16 or 17 years old M5 student! Unless you have been in the same situation you have no right to judge, some of these young "ladies" and "gentlemen" are only at school because the parents don't want them at home! This altercation took about a minute, conversation, assault and departure. Time it yourself see how far you get into the scenario!! :smile::wai:


I find this remarkable.  It is not the place of teachers to slap ears or jab fingers into their students any more than it is the place of students to do it to their teachers.  Being slapped in the ear actually really hurts, as does being jabbed by a rigid finger.  I remember being 16 years old and adults were still quite awe-inspiring, especially if they became physically aggressive.  As a female up against a male teacher I would guess that is even more the case.

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2 hours ago, oldlakey said:

The Chinese say sorry is no cure

I respectfully suggest you pay much more attention to the OP in future


...and I suggest, you keep your condescending tone to yourself!

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6 hours ago, greenchair said:

These rotten little sods making up stories about the teachers. 

I have seen it myself in the schools time and time again. the teacher barely touches the kid. The kid sits there for the rest of the day pinching themselves, scratching themselves, digging pencils into themselves and yes hitting themselves. Come home time suddenly the kid bursts into tears, with all the teaches wondering what's wrong. They have bruises from playing and often say the teacher did it. I tapped a kid just above the knee for giving me the middle finger and pretending to masturbate in my class. Then he told the class teacher I made the bruise on his lower leg. When the kid gets a low score, they are hellbent on getting that teacher out. This is the new way to do it. 

These are the kids that ruin classes and stop the children that want to learn. Hope she gets thrown out the school for lying. 

Is she lying? How do you know she was lying? Can't teachers report bad behavior to the principle if being subjected to it?

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2 hours ago, saminoz said:



You are definitely in the wrong (and I hesitate to say the word, in the case of the majority of so-called farang "English teachers") profession.

Until proven otherwise, based on your post, I'd have to put you in the same bin as  most of the other half-illiterates who, somehow, end up getting a job teaching English here in Thailand.  It wouldn't happen anywhere else.  It is merely a reflection of the extremely low standards accepted in the broken Thai education system.

You clearly have the wrong mentality to be working with children and if I ever heard of you "tapping" my kid above the knee (why there?) I'd be sorely tempted to take you to one side and give you a good tapping myself.

Teachers should never, ever physically abuse a child, no matter what.

In my opinion I believe that it's exactly this attitude that has brought Gen y to its ugly place in the world! Gen Y (in Oz) are the laziest, foulest spoken, most drug taking, baby making (if you're a 15 - 16 year old girl), dole bludging group on the planet and it's all thanks to these overweaning political correct "<deleted>", with their self imposed feelings of superiority to the average working person ( a group that they pretend to be in tune with?) . Bah Humbug! :smile::wai:

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42 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

I thought this forum had rules against bullying other members. Very threatening post. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

Well I don't see any bullying or threats directed at this person, a few statements of fact that could be well deserved. Yes, everyone has the right to have an opinion which was demonstrated here by the poster just like you have demonstrated yours, even if we don't agree.

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5 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

Is she lying? How do you know she was lying? Can't teachers report bad behavior to the principle if being subjected to it?

In a word........No! the teacher would be counseled to take control of the situation and to stop whinging to the director. IMHO I think most of "professional" "highly educated" "committed" foreign teachers in Thailand need to take their "gap" year in the US or UK......Asia is a little too barbaric for their gentle souls! :smile::wai:

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

The Father in this case has done the right thing and gone to the police, let's see what action that lot do, this is a blatant case of assault..............................................:coffee1:



My thoughts exactly, well done dad  did the right thing. 

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5 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

Are you commenting on this post? Or just attacking this poster?

Just curious...........

Don't be curious, read it how you will,  as a potential part-time self appointed moderator you need to make your own decisions :post-4641-1156694005:

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3 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

I would have to disagree my teachers gave me a good smacking a few times and I deserved it. Maybe there are times students need it.

There is never a time for a teacher to strike a child as a form of punishment. 


There is of course the argument that children should stopped from harming themselves or others, but even then the focus should be on restraining the child, not striking them. 

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8 hours ago, greenchair said:

These rotten little sods making up stories about the teachers. 

I have seen it myself in the schools time and time again. the teacher barely touches the kid. The kid sits there for the rest of the day pinching themselves, scratching themselves, digging pencils into themselves and yes hitting themselves. Come home time suddenly the kid bursts into tears, with all the teaches wondering what's wrong. They have bruises from playing and often say the teacher did it. I tapped a kid just above the knee for giving me the middle finger and pretending to masturbate in my class. Then he told the class teacher I made the bruise on his lower leg. When the kid gets a low score, they are hellbent on getting that teacher out. This is the new way to do it. 

These are the kids that ruin classes and stop the children that want to learn. Hope she gets thrown out the school for lying. 


Apparently despite the rules against  overly negative comments about Thai people here,  negative posts against all Thai students are allowed, whereas criticisms of such are not and will be deleted.

Meanwhile to physically abuse a student in any way is illegal in this country.  One can only hope that perpetrators ultimately get their just desserts whomever they may be and however light they claim those 'taps'  were.


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Who is right or wrong is another matter. You have to see the behavior of some of these students to believe how badly they behave. Whatever happen to all the buddhist teaching? Nothing left?

Thai teachers don't like to be put down by rich kids in the school that is for sure.

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9 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Man he's going to get it now. They might even give him a stern talking to.


10 hours ago, seajae said:

any male teacher hitting a female  student has no possible defence, then again after the cup throwing teacher  was only slapped on the wrist this low life mongrel will probably get off as well. Thailand simply has no respect for students and the teachers think they are too important to be punished. Lock the bastard up.

Sounds like he could be in for a promotion and consulting a lawyer for defan

mation seeking four million in damages.

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Students are usually a product of their teachers.  Good teachers can create good students.  That can and does happen on a local basis- by which I mean students can be good or bad specifically depending on the teacher in that classroom environment.  I can't see any teacher getting far by resorting to violence as has been suggested here.  They had already made that a criminal offence by the time I got to school in the 1970s.

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10 hours ago, DM07 said:

"He put his hands up to defend himself and was attacked first. The student was showing disrespectful behavior."

So...let's get that straight!

He wants us to believe and feel compassionate for him, because...

- he was attacked by a 12 year old...

- ...girl...

- ...first...

- he had to defend himself, which lead to the visible signs on the girls body...but none on his...

- "disrespectful behavior" - whatever that means- can by no means be tolerated and has to be retaliated with physical violence...


I think, I got that right!

What a tool! 


The girl is 16 or 17, not 12. Of course, still no reason to be hitting her.

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5 minutes ago, Slip said:

Students are usually a product of their teachers.  Good teachers can create good students.  That can and does happen on a local basis- by which I mean students can be good or bad specifically depending on the teacher in that classroom environment.  I can't see any teacher getting far by resorting to violence as has been suggested here.  They had already made that a criminal offence by the time I got to school in the 1970s.

The dye is cast at home by the parents and overall environment no question in my mind about that

Difficult for any teacher however dedicated they are to turn that around

In my neck of the woods I was told by a teacher they call them buffaloes if they dont want to learn

They sit at the back of the classroom the fans are turned off, they go to slept thus not disrupting those who do want to learn

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5 hours ago, saminoz said:



You are definitely in the wrong (and I hesitate to say the word, in the case of the majority of so-called farang "English teachers") profession.

Until proven otherwise, based on your post, I'd have to put you in the same bin as  most of the other half-illiterates who, somehow, end up getting a job teaching English here in Thailand.  It wouldn't happen anywhere else.  It is merely a reflection of the extremely low standards accepted in the broken Thai education system.

You clearly have the wrong mentality to be working with children and if I ever heard of you "tapping" my kid above the knee (why there?) I'd be sorely tempted to take you to one side and give you a good tapping myself.

Teachers should never, ever physically abuse a child, no matter what.

Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 

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6 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 


3 minutes ago, kleelof said:

Which countries?

And who are they?  You admit to illegally beating your students, but that doesn't make it correct.

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3 hours ago, Gandtee said:

Is she lying? How do you know she was lying? Can't teachers report bad behavior to the principle if being subjected to it?


Once again, I fail to see how the teacher could have made those bruises. I think she did herself. 

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There are certain people in this world who will always blame victims.  It is interesting to note that from the evidence in this thread those people are the same ones who are guilty of the crimes.

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Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 

Holy sh1t!
Are you crazy?
Good luck to you. You're gunner need it. Way illegal.
This is a public forum! Dude your getting into deep water. Time to lose your account and try another forum.
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