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Pound drops to lowest level since 1985 


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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


It seems like the penny is starting to drop, however, and a new word is entering our lexicon. The Bregretters are those who voted to leave but are now realising just how Pyrrhic your victory is.


Brexit: If EU referendum was held again Remain would win due to 'Bregret', official figures reveal


    Well I've read a poll that indeed did show that 3% of those who voted Britex would now change their vote, however 4% of those who voted remain have now stated they also would change their Vote.

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47 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


You remainers really don't like the EU's problems being discussed, do you? We even had one clown a couple of weeks ago trying to close off discussion of Deutche Bank's problems as offtopic!


Brexiters scour the media looking for good news about the UK going forward. Remainers scour the media looking for bad news (nearly always speculation by some think tank-or-other), and always do their level best to downplay the good news, but they're hoping for the best :laugh:.


Your specialty is to look for good news for the economy Brit but you do not see.


So, with your friend Sgt Guignol you try to justify your aberrant choice by fanciful calamitous forecasts in Europe.


You cling to the fall of the Deutsche Bank value as a louse on a bum head. But DB is not Europe. She will be saved or replaced by another, definitely more cautious. And the entities involved declining are global. It is also no coincidence that the first few subsidiaries discontinued are all US.


In confidence, I inform you that a small spot on the German monetary management is rather good news for other European countries. Like you, we all wish Miss Angela put a slight downside in its dominant ambitions. But we also know that his great country will not let slow down by this episode.


Thank you nevertheless continue to distract us with your prophecies worthy of the Muppets Show

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I understand KH that's what I was getting at it being negative but it certainly should never been said that the issue isn't relevant.

Im more worried by the related story http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/721289/Doom-for-Deutsche-Bank-as-largest-lender-Qatar-pulls-plug-on-future-equity

If Qatar don't back them (which they said they would last week) then they are heading for a very rocky ride, as are all of us (think Lehmans only much worse).
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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


You remainers really don't like the EU's problems being discussed, do you? We even had one clown a couple of weeks ago trying to close off discussion of Deutche Bank's problems as offtopic!


Brexiters scour the media looking for good news about the UK going forward. Remainers scour the media looking for bad news (nearly always speculation by some think tank-or-other), and always do their level best to downplay the good news, but they're hoping for the best :laugh:.


That's not reasonable.


I have frequently cited many areas where I have problems with the EU.


My beef with Rock is his continuous negativity and apparent glee at the possibility of harm to the EU


I hope for the best for my home country but I'm worried. Right now I am worried that Mrs May's band will use the referendum as an excuse to drive the country further to the right and not for the betterment of many who voted out ?

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12 minutes ago, JB300 said:


Im more worried by the related story http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/721289/Doom-for-Deutsche-Bank-as-largest-lender-Qatar-pulls-plug-on-future-equity

If Qatar don't back them (which they said they would last week) then they are heading for a very rocky ride, as are all of us (think Lehmans only much worse).



As I have been saying for months, despite the procrastinations of those that have there heads deeply embedded where the sun dont shine and cannot see past the end of there noses.


It is getting worse for DB.


On Friday



Deutsche Bank Pays $38 Million To Settle Silver Manipulation Lawsuit




The only reason that DB is currently an ongoing concern on the expectation that the DOJ is going to drop its fine from $ 14 Billion to the region of $ 4 - 5 Billion.


IMO this is not going to happen due to the massive amounts of lawsuits that DB have had to settle over the last 2 years.



There is a very real possibility that Deutsche Bank is going down.

If the most prominent bank in Germany fails, the effect on Europe will be profound, and I don’t think the United States will escape the effects. The ripples will turn into a tsunami as they travel across the Atlantic. Already, the bank’s troubles have stressed the American stock market.

Angela Merkel has stated that Deutsche Bank will not be getting a bailout from the European Central Bank – the lender of last resort for European banks.




Think Lehmans but only worse ? Understatement of the day. This will kill the euro completely and ultimately lead to the demise of the entire EZ.


Contrary to the wisdom of those who doubt that this will happen, the UK will benefit enormously from this, providing that they can put a big enough buffer zone in place before the EZ collapses.

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43 minutes ago, nontabury said:


    Well I've read a poll that indeed did show that 3% of those who voted Britex would now change their vote, however 4% of those who voted remain have now stated they also would change their Vote.


Can you provide a link please, as is standard protocol for such discussions?

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:


So tell me Gravy, what is the point you are making? Are you happy that DB is having to liquidate assets? Is that good for you?


You see, I don't think you are a cynical bastard or a fifth columnist. So, what are you up to?

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Ah yes, Matthew Parris. He's been quite the ardent supporter of remain inbetween his tireless work trying to halt all the investigations into alleged high-up paedophile rings.


the Marmite scandal and alleged paedophile rings will surely kill the EU, propel Sterling to unseen heights and justify Brexit.


OOPS! i forgot Deutsche Bank.

Edited by Naam
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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Ah yes, Matthew Parris. He's been quite the ardent supporter of remain inbetween his tireless work trying to halt all the investigations into alleged high-up paedophile rings.


1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Ah yes, Matthew Parris. He's been quite the ardent supporter of remain inbetween his tireless work trying to halt all the investigations into alleged high-up paedophile rings.


Ridiculous deflection. 

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:


So tell me Gravy, what is the point you are making? Are you happy that DB is having to liquidate assets? Is that good for you?


You see, I don't think you are a cynical bastard or a fifth columnist. So, what are you up to?

The point I was making that this story is relevant to the thread (which it was quoted as not) of the Pound and the EU. Consequently I feel if this does happen the pound will benefit and strengthen. Cynical I am not a Barsteward, I have been called on occasion.

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53 minutes ago, nontabury said:


    Well I've read a poll that indeed did show that 3% of those who voted Britex would now change their vote, however 4% of those who voted remain have now stated they also would change their Vote.


That's interesting! Please post the link. (I shan't hold my breath)

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Just for you Changers


BOOM! Deutsche Bank Largest Customer, QATAR, Pulls the plug




That collapse is going to happen even quicker than I thought.


Might not even have to wait until the end of March 2017.

^^^ End of Sgt Rock's Quote^^^

If it does, I can't see anyway the UK can shelter itself from the shockwaves... so the question is, what's going to be left to pick back up


Don't know why the quoted post keeps getting messed up

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4 hours ago, i claudius said:

So if it lasts longer ,i will lose out , but i will still win because it was never about the money it was about being free of the E.U  and we are , so remain away , WE WON .:post-4641-1156694572::post-4641-1156694572::post-4641-1156694572:


Like it or not, i claudius is ahead of the game, ahead of both Brexiteers and Remainers, because unlike the (I am assuming) majority of sterling expats similarly exposed he hedged his sterling income/holdings ahead of the referendum. At least he now has a year's grace. There will be some in a similar position who may not have even really been thinking about hedging specifically against the referendum but rather buying baht as a part of a normal routine of doing so when the rate appeared OK to them. And then there are those guys who just have a load of baht, whether from selling a property or 'er, whatever... All of them, including i-c, have the immediate luxury of being protected against the negative impact of that which they profess. IMHO, when someone who is hedged says 'it was never about the money', it might be nonsense, but they sort of get a free pass. On the other hand when someone says the same and they are not hedged then they just appear foolish. So I say: 'All Hail Caesar! Claudius (for one year!)'.

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4 minutes ago, JB300 said:




That collapse is going to happen even quicker than I thought.


Might not even have to wait until the end of March 2017.


If it does, I can't see anyway the UK can shelter itself from the shockwaves... so the question is, what's going to be left to pick back up emoji15.png



I am actually of the opinion that the UK along with just about every other Western Nation is in dire need of the reset button to be pushed and to start again from scratch.


The current model is not working.

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56 minutes ago, nontabury said:


    Well I've read a poll that indeed did show that 3% of those who voted Britex would now change their vote, however 4% of those who voted remain have now stated they also would change their Vote.


In your dreams perhaps, big sigh, link please!

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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

On the other hand when someone says the same and they are not hedged then they just appear foolish


And there is nothing that makes someone look foolish as making assumptions about others when you do not have a clue about their circumstances.


There is a lesson in there. Try learning it.

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45 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

Just for you Changers





That collapse is going to happen even quicker than I thought.


Might not even have to wait until the end of March 2017.


All they've said is that they wont make any further equity investments and they said that three days ago! Wake me on this when they have actually collapsed, are dead an buried.


BTW didn't I say I care not a jot about DB!

Edited by chiang mai
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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

The point I was making that this story is relevant to the thread (which it was quoted as not) of the Pound and the EU. Consequently I feel if this does happen the pound will benefit and strengthen. Cynical I am not a Barsteward, I have been called on occasion.


OK, so your view is that if DB does not make it that will help the pound? Fine, thank you.

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6 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


I am actually of the opinion that the UK along with just about every other Western Nation is in dire need of the reset button to be pushed and to start again from scratch.


The current model is not working.


Hello! its the 'reset button' Darth Vader team to the rescue!

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25 minutes ago, Naam said:


the Marmite scandal and alleged paedophile rings will surely kill the EU, propel Sterling to unseen heights and justify Brexit.


OOPS! i forgot Deutsche Bank.


As an offtopic aside, you might want to read up on the Marc Dutroux case and it's aftermath. Notwithstanding the wild conspiracy theories, a lot of very odd things have gone on with it.

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Hmm, inflation picks up, highest in two years, things are starting to get interesting:


"U.K. inflation accelerated to the fastest in almost two years in September, according to data from the Office for National Statistics published in London on Tuesday."



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Just now, Khun Han said:


Er.....why does Mervyn King picking up a free pension make his views on economics invalid? Deflection indeed!


Just now, Khun Han said:


Er.....why does Mervyn King picking up a free pension make his views on economics invalid? Deflection indeed!


Because he is retired and not giving a professional opinion. He has a vested interest in his personal investments. In other words, his views are not unbiased. I assume you are not a fat cat? 

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3 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

Hmm, inflation picks up, highest in two years, things are starting to get interesting:


"U.K. inflation accelerated to the fastest in almost two years in September, according to data from the Office for National Statistics published in London on Tuesday."




A massive surge to a 2 year high of a whole 1%


Can you give me a nudge when it reaches 15% and my Gold Plated, Indexed linked Pension starts to get interesting.



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