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Swede denies sexual assault charges


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Swede denies sexual assault charges

by Maria Jønsson




BANGKOK: -- On Thursday 22 September 2016, a 34-year-old Swedish man was in Oslo District Court, charged with having sexually abused a Thai girl since she was13 years old.


He is also accused of being in possession of abusive images of children. The 34-year-old denies the charges saying that he and the 13-year-old girl were in love.


According to the prosecution, the Swede met the girl on Koh Samui in 2008. She came from a poor town in Northern Thailand, and had just arrived on the island with her mother to work as a prostitute and dancer.


In court, the 34-year-old said that he met the girl in a bar where he was told that she was 18 years old. He paid a small amount to the bar to bring the girl to the hotel, and the following days he could take her on a trip around Thailand.


The accused described the journey as a honeymoon and explained that he was in love with the young girl. During this trip, they had sexual intercourse several times, and the girl got pregnant. The Swede knew about the pregnancy before leaving Thailand, and DNA tests show that he is the father of the child.


The Thai girl was not present in court, but her explanation was read aloud by Attorney General, Asbjørg Lykkjen. In her explanation, the girl confirms that she did not give her real age when they first met in Thailand. She also told that she shared a room with him when they travelled together, but that she did not feel anything for him and only saw him as a customer.


Full story: http://scandasia.com/swede-denies-sexual-assault-charges/


-- ScandAsia 2016-10-05

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...And the wheel goes round & round.


The mother moved to Samui just to put her child into prostitution.


Wonder if the baby Daddy will support his child ? Or if he will let his MIL raise her ? So the wheel can go round again.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I mean the man admits he did it right?  Granted he may have been "lied" to, but come on.  There is a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, or as I think I was told a 16 year old which is somewhat legal in Thailand and considered the age of consent?  Still, the man testifies he had relations.  I assume he is hoping that helps his sentencing since their isn't much doubt about his guilt.

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I wonder if any of those who fall in lust quickly will take anything from the statement ' only saw him as a customer ' ?


Unfortunate old story though with mum seeing  her daughter as a way to make money and age doesn't come into it.

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Sad to see people so desperate for money that they feel they must give their own child to be abused like this and a guy who is so desperate for "love" that he is apparently blind to the fact that his "bride" is so young and sees him only as a john.

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2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I mean the man admits he did it right?  Granted he may have been "lied" to, but come on.  There is a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, or as I think I was told a 16 year old which is somewhat legal in Thailand and considered the age of consent?  Still, the man testifies he had relations.  I assume he is hoping that helps his sentencing since their isn't much doubt about his guilt.


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   


2 hours ago, HoboKay said:

So this is a case of a possible pedophile being entrapped by an underaged prostitute? 


Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.

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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

...And the wheel goes round & round.


The mother moved to Samui just to put her child into prostitution.


Wonder if the baby Daddy will support his child ? Or if he will let his MIL raise her ? So the wheel can go round again.


If the wheel goes around in uniformed circles, the mother could be as young as 26/27yo. It could well have been the mother doing the BG/dancer bit, which would make more sense especially in tourist areas.


But, you never know....................

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9 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand..


Australians can be prosecuted in Australia for sex with under 16 (in foreign country). I presume Norway has a similar law. But I do not know how the Swede became involved in Norway.


Edited by DoctorG
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10 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.

Your statement is not logic to me. In fact, many Thai women look younger to Farangs than they actually are. That means logically the Swede had sex with someone that must have looked like a baby to him. 

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18 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


If the wheel goes around in uniformed circles, the mother could be as young as 26/27yo. It could well have been the mother doing the BG/dancer bit, which would make more sense especially in tourist areas.


But, you never know....................

Lots of unanswered questions starting with has the Swede been here before but he won't be the first to be fooled by a mature looking girl presenting herself as older than her age. With money to be made no one would be likely to tell him.


I suppose there's the age on her passport issue but again not necessarily a problem here as there'a a way around everything.

If money was being sent home to mum she wouldn't be bothered about anything.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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13 minutes ago, DoctorG said:


Australians can be prosecuted in Australia for sex with under 16 (in foreign country). I presume Norway has a similar law. But I do not know how the Swede became involved in Norway.



He was caught with child porn...

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A - I really loved her.

B - He was nothing more to me than a customer.


Oldest story in the world, oldest 'job' in the world. Note that the girl was brought (read sold) by her own mother. Lying about age ...


Thai 'love stories' in a nutshell.



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45 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.

"Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand...."

Could it be because he lives in Oslo?  




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quite a story. not so impressed with the photo that goes along with it. if they guy has kiddie porn he is guilty as hell. shame as he needs to be locked up and wont be able to support his kid. his kid is the biggest victim in the story. the 13 year old is the second biggest victim. her mother needs to shoulder some of the blame. getting your 13 year old daughter in prostitution when she was supposed to be protecting her. she needs to be punished, of course she wont. the 'i loved her', 'he was only a customer' is pretty much standard and covers most of the thai/western relationships i have seen in thailand. the 13 year old probably should have played the 'we are a loving couple' card to keep him out of jail in the hope of child support. might be better if he is locked up which unlikely anyway.

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I mean the man admits he did it right?  Granted he may have been "lied" to, but come on.  There is a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, or as I think I was told a 16 year old which is somewhat legal in Thailand and considered the age of consent?  Still, the man testifies he had relations.  I assume he is hoping that helps his sentencing since their isn't much doubt about his guilt.

Hmm. You would think there was a a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, but I recall going recently to a night market and being saddened to see what was a girl of 13-14 or so working there instead of being in school. Turns out she was 21 and the youthful look probably caused by early malnutrition. Now I admit I am usually a pretty crappy judge of age and even by my standards that was a bit of a whopper, but it does go to show...

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15 minutes ago, George2 said:

Why is it not the mother of the girl that is being arrested and the girl taken to child protective services?


The article states this tryst occured in 2008 so the girl is now 21 and the baby is now 7 years old. 


Curious how this ever came to the attention of the authorities in Norway. Someone had to tip them off in order to initiate an investigation. 

Edited by ClutchClark
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4 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

quite a story. not so impressed with the photo that goes along with it. if they guy has kiddie porn he is guilty as hell. shame as he needs to be locked up and wont be able to support his kid. his kid is the biggest victim in the story. the 13 year old is the second biggest victim. her mother needs to shoulder some of the blame. getting your 13 year old daughter in prostitution when she was supposed to be protecting her. she needs to be punished, of course she wont. the 'i loved her', 'he was only a customer' is pretty much standard and covers most of the thai/western relationships i have seen in thailand. the 13 year old probably should have played the 'we are a loving couple' card to keep him out of jail in the hope of child support. might be better if he is locked up which unlikely anyway.


So, in your opinion (and some other posters apparently) the guy is more guilty than the mother?


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1 hour ago, robertthebruce said:

Terrible in all instances......from the Mother to the Swede....


Poor girl at 13 years old, and also got pregnant, wonder where the child is now...


sad case.....


4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

...And the wheel goes round & round.


The mother moved to Samui just to put her child into prostitution.


Wonder if the baby Daddy will support his child ? Or if he will let his MIL raise her ? So the wheel can go round again.

Of course the daddy will support his child,, he loves her,      along with all the child porn photos he has .... 

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1 minute ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


So, in your opinion (and some other posters apparently) the guy is more guilty than the mother?


seems to be pretty much the norm  here in Thailand, especially up north..          A girl on the game is the only thing some of the poor families  can make any good  money from..     and if a girl at 13 has a baby, then old mother nature is saying she is old enough to have sex ??? 

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