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EU plan to counter Brexit: give teenagers free InterRail tickets


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I'd have to say I like the idea. Couple of my school friends went interrailing after school to France and where-not, I myself was active in student organizations and we organized holidays with partner organizations in different European universities all the way to Russia, organized events for Erasmus students and amateur language courses. Felt really adventurous taking a bus to Ukraine in the mid nineties.


Anything that promotes the European idea, which led to an unprecedented era of peace, and works against xenophobia between our western societies and people is a good thing.


But it won't help against the feeling of alienation when you see your country beleaguered by an angry mob of third-world simians wanting in and wrecking your way of life with street-crime and taking down your social security net. Which is what made the British vote Brexit, at least the decisive margin.

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10 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Laughing gravy.

Dont let this poster wind you up mate.He lives in another world.He probably puts his Salvation Army uniform on every night.i've read some of your posts,and to me,they usually make sense.

Keep em comin.

KKD that made me laugh so much. The salvation army thought had my sides splitting. Thanks for the comments.


Here is a classic example that is a common on a daily basis when you mix water with oil.



The point I am making for anyone who doesn't 'get it' is that the migrants coming to the UK with their own culture and religion can't assimilate, will not integrate and are trying their best to eradicate the culture of the UK. Same across western Europe.

The story above is a classic example which was taken from todays newspaper. The mainstream media have been silenced in reporting crimes against the UK people from migrants and Muslims in the UK. As I go back to the UK a couple of times a year for work and also visits, I can see the city and town centres changing and not for the best. No go areas, Shria law imposed, UK people forced out of their homes in which they lived for generations. No wonder 17 million people voted who have simply had enough and want their life and homes back. Kudos to them. If these migrants did what the West Indian and Caribbean's did in the 1950s and became a part of the UK then I would not be resistant towards them Unfortunately they do not and will not stop until the whole of the UK is under Muslim control. Thankfully and hopefully the people have now voted, to reverse this internal invasion.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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The Europeans (Or continentals I suppose we may now have to call them) recognise that the young of the UK who voted stay got rogered by a bunch of sad old imperialists, many of who believed what they read in the "Mail" and the "Sun" - yes their brains are really that tiny. It is refreshing to read Mr Claffey's human and informed comments. UK Immigrants are not all looking for free handouts, they do in fact make a significant overall contribution to the economy,  the evidence of this is indisputable. I wonder how many of the bold expat Brexiteers whose pension Pound is now worth 44 Bhats not the 55 it was a year ago realise that they shot themselves in the foot?

Are You related to that Family on Benidorm T.V. Show.Feckless load of Security Bums who seem to be accepted by the Left and disliked by the Working Brits including all Immigrants who don't leach but work alongside principled BritsJust to be sneared at when the Pension they worked a lifetime for drops in Value whilst enjoying their Autumn Years. Ah well,some charmers out there folks

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Getting back on to the topic I do think that the EU bigwigs see this as an opportunity to hoodwink the young into thinking that the EU is wonderful and to be fair the young have never known a time when the EU has not been running the place, the young have nothing to job the EU by, so a nice little bribe to cement the populous paid for by the member countries and not the Brussels gang.

At last they know that the UK has woken up and spoken and want nothing to do with most of their dictatorial ways.

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18 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


I'm off to Italy to collect all my freebies. Those Romans were nasty blighters when they invaded and destroyed parts of my homeland,


Afghans and Iraqis left to starve in Syria - what are you on about? Afghans, Iraqis and Syrians should remain in their own country and try and sort out the mess that centuries of bitter tribal, racial and radical religious sects differences have created. They can't seem to do that on their own - well tough shit. 


Germany, or Merkel to be precise has too agendas - she though she'd be feted and awarded for her wonderful humanitarian acts and also solve Germany's potential low end labor shortage projections. Sadly she never bothered to think of the cultural, logistical or financial costs; or more importantly to ask her own parliament, people or those of other countries she decided should also take quotas.


The refugees - many of which are simply illegal economic migrants hoping for a better economic future at someone else's expense, have little to no intentions of ever changing or assimilating and will quite happily carry on their old behavior and culture and turn their new homes into replicas of their home country. 


Stop blaming the West for other countries failures. Their political, religious and social cultures are their reasons for failures. Notice you don't comment on the total lack of support from the very wealthy fellow Moslem countries. No, these countries know exactly what these others are and will not allow them in. 


But again the bleeding heart liberals love self flagellation.

I think you'll find, if you bother to educate yourself, that the refugee problem in Syria and Afghanistan has its origins in the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. These war crimes led to the rise of extremism in Islamic countries and the rise of ISIS in particular. The civil war in Syria is very complex and does have other factors involved but it can still be argued that the rise of extremism is one of the contributing factors to the refugee crisis..


So lets looks at it like this... The US and UK invade Iraq and Afghanistan, looking for weapons of mass destruction, which never existed in the first place. This bred extremism all across the middle east and led to the eventual rise of Isis. Refugees start to leave Syria due to the horrific civil war. But guess what. One of the main antagonists (Britain) leaves the EU because of this influx of immigrants which they are partly responsible for creating in the first place! So how, can I ask you, can one not blame the West for what has happened? The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan have led to chaos in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. They are all, quite clearly linked, and the fault of Mr.Bush and his cronies...

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On 05/10/2016 at 0:18 PM, claffey said:


Do you live in Thailand? You are also an immigrant if you do. Of course you should be allowed to travel wherever you want but the millions of refugees, who are a consequence of the West's wars of economic conquest in Afghanistan and Iraq, should be left to starve and die in Syria etc. People like you are disgusting hypocrites. 


I think what Germany has done is wonderful. They have opened their country to help ease the refugee crisis in Syria and Afghanistan. Britain's withdrawal from the EU shows that the old imperial attitudes (just like yours) are still prevalent today.


Perhaps you should re consider your immigrant status here and return back to isolation? 


Wait there. Another question if I may be so bold. Are you married to a Thai? That would be you such a hypocrite that its hard to think of words to describe...



Well said Claffey. These clowns have been crowing since they "got their country back". 

Now, we 16+ million have got to clear up the morons' mess cos they ain't gotta clue. When challenged they use the "terrorist/immigrant" obfuscation. Pathetic

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