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Hawaii trip: Thai Airways wants  internet prosecuted over leaked passenger list


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23 minutes ago, fish monger said:

The government has also refused to disclose who was traveling with Gen. Prawit. However, an anti-junta Facebook page called “Stop Hypocrisy in Thailand” on Sunday published what it said was the passenger list, which included two businessmen unrelated to defense affairs and a TV reporter rumored to be romantically involved with Prawit.  ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH PRAWIT....! 555555555555555555555555.....I am going to be sick.


Yes - but we really should show love and compassion for a man-pig. What a terrible affliction: to have one's inner moral soul depicted so graphically and powerfully upon one's outer physical person. Ugh!


Real pigs everywhere feel insulted, of course  - and quite right too (they are beautiful in comparison)!

Edited by Eligius
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What a joke - prosecute the internet! Some people live in fairyland.


And if the Deputy PM and his entourage were doing nothing wrong, what is the problem?


If they are doing something wrong, then they need to be exposed! Or are the rich/powerful/connected/elite above the law? :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, Xircal said:


Well, a 747 isn't a balloon which will float across the ocean without power. So deduct about three million for the round trip fuel costs. That and the cost of chartering the aircraft.


It was still a lavish trip by Thai standards though.




Would have loved to have been one of the passengers on this tour.....

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2 hours ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

look in the yingluk thread

Yes, they"re having a veritable YL feast over there. Probably helps them get over the shame of having large amounts of egg on their faces.

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Pray-o has cosied up to Prem & the old guard and thrown Prawit's cadre under the bus with the recent army chief appointment. Prawit's people are probably behind the revelations of his family's nepotism, while his own people may be striking back with these leaks. It's about to get interesting...

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50 minutes ago, matta330 said:

Interesting list with seat assignments in the article.  Nine people got to fly in First Class and everybody else in Business Class with absolutely no one in coach. 

I think they had to charter the entire flight, so that makes sense. It is still the lax security in Thai Airways that led to this pax list being published.

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5 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

seriously, are there any left?


Yes, they are all over on the "Rice Scheme" thread, salivating over the prospect of the junta taking money of Yingluck before she has been found guilty.


They won't come anywhere near this thread.....

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Why are Thai Airways asking for social Media page owners to be prosecuted? It seems like Thai Airways should be prosecuted for lax security in allowing their pax list to be copied!! So if in doubt, when you are guilty, blame someone else.

Here is Thailand,thais never take responsibility for their own shit,much easier to blame always somebody else,or sue for defamation

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9 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

I reckon the tax-payer also footed the bill for those Hawaiian shirts.......

It does beg the question that if active military personnel are attending the conference on government official time (vs personal), why are they not in uniform?

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7 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Never would want to take the junta's side, but is there a (Thai) national carrier that actually flies to Hawaii?  According to Thai's website, Hawaii is not mentioned as a destination.  If there is not national carrier that goes to Hawaii, then they may be justified in using a charter.  And if it were justified, would B550,000 per lackey be obscene ?  It would be terribly painful to have to side with the junta.

Try to keep up charter flight

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8 hours ago, sead said:

There will be no more news about this. I have never seen any nation as Thailand where the people totally ignore or have 0 interest in whats happening in their country.


I got beer and popcorn ready and am waiting for Thailand to sue internet and Fayboo....They are both guilty by showing those pictures and i want to see fingers pointing at them before they go to jail. :sleepy:

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11 hours ago, keith101 said:

the Thai people have a right to know who was on the flight and what their money was paying for , full transparency is the only way to put this storey to bed .


Nope, not in Thailand where the anti-defamation concept trumps even common sense and "full transparency" is something found only in some bars.

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4 minutes ago, angmo said:

What happened to following the sufficiency economy policy which the PM is promoting in another thread? Obviously these guys did not get a copy in time

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


The Sufficiency Economy is meant to apply to the Phrai (masses), who should be happy with having just enough to be sufficient, while the amart are free to indulge.

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