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Highway road rage shooting: Vios owner says she lent her car to a relative


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3 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

It is obvious from watching the video that the guy in the Vios started riding the rear end of the truck to get the Vigo driver to move to the left lane so he could pass.  All the guy had to do was pass the Vigo in the left lane, but these types of people are so arrogant that they demand their way.  This happens to me very often.  I will be running at or above the speed limit in the right lane and maybe I'm momentarily distracted by a conversation with my wife, then all of a sudden I will look in my rear view mirror and see some nutcase right on my butt. They have every opportunity to simply pass me on the left, but they feel it is their right to force me to move over and will even begin to pass me on the right when there is no roadway left to do so, thus endangering all of our lives and the lives of others in a possible wreck. When this happens I will always tap my brakes and slow down to get the driver to back off, and they eventually go around me.  That's exactly what the guy in the Vigo did, and this Vios driver was just arrogant and selfish enough to turn it into a road rage incident. Just another example of the sensitive Thai male ego being bruised!   

I think it's a common road rules that right most lane (on most right hand drive car countries)is for overtaking.

It's illegal to overtake from left (at least in Singapore).

It's the driver,that must be alert at all time if want to overtake another car. 

Move back to the left after overtaking or on seeing a car coming faster then yours,move back after the right lane is clear or want to overtake again.



Edited by stevensg
wrong words used
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Who owned the gun? The driver or the relative who loaned the vehicle? And why did they have a hand gun?


Fired the gun and the stray bullet could have easily killed some innocent child nearby. No brain no pain I guess for a low IQ person. :coffee1:


Up the fine to 750BHT for careless and unsuccessful use of a deadly weapon?

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3 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

It is obvious from watching the video that the guy in the Vios started riding the rear end of the truck to get the Vigo driver to move to the left lane so he could pass.  All the guy had to do was pass the Vigo in the left lane, but these types of people are so arrogant that they demand their way.  This happens to me very often.  I will be running at or above the speed limit in the right lane and maybe I'm momentarily distracted by a conversation with my wife, then all of a sudden I will look in my rear view mirror and see some nutcase right on my butt. They have every opportunity to simply pass me on the left, but they feel it is their right to force me to move over and will even begin to pass me on the right when there is no roadway left to do so, thus endangering all of our lives and the lives of others in a possible wreck. When this happens I will always tap my brakes and slow down to get the driver to back off, and they eventually go around me.  That's exactly what the guy in the Vigo did, and this Vios driver was just arrogant and selfish enough to turn it into a road rage incident. Just another example of the sensitive Thai male ego being bruised!   

Stop talking to your wife and starting paying  attention to the road.


You are the idiot, as already stated keep left and you will have a lot less hassle


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4 hours ago, BlindMagician said:

Sorry pal, but you're a very bad driver! If there is space on the left, you should be on the left, as far to the left as possible. Don't lane hog.

You're one of the silly people.

Very true in a 'normal' country! However we are in Thailand and this is how the majority of Thais drive.... Unfortunately:sad:

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4 hours ago, Truscott said:

So was the relative who borrowed the car correctly insured to drive it?

Drivers aren't insured in Thailand.  Only vehicles are insured.  Yes, you could let your blind, quadriplegic great grandmother driver your car.  No problem.  Insured.  

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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Forget the license and insurance give him a psychopathic test first. If he passes he fits the profile of 99% of the other Thai drivers. 

And if he is a Hi-So he will not need any of this at all, maybe a short spell in the monkery will suffice.

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19 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

Drivers aren't insured in Thailand.  Only vehicles are insured.  Yes, you could let your blind, quadriplegic great grandmother driver your car.  No problem.  Insured.  

keep my grandmother outta this shes 102 next  week

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1 hour ago, kannot said:

keep my grandmother outta this shes 102 next  week

Well, if she's gonna drive--do it in Thailand!  (Of course, we both know she wouldn't have reached 102, driving Thai roads all her life).  


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On 08/10/2016 at 9:40 AM, catinthehat said:

It is my perception only that the entire cultural nuance of "losing face" creates a facade that spawns and reinforces that no one has to be accountable or responsible for anything. Perfectly acceptable in this society. And senior management will always back the junior members in their workplace.


Just as in the multitude of excuses from road accidents. It was the fault of the road, the rain, the tree (s), the median, the brakes, the tires, ....................but never the driver.


Unless, of course, the driver was a farang.

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