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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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6 minutes ago, Strange said:


Good god. Ok yeah lets change laws because of the needs of a few never mind that they are there for the balance of BOTH sides. Accused and the Accuser. 


Please with the fake astonishment.


Trump admits it with his own words. His own 'shockingly crude comments' have done him in. His fanboys can't accept this.


Presumption of innocence and all this attempt at high minded morality but actually just a smear campaign against victims of sexual assault. Just perpetuating the vile attacks on these victims really.

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30 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Is dishonesty a prerequisite to become "an excellent POTUS"?


Can't find the beating a dead horse emoticon but that's where every political system has been since the Year 1. The fact and reality have been duly noted a hundred times at this thread alone, or so it could seem


Trump is taking it to new dimensions however, regardless of what one thinks or imagines about HRC.


I haven't said for a long time so I'd reiterate, this is all about the fact and reality the Clinton name on a November ballot is a win. It's been true since the 1970s in Arkansas right up through the present election.


Nobody alive knows more about winning the election of Potus than Bill and Hillary. Conversely, nobody knows less about it than Donald Trump and His Republican Party. All of these women are just unprecedented in a campaign for Potus.


Wikileaks and Putin are definitely down there in the dumps with Trump and the Republican Party.

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28 minutes ago, stander said:

Trump needs to remain silent until the debate and let Wikileaks and FBI hurt Clinton.


New FBI files contain allegations of 'quid pro quo' in Clinton's emails

FBI interview summaries and notes, provided late Friday to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees, contain allegations of a "quid pro quo" between a senior State Department executive and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation, two congressional sources told Fox News.

"This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who has been briefed on the FBI interviews, told Fox News.

He said "there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email.”


Trump will never remain silent, though a good debate for him would be a succession of repeating the e mails released by Wiki.

However, the great American obsession with sex ( the French must be laughing like drains ) has doomed any possibility of a discourse on policy, and reduced the entire event to a very bad tv reality show, in which the one that throws the most dirt that sticks wins.

Given that, and an acceptance that she will win the election, I repeat my desire to see Trump go down in a huge explosion of vitriol that will destroy the US political elite, of both parties. The corruption of the US establishment has become such a threat to world stability that it needs to be swept away and a new system with checks and balances to prevent any similar emerging.

Remember the military–industrial complex as warned by Dwight D. Eisenhower. It has, IMO, become the main threat to world peace. 

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35 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

So the bulbs are dim but the glare is bright? You need to practice sculpting better metaphor. It is hard to find bulbs that are as selectively bright as the minions of the Left.

You know the CIA exists right? You know that the USA was always the context of this discussion right? You know that Hillary is running for the top position of the military, and the executive branch of government right? Protector of the Military industrial complex is a fitting unofficial title. 

Why does your last post seem to imply these obvious truths are delusions? Is it you that is unshackled?


And yes it will be over soon and America will deserve what they get from it.






Let that be the last word thx from the people who don't use the word 'conspiracy' but who have as their main side thingy in life exposing the USA government military industrial and CIA international drug lord "complex" perpetrated by HRC as their secret protector. 


Somebody's light bulb shorted. And a long time ago it was.

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54 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Is dishonesty a prerequisite to become "an excellent POTUS"?

America has elected a dishonest candidate  before, but they did not know they were dishonest in advance, the difference this time is with  Hillary, they know.

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25 minutes ago, stander said:

 "The Russians hacked us" is an acknowledgement of guilt. Otherwise Clinton would deny the charges, not the source.

But it's a classic diversion. Get everyone talking about the Russians and they aren't talking about what is in them.

Alinsky must be laughing like a drain wherever he is now.

That Biden would threaten to use the US military against the Russians without proof is sooooo corrupt, as it would be in support of one candidate.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Let that be the last word thx from the people who don't use the word 'conspiracy' but who have as their main side thingy in life exposing the USA government military industrial and CIA international drug lord "complex" perpetrated by HRC as their secret protector. 


Somebody's light bulb shorted. And a long time ago it was.

Are you claiming that Dwight D. Eisenhower was a conspiracy nutter?

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1 minute ago, stander said:

America has elected a dishonest candidate  before, but they did not know they were dishonest in advance, the difference this time is with  Hillary, they know.


Riiiight. You're a Republican, so Hilary is dishonest, yet, you don't mention Trump who is demonstratively a compulsive liar.

Everyone knows that BOTH candidates are dishonest in advance.

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2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Riiiight. You're a Republican, so Hilary is dishonest, yet, you don't mention Trump who is demonstratively a compulsive liar.

Everyone knows that BOTH candidates are dishonest in advance.

Yes, you are correct, I do not believe that Trump is dishonest.

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26 minutes ago, stander said:

 "The Russians hacked us" is an acknowledgement of guilt. Otherwise Clinton would deny the charges, not the source.


This is an immediate matter for the U.S. Government to deal with led by the national security authorities and the offices of national security intelligence, acting under the orders of Potus/CinC.


It's not a matter for the Clinton Campaign to handle except for the political aspects of it in the day to day operation of the campaign. After all, this is what the Trump Fanboyz have been drooling for months over and now they're sure they've got it.


We rather have to assume the U.S. Government is protecting both the electoral process, the political system, and the nation against foreign enemies -- to include the domestic ones too.


So just a reminder here the emails we're seeing are the Wilileaks-Putin-Trump provided emails. And of course none of 'em have been altered, doctored, or manufacured. Anyone who trusts Vladimir Putin can assure us of it. 


Y'know, Vladimir Putin, leader of the foreign government identified by the Pentagon in 2014 as strategic adversary number one of the USA. That Putin.











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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you claiming that Dwight D. Eisenhower was a conspiracy nutter?


Ike didn't say anything about CIA having control of drugs globally or of anyone running for Potus being the secret protector of the U.S. Government military industrial complex and the CIA controlling world drugs intercourse.




The "nutter(s)" as you call 'em are, most prominently, post-Eisenhower, from the JFK assassination when conspiracy became fashionable to 911 to include the contemporary forms of the military industrial congressional "complex" as people today define it.


Trump and his fanboyz certainly are busy bees in this free-for-all campaign where anything goes. 



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There is no stopping Trump.  Even if he loses the election, he has millions of followers.  Clown-nose-wearing political genius Bill Maher finally gets one right and fears that Trump will start his own television network should he lose. 

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2 minutes ago, mesquite said:

There is no stopping Trump.  Even if he loses the election, he has millions of followers.  Clown-nose-wearing political genius Bill Maher finally gets one right and fears that Trump will start his own television network should he lose. 

Many people have predicted trump will start a right wing conspiracy theory media empire based on his bogus charge (bizarrely in advance) that his loss is RIGGED. I don't think Maher deserves singular credit for that one. 

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

This is exactly the type of response that you can expect from a liberal, no tolerance for other folks opinions, but cut straight to the insults.

But seriously dude, objective observers have consistently found that trump lies to an extraordinary degree in American political history, way more than Hillary, and often in the SAME sentence. How a rational person can think he doesn't lie just doesn't compute.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

But seriously dude, objective observers have consistently found that trump lies to an extraordinary degree in American political history, way more than Hillary, and often in the SAME sentence. How a rational person can think he doesn't lie just doesn't compute.

Compared to Clinton, I do think Trump is honest, that is my opinion

The difference is I respect your opinion and I don't  call you an "idiot"

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10 minutes ago, stander said:

This is exactly the type of response that you can expect from a liberal, no tolerance for other folks opinions, but cut straight to the insults.


No, I said that Trump was demonstrably a compulsive liar.

The proof is there. There is really nothing to discuss.

If you don't want to believe that something is not true, even when the facts show you are wrong, then you are an idiot, no matter what your political leaning.

Can't you see that?


Instead of what I wrote ("except you're an idiot"), maybe it should read "accept that you are an idiot".

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5 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


No, I said that Trump was demonstrably a compulsive liar.

The proof is there. There is really nothing to discuss.

If you don't want to believe that something is not true, even when the facts show you are wrong, then you are an idiot, no matter what your political leaning.

Can't you see that?


Instead of what I wrote ("except you're an idiot"), maybe it should read "accept that you are an idiot".

It is pointless to debate with people who throw insults, next you will play the race card, all so predictable

Edited by stander
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55 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Let that be the last word thx from the people who don't use the word 'conspiracy' but who have as their main side thingy in life exposing the USA government military industrial and CIA international drug lord "complex" perpetrated by HRC as their secret protector. 


Somebody's light bulb shorted. And a long time ago it was.

Really that should be secret protector, 'hopeful', HRC.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Just now, canuckamuck said:

Really that should be secret protector, hopeful HRC.



Presumptive secret protector President-Elect Hillary Clinton.


Consigned-Loser Donald Trump. And fanboyz. And the Republican Party.


So saved they are again -- the military industrial complex and its CIA run global drugs operation and compound, yes right there along with their secret protector.


...complex  :giggle:

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27 minutes ago, stander said:

Compared to Clinton, I do think Trump is honest, that is my opinion

The difference is I respect your opinion and I don't  call you an "idiot"

Don't take this the wrong way, but can you respect the opinion of someone who calls you an idiot. It's their opinion after all, and you respect them.

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20 minutes ago, stander said:

It is pointless to debate with people who throw insults, next you will play the race card, all so predictable

Yes, let's leave that to people from the 'inner city' as Trump and Giuliani like to put it shall we. 

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18 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

It's staggering that anybody can claim Trump is honest. How does such willful denial of reality take place?

One part xenophobia

Two parts misogyny

One part racism

Three parts fear of difference

One part fear of the future

Two parts greed


That's how.

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For sure not many here will have a change of preference reading support or attack posts.

MY post takes a slightly different bent.    


I think both Trump and HRC fully qualify for the  Rubber Ducky award AKA The Big Green Weenie.


Good save the Queen and the USA..

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40 minutes ago, Publicus said:



Presumptive secret protector President-Elect Hillary Clinton.


Consigned-Loser Donald Trump. And fanboyz. And the Republican Party.


So saved they are again -- the military industrial complex and its CIA run global drugs operation and compound, yes right there along with their secret protector.


...complex  :giggle:

Don't be shy. Take a bow, you are playing your part so well. 

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Just now, canuckamuck said:

Don't be shy. Take a bow, you are playing your part so well. 


Your lifelong noid project is bust and you can thank Donald Trump for it with a big assist by the Republican Party of 2016.


The Trump Fanboyz Section is going down with him. We can hear the support beams creaking as youse guyz continue to chant, cheer, stomp your feet.


Perspective on my side is important too, however, cause it isn't really over till Trump insults the fat lady too. He's already penciled her in on his schedule.


His complex schedule.

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