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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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Sorry Ulysses, you lost this one, everything reported is true. You have backed a total crackpot loser. Now is the time to bet on the next horse. The odds are even, Hillary is a loser too. So place your bets carefully, the stake of a sane world may rest on you.

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I've had to jump ahead of this very interesting and rapidly growing thread to get a comment in.  Well, prudish and extremely politically correct America seems ready to mount a major attack on Donald Trump's  suitability to become president after his so called "misogynistic" remark about trying to seduce a married woman and grab the pussies of women (groupies?) around him. Who of us when we were younger sex machines didn't talk in the same way and try the same things?  I can remember groping women who quite liked it.  Some didn't and I left them alone.  Has anyone read the memoirs of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and been impressed by the number of groupies who threw themselves at them.  There's more to their stories but the women who came to their concerts certainly weren't without sexual feelings.  Sex has been going for a long time.  Does anyone remember Mozart's opera Don Giovanni.   The Don was a serial seducer and brags about "in España, mil e tres"  meaning that in Spain Don Giovanni had had sexual telations with 1003 women.  Some women my not like it that they are onjects of sexual lust but many do. Check out Anais Nin, the author.  We should keep in mind that in various European countries, sexual adventures are not seen as having any bearing on the ability of an electee to govern.  Trump is still my man.

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I never held it against Bill Clinton for his sexual adventures. 


Even though he WAS married.

The women was barely more than a girl.

He was in a position of responsible charge not unlike a college professor caught in the pants of a student.


The only thing that bothered me about Bill is that he committed his lewd and lescivious acts in the Oval Office.



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We're guys, we all talk like that except for the happy boys. It sure does not make him a serial rapist like Slick Willy. Oh I forgot we do not want to talk about the way Hillbillary has condoned a serial rapist for most of her adult life.

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I kinda realized that the GOP was really in crisis when i heard my home State Senator John Thune, not exactly a left leaning Republican, calling for Trump to withdraw.


Regardless of what happens, the party is in for some pretty deep soul searching on how it got to this

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27 minutes ago, rgraham said:

We're guys, we all talk like that except for the happy boys. It sure does not make him a serial rapist like Slick Willy. Oh I forgot we do not want to talk about the way Hillbillary has condoned a serial rapist for most of her adult life.

You don't get it.

It's not about sex, prudishness, or bawdy banter.

This was about sexual assault, a crime that is generally punishable by prison, and bragging about abusing the power of his fame to get away with it. Like Bill Cosby.


It's over. Good riddance!


 BTW, this is 2016. Say gay. It's not happy boys. 



Edited by Jingthing
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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


This was about sexual assault, a crime that is generally punishable by prison, and bragging about abusing the power of his fame to get away with it. Like Bill Cosby.



Hogwash. It is only sexual assault if women object and they are usually happy to sleep with TV stars. Bill Cosby was drugging women and raping them, not buying them furniture and trying to get in their pants.

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Republicans Calling For Trump To Step Aside:


Sen. John Thune (South Dakota): Third highest ranking Republican in the Senate, previously said he would support the nominee
Sen. Mark Kirk (Illinois): Ran campaign ads distancing himself from Trump
Sen. Ben Sasse (Nebraska): Prominent "Never Trumper"
Sen. Deb Fischer (Nebraska): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia): Said the "appropriate next step may be for him to reexamine his candidacy;" Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Dan Sullivan (Alaska): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Tweeted that Trump has "forfeited the right to be our party's nominee," Did not endorse Trump previously
Sen. Cory Gardner (Colorado): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Jeff Flake (Arizona): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Martha Roby (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Bradley Byrne (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Mike Lee (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Mia Love (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Chris Stewart (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Barbara Comstock (Virginia)
Rep. Mike Coffman (Colorado)
Rep. Charlie Dent (Pennsylvania): Previously said he is not voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the general election
Rep. Ann Wagner (Missouri): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Rodney Davis (Illinois): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan)
Rep. Justin Amash (Michigan)
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (Nebraska)
Rep. Frank LoBiondo (New Jersey): Said he will write in Mike Pence
Gov. Dennis Daugaard (South Dakota): Withdrew previous endorsement
Joe Heck, Senate Candidate (Nevada): Is running for Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid's seat
Darryl Glenn, Senate Candidate (Colorado): Withdrew previous support
Carly Fiorina, former presidential candidate
George Pataki, former New York governor
Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor
Hugh Hewitt, conservative radio talk show host, previous Trump backer



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Yup, waking up to headlines this morning, it looks like it will be a wonderful finish. Trump refuses to go, under all circumstances, GOP leaders are bailing left and right, and there will be mutiny on the Bounty. The worst part for the GOP though is that this Trump experience will lay waste to the GOP for years to come and the GOP will be like a toxic dump.


Republicans are saying things like this:


Donald Trump is on the verge of poisoning the entire GOP brand for years



"Trump's presidential run is now another one of his lengthy list of bankrupted endeavors where others not only are left to pick up the pieces, but to suffer for Trump's sins," said veteran Republican strategist Evan Siegfried, a prominent Trump critic throughout the race.



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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

All this because a 60 year old man talked about how much he gets laid more than 10 years ago. What a bunch of hypocritical prudes are running the country!


Absolutely untrue. Read Kasich's written statement. He confirmed his rejection of Trump was not as a result of this incident, but as a result of all accumulated evidence.  A reasonable stance, and one you should adopt too if you are a real Republican.



The actions of the last day are disgusting, but that’s not why I reached this decision, it has been an accumulation of his words and actions that many have been warning about. I will not vote for a nominee who has behaved in a manner that reflects so poorly on our country. Our country deserves better.”


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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


from Wikipedia

Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

I really wish youz guys would stop calling him a misogynist. He likes women, a LOT.


You have quoted the Wikipedia. I offer below the analysis of professional psychologists in analyzing Trump's words and actions. You will see you are wrong.





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Anyone who has followed political scandals know that; often, the worse revelations come AFTER being elected.  Who is so naive as to think the putrid mud on Trump won't stop flowing, if he were elected?   Every time more crap comes down the tubes on Trump, Trumpsters trot out loquacious (and lame) excuses and think, "That's it. That's the last smear.  It can't get any worse. Let's move on."   But there's no end to it.  Trump has had a very public life for past decades.  There are storage rooms full of stuff on his transgressions.


Some projections for what could ensue: 

>>>  Melania sues for divorce

>>>  Marla bucks her gag order, and speaks out. 

>>>  Other women come forth. 

>>>  The case against Trump, re; alleged rape of a 13 yr old, could heat up further

>>>  Other cases could crop up and/or get closer to trial

>>>  Some of the legal cases against Trump could get resolved, not least are the thousands of non-payment-for-work-done cases.

>>>  Added Mechanics Liens could be filed against Trump.  Some could force him to lose properties. 

>>>  Revelations of Trump's improprieties with Russians and other nationalities could surface.

>>>  More problems with taxes

>>>  Hiding money overseas

>>>  More indications of Trump creating jobs in China (and elsewhere), at the expense of US jobs.


Among the many Republicans who screwed up in Trump's toxic wake, Cruz has to take the cake. Cruz was against him, then just a week ago endorsed him.  Now, with Pussygate smeared all over the news headlines, the holier-than-thou Bible-thumper must be miserable.  He deserves every pang of regret.   Similar, for every other prominent person who has made the crappy decision to support Trump - past and present.  All of them have shown their inability to make good decisions and/or character assessments.  They also deserve all the soul-searching aches and pains they've brought on themselves and guilt for misery they would have saddled on Americans, if their putrid guy got elected.  


Republicans are like the single mother with four pretty young daughters (the American people), who brings a charming boyfriend (Trump) in to live at her house.  Neighbors (aware non-Trumpsters) try telling her; the new man is a sexual predator who will cheat lie/steal, but the single mom won't hear it.   Problems ensue.   

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So, now it looks like the Republican leadership is taking advantage of the current scandal to dump Trump.  There was talk of various underhanded means of dumping him at the convention, but that would have appeared too obviously to reject the will of the voters.  Now however, the current scandal has given them the perfect opportunity to get rid of Trump and return the party to the party bosses and the good graces of the billionaire donor class.


It's quite cynical since Trump's view of women has long been clear even before the incriminating tape, but that's politics.

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^^Boomer, you are right, there is a treasure trove of crap on Trump now flooding out. More Trump tapes have surfaced from Howard Stern's radio show and this will be great. It's enough to make Republican women voters force their husbands to vote for Hillary:





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So once again I'm at a loss to explain the Trumpanisters undying support for this guy. GW was elected on the back of conservatives desire to 'restore dignity to the White House', a line i actually fell for at the time, much to my chagrin. Yet somehow the diehards seems to have re-evaluated their moral compass and now this is just 'locker room talk'.

I have never voted for John Thune as my Senator, but today, I actually re-evaluated that opinion

John Thune.jpg

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6 hours ago, pegman said:

"Going hard" at a married woman and bragging about it will bother some people. In particular the Holy Rollers who made up a good portion  of the a Republican base. Gary Johnson will take a big poll jump in Utah. 


I agree with your 1st two sentences.  However, Johnson is lower than a has-been.  Have you seen recent video clips on him? 

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5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Dump Trump. He is a <deleted>, and most normal people should understand this. If you are Republican, install some sane person - please, you still have time to put someone up who is not  a lunatic.


Who is next in line, if the Republican bosses force Trump out of the running?   

Pence?  Cruz?  Ryan?  Christie?  Kusich?  Rubio?  Gingrich?  


Of those mentioned, only Kusich comes close to decent.   As for 'sane', .....well, that's each person's assessment (it starts with the word 'asses'). 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

All this because a 60 year old man talked about how much he gets laid more than 10 years ago. What a bunch of hypocritical prudes are running the country!


Even your heroine, Condoleezza Rice, whom you have stated many times on this forum you think would make a great President today said:



“Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw. As a Republican, I hope to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office in the greatest democracy on earth.”


When you will see that the man you steadfastly support is condemned by all those you have been praising for the last years?



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5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Gov Pence is just a pretty boy stooge. The Republicans must find a way around this. Trump is not what the US or the world needs at the moment. There is still a month to go, exit Trump and install a visionary leader. Or even a staid leader, anyone would be better than this low life.


"install a visionary leader. Or even a staid leader,"


....you mean like Stein or Sanders or California's Jerry Brown?  Sorry, won't work.  Those type of leaders aren't anywhere close to the Republican Party.   Oh, I get it.  You mean 'install a visionary or staid candidate from the Republican Party.'   Sorry again.  There are none.

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Apparently, the Billy Bush character who is chatting with Trump on the tape is actually a member of the Bush family, a cousin of some kind.  So, the "discovery" of the audio tape could be the work of the Bushes or other factions in the Republican Party. 


HRC was already going to win and take the Senate with her.  The current scandal could put the House in play if Republican voters stay home or if Trump is indeed pushed off the ticket. 


Even if Trump remains on the ticket, the RNC could declare him a lost cause and cut off their support to redirect it down the ticket.


More tapes and personal testimony will come out now.  This is just starting.  Will Trump show for the debate and face questions from angry women?

Edited by CaptHaddock
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Kasich is ONE guy and he was against Trump all along. He is just using this to justify his stance. I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them - but Republicans who turn on him over this are cutting off or noses to spite their face. However, I am hoping that Trump will see reason and withdraw. Pense or Kasich or almost anyone else would be a better candidate. 

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


" You mean 'install a visionary or staid candidate from the Republican Party.'   Sorry again.  There are none.


Baloney. Kasich would whip Hillary and he is very moderate. He should have been the candidate in the first place.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Kasich is ONE guy and he was against Trump all along. He is just using this to justify his stance. I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them - but Republicans who turn on him over this are cutting off or noses to spite their face. However, I am hoping that Trump will see reason and withdraw. Pense or Kasich or almost anyone else would be a better candidate. 

" I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them"

Your actions here on the forum speak a different tune.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Kasich is ONE guy and he was against Trump all along. He is just using this to justify his stance. I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them - but Republicans who turn on him over this are cutting off or noses to spite their face. However, I am hoping that Trump will see reason and withdraw. Pense or Kasich or almost anyone else would be a better candidate. 

The problem is, it's difficult. Trump is an egomaniac, he doesn't see the greater good.

Kasich I always felt way the best option, but the primary voters kinda nixed that.

Pence is a 100% better option than Trump, but legally I doubt that it would ever work, unless by some weird personality transplant trump actually agreed to withdraw

Edited by GinBoy2
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