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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Maybe they wanted to wait until they knew what they were talking about. Believe me,they will get around to it. As much as they would like to ignore Wikileaks when it comes to Hillary Clinton, they won't.

We gave you evidence. Now here is some more. The release was a fake. Just try saying 'oh thanks, i didn't know that', you will find sometimes that agreeing and changing your mind can be liberating.


53 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Wikileaks have disowned it. 




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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


You do not think the main street press is going to address this? That is almost delusional. 


It's an obvious fake that nobody but a few credulous people took seriously in the first place. It's not exactly a major story. 

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

We gave you evidence. Now here is some more. The release was a fake. Just try saying 'oh thanks, i didn't know that', you will find sometimes that agreeing and changing your mind can be liberating.




Change my mind about what? All I said is that more evidence was nessasary. This appears to be some. 

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You do not think the main street press is going to address this? That is almost delusional. 


Do you think that credible news sources haven't looked at this and realised that it's fake? It's been out for six days.

Good lord, that's clutching at straws even for you.


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" What kind of people do we have running for president..."

" Right now, you say to your wife: ‘Let’s go to a movie after Trump,’" the Republican presidential nominee said, with a pensive look. He waved his hands in and out as if he were pumping an invisible accordion. "But you won’t do that, because you’ll be so high and so excited that no movie is going to satisfy you. Okay? No movie."



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14 hours ago, Berkshire said:


You're right that some men talk like this in private...except they're not running for President.  Look, it's obvious that hardcore Trump supporters--particularly older men such as yourself--are not going to be bothered by this.  But there are large portions of the electorate, read women, who will be immensely offended by this.  We're talking suburbia housewives, religious women, educated women, Republican women, millennial women, etc.  It's not looking good for Mr. Trump.

Sure, it's on a slightly different level, but Arnold Schwarzenegger survived similar revelations in 2003.

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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Do you think that credible news sources haven't looked at this and realised that it's fake? It's been out for six days.


It was not linked to to Wikileaks which happened last night. THAT is what turned it into a story. :rolleyes:

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Trump supporters will take this in their stride. They are the same sort of person. They know that ugly people in looks and hearts can buy sex if they are rich enough. They live an allusion of lust. They will never know about love, honesty, trust and integrity. And this man lacking any decency is in the running for president? I think he and Putin will get on fine. 

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To Ulysses, mostly I agree. The main difference is in the semantics. Bill Clinton was bombarded with questions and inquiries as to his extramarital affairs. The same should be due to Trump. But even more, Clinton never downed and degraded women as Trump has. You have to draw a line in the sand about treating women as sex objects. Sex is great but abusive sex is only for very small endowed persons of low esteem.

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Two of the worst contenders the US has ever offered to the US people. One is not only totally out of touch with international politics but is also a misogynist, sexist, bully, bore, and very creepy. The other is a drone, harper IT illiterate and believer in dynasty politics (such as the Bush eras) Neither will be good for the US. Neither will allow the rift between parties to heal in order to let the US economy to grow. So don't hold your breathe on an economic recovery to happen soon.

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37 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Pretty much everyone - other than Hillary partisans - will. After Bill Clintons presidential antics, this in not much of a story. 

"Going hard" at a married woman and bragging about it will bother some people. In particular the Holy Rollers who made up a good portion  of the a Republican base. Gary Johnson will take a big poll jump in Utah. 

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4 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The iceberg is melting.

Could be the time.



“Grab them by the pussy” is Trump’s “47 percent” moment, only so much worse.

In an election in which no individual outrage seems to matter, it’s possible that this one might. It’s not just that we have further evidence of what sort of person Trump is. Trump’s words sounded an awful lot like cavalier boasts about sexual assault. They’re particularly disturbing when you consider that Jill Harth, the makeup artist who accused Trump of attempted rape in a 1997 lawsuit, said that Trump grabbed her sexually.



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 This is better than I thought possible. Everyone predicted he would implode and take the Republican Party with him, but I thought that he might just hang on. I've never been more glad to be wrong!


"Senator John Thune, the third-ranking Republican in the Senate, led calls for Trump’s withdrawal on Saturday, writing: “Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately.”


"Kelly Ayotte, a senator in New Hampshire locked in a tough re-election battle, said in a statement posted to Twitter that as “a mom and an American” she “cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women”. She would, she said, write Indiana governor Mike Pence’s name on the ballot"


"In Utah, one of the most reliably conservative states, senior Republicans explicitly abandoned their endorsements of the candidate.  Utah’s governor, Gary Herbert, and Jason Chaffetz, chair of the House committee investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, withdrew their support. Senator Mike Lee, representative Chris Stewart and former governor Jon Huntsman called on Trump to step aside and let Pence lead the ticket."


Fantastic. Huge huge I mean you know this is huge right. There's gonna be, I mean there's gonna be. This is big, I'm big right, I'm gonna, I mean the support, the support... I can't tell you, I'm not gonna say, I have  the support.

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2 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

. If you are Republican, install some sane person


Sadly, for all practical purposes, that train has left the station.  There is a way for party establishment to remove him from the ticket but that would almost certainly destroy the party from the inside.  And then there's all the people who have already voted via absentee ballots and early voting.  Removing him from the ticket would undeniably disenfranchise them.


If he were to remove himself from the ticket and put Governor Pence at the top, that would be another matter altogether.

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Gov Pence is just a pretty boy stooge. The Republicans must find a way around this. Trump is not what the US or the world needs at the moment. There is still a month to go, exit Trump and install a visionary leader. Or even a staid leader, anyone would be better than this low life.

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3 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

It's over.   The Clintons can start measuring the drapes at this point.  The election is less than a month away, and this story (and the video) is going to be in heavy rotation for at least a week.  Don't forget that early voting is happening right now.


It's becoming even more clear that Trump has ruined the Republican Party for at least a generation.  Maybe forever.  I genuinely do believe that this could be it for Republicans in a national election.  For example, after this cycle, how are Republicans every going to win the Hispanic vote in swing states?  People tend to remember racial slurs hurled against them.  And if they don't, I'm confident the DNC has all of Trump's words (and those of the Republicans who stood behind him) recorded for posterity.

They'll take a hit for sure but they'll come out of it O.K. Using diversion and denial skills honed in the last decade they will dissociated themselves from Trump saying that they only went with him because of faulty intelligence and that the decisions made on the basis of faulty intelligence cannot be faulted AND that lots of people made the same mistake anyway. It's now commonly known in Political circles as the Iraq Maneuver. You have seen a bit of already when someone here commented that Trump made his oh so very Manly comments when he was a democrat. 


Still, in the short term There Will Be Blood as the Republican Party turns and starts devouring itself. There will be a reckoning for this dalliance with Trump and what he represents. 

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5 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Gov Pence is just a pretty boy stooge. The Republicans must find a way around this. Trump is not what the US or the world needs at the moment. There is still a month to go, exit Trump and install a visionary leader. Or even a staid leader, anyone would be better than this low life.

‘I’ve never withdrawn in my life’: Trump won’t quit presidential race after vulgar comments on women.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Who said that I "swallowed" anything? I suggested that it was not proven either way. Every wack-job website says something different and credible media have not reported anything that I can find.

What Media source do think is credible. Around here it tends to be the one that agrees with prior sentiment. Which source do you have in mind. 

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