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The local Rottweiler breeder.

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With an abundance of vicious soi dogs roaming free,  an idiot around the corner has decided to breed Rottweilers which 2 are allowed to stroll out the front yard. The pair of them are menaces and continue to harass locals,  not that the owner gives a crap.


Gets me why people chose to breed these hunting dogs when the country already has enough vicious dogs around and owners that just aren't responsible. Even worse is having kids around these breeds and owners having the "it's the way the dogs raised " mentality. 


Sad indeed. 

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Hunting dogs??


We have  Rotties and a Doberman, brilliant dogs and my daughters best mates


Shouldn't believe everything you read and actually it is exactly the way they are raised, a bit like kids in that respect but a person with no experience and a closed mind will never understand that....

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Just now, stuandjulie said:

Not being pedantic but Rotties were bred as cattle herders not hunters I believe.

Poodles however were originally bred to hunt lions in Egyptian times, perhaps we should ban them too :sleep:


Just the look of poodles says they should be banned. 


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From Wikipedia:


"Rottweilers are a powerful breed with well-developed genetic herding and guarding instincts. Potentially dangerous behaviour in Rottweilers usually results from irresponsible ownership, abuse, neglect, or lack of socialisation and training. However, the exceptional strength of the Rottweiler is an additional risk factor not to be neglected. It is for this reason that breed experts declare that formal training and extensive socialisation are essential for all Rottweilers. According to the AKC, Rottweilers love their owners and may behave in a clownish manner toward family and friends, but they are also protective of their territory and do not welcome strangers until properly introduced. Obedience training and socialisation are required.[18]


A 2008 study surveying breed club members found that while Rottweilers were average in aggressiveness (bites or bite attempts) towards owners and other dogs, it indicated they tend to be more aggressive than average toward strangers. This aggression appears correlated with watchdog and territorial instincts.[19]


According to a CDC study into fatal dog attacks on humans between 1979 and 1998, Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs were responsible for more than half (67%) of all deaths. In the years from 1993 to 1996 Rottweilers were responsible for half of all deaths. They concluded that "fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers)...." They also wrote that:


"It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities."[
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3 hours ago, stuandjulie said:

Not being pedantic but Rotties were bred as cattle herders not hunters I believe.

Poodles however were originally bred to hunt lions in Egyptian times, perhaps we should ban them too :sleep:


Just the look of poodles says they should be banned. 


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3 hours ago, mark131v said:

Hunting dogs??


We have  Rotties and a Doberman, brilliant dogs and my daughters best mates


Shouldn't believe everything you read and actually it is exactly the way they are raised, a bit like kids in that respect but a person with no experience and a closed mind will never understand that....


And you trust these breeds around your daughter? Mate all due respect that's crazy. All it takes is that 1 snap at her and you won't forgive yourself. 


 certainly to say no experience is a closed mind just says it all sorry and to say the reports are wrong is just ludicrous. Bit like those pitbull things,  vermin dog that the breed should be eradicated. 

Edited by upside
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No offense taken but you do kinda confirm my thoughts, do you have any experience of these dogs?


You do sound of if you have a lot of preconceptions but as I said I would not believe all you read on the web let your own experiences guide you 


I am speaking from experience and I absolutely trust my dogs and my daughter she has grown with them from puppies and they both know when to walk away, only dog she has ever had a bite off is a West Highland Terrier

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4 hours ago, upside said:


Just the look of poodles says they should be banned. 



I know some people that think poodles are just gay rottweilers........................:rolleyes:


And others that think  rottweilers are hunting dogs.......................:saai:

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3 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


I know some people that think poodles are just gay rottweilers........................:rolleyes:


And others that think  rottweilers are hunting dogs.......................:saai:


Walk past the soi and tell me what you think. 

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2 hours ago, upside said:


Walk past the soi and tell me what you think. 

Possibly but you are placing any behavioural problems at the wrong end of the leash. As with the APBT and all BSL debates it is way too polarising and neither side will be able to convince the other. However coming from a family that is 3rd Generation APBT breeders and seeing all the children, brothers and sisters and cousins growing up around these dogs with not one incident I firmly believe that a dogs temperament behaviour and attitude is the sole responsibility of the owner who raised, socialised and taught that pup everything. Of course there are many who will disagree as is their right but evidence shows time and time again it is not the breed but how they are raised


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biggest problem with dogs in Thailand is that the owners never do any sort of training/socializing of them. As far as I am concerned anyone that gets a pup/s and then just lets them do as they please should be locked up, these people then wonder why these dogs get savage, attack people, dig up their yards, kill other animals etc. All dogs need to be trained even if basic training and to be socialized, we have puppy groups in Australia that allow the owners to take there pups along and mingle with all the other dogs/owners, works very well. Here they get a dog then they dont feed them, let them roam outside all the time, attack everyone that walks past them, dont walk or play with them, dont take care of them/wash them etc, dont do any basic training with them and would never pick up all their dogs crap from the road after they do it, thats a big fine in Australia. I finally got it through our neighbours head to keep his husky in his house after I got sick of finding his dog crapping all over the place in  front of our house everytime i walked outside, I got the shovel and picked it all up and threw it onto his driveway so it was in front of his door, after doing it for a  few days the dog hasnt been seen outside our house since, pity they dont have dog rangers etc here to keep all the dogs either in their owners yards or kenneled/put down, same with the cats they are just as bad


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3 hours ago, upside said:

And you trust these breeds around your daughter? Mate all due respect that's crazy. All it takes is that 1 snap at her and you won't forgive yourself. 


 certainly to say no experience is a closed mind just says it all sorry and to say the reports are wrong is just ludicrous. Bit like those pitbull things,  vermin dog that the breed should be eradicated. 


Been around dogs my whole life, had both Pinchers and APBT (Pitbull things) and by far the media "reports" are misleading. Ive seen so much BS in "the guardian" and "Huffington" and "Sky" and 99% of the time, then dog the article isn't even a pitbull, just some old mutt that bit a baby and the news outlets scream "PITBULL KILLS" 


Any large dog can be dangerous, strictly because of its size. Even roughhousing with them can hurt cause they are big. 


Don't be afraid of something just because the news is telling you to. 

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I have had 2 Rottweilers in Thailand. Last one died 9 year old from cancer in his nose.
Vet said it was a known problem with breeders in Thailand.
Both sweet dogs to my family but yes typical guarding towards strangers.
Would I leave a young child with a Rottweiler ? (Me about the house).
First dog yes. Second one no.
Depends on the dog not the breed.

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reminds me of  my neighbour, 3  kids  all raised the same  way, one worked for me , great kid , honest reliable, hard  working, the other a daughter, highly strung often heard her screaming having rows, the third son  in jail drugs, robbery , lazy, pregnant girlfriend no job etc

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9 hours ago, starky said:

Possibly but you are placing any behavioural problems at the wrong end of the leash. As with the APBT and all BSL debates it is way too polarising and neither side will be able to convince the other. However coming from a family that is 3rd Generation APBT breeders and seeing all the children, brothers and sisters and cousins growing up around these dogs with not one incident I firmly believe that a dogs temperament behaviour and attitude is the sole responsibility of the owner who raised, socialised and taught that pup everything. Of course there are many who will disagree as is their right but evidence shows time and time again it is not the breed but how they are raised



Sorry but the facts state otherwise. The research has been done and the pitbull breed so far is banned in 12 countries. That breed in particular is a proven menace. 

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1 minute ago, upside said:

Sorry but the facts state otherwise. The research has been done and the pitbull breed so far is banned in 12 countries. That breed in particular is a proven menace. 


Well I'm sure Ban-Happy UK is on the top of the list, but would you care to share your data? 

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12 hours ago, upside said:


Walk past the soi and tell me what you think. 

Possibly but you are placing any behavioural problems at the wrong end of the leash. As with the APBT and all BSL debates it is way too polarising and neither side will be able to convince the other. However coming from a family that is 3rd Generation APBT breeders and seeing all the children, brothers and sisters and cousins growing up around these dogs with not one incident I firmly believe that a dogs temperament behaviour and attitude is the sole responsibility of the owner who raised, socialised and taught that pup everything. Of course there are many who will disagree as is their right but evidence shows time and time again it is not the breed but how they are raised


31 minutes ago, upside said:


Sorry but the facts state otherwise. The research has been done and the pitbull breed so far is banned in 12 countries. That breed in particular is a proven menace. 

Oh is that the same research that shows that BSL have never shown a significant decrease in dog bites. Or that same research that has shown it has failed and most countries are now reversing that legislation. Or is it the research that shows most people can't even properly identify a proper APBT but want to eradicate every species of dog that is a pit Bull "type".  So where does that stop when ignorant people like you want to exterminate every dog with a big head, or has a bit of staffy or boxer or any one of the terrier or bully breeds in its bloodline. Where would you stop half breed, quarter quarter 2, 3 or 4 generations. Your fears are only magnified by your ignorance and I find the people who are the most vociferous in condemning them have never had any interaction with the breed and base their assumptions on shit they read in the media

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


Ok thanks for that link. I'll now believe them and not the others. 


I learnt a valuable tip on the red neck way of working dogs also from your link here's the quote lol


(Star, rescued by my organization at 3 months after being hand fed chewing tobacco as a home remedy for de-worming)

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3 minutes ago, upside said:


Illegal to own the breeds same as the police use. 

So all those Rottweillers Kennels and breeders and all the shows they have throughout Thailand regularly are only for police dogs are they. Wow.

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1 minute ago, starky said:

So all those Rottweillers Kennels and breeders and all the shows they have throughout Thailand regularly are only for police dogs are they. Wow.


Those I don't know, but ask around and they'll tell you you can't own them unless they're protecting a business because they're used by police. We're talking about a country it's illegal to have dice here. 

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4 minutes ago, upside said:


Ok thanks for that link. I'll now believe them and not the others. 


I learnt a valuable tip on the red neck way of working dogs also from your link here's the quote lol


(Star, rescued by my organization at 3 months after being hand fed chewing tobacco as a home remedy for de-worming)




Figured I would get a well informed retort such as this. 


Not sure what you want out of this thread. You are in Thailand not the UK so hang that hat up where it belongs. 


You have a fear of dogs and thats on you not society. I agree that dogs can be a nuisance here, but it doesn't mean you get to dictate what your neighbors do because of your irrational ban-happy viewpoint. Outside of your safety bubble there is a big world out there. 

Go to the police and tell them. Talk to the Neighbor. Wait for a local to put out poison. Re-locate. Those are your options. In my opinion, it would be futile to try and press your view on what the local neighbor is doing. 

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