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Side Effects of Marrying a Much Older Man


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Marriage to one woman of similar age with similar interests is merely a middle-class, western, narrow-minded Christian cultural concept that is a relatively recent phenomenon in global social values. As far as the so-called Christian aspect, people need to read the Bible more closely and reflect on the reality of wide disparity in ages of marriage partners (and numbers) contained therein.  Many cultures around the world are not so uptight and choked by a distorted unsophisticated sense of morality imposed on the general western populace by power-hungry religious extremists (yes, you Catholic bastards and others) attempting to increase or reinforce their social authority and relevance. Ask Henry the Eighth what he thought about it. A great disparity in ages between husband and wife is traditional especially throughout Asia, and endorsed by various ruling authorities and royal families throughout the world and throughout history.  If we disregard the white-lipped, tight-arsed reactions of horror displayed by misled do-gooders and holier-than-thou types who think they have some God-given right to interfere in others' lives, people might discern that many cultures adopted  and persisted with this healthy practice for practical reasons, mainly centred around the idea that family care for the elderly was a better arrangement than relying on haphazard community or public care.  These same cultures also supported the need for older women to become wives of young men.   The older spouse of either gender had an important educational role in society (in many ways). Learning very important personal lessons from a sensible, experienced woman of any age is not an unattractive prospect if a dullard, boof-headed young male has the mental capacity to reflect intelligently for just a minute or two.

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

Really? If you and your friends who "Liked" your remark check this link you will see that "Dame" Joan Collins is 83 years young and still alive and kicking   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Collins  Kinda tics me off when so many TV posters submit inncorect information on visas or other subjects because they are know it all's who are too lazy to verify their facts.


My mistake,  Jackie not Joan. 


You gotta relax Mr. 

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Being old or ugly doesn't necessarily make a man unattractive sexually to a younger woman. The sexes are rather different in this respect, fortunately for us older men.



Guys, I was simply responding to this cherry picked sentence ...a few other posters wrote similar sentiments. ( Women don't care what you look like.)  If the above sentence had left out the word "sexually" along with the comment that follows, I would have let it go. I understand your arguments in regards to relationships/marriage.  This doesn't say that.


If a beautiful 25 year old modern woman goes out seeking sex and nothing more, she is not going home with Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch or Joe Blow who is 20- 40 years older, and ugly because "women are different",  and they don't care what their potential partner looks like. I would argue woman are operating under the same laws of physical attraction as men, whatever those are.  She doesn't care how much money is in your wallet, she isn't getting turned on by possible child support payments, etc.

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23 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Marriage to one woman of similar age with similar interests is merely a middle-class, western, narrow-minded Christian cultural concept that is a relatively recent phenomenon in global social values. As far as the so-called Christian aspect, people need to read the Bible more closely and reflect on the reality of wide disparity in ages of marriage partners (and numbers) contained therein.  Many cultures around the world are not so uptight and choked by a distorted unsophisticated sense of morality imposed on the general western populace by power-hungry religious extremists (yes, you Catholic bastards and others) attempting to increase or reinforce their social authority and relevance. Ask Henry the Eighth what he thought about it. A great disparity in ages between husband and wife is traditional especially throughout Asia, and endorsed by various ruling authorities and royal families throughout the world and throughout history.  If we disregard the white-lipped, tight-arsed reactions of horror displayed by misled do-gooders and holier-than-thou types who think they have some God-given right to interfere in others' lives, people might discern that many cultures adopted  and persisted with this healthy practice for practical reasons, mainly centred around the idea that family care for the elderly was a better arrangement than relying on haphazard community or public care.  These same cultures also supported the need for older women to become wives of young men.   The older spouse of either gender had an important educational role in society (in many ways). Learning very important personal lessons from a sensible, experienced woman of any age is not an unattractive prospect if a dullard, boof-headed young male has the mental capacity to reflect intelligently for just a minute or two.


Please tell us about Henry the 8th. 

I'm all ears. 

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16 hours ago, khunpa said:

Imagine you marrying a 30 year older woman and having to live with her every day for years, just to be able to survive and send some money back to your parents. 


I think any normal person would go insane at some point. But of course the older men here, who are married to women that could be their daughters, would disagree. But I am sure they would never themselves want to live or have sex with a 30 year older person. 


"True love" in these (Grand) Daddy / Daughter relationships are extremely rare, in my opinion. Which also often shows, when the money runs out. And of course it impacts the women involved. Imagine you bringing home and showing your friends a Grand Mother-Girlfriend. They all know why you are with her, which would make anyone normal person sick, when thinking closer about it. I doubt the girls feel great about it... In ALL ways.


I know this will be hard to swallow for the Grand Dads here. But I do not care. If you are running around with a 30-40 year younger Thai-girl and you believe she really loves being with you, then you are simply stupid, naive as hell and living in Fantasy Land.


If you do not agree on that, then go have sex with a 30-40 year older woman and lets hear how much you enjoyed that. At least I can understand the men who find a much younger partner and inside knows/accepts, what it is really all about. But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally.



As I age I really question the words "true love" As a thrice divorced person did I experience "true love" 3 times or was it an illusion. For the sake of disclosure my  g/f of five wonderful years is more than 30 years younger than me. She had a much younger foreigner before me a young dude that could not keep it in his pants she knows that when she goes home for a visit I will. Age and education in the school of life does have some benefits. In Indian and other Asia cultures arranged marriages seem to work. The 2 girls mentioned could just be an anomaly or as life so often shows "it just doesn't work all the time" no big deal.  This is the land of smiles the sirens wave in the wind beckoning we come hither but there are pitfalls. Thai ladies state their goals upfront Western women not so much. Its called honesty. In turn when they take up the baton with an older dude its called respect. The success rate of a marriage or relationship is 50% for or against. Maybe your odds in the stock market would be better. 

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15 hours ago, khunpa said:

Imagine you marrying a 30 year older woman and having to live with her every day for years, just to be able to survive and send some money back to your parents. 


I think any normal person would go insane at some point. But of course the older men here, who are married to women that could be their daughters, would disagree. But I am sure they would never themselves want to live or have sex with a 30 year older person. 


"True love" in these (Grand) Daddy / Daughter relationships are extremely rare, in my opinion. Which also often shows, when the money runs out. And of course it impacts the women involved. Imagine you bringing home and showing your friends a Grand Mother-Girlfriend. They all know why you are with her, which would make anyone normal person sick, when thinking closer about it. I doubt the girls feel great about it... In ALL ways.


I know this will be hard to swallow for the Grand Dads here. But I do not care. If you are running around with a 30-40 year younger Thai-girl and you believe she really loves being with you, then you are simply stupid, naive as hell and living in Fantasy Land.


If you do not agree on that, then go have sex with a 30-40 year older woman and lets hear how much you enjoyed that. At least I can understand the men who find a much younger partner and inside knows/accepts, what it is really all about. But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally.





I think any normal person would go insane at some point

I think people can "go insane" at any age in a relationship. My same age ex did a great job on me.


True love" in these (Grand) Daddy / Daughter relationships are extremely rare

You are ASSUMING the guy thinks she loves him. I'd say it's more that he is taking advantage of the situation to marry an attractive woman that still wants to have sex, than thinking she "loves" him. Selfish perhaps, but no crime is committed.


which would make anyone normal person sick

Assuming again based on your own opinion. In my experience not so.


But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally

If there is a guy that actually believes that, then I'd have to agree that they are dreaming.


I am sure they would never themselves want to live or have sex with a 30 year older person. 

Of course they wouldn't. They could do that back home. However, they are the ones with the money, and the younger women want it. Win win, unless one of them stuffs it up.


You do know that a very old Hugh Heffner married a very much younger woman, don't you? Did you complain about that, or is it only western men in LOS that transgress?


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14 hours ago, khunpa said:


I agree, in rare cases there can be relationships of that kind, that are properly based on real attraction and love. I am sure some women have father issues or something like that...


BUT... if we look at this objectively and with a realistic view, then I would claim the following:


1. Most Thai-women would prefer a Thai-man. (often also what the married first)

2. Most Thai-women as ALL other women in this world, do not find a much older Farang attractive. Just like most men do not dream of marrying someone 30-40 years older than themselves.

3. Most people 30-40 years older than yourself, is not normally that "Cool" or "Fun".


So, Yes, the chances are there... BUT they are very, very, very small. Like finding a hardcore bargirl, who would never lie to you.   



I am not sure where you get your info but it sucks and is not worth it.


1.  most thai woman want a western husband because in most cases they are more stable than a Thai man.  Take a look at how many kids have fathers that have gf and are never around.  Take a look at the number of thai men that spend the night drinking.


Age - age in most relationships has very little to do with it.  i know many men and women that are older mentally than they are actually and vice versa.  Attractive is not always the model beauty but what is inside the person.  It is how they see the world and is it in line with you.  I have met many younger thai ladies that are actually mentally older and more sedate than I am.


I am a lot older than most of the people that I associate with and can tell you that they all find being with me fun and "cool".  


As to the hardcore bargirl I have actually found a few that do not lie to me.  Mainly because they know I only come in for drinks and that usually the BS meter is correct.  




The OP mentioned girls that were in their 20's in Thailand the maturity level of a 20 year old is not that high.  They want to party and spend time on chat site.  For an older man that does not have the stamina to keep up it will not work.  There are however, young ladies that are looking for a steady relationship and may or may not want children.  


The issue is not age but it is what the person wants out of the relationship and what they will give up for it.  Most girls think that they can change the man or that they can live with the sacrifices that is not always true.


I have been with the same girl for 6 years, we met on the internet, She is 20 years younger than me but we have the same goals and desires,  If anything I am the one that is draggin her out to places to have fun.


Please be more careful when you use that paintbrush.




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7 minutes ago, amykat said:




If a beautiful 25 year old modern woman goes out seeking sex and nothing more, she is not going home with Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch or Joe Blow who is 20- 40 years older, and ugly because "women are different",  and they don't care what their potential partner looks like. I would argue woman are operating under the same laws of physical attraction as men, whatever those are.  She doesn't care how much money is in your wallet, she isn't getting turned on by possible child support payments, etc.


    You keep moving the goal posts 

This thread is about poor third World Thais marrying older felangs and now you are giving an example about rich female socialite westerns looking for a one night stand .

   Two very different situations

   If a  female goes out to a bar looking for sex and theres an ugly guy who arrives in a Ferrari and another handsome guy arrives on a bus , no guesses who's attention she will be attempting to seek

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14 hours ago, khunpa said:

Do you really truly believe that if money was not the only issue,  then young girls would be interested in these older men at all???



   you got it all figured out... these young

women only want older men's money,

and they 'don't' want younger men's  $.


and when a young man's money runs

low they still loyally stay with him. but,

when an older man's money runs low,

they leave... ok... got it now... 


maybe if younger men could figure out

how to have more money,  there would

be way less only-interested-in-money

young women for you younger guys... lol.


oh wait, when they are with you young

guys, it's 'not for money' ... but when

they shun you for us older guys $$$ .

then they are only with us for money ?


are we talking about the same females ?

they both, don't want, / and do want, money at the same time ? based on the

 age of their male companion ?

 is that what you're saying ?


 if it is,  you might want to check the

 deluded content of yourself a little...

 they are with younger guys for exactly

the same reason they are with older

guys... RESOURCES ...  us older guys

just have more of it.  too bad so sad.

plain and simple...


 that's what motivates women. $$$ ...

 reproduce, gather resources for

 shelter and recreation... all paid for

with money. and I'm not so certain us

more experienced 50+ guys are as naive

as you need to believe we are, about

why women put out... we know. so what.


 try reducing your young financial $$

 flow to the Thai females in your life,

and see how forgiving your girl is

 because of your lower age...

if she gives me a call, I'll let you know.


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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:



I think any normal person would go insane at some point

I think people can "go insane" at any age in a relationship. My same age ex did a great job on me.


True love" in these (Grand) Daddy / Daughter relationships are extremely rare

You are ASSUMING the guy thinks she loves him. I'd say it's more that he is taking advantage of the situation to marry an attractive woman that still wants to have sex, than thinking she "loves" him. Selfish perhaps, but no crime is committed.


which would make anyone normal person sick

Assuming again based on your own opinion. In my experience not so.


But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally

If there is a guy that actually believes that, then I'd have to agree that they are dreaming.


I am sure they would never themselves want to live or have sex with a 30 year older person. 

Of course they wouldn't. They could do that back home. However, they are the ones with the money, and the younger women want it. Win win, unless one of them stuffs it up.


You do know that a very old Hugh Heffner married a very much younger woman, don't you? Did you complain about that, or is it only western men in LOS that transgress?



Actually, I agree with you and I am no complaining, just stating my personal opinion.


I have friends married or in relationships to much younger women here in Thailand and to me that is fine (it is their life). The difference in the guys I know, is that there is two kinds:


1) The guy knows what the relationship is based on. He provides the "pocket-money" happily and his girl is happy.


2) The guy thinks the girl really truly loves him and whines about having to pay the "pocket-money" every week/month or support her family too.


The No. 2 guys are the ones, I do not understand. At least the No. 1 guys understands the game and I can respect that.

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Sanemax, Does one need to be a "Rich Western Socialite" in order  to engage in casual dating?  Or even a one-night stand?  Although I am not sure how many ladies seek to ONLY have a one night stand but I was trying to make a point.


I have heard in Thailand a word called gik?  Have you?  I have also heard about many married ladies having lovers on the side?  Are these lovers also old and ugly men?  You know, if they happen to be married to some guy who is 20 to 40 years older and good looking or ugly, do they chose a lover that is about the same as their husband? Or what?


Anyway, I guess you disagree with me?  You seem to think that only RICH, Western Women would ever refuse a sexual tryst with an ugly guy in a Ferrari vs a gorgeous poor man.  Can you tell me, if she goes home with the guy in the Ferrari, does he give her the Ferrari, or does she go home just the same, with nothing but sex, as she would have rec'd from the poor man?


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In general, the younger woman marries an older man to have an ATM and when he dies he should have he provide all so she can live.

Then there is the as well younger woman was left behind and did have children.

And you have the woman how are forced to get income for the family.

Most western men get a woman here that kind of woman they could never have if they try to get a home.

There are different reasons why most women give the best part of life to an old man to take care of.

In the end,  it is the woman who has to lose all. She has to go a long time when the man passed away or leaves her and is too old to get a good new man. So she has to make sure she get what is needed to survive the rest of her time.

Most men forget that because when little head things there is no blood left for the big head.



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1 hour ago, Farangdanny said:

You talk rubbish, every situation is different. I am 70 yrs. young and my wife of four years is now 23 yrs,.,  well grown up and just passed her "Barrister' exams, so she is intelligent. We are never separated. We often visit her parents and stay in small village, where we feel very welcome and comfortable. Her family often visit and stay with us. Neither of us think about age. I don't give money to any of the family etc, and support my wife in the normal marital way. She never asks for anything else. We are devoted to each other, and could not be happier. Before you ask, the sex life is normal.


Good that you are so happy together.


I just do not still believe that most 23 year old women, would dream of being in a relationship with a 70 year old guy. Her friends are hanging out with young Thai-guys having fun and living life, while she is living the life of a much older woman. Wasting her youth in my opinion. But that is just my personal opinion.


If my 19 year old daughter came home with a 60 year old boyfriend, I for sure would wonder what went wrong and I would be sad for her. (even if he was super rich). And the day I go out and have sex with an 90 year old woman, I will for sure kill myself.



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Upside - try googling Henry Vlll. He was in the fortunate position of being able to give the Papacy the royal finger when the Pope of the time tried to enforce church/religious authority over Henry (and England) for political reasons rather than on grounds of morality. I have no special grievance against the Catholic Church, but certainly support the principle of separation of church and state.  Anyone who has to rely on imaginary beings to instil fear or claim special authority to exploit the uneducated is an unprincipled monster in my view.

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8 minutes ago, amykat said:

Sanemax, Does one need to be a "Rich Western Socialite" in order  to engage in casual dating?  Or even a one-night stand?  Although I am not sure how many ladies seek to ONLY have a one night stand but I was trying to make a point.





   I was replying to a post where the poster stated  "If a beautiful 25 year old modern woman goes out seeking sex and nothing more, she is not going home with Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch "

       And only rich Western socialites would mix in those circles , so that was what I was referring to . 

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19 minutes ago, amykat said:



Anyway, I guess you disagree with me?  You seem to think that only RICH, Western Women would ever refuse a sexual tryst with an ugly guy in a Ferrari vs a gorgeous poor man.  Can you tell me, if she goes home with the guy in the Ferrari, does he give her the Ferrari, or does she go home just the same, with nothing but sex, as she would have rec'd from the poor man?



   If theres a handsome young guy in a bar , who arrives on a bus and offers the woman half a shandy and a packet of pork scratchings and then asks her to walk back to his mums house to sleep and get a saveloy and chips on the way home  , then an uglier guy turns up in a Ferrari, buys a bottle of champagne , suggests that they move on to a top nightclub, stopping off at an expensive restaurant along the way and then  back to his luxurious penthouse .

   Which one of the guys would the female consider to be most "handsome" then ?

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I am 66 and live in Thailand, I would never date a woman under 45. As it turns out the lady I live with is 45. Her age was not a determining factor as per per our relationship, nor was sex. Her honesty was first, her smile and happy nature second.

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   If theres a handsome young guy in a bar , who arrives on a bus and offers the woman half a shandy and a packet of pork scratchings and then asks her to walk back to his mums house to sleep and get a saveloy and chips on the way home  , then an uglier guy turns up in a Ferrari, buys a bottle of champagne , suggests that they move on to a top nightclub, stopping off at an expensive restaurant along the way and then  back to his luxurious penthouse .

   Which one of the guys would the female consider to be most "handsome" then ?


You are going to extreme examples to make your point.  I would say their are plenty of nice, men aged 25-30, who are not rolling in money, but who are not losers, living with their mother, who would be available to date a woman 25 years old.  When I was that age, I was in graduate school and went out with my classmates.  Do you consider a man in law school or medical school who hasn't yet made his fortune a loser and my better choice should have been some 50 year old Don Juan with a Ferrari?


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35 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:


And you have the woman how are forced to get income for the family.

Most western men get a woman here that kind of woman they could never have if they try to get a home.

There are different reasons why most women give the best part of life to an old man to take care of.

In the end,  it is the woman who has to lose all. She has to go a long time when the man passed away or leaves her and is too old to get a good new man. So she has to make sure she get what is needed to survive the rest of her time.

Most men forget that because when little head things there is no blood left for the big head.




   Many, many Thai woman are obliged to provide for their families .

Many Thai mothers encourage their daughters to work in bars , thats where they can earn big money.

Not nice, but thats the reality .

   Many Thai woman who get felang males here who She could never get the equivalent Thai make in Thailand .

   The Woman doesnt have it all to lose, thy have everything to gain, even a passport and ticket out of thailand, where they can go and work abroad and can be quite successful .

   Many Thai ladies who marry felangs also get set up for life , keep the house, trust funds etc 

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11 minutes ago, amykat said:


You are going to extreme examples to make your point.  I would say their are plenty of nice, men aged 25-30, who are not rolling in money, but who are not losers, living with their mother, who would be available to date a woman 25 years old.  When I was that age, I was in graduate school and went out with my classmates.  Do you consider a man in law school or medical school who hasn't yet made his fortune a loser and my better choice should have been some 50 year old Don Juan with a Ferrari?



   My point was that females find wealth attractive, more so than good looks .

Also, this thread is about felang guys in Thailand , nothing to do with when you were at school and your situation or the situation in your home country 

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22 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

I am 66 and live in Thailand, I would never date a woman under 45. As it turns out the lady I live with is 45. Her age was not a determining factor as per per our relationship, nor was sex. Her honesty was first, her smile and happy nature second.

I think you know your wife reads the posts on TV.....nice suck up, even if it is true....but not likely.....sorry...??

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On 09/10/2016 at 7:44 PM, Toscano said:

I agree that an older man , 60 - 70 yrs old , marrying a girl 20 - 30yrs old is a mistake for a variety of reasons .

They will have nothing in common , a young girl may want children , he probably has adult children from a pervious marriage and doesn't wand to be troubled by babies .

Many men who come to Thailand may have enough money to support a wife really well , but not her whole family .

I see foreign men , whose physical appearance wouldn't attract any woman in their own country , married to quite pretty young girls .

I opted for a university educated woman in her forties , now 55yrs , with two already adult children away from home , who owned a house and farm land .

Even so my wife is 24yrs younger , but her thinking is older  we are both grandparents now of our respective families .

I would advise older men coming to Thailand to have a Retirement Visa , so marriage is not a must , you can stay in Thailand till you die without serious problems .

Don't get married , but if you have to a Thai village wedding is OK and if it doesn't work you can pack your bags and leave .

Don't buy a house , rent or lease unless it's a condo in only your name .

It's much cheaper to pay for sex as you go or have short time relationships .  Thais are not into kissing , cuddling and western style foreplay ;

you're more likely to enjoy that with a bargirl , than with a respectable upcountry girl or woman  .

Hello there Toscano I agree with all things you said. You should write a book called, "A Handbook for the Newly Arrived in Thailand", it will surely be the book of the year in Thailand let alone in Britain or America. Elaborated more in details where one would most likely make mistakes.

Isn't it human instinct to carry off the foreign women on horseback and ravish them? Farangs with their money now conquered Thailand and young girls are theirs for the asking isn't it true ? No? Genghis Khan and his mongolian army did that, didn't they? As well as other armies everywhere all down the centuries. So it's human instinct.

I think Genghis Khan must be about 70 years old when he was caressing the young Chinese Princess with her nice pink tits.

A sort of Handbook for guidance is needed for the Farangs in thailand, you will do the Thais a big favour Toscano if you write this Handbook.

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One more example, a neighbor Thai lady mid 60's, just went to Germany for official marriage number 4. New German husband is 89 years old and has numerous serious health problems. He answered an add on an on-line dating site featuring Thai women.


He came to Thailand to meet her after the initial on-line contact. The lady has a big luxurious house with several staff, she made excuses why he couldn't stay in her house. Her staff gossip that just didn't want the bother of taking care of a sick old man. She did however quickly convince im to tie the know officially.


Bottom line, this is her fourth marriage to farang, all died within a few years of marriage to 'the lady'. 


But of course there's plenty of farang women who are just gold diggers and here's plenty of both farang and Thai men who look for / get hitched to a sugar mommy. 

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