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Monk arrested as six year old boy murdered and sodomized in Khon Kaen


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Bizarre that people are blaming Buddhism rather than human nature in this. Presumably they don't accept that all manner of atrocity is just beneath the skin.


Fact is, without religion there would be utter anarchy in this country, and a lot more crimes of this and every type. Atheism is fine for the intellectuals, but the masses need religion, and Buddhism works at least partially as a mechanism of moral control.


The only thing to blame in these cases is evolution.

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32 minutes ago, bark said:

They need to make the bars and server, responsible also. Same as in the West.


2 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Bizarre that people are blaming Buddhism rather than human nature in this. Presumably they don't accept that all manner of atrocity is just beneath the skin.


Fact is, without religion there would be utter anarchy in this country, and a lot more crimes of this and every type. Atheism is fine for the intellectuals, but the masses need religion, and Buddhism works at least partially as a mechanism of moral control.


The only thing to blame in these cases is evolution.

Never thought of it that way.  Good post food for thought. 

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8 hours ago, pattayahenry said:

there is a deeper meaning for becoming a monk. by treating former ordinary men like saints, they will change their behavior, their mentality and character, and actually turn into better humans. unfortunatly that does not work for everybody.




To me personally it's all nonsense.  Every person on the Planet has a responsibility to act like a decent Human Being in all circumstances.  Of course, parenting and education play a large part in moulding any individual and those are the area's that this country is weak in and any Government should work hard to rectify.    Sadly any Government here, regardless of what colour flag they fly, or even a Military flag, have little or no interest in anything other than self help.

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15 hours ago, madusa said:

Scorecard, I hope what you said is true. Monks are not allowed to stay in hotel or even private homes, they must stay in temples unless there is no temple.



I think most of us are aware of that but in June we were in a Hotel in Chantabhuri and there were four Monks staying there.   Wife raised her eyebrows but not surprised, as she is a non-believer because of all she has witnessed of the Monkhood in her 52 years of life in this broken society.

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54 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Bizarre that people are blaming Buddhism rather than human nature in this. Presumably they don't accept that all manner of atrocity is just beneath the skin.


Fact is, without religion there would be utter anarchy in this country, and a lot more crimes of this and every type. Atheism is fine for the intellectuals, but the masses need religion, and Buddhism works at least partially as a mechanism of moral control.


The only thing to blame in these cases is evolution.



My personal view is that all religion is a curse on Humanity.    More wars are started by religion than in any other way.    Religion is simply a means used by Governments and religious fanatics (thieves) to control populations of weak minded and uneducated people.

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7 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:



My personal view is that all religion is a curse on Humanity.    More wars are started by religion than in any other way.    Religion is simply a means used by Governments and religious fanatics (thieves) to control populations of weak minded and uneducated people.


That's also Richard Dawkins' position, but I think that's a mistake as it assumes everyone in the world is as intellectual as we are. Fact is, people are incredibly frail and insecure - quite pathetic really - and need religion as a means of social cohesion and keeping themselves under control. It works from an anthropological level from entire societies right down to the individual.


This particular monk - I suspect he joined the monkhood precisely as a means of controlling himself, knowing that he had dangerous and antisocial inclinations. Unfortunately, something even more atavistic got the upper hand.


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There are the time when finding a word to express anger and sadness becomes so hard.  Such a sad incident and disgrace to monkhood, hope capital punishment is given and set an example and sadly it seems it has became a regular affair these days.  RIP , my words truly fails here

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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:



My personal view is that all religion is a curse on Humanity.    More wars are started by religion than in any other way.    Religion is simply a means used by Governments and religious fanatics (thieves) to control populations of weak minded and uneducated people.

Agree fully

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It's interesting to note that when a Thailand "confesses" to a murder, the TV armchair detectives want to lynch them on the spot, but with non-thais confess to something, they're always innocent people who are scapegoats and the confession was the result of torture. 

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"When he first came to the temple, I told him not to bring teenagers over, but he refused to comply... We did not do anything because we knew he had done bad things in the past"...

What else can be said... I'm just speechless...

RIP little boy, poor mom and dad...

I've got two kids myself ant these are the things that don't let me sleep at night!

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I am sorry but Paedophile's regardless of Race creed or colour deserve only a 9mm anaesthethic . It you think thrapy or Monkhood cures them then you should look at recidivsm rates.

Get rid of them day one and they cannot reoffend. 

For those of you who like to attack the Buddhist Faith it is not a religion but a Philosphy. If the first 5 precepts were actually followed such things would diminish.

Religion may be a curse but faith is a basic human need.

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7 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

Bizarre that people are blaming Buddhism rather than human nature in this. Presumably they don't accept that all manner of atrocity is just beneath the skin.


Fact is, without religion there would be utter anarchy in this country, and a lot more crimes of this and every type. Atheism is fine for the intellectuals, but the masses need religion, and Buddhism works at least partially as a mechanism of moral control.


The only thing to blame in these cases is evolution.


Buddhism and the Buddhist religion have little or nothing in common.

Bowing to anything or anybody is not Buddhist practice, merely religious worship. Making merit for personal gain, whether spiritual or material, can only have the oposite effect of what was sought by the act.

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19 hours ago, balo said:


Isn't this the truth for 90% of them ?  I don't understand this trust in monks here , they are not holy people at all , they are just people with lots of problems , put them in a temple and see how long they can stay away from sins .  




No, you are wrong! It's 99.9999999999999999999999999999999%

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6 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


That's also Richard Dawkins' position, but I think that's a mistake as it assumes everyone in the world is as intellectual as we are. Fact is, people are incredibly frail and insecure - quite pathetic really - and need religion as a means of social cohesion and keeping themselves under control. It works from an anthropological level from entire societies right down to the individual.


This particular monk - I suspect he joined the monkhood precisely as a means of controlling himself, knowing that he had dangerous and antisocial inclinations. Unfortunately, something even more atavistic got the upper hand.



Careful! I don't think such objectivism is allowed in here!

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Teenage boy from useless family across the road; thrown out of a school in BKK for yabba dealing; thrown out of next school in KK for the same. Brought back to village, offered prison or temple. Guess what, another monk is created; until he is allowed to continue the family business.

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There's another story out there of a monk throwing puppies into the river. Not sure what temple that was at. It's endless. Not only are these monks doing this terrible people, we know the abbots of their temple are not observant at all. What are these monks learning at these temples? Of course, some of these people were rotten all along which is why they or someone thought a monk's life might fix them. For some there is nothing that can be done. The abbots need to identify these hopeless cases and kick them out or warn and watch them. It also seems many of these trainee monks just throw on a robe and hang around the temple waiting for nothing. There's a saying that goes something like 'Idle hands are the devil's workshop. The abbots need to make these new monks work and do something monk-like.

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Thank God, this religion is not everywhere around the world,  just imagine how many perverts, peterfiles, rapists, murders there would be hiding behind those orange robes. It's bad enough now with so called righteous religious groups covering up for their priests in our western society. I see new monks arriving at our local temple every now and then, some of them are covered in Tattoos, I have nothing against people who want these on their body, however, I would have thought that if you are a true believer in your faith your body would not be covered with tats of cult images of life and death. Or has his inner self been cleansed and now is squeaky clean and now will not drink alcohol, have sex with a woman, swear, spend the peoples money on self indulgences. Religion, I still don't understand it to this day, it just seems to be a tool to be used by anybody to start another war somewhere. Maybe I am getting old and had enough of the bullsh!!!!!!!!! around the world.

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I was brought up as a Catholic but now, as a result of all the dreadful revelations over the years, have no respect at all for the organisation and in fact question why any man would willingly give up normal sexual relations in favour of a life in relative seclusion and supposed sexual abstinence.


When I moved to Thailand many years ago, I admired the Buddhist faith and respected the monks, but unfortunately events since have destroyed that view also and, although there must surely be many good monks around, the bad ones get all the publicity and have ruined the reputation of the whole organisation. I believe that the system of allowing "temporary" monks should be discontinued and after a suitable period of training with a possible minimum of two years  to prove good intentions, all probationary monks who have passed that test  should then be ordained and registered and their future behaviour carefully monitored by the head monk. 

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Buddhism seems to me to be a good way to lead one's life but, unfortunately, many monks today, who are supposed to reflect what is best in that belief, fail miserably and although most Thais still seem to be sufficiently brain-washed to support them all, we ex-pats (or at least many of us) distrust and despise them.

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On 10/13/2016 at 9:26 AM, DUNROAMIN said:

Thank God, this religion is not everywhere around the world,  just imagine how many perverts, peterfiles, rapists, murders there would be hiding behind those orange robes. It's bad enough now with so called righteous religious groups covering up for their priests in our western society. I see new monks arriving at our local temple every now and then, some of them are covered in Tattoos, I have nothing against people who want these on their body, however, I would have thought that if you are a true believer in your faith your body would not be covered with tats of cult images of life and death. Or has his inner self been cleansed and now is squeaky clean and now will not drink alcohol, have sex with a woman, swear, spend the peoples money on self indulgences. Religion, I still don't understand it to this day, it just seems to be a tool to be used by anybody to start another war somewhere. Maybe I am getting old and had enough of the bullsh!!!!!!!!! around the world.

Thank God most people don't judge a whole religion on one, or very small minority of monks' actions. 


I suggest you go to your temple and talk with some of these tattooed monks before judging them like this. 





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20 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Buddhism seems to me to be a good way to lead one's life but, unfortunately, many monks today, who are supposed to reflect what is best in that belief, fail miserably and although most Thais still seem to be sufficiently brain-washed to support them all, we ex-pats (or at least many of us) distrust and despise them.


Wow, what a generalization! How long have you been a retired happy expat here to have such insight into what Thais think?


What really makes me laugh is your last part. Are you serious in thinking we ex-pats despise Buddhist monks?

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On 11/10/2559 at 8:12 AM, grumbleweed said:


The unhealthy mix of sex starved men and small boys makes me shudder at the best of times.


I can't imagine what this poor boy must have felt being horrendously treated by someone that he has been brainwashed by his parents and society into trusting. 


How many times must you get bitten before you begin mistrusting dogs? It's time monks, along with all religious freaks, were awarded "leper status" and cast out from society. 





Should give the Hansen disease folks a break, don't associate them with this scum...or the other...

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We live in a deeply troubled world.  We are shaken by such horrors, for we assume good in most people we come across.  This poor little boy was part of our community and we have failed in protecting him and others.  Let us learn to be wary of those who demand respect and on guard for those who do not mean well.  My thoughts are with the family of the little boy.

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