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THAI TOURISM: Security advisories 'may hurt tourism'


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Tourism in Thailand is a protected species.

Transparency and openess is a grey area, perhaps its always been that way and change is often resisted.

As far as security is concerned I dont mind seeing soldiers and police on view, the problem is they often are not to be seen, plenty turn up for photos when they make an arrest ( or someone hands themselves in) but as far as ordinary patrols in shopping centres or on the streets where are they?  I dont know how many police there are in the country but most just seem to the police station until its time to go home which hardly stands for security or a service to the country.

It might be that people here, whatever they do, deny there is any security issues to deal with, foreign governments might take a different view of course which would really confuse TAT and security services.

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8 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Typical but sad attitude.

To hell with security just don't interfere with tourism.

Unfortunately it may well be that in the not too distant future tourism will be rocked to its core ! 

Best Tourists know about these explosive outbursts and save a bomb further down the line. 

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Just like clockwork every year since Mr T left - every year around August and afterwards we get these so called blame it on Islam terrorist attacks or warnings...  its all just smoke and mirrors... the south keep their affairs south and im not buying it...

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9 hours ago, waldroj said:

“...The tourism sector may suffer a huge negative impact if many countries issue travel advisories..."


Yes, but imagine the impact if an unfortunate incident does occur, and it ensued that prior knowledge was "officially" suppressed. 


Suparerk deserves to be severely censured for his comments. Especially for suggesting that speculation should be controlled. 


The speculation is NOT the problem.


Lack of confidence in the country's ability to protect tourists is the real dilemma for Thailand. Unfortunately, it seems that there is still very little being done to reassure others that this country is up to the task. 

Completely agree, seems most people can see this except the Government.


I also think there is a very real possibility of incompetence in dealing with this. After all we all know of the inherent problems with corruption. Police roles bought and paid for by unqualified individuals in important, decision making positions is a surefire recipe for incompetence and poor policing. The Thai police seem to be there solely for the purpose of collecting money and do not portray a professional police force, at least not to me.


Some may think this unfair but it is a fact that corruption, specifically, nepotism and cronyism certainly is not good for any organisation, the Police force is no exception.


I hope I am wrong but it is just the impression I get.




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2 hours ago, nong38 said:

Tourism in Thailand is a protected species.

Transparency and openess is a grey area, perhaps its always been that way and change is often resisted.

As far as security is concerned I dont mind seeing soldiers and police on view, the problem is they often are not to be seen, plenty turn up for photos when they make an arrest ( or someone hands themselves in) but as far as ordinary patrols in shopping centres or on the streets where are they?  I dont know how many police there are in the country but most just seem to the police station until its time to go home which hardly stands for security or a service to the country.

It might be that people here, whatever they do, deny there is any security issues to deal with, foreign governments might take a different view of course which would really confuse TAT and security services.


Wiki says between 210,000 and 230,000 officers.... but... wiki doesn't know how many of these are in inactive posts, which , given recent movements, could be a very large number

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Came through "Swampy" on Monday evening at about 8.00 pm, no waiting at immigration, straight to an empty desk. Spent a night nearby at one of the transit hotels, completely dead. The numbers that TAT talk about you would think that both airports would be pretty busy all the time.

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9 hours ago, Partenavia said:

Came through "Swampy" on Monday evening at about 8.00 pm, no waiting at immigration, straight to an empty desk. Spent a night nearby at one of the transit hotels, completely dead. The numbers that TAT talk about you would think that both airports would be pretty busy all the time.


On the bright side things are beginning to look up.

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18 hours ago, smedly said:

exactly guys - they don't understand that more damage will be caused if they are not open and honest about possible threats, as I have said before - it is important that the public are aware of what is going on so that they can be extra vigilant - it also helps if they have an idea of what they should be looking for


What they should be focusing on  is demonstrating that they are able to deal with possible threats effectively - that also means being open and transparent and involving the public.


If there was a threat in Pattaya for example, I would want to know about it including the type of threat

Yes and any unattended bags or packages should be reported immediately, Don't tell the people that whatever you do.

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It's funny when you get old you notice little things like the GIRL in the picture with the red backpack? That thing looks like it weighs well over any 22 kilo weight limit. Looks like she's been standing there socializing for 20 minutes forgetting she's even still wearing it. With a long sleeve garment because she's just a tad "chilly". With my back I would have been lying across four seats like 10 minutes ago.

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17 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Exactly, and boy, are those South Pole beaches ever pristine ...

Or like downtown Chicago, New York, Detroit, Baltimore, Boston, Philly, Oakland.. etc etc. Take your safe vacation there. Rape, rob stealing, killing every hour on the hour in the downtown and ghetto. Ever see a crime log of Chicago on a Friday night? Ain't no muslims on that thang.. Pages and pages every few minutes something major.10 people dead every-night in the morgue from each city. Probably 3 digit contiguous US death toll EVERYNIGHT. And not a peep from Yabonic press. So you just like the press hyping terrorism from ISIS across the ocean. 1 bomb in 1 country out of 30  countries going off every few month's. It's Fracky Propagacky. They need that oil war although it looks like Trump might not bribe, rig his way into the White House control chair this time.


To those of you scratching your head like what are we taking about. There was an original comment farther up the thread pages ago. we were just replying to it. So ah.. I would suggest after about 5 years with this thaivisas comment engine.... concatenating each reply and redundantly repeating the original comments waaaaay at the end of the thread pages and pages later... is lame. The best comment engine out there is 'DisQuss' You can even proxy through them and not run it in house. It would probably take you less than a week to change to 'DisQuss'

Edited by jb5music
it lost the original comment that was being replied to... oh and I mispelled the word 'there'
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40 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

New Year's Eve should be a ball


We've been there before,  (https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://ehotelier.com/insights/2006/12/31/bangkok-hit-by-series-of-bomb-blasts-new-years-eve-celebrations-cancelled/&ved=0ahUKEwiLhMLW1N7PAhVW-2MKHY-nAisQFggaMAA&usg=AFQjCNFhNBgwf04S4ZEDoO8J9XImDlrO9w&sig2=sL6rVXC4Cj1MkOBQCjDFuA). 


Incidentally, just like recent events, while a lot of accusations were made, no one was ever held to account!

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1 hour ago, meltingpot2015 said:

This is not the only reason tourism will take a hit. I mean,  have you seen this advice. cut down on alcohol, don't wear bright coloured cloths, keep a low profile, no loud or overt celebrations... Pretty much covers everything a holidaymaker dreams of :wink:

 If for more than a couple of weeks this will kill tourism stone dead.


I completely understand and empathise with the Thai people. Many, no, most of these measures will not effect me personally,  but with several rival holiday destinations now in S E Asia,  if enforced this will be economic suicide, and will lead to significant misery and job losses. 

Edited by JAG
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43 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

What's wrong with you people,. It's a sign of 

respect. for The King.!


The Thai People are willing to sacrafice ,economically to rememberTheir King,. The Foreign DRNKS only

care about themselves and their cheap beers..so sad.

So many have no say in an economic sacrifice as the decision is made for them and by people who have no need to worry about money etc.

With restrictions and uncertainty about more restrictions and how long they'll last etc does TAT and the minster honestly believe visitors will still come when there's so many alternatives available ?

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52 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

What's wrong with you people,. It's a sign of 

respect. for The King.!


The Thai People are willing to sacrafice ,economically to rememberTheir King,. The Foreign DRNKS only

care about themselves and their cheap beers..so sad.

Read my post , it is a considered opinion, not a lament for the non availability of beer.

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Tourists being killed by terrorists is relative to all the other possibilities of them being killed or injured in Thailand. And there are plenty of other ways of dying in Thailand while on holidays.


Chopped up by boat propellers.

Drowning in a boating accident.

Death or injury in a mini-bus ...or any other sort of bus or taxi.

Being mugged and bashed by thugs.

Food poisoning.

Killed or injured in a road accident.

Being shot accidentally in a rage incident (wrong place at the wrong time).

Adventure activity accident.

Plus others.


Being warned about possible terrorist acts is fair enough if in fact there is any REAL evidence to support such warnings.  Other opinions seem to suggest it is only the security boys flexing their muscles just to be seen to be doing something....anything so as to impress their commanding officers and cover their ass just in case something MIGHT happen.



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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

What's wrong with you people,. It's a sign of 

respect. for The King.!


The Thai People are willing to sacrafice ,economically to rememberTheir King,. The Foreign DRNKS only

care about themselves and their cheap beers..so sad.

Beer in Thailand is no longer as cheap as it used to be, especially in restaurants and bars. Beer in Vietnam and Cambodia is very cheap by comparison. 

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4 hours ago, JAG said:

 If for more than a couple of weeks this will kill tourism stone dead.


I completely understand and empathise with the Thai people. Many, no, most of these measures will not effect me personally,  but with several rival holiday destinations now in S E Asia,  if enforced this will be economic suicide, and will lead to significant misery and job losses. 



....will lead to significant misery and job losses. 


Even if it's for longer than two weeks, those higher up the pecking order are bound to be okay. :wink:

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Sunday market in Chiang Mai was the quietest I've ever seen it around 7 p.m.....OK, sample size not too large, maybe 50.....but anyhow......


some days I am safe and you are not...other days you are safe and I am not....


I will sell my closet space to someone to use as a safe bunker...


500 baht per hour after i get my work permit sorted...

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On 10/13/2016 at 4:03 AM, Yann55 said:

'Travel advisories' are about as outdated and useless as public phone booths, embassies, pekingese dogs and Victoria Principal.


When it comes to influencing peoples' decision to travel or not travel somewhere, the Internet has totally overidden travel advisories, and mostly for the better.



The problem is though that if a travel advisory has been issued it invalidates any travel insurance which a tourist has taken out. Therefore in the event of a tourist sustaining injury even for a minor traffic accident he'll have to foot his own medical expenses. If it's something serious like losing a limb due to a bomb blast the cost can be astronimical.

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5 hours ago, JAG said:

 If for more than a couple of weeks this will kill tourism stone dead.


I completely understand and empathise with the Thai people. Many, no, most of these measures will not effect me personally,  but with several rival holiday destinations now in S E Asia,  if enforced this will be economic suicide, and will lead to significant misery and job losses. 


" if enforced this will be economic suicide, and will lead to significant misery and job losses.  "


I remember learning about the "multiplier effect " in basic economics which can also work in a negative way  leading to an initial fall in national income


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On 10/13/2016 at 8:31 AM, Srikcir said:

"getting bombed" -  American slang for getting really drunk.




Yes, we know what it means, but will the police view it the same way especially now with the country's revered monarch having just passed away. We see constant reminders about toning down lewd behaviour and being respectful especially with a view to how people dress. Ignoring that kind of advice could mean spending your holiday behind a different set of bars than the ones you're used to.

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