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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


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6 hours ago, dcutman said:

No where in these amendments says a 24 hour news network is a judge and jury.




Nor is a loose cannon running for President:


"Lock her up!"

"Crooked Hillary"

"Criminal Hillary"

"Deport Hillary"





Just a bunch of futile hyperbole from the desperate Bloviator.  :thumbsup:

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17 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

I think they catch it from their dads.

Here's a theory --


Donald Trump’s Toxic Masculinity

They’re the fears of a child, and most men outgrow them. But for various reasons, not all do. Their masculinity, already a coping mechanism, becomes toxic.


That’s why it’s no surprise to see Mr. Trump’s core supporters not only cling to him after the tape came out, but even tighten their grip, doubling down with misogynistic T-shirts and chants at rallies. He’s the furthest thing from the working-class men of my childhood, but whatever his motives for demeaning women, these supporters hear in him an echo of their own desperation.




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These are times when sane people seek the guidance of other sane people - in order to be reminded of what decency is. I saw a day-old interview with Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, and ti showed an elder couple in harmony and joy.


This morning, I watched a very recent speech by Michelle Obama. She's speaking to all Americans, but mostly to the 98% who don't think it's cool to denigrate and predate upon pretty girls.  A message from me to all non-Americans out there:  America is a country of decent and sane people.  Oddly, the US has freedoms which sometimes enable a mentally deranged demagogue to get in power seats once in awhile.  Students of recent American history have seen it with McCarthy, Trump and a few others.  Watching Michelle speak with genuine concern and passion, reminds me that most Americans are decent and sane. Listen:



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4 hours ago, Xircal said:

Difficult to say but Hillary isn't without her own Pandora's Box. Just do a search for "Hillary Clinton controversies" and you'll turn up a few I'm sure. Which of the two evils do you prefer?

It's like comparing someone who burns the toast in a toaster to someone who intentionally burns the house down.  In both cases there's smoke, but one contains worse scenarios than the other.


It sounds like Xircal is easily fooled, like several others on this blog, by the incessant accusations of the Republican Attack Machine.  You need to stand back and gauge which accusations you think are true, and their relative weight.


1 hour ago, Thechook said:

Why did they come out with thier allegation just before people vote. Why didn't they make this known in the beginning?  I think he is an idiot but this stinks of the Clinton's feeling desperate. 


Some of the talking heads on news discussions think it's primarily because, at the recent debate, Trump denied he did any of the things that he boasted about doing in the bus, on radio, and other venues. Similarly, people are coming forward (Like Schwartz, the writer of Trump's best selling bio; The Art of the Deal) because they don't want a president who is morally corrupt and who will run the US into the ground.

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Interestingly, the legal defense of newspapers, media and claimants themselves to the certain and inevitable crippling Trump lawsuit recently got a lot easier as explained by NYT attorney David McGraw:



In a letter Thursday, Times attorney David McCraw said Trump "has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women" and that multiple women had already come forward. "Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself," he wrote.




That is one key reason we are seeing and will be seeing much more of a flood of women stepping forward. The defense of these lawsuits by Trump just got much easier because of his own admissions.

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17 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Frankly, neither of them. I'm glad I'm not American for this reason only. Clinton's the more stable of the two though. I think Trump's a psychopath (really).


He even went into the perfume business with a fragrance called "Donald Trump, The Fragance". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fragrances#Donald_Trump.2C_The_Fragrance


Does that smell like his armpits I wonder.

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Reports keep pouring in of Trump's unabiding love and respect for women. What a role model he is.

Donald Trump Allegedly Called Deaf ‘Apprentice’ Contestant Marlee Matlin ‘Retarded,’ Treated Her Like She Was Handicapped: Report


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Two more women (Kristin Anderson and Summer Zervos) accuse Donald of sexual assult. Part of Donald's response was, "When ... unfounded accusations are treated as fact, with reporters throwing due diligence and fact-finding to the side in a rush to file their stories, it's evident that we are truly living in a broken system."


Donald can't stand what he thinks other people are doing to him as he has done to others. The saying "Do to others as you would have them do you" (Luke 6:31) comes to mind.

Other news sources:



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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Part of Donald's response was, "When ... unfounded accusations are treated as fact, with reporters throwing due diligence and fact-finding to the side in a rush to file their stories, it's evident that we are truly living in a broken system."


He has a point. The woman he calls "Crooked Hillary" and her minions have proven that they will sink to any low to win this election.

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

We believe that 100% of these bogus claims that Trump "groped" women are fraudulent.

Lame,  made-up stories to attempt to discredit. :saai:


Don't believe but can easily imagine how Putin would manipulate Trump's ego as POTUS. If not yet.


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Women are coming forward NOW for a very good reason.
In the second debate where trump defended the tape as "locker room" banter he was asked EXPLICITLY by Anderson Cooper if he has actually DONE the sexual abuse that he was bragging about. The trump clearly said NO (he would, wouldn't he). THAT is the reason women are coming forward now. This is going to totally bury trump and good riddance. A landslide win for Hill is now possible, not likely, but possible. 
Americans aren't going to make the pervert trump president any more than they'd make Bill Cosby president if he was running.


Women aren't coming forward at all.

ABC News have tried to contact every Miss USA contestant back to '97 looking for women willing to dish dirt on Trump. Paying those that do.

Doesn't take a genius to see through this witch hunt.

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These are times when sane people seek the guidance of other sane people - in order to be reminded of what decency is. I saw a day-old interview with Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, and ti showed an elder couple in harmony and joy.


This morning, I watched a very recent speech by Michelle Obama. She's speaking to all Americans, but mostly to the 98% who don't think it's cool to denigrate and predate upon pretty girls.  A message from me to all non-Americans out there:  America is a country of decent and sane people.  Oddly, the US has freedoms which sometimes enable a mentally deranged demagogue to get in power seats once in awhile.  Students of recent American history have seen it with McCarthy, Trump and a few others.  Watching Michelle speak with genuine concern and passion, reminds me that most Americans are decent and sane. Listen:



A speech that was most likely written for her weeks ago

This is a well co-ordinated smear campaign

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16 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


Women aren't coming forward at all.

ABC News have tried to contact every Miss USA contestant back to '97 looking for women willing to dish dirt on Trump. Paying those that do.

Doesn't take a genius to see through this witch hunt.

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Well only about 23 days until the US Presidential election and then Trump will either be President come 20 JAN 2017 or he can just go back to being "The Donald" and it won't make any difference who he did or didn't grope.


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42 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:



Along with Breitbart and Alex Jones, a trio of looney tunes websites.

Try again.

What was the plane that didn't have liftable arm rests in first class?


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