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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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9 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Well, this is shaping up as the largest, most pervasive, global conspiracy of all time - larger than area 51, Roswell, aliens, Oswald, even bigger than that Elvis never really left the building. Mother Jones has assembled this stunning list, getting longer by the day of this massive conspiracy, where obviously all the world's press and political elite are in it to destroy this patently decent highly prospective Presidential candidate. :shock1:


The Stunningly Long List of Women Who've Accused Trump of Sexual Assault



Yeah, it's getting hard to keep up. We need one of these:


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:



If you don't know why they didn't ( mutually ) shake hands at the start you know less about human nature than you think. I'm amazed they shook hands at the end.



Let's have the inside scoop then in the real breath from the horse's mouth.


Your expertise on Washington, political campaigns, politics and politicians. National politics, governance and global issues of material importance to the USA.


And let me not overlook human nature first and foremost.


So let's have it...

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18 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Well, this is shaping up as the largest, most pervasive, global conspiracy of all time - larger than area 51, Roswell, aliens, Oswald, even bigger than that Elvis never really left the building. Mother Jones has assembled this stunning list, getting longer by the day of this massive conspiracy, where obviously all the world's press and political elite are in it to destroy this patently decent highly prospective Presidential candidate. :shock1:


The Stunningly Long List of Women Who've Accused Trump of Sexual Assault


But strangely enough wikileaks has nothing on it.

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Wow, all this is so important concerning the world economy, jobs etc. Dear God, who cares? I am glad I don't know any one in Thailand who would do anything near that. I just find it odd that all of a sudden, like 20 days before the election that all of the poor women (I'm crying) have to come out with their assault stories, what a bunch of BS. Is it slightly possibly that maybe some of these women were flirting with him because he was a good looking young billionaire. Oh no no no that's not possible is it? What a load of garbage. Poor women, its all men's fault isn't it, especially American women.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Rush has already addressed this and it's been found that the woman is a flagrant liar.  


Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict. He is in no position to address anything.


Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges



Like Trump, Limbaugh appeals to a certain group. As Bill Maher correctly identifies:


"The reason why Trump is so popular with a certain type of voter is because they’re kindred spirits, these white men sitting at the end of the bar, nursing a gin and tonic because their dick doesn’t work anymore, and life didn’t pan out the way they wanted"



From one of your favorite sources I understand.

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12 minutes ago, elephant45 said:

Wow, all this is so important concerning the world economy, jobs etc. Dear God, who cares? I am glad I don't know any one in Thailand who would do anything near that. I just find it odd that all of a sudden, like 20 days before the election that all of the poor women (I'm crying) have to come out with their assault stories, what a bunch of BS. Is it slightly possibly that maybe some of these women were flirting with him because he was a good looking young billionaire. Oh no no no that's not possible is it? What a load of garbage. Poor women, its all men's fault isn't it, especially American women.


You seem to not be very intelligent.  If a woman is flirting with him and inviting his touch, then it would be welcomed and not feel shocking to the woman, and considered an assault. 


Can you tell the difference between play boxing with your friend or son and some stranger walking up to you and punching you in the face, or not?






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Actually I do not know or have met either Trump or the Clinton's so I have no idea what is truth or what is not. In my profession I have worked with many of the wealthiest people in the world, ( I wont mention their names) and they are all <deleted> nuts if you ask me and I wouldn't want any of them near my children. Nothing will change whoever gets elected and if they do try to change it they will go the way of JFK etc. Like George Carlin said 'There's a club , and you're not in it"

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49 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Well, this is shaping up as the largest, most pervasive, global conspiracy of all time - larger than area 51, Roswell, aliens, Oswald, even bigger than that Elvis never really left the building. Mother Jones has assembled this stunning list, getting longer by the day of this massive conspiracy, where obviously all the world's press and political elite are in it to destroy this patently decent highly prospective Presidential candidate. :shock1:


The Stunningly Long List of Women Who've Accused Trump of Sexual Assault


Pretty weird they're only coming out now don't you think?

Get real, folks...:sleep:

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Yet another woman has now stepped forward and accused the creep of touching her vagina through her underwear at a nightclub.



"I was at a club with my friends and I'm talking to my friend who I'm sitting ... across from on my left side. I'm very clear on this. This is the vivid part for me.

"So, the person on my right who, unbeknownst to me at that time was Donald Trump, put their hand up my skirt. He did touch my vagina through my underwear, absolutely. And as I pushed the hand away and I got up and I turned around and I see these eyebrows, very distinct eyebrows, of Donald Trump.

"And I got up and I moved and I continued to talk with my friends. And they said, 'Oh, that's Donald Trump.' I was like: 'Ew, he's gross. He just put his hand up my skirt. That's not OK.' And we all sort of brushed it off and moved on."


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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

Crony capitalism, extreme hawkishness (Kissinger... REALLY?!!), zero transparency, pro Citizens United, low approval rating vs high untrustworthy rating, Clinton Foundation misdeeds, latecomer to LGBT rights, latecomer to realizing superpredators was a lie, poor public speaker - she cannot energize a bunny with an Energizer battery in hand, as establishment as it gets, unmitigated supporter of trade deals, pro fossil fuel forever, DNC/Wassermann-Schultz scandal... I could go on for a very long time...


...and you probably will, meltdown up ahead as well as in the rear-view mirror.

Edited by SheungWan
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh dear, there are a lot of not decent women in the USA, starting with HRC and, IMO, the DNC ( not to forget DWS ). Or do you think all women good, all Trump supporters bad?


BTW, you keep saying Trump said things he didn't say. You aren't convincing anyone that wasn't already anti Trump of your case if you continue to do so.


If you are so convinced that she is going to win, why the continuing diatribes? I'm waiting till Nov 8 as I'm not psychic.


Some Trump Fanboyz needed November 8th to have happened last week. They'd be over the initial shock by now and just beginning to accept that their hero got flushed out of his game of craps.


It's okay to say Trump's your guy...you have a lot of extinguished distinguished company, here especially. You've been a busy bee in Donald's behalf today.


Speaking of lashing out however, as the OP does describe in its own terms....


New York Times: “On Thursday and Friday alone, Mr. Trump unleashed a barrage of near-apocalyptic warnings about the potential destruction of the country, broad accusations about the illegitimacy of American democracy, and crude innuendo about his opponent that is almost without precedent in modern presidential history.”


“He warned that Hillary Clinton was conspiring with financiers to destroy American sovereignty, claimed the fate of civilization depended on his victory and ridiculed the appearance of the one of the women accusing him of sexual harassment, while also deriding Mrs. Clinton’s looks and saying she ought to be in prison. He also said the presidential election amounted to ‘a big ugly lie.'”


“While delighting his partisans, Mr. Trump’s rhetorical shooting spree has enraged Democrats and unnerved many Republicans, who believe he is acting out a political death wish.”



Paul Kersey became a vigilante after his wife had been killed by thugs. It's no secret however Donald Trump's been a vigilante all of his life, and now he wants the nuclear button at his finger.


Image result for photos charles bronson death wish


Trump's going to get the collective finger November 8th. Are youse guyz ready over there?

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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

These so-called 'first-person' accounts only now being generated by the flailing Corrupt Clinton Machine? :spamsign:

The trumpist hard core (X rated) misogynist conspiracy theory obsessed BASE will believe the crapola you're pushing. Nobody else will. trump is on tape saying he does these things. BRAGS about them. Then in debate 2 he clearly said he never does them. Now the OVERWHELMING evidence that he does what he himself brags about. Most Americans aren't as stupid as you take them for. Your man is a sexually abusive pervert, in words AND deeds. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

America truly is a great country. It is a country where, truly, anyone can become president. The positive example of this is Obama—half black son of a single mother and Muslim* father with the middle name of "Hussain" and a first name that sounds suspiciously like "Osama" and who doesn't come from an elite background. The negative example is Trump, the very embodiment of white male privilege, a no-nothing racist blowhard a-hole bafoon with a history of misogyny and objectification of women. He may not become president, but he's come close enough.


I suppose the former could not be possible without also exposing the world to the risk of the latter. It is a scary, but exhilarating thought.


*I only mention his father's religion because 2008 was just 7 years from 9/11 and we were in the midst of a war waged between a self-professed representative of Islam and a US leader proudly wearing the mantle of Christiandom, and because America is a Religious—overwhelmingly majority Christian religious—country.


Great thought of yours.

Trump is the black swan because Obama managed to be elected twice.

America is definitely a great country, despise what D. Trump says.



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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Rush has already addressed this and it's been found that the woman is a flagrant liar.  


You would do very well to stay a long long way from Rush Limbaugh! In support of Trump - Sexual consent is over rated !!!! And you listen to this man and quote him as being credible. OMG!



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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

More evidence of made-up crap to attempt smearing Trump?


TRUMP ACCUSER: If He Would Have Kept His Hands on my Chest I might Not have Gotten too upset …Huh?


Jessica Leeds accused a young Donald Trump of groping her in first class on a flight from Dallas to New York City for Braniff Air in 1979.

Leeds said young multimillionaire Trump lifted the armrest to grope her during the flight.

The armrests on Braniff 727s appear to be stationary, they can’t be raised.

She also used lyrics from the Velvet Underground song to describe the alleged “groping.”

Leeds also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it …Huh?

If he would have stuck with the upper part of the body I might not have gotten, I might not have gotten too upset. But when he started putting his hand up my skirt that was it."


Notice anything strange here?  All these so-called groped women are hard-core Crooked Hillary supporters? :saai:




Here Boon Mee, just to help you. Stop trying to make a claim false due to the ridiculous notion of the arm rest in a chair. Look here! First class on Braniff (amongst others!)with foldable arm rests. NEXT................



Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 7.13.42 PM.png

Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 7.14.05 PM.png

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6 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Sorry, off topic, but I'm stealing this word, "deceipts" for when Washington Post next has a competition for made up words with made up meaning. 


Did not realize that you are one of the spelling police. Try substituting LIES.

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I'm glad this offal is coming down the tubes now.  Imagine how we (reasonable folks) would feel if The Divider won, and then shit like this hit the fan.   Thanks to everyone who is speaking out.  It's particularly tough for women who have nothing to gain, to tell their stories of how Trump put his tongue down their throats and/or put his hand up their skirts to try to insert a an unwanted finger in their pussies.  I also admire how the Washington Post and NY Times are not cowed by Trump's daily threats to sue them.  The NY Times responded and essentially said; "Mr. Trump, you have no good character to defame.  You've already defamed yourself."   


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Here's something that hasn't been mentioned:  There are very likely more damning tapes out there -  out-takes from the Apprentice and who knows what else.  If The Divider became prez, he would be vulnerable to bribes and/or hush money.  To add another dimension:  It's not hard to imagine an enemy of the US, hacking into or otherwise obtaining damaging data on Trump.  Given that he's got an ego bigger than Carnegie Hall and a Stalinistic capacity for anger/vindictiveness, the possible scenarios are profound.


Just with the Hollywood tape: what if someone had found them and sent a copy to the Trumpsters with a note demanding $50 million in cash to keep them from getting published.  What would Trump have done about that?

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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's something that hasn't been mentioned:  There are very likely more damning tapes out there -  out-takes from the Apprentice and who knows what else. 


Sounds more like wishful tbinking. Anything Hillary has will be spread around BEFORE the election.

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33 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sounds more like wishful tbinking. Anything Hillary has will be spread around BEFORE the election.


It sounds like the spooked talk of a conspiracy theorist.  I can see how it's convenient for a Trump fan to suppose all the bad shit coming forth on Trump is orchestrated by her or her staff.  Yet, it's conspiracy crackpot thinking.  The women who are coming forth now are women who felt compelled to speak out - many of whom spoke to their loved ones in prior years, just after when the incidents happened.   I can agree, somewhat, that if/when the Clinton staffers get indications of someone wanting to speak out, they would tend to follow some of that up - to check the veracity of each item on its merits or lack thereof.  They're doing the American people an important service:  They're enabling American voters to see what sort of person The Divider is.  It's important to know about the candidates - more than just what they shout at rallies.



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"I can see how it's convenient for a Trump fan to suppose all the bad shit coming forth on Trump is orchestrated by her or her staff".


Anyone who is sane would suppose it. It is called opposition research.:whistling:

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.


No chance.


After the election the Bloviator will have his tiny, grabbing hands full facing 11 charges of sexual assault on a 13 year old girl along with,

convicted peodophile and close friend, Jeffrey Epstein.



And his basket of deplorable deeds will be over-flowing in court(s) again, when he faces massive fraud charges in two states.


Might have been three, if the Florida Attorney General had turned down the Bloviator's "donation" of $25,000 dollars...:whistling:

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