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Blue bruce

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I have been taking sleeping medications such as Ambiance for the past 10 plus years. Lately the meds have not been working so well as my body has produced an intolerance . 


Eight days ago ì decided to quit the sleeping pills cold turkey . When I go to bed I lay awake for 2 hours before finally falling asleep. After several hours I wake up and go thru the whole process again finally falling asleep and sleep several more hours.

I have tried hypnosis,  warm showers, reading, listening to music, nothing seems to help. When I try to go to sleep my mind keeps wandering .

Has anyone ever experienced this sleeping disorder and any recommendations. 

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I have been taking sleeping medications such as Ambiance for the past 10 plus years. Lately the meds have not been working so well as my body has produced an intolerance . 
Eight days ago ì decided to quit the sleeping pills cold turkey . When I go to bed I lay awake for 2 hours before finally falling asleep. After several hours I wake up and go thru the whole process again finally falling asleep and sleep several more hours.
I have tried hypnosis,  warm showers, reading, listening to music, nothing seems to help. When I try to go to sleep my mind keeps wandering .
Has anyone ever experienced this sleeping disorder and any recommendations. 

8 days doesn't sound too long. I know it is for you.

When I went cold turkey from all my dr. prescribed back medicine, it took me months.

Self hypnosis did work for me, but you have to give it time as well, and work on it. Every night when you go to bed, put the 1 hr tape on. Your mind will wonder, but with practise, and concentration, you will get there.

If you can you need to up your exercise. Depending on your physical limitations, a nice 1 hour walk in the morning, swim at lunchtime and swim/sauna massage in the afternoon. Start gradually.

Get into a routine and don't sleep or cat nap in the day time.

Well done. Cold turkey is the way to go but horrible....but gets better.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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I sleep intermittently, often not going into REM sleep until close to dawn.  If I find myself awake in the middle of the night, I have found that reading a book or periodical with small type in somewhat dim light quickly tires my eyes and makes me very sleepy and more often than not, I nod out.

Steven King books not recommended.

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