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TOEIC certificate acceptable for FLR?

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Just wondering if anyone has first-hand experience, or knows anyone who has successfully applied for FLR using a TOEIC certificate used in a previous settlement visa application. 


My understanding is that certificates previously used are acceptable, even if TOEIC  is no longer an approved test provider.


In case it's relevant my wife's Official Score Report is only valid until 28/01/2016, but my understanding is that the expiry date is irrelevant if the certificate has been used in a previous visa application. 


In case anyone intends mentioning the govt's plan to increase the requirement to A2, as of today, that hasn't come into effect.


I'd be REALLY GRATEFUL for any prompt replies because I need to submit the application in the next few days. 



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As long as it is of the required level, a certificate previously used in a successful visa or leave to remain application can be used again in subsequent leave to remain applications; both FLR and ILR.


Even if the provider is no longer on the approved list and/or the certificate itself has expired.


See paragraph 32D of the Immigration Rules Appendix FM-SE: family members specified evidence


Can you say where you got the information that the increase to A2 for FLR has not yet come into effect? As far as I was aware it had.

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Thank you 7by7. My interpretation of Appendix 32D is the same as yours. 


Regarding the A1 /A2  requirement,  I downloaded the application form and guidance notes yesterday and they state A1 is still the required level.  I also contacted the UK Visa and Immigration Contact Centre and was advised A1 is still sufficient. At this stage,  they are not aware when A2 will be needed. 

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UKVI have an unfortunate habit of not updating forms and guidance until the actual day changes come into effect!


So I'd check the guidance again the day you post the form off, or attend the PSC if applying in person, just to be sure.


As for the so called helpline; I've not used it myself but reports from those that have indicate the operatives have little actuial knowledge themselves and are merely reading from a script of pre-prepared answers.

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