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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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3 minutes ago, StevieH said:


hey now, the muppets are nice and add fun and joy to the world. literally the opposite of breitbart.

I agree!

But they politically as informed and valid as Breitbart!

Breitbart is actually a great name for a Muppet show- character!

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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

It is a ridiculous lie and I'll explain why it's a ridiculous clearly and simply. Basically, there are 2 kinds of foundations. Passive foundations that pass along their money to other charitable groups for them to spend and active foundations which themselves do the charitable work.  The Clinton Foundation is an active foundation. It has been awarded the highest grade by both Charity Navigator and Charity Watch, 2 independent organization which rank all charities in the USA.  

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16 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

You believe who you choose, I'll believe who I choose and we'll both be happy.


There is such a thing as objective facts, and they're not hard to find if you're willing to explore beyond the comfort of your own, self-imposed bubble.


Try it, it's liberating.



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6 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

You believe who you choose, I'll believe who I choose and we'll both be happy.


you're literally choosing to believe outright lies and propaganda though. with a nasty right wing philosophy behind it all. that's not a healthy way to live friend.

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49 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Well that's pretty much all over then. Will the last supporter to leave Team Trump please turn off the lights.

Agreed. This third debate performance by Trump was the final self-administered nail on his presidential bid coffin. It seems like the suitable time for something akin to a postmortem.


I've been collecting Trump quotes for a few months:


"Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?"


"They don’t write good. They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman and others, they don’t — they don’t write good. They don’t know how to write good."


"I alone can fix it." –Donald Trump in his self-aggrandizing acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.


"Let me tell you, I'm a really smart guy.


"My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well been documented, are various other parts of my body." 


"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault."


"I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand."


"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay? It's, like, incredible."


"I'm good at war. I've had a lot of wars of my own. I'm really good at war. I love war in a certain way. But only when we win."


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists."


"Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"


"These people – I'd like to use really foul language. I won't do it. I was going to say they're really full of s**t, but I won't say that."


“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things." –when asked who he talks with about foreign policy.


"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America."

"Such a nasty woman"

"I was on her like a bitch"

"Grab 'em by the pussy"

"I mean, I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I'd say, "Rosie, you're fired."

"Blood coming out of her wherever"

"She really has become a monster ... I mean monster in the most positive way." - on his pregnant wife Melania


"Nobody respects women more than I do."


When he said "I have the best words" he was being modest. He has the best sentences too.


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4 hours ago, Credo said:

Trump blew it again.


He just blithers and says nothing.

I am listening to him now and most of his vocabulary seems to be tremendous, great, economy will grow at a record rate GDP of 5 to 6 percent pie in the sky grandeur. I alone can fix things are his words. Don't look now Donald but a lawsuit is heading your way from Canada regarding the "Trump Towers" in Toronto. Seems that a judge there felt that your interests in the building goes beyond just sticking and licensing your name on the front and then walking away. Go Donald Go. 

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My take.

The final debate.
It's not a matter of who won or lost.

Like most such "debates" partisans have enough meat to claim victory for their side.

trump came in trailing massively and he knew it.

He's the one that had to hit a grand slam, but it was more like a bunt.

So in the "debate" Hillary Clinton did enough to win the PRESIDENCY, and trump failed to do enough to  have any hope of a comeback.

There was very little to change the mythical undecided votes ... historically they trend for the one likely to  WIN, as they will again.

With his nuclear threat of not accepting the results, he continues to lay the groundwork for his tin foil hat ring wing conspiracy media empire dedicated to making the Hillary Clinton presidency illegitimate.

What an ego-maniacal, destructive, apparently mentally ill, unpatriotic little man. 

As far as polls in the next three weeks, I'll go out on a limb and predict that the race instead of tightening as the media loves for the horse race ratings bonanza, will show about an additional TWO points more for Hillary Clinton by election day.

The question now other than the trumpist fascist goons possibly violently disrupting the polling and the aftermath, is whether the democrats can take the SENATE (incredibly important) and  also the much more difficult thing of taking the house.


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree. I hate when he says things like this without explaining it somehow. 

Doesn't matter what he says now. I saw Kellyanne Conway on tv and even she accepts defeat. She didn't say it, but it was in her face and the way she was speaking.

Barring a huge upset, HRC has won, IMO.


For Trump, either he is setting up in the hope of impeachment post becoming POTUS, or he intends sniping at her ad infinitum.

OR, he could just go back to making billions of $. He is quite safe on that, as she isn't going to do anything that affects rich people. She owes too much to Wall St. to upset the 1%.


I REALLY hope that for the next election debates they put switches controlled by the moderator on the mikes. Having all 3 talking at the same was very annoying.

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They could do the debate all via internet. when your time to talk is up it is up. Put the cameras on timers that can not be changed. No chance to slip in one extra word or insist on getting a little more time. It would also put an end to the audience reaction. If the audience can not react there is no reason they can not watch the debate on TV like everybody else.

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28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

My take.

The final debate.
It's not a matter of who won or lost.

Like most such "debates" partisans have enough meat to claim victory for their side.

trump came in trailing massively and he knew it.

He's the one that had to hit a grand slam, but it was more like a bunt.

So in the "debate" Hillary Clinton did enough to win the PRESIDENCY, and trump failed to do enough to  have any hope of a comeback.

There was very little to change the mythical undecided votes ... historically they trend for the one likely to  WIN, as they will again.

With his nuclear threat of not accepting the results, he continues to lay the groundwork for his tin foil hat ring wing conspiracy media empire dedicated to making the Hillary Clinton presidency illegitimate.

What an ego-maniacal, destructive, apparently mentally ill, unpatriotic little man. 

As far as polls in the next three weeks, I'll go out on a limb and predict that the race instead of tightening as the media loves for the horse race ratings bonanza, will show about an additional TWO points more for Hillary Clinton by election day.

The question now other than the trumpist fascist goons possibly violently disrupting the polling and the aftermath, is whether the democrats can take the SENATE (incredibly important) and  also the much more difficult thing of taking the house.


I agree that she has won, because he didn't do anything to change the vote, and she was probably winning before. I think WE lose, but that's democracy for you.

I disagree that he lost massively. It was a draw at best.

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I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 

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5 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

I dont like Clinton or the massive, massive establishment securing her win nor the utter BS mouthed by bigots like Van Jones but... it wasn't a smart answer that's for sure


Re you comment on Van Jones ...please see this:

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.


P.S. I am not attributing this to you per se, but towards your obvious preference for Trump.

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4 minutes ago, JustNo said:

I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 


It's a conspiracy, man.

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Whether what trump said is disqualifying or not is rather irrelevant, as trump has basically already LOST (and the "winner" so hates to lose) and it's clear he knows that too,






Does Donald Trump’s Refusal To Respect Election Results Disqualify Him From Being President?


Trump’s refusal to accept the basic rules of the game is an insult to all who have played by them for centuries. It represents a damning condemnation of the good people — Republican, Democrat, whatever — who do their best to ensure free and fair elections, because it is their job and they want to do it competently, or because they volunteer as watchdogs checking up on us all.



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I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 

Not quite true in my view. Clinton is Darth Vader to George Soros being Emperor Palpatine. Trump is more like Chewbacca, orange and makes strange noises but not basically evil. The rest of the GOP top brass are the Sith.


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Quit the psyops it's been rumbled. The poll putting Hillary 11 points ahead is fraudulent, same applies to other polls but less so. There are a couple of polls that have Trump in the lead.

The reason for trying to manipulate the polls is precisely to make it seem less suspicious if election fraud on a massive scale benefits Clinton. George Soros owns the voting machines in sixteen states, he is a massive Clinton foundation donor.

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16 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Quit the psyops it's been rumbled. The poll putting Hillary 11 points ahead is fraudulent, same applies to other polls but less so. There are a couple of polls that have Trump in the lead.

The reason for trying to manipulate the polls is precisely to make it seem less suspicious if election fraud on a massive scale benefits Clinton. George Soros owns the voting machines in sixteen states, he is a massive Clinton foundation donor.



Did you forget to wear your tin foil hat again?


Nobody takes any one poll in isolation, it's absurd. The LA Times poll shows that.

That's why the average is a more meaningful number.

And at this point it shows a 7 point lead.

I expect it to stay around there until election day, unless Trump completely loses it, and he's come close.


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38 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Whether what trump said is disqualifying or not is rather irrelevant, as trump has basically already LOST (and the "winner" so hates to lose) and it's clear he knows that too,






I agree with your prediction that there is going to be a major bolt towards Clinton in the final days of the election.


Much has been written about Trump's psyche. But what should be equally, if not more, disturbing is Trump's difficulty or inability to master detail, which has been demonstrated over and over again during this election cycle. With all of the complexity involved in managing domestic and foreign policy required for the presidency this should alarm all Americans irrespective of their political persuasion.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Well, I can't do much about your impending depression.  I'm not a head doctor, but can make some recommendations:

>>>>  don't to pharma drugs

>>>>  don't kill yourself

>>>>  exercise, outdoors if possible. If you're in Bkk, too bad, because there's a dearth of parks there. 

>>>>  try to think positive thoughts.

>>>>   eat well.  Avoid chemical-laden foods and MSG.  Go with fresh veges & fruits, over trans fats and meat.


P.S. I hope Madam President doesn't get harmed or killed.   



Continue to study the Introduction to Logic website and you will understand that she was always the better choice and you have no reason to be depressed ...situation resolved!!!   :laugh:

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Wow, he keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper for himself. He must be a legend (but only in his own mind) full of bulls hit and hot air!


How could anyone believe what he says? One of his first "claims" was to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S.A. and the Mexicans were going to pay for it! Huh? How was he going to enforce that?


Therein lays a clue to his twisted thinking. No wonder so many Republicans want to distance themselves from him. He is going to lose the House of Reps and the Senate for them, just to satisfy his bloated ego? Megalomania come to mind.


Gutter politics, when countries need the leadership of statesmen (or women - for those who worship PC). 



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