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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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51 minutes ago, mommysboy said:



There is something rather allegorical about this tragic event!  And for me, areas of contemplation are inequality, greed, unregulated capitalism, uncaring politics....


And it's generally accepted that standards will decline after Brexit.

Yes, it's clear that inequality was a main driver of Brexit and the vote was actually against the status quo. Post Brexit UK will be worse, much worse for the unhappy masses....

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, it's clear that inequality was a main driver of Brexit and the vote was actually against the status quo. Post Brexit UK will be worse, much worse for the unhappy masses....

In the billion to one chance that you are right, thank God I am not one of the unhappy masses. 555

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22 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, it's clear that inequality was a main driver of Brexit and the vote was actually against the status quo. Post Brexit UK will be worse, much worse for the unhappy masses....

You guys need to tune in to each other more closely!

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54 minutes ago, nauseus said:

How is a ghastly and fatal tower block fire anything to do with the OP? Have some respect for a change.


Because it is about poor standards and the need for 'red tape'- showing that the latter has its place.  Whatever the inquiry concludes, it is likely to mention poor standards and possible criminal negligence.


UK has become a safer place under the EU, which prioritizes the welfare of its citizens more than a right wing UK Government- that is surely beyond dispute.


We are also currently answerable to ECJ.



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29 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, it's clear that inequality was a main driver of Brexit and the vote was actually against the status quo. Post Brexit UK will be worse, much worse for the unhappy masses....

I think this is the main point, eloquently expressed.

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7 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


Because it is about poor standards and the need for 'red tape'- showing that the latter has its place.  Whatever the inquiry concludes, it is likely to mention poor standards and possible criminal negligence.


UK has become a safer place under the EU, which prioritizes the welfare of its citizens more than a right wing UK Government- that is surely beyond dispute.


We are also currently answerable to ECJ.



Again, have some respect.

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2 minutes ago, Flustered said:

So the status quo is the minority.


How Socialist.

The status quo is excessive inequality. Far too many, unnecessarily many, are dissatisfied. I understand that. But  Brexit is not the solution; it will exacerbate the problem.

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30 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I think this is the main point, eloquently expressed.

Grouse is generally eloquent but I don't think that inequality was one of the main drivers of the out vote.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

How is a ghastly and fatal tower block fire anything to do with the OP? Have some respect for a change.

Precisely because it will be seized upon by the likes of Corbyn to be an event that is a consequence of a Tory government ... even though it's a tragedy that could just as easily have happened under any government. That's the point that's being made ... so get off your high horse.

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55 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Precisely because it will be seized upon by the likes of Corbyn to be an event that is a consequence of a Tory government ... even though it's a tragedy that could just as easily have happened under any government. That's the point that's being made ... so get off your high horse.

It's a fair point, but arguably not so pure as that!  It's debatable whether it is a tragedy in the truest sense, and I doubt it will be happening at any 5 star apartment.

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

So the status quo is the minority.


How Socialist.

I'm pretty sure the status quo referred to is the 1% vs 99% ratio.


But if we are referring to a minority of the population that is disadvantaged, then that is a very big minority, and a very big problem.



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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Grouse is generally eloquent but I don't think that inequality was one of the main drivers of the out vote.

Many regard the Brexit referendum as nothing more than a protest vote against the establishment.  And put it this way, not many wanted out of Europe when they had brass in pocket.



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2 minutes ago, Orac said:


Was there any doubt they would after the disastrous election result - without that majority "no deal" is effectively off the table since TM would not get it by parliament.


I don't know about that. Unless the UK agrees to a deal that is similar to Norway's and Switzerland.s, I don't see the EU accommodating the UK.  And since that would mean Freedom of Movement, which was the biggest objection Brexiters had to the EU, I don't see how May could offer that up to the Commons. And if no deal is agreed to, then what you're going to get is the hardest of Brexits.

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I don't know about that. Unless the UK agrees to a deal that is similar to Norway's and Switzerland.s, I don't see the EU accommodating the UK.  And since that would mean Freedom of Movement, which was the biggest objection Brexiters had to the EU, I don't see how May could offer that up to the Commons. And if no deal is agreed to, then what you're going to get is the hardest of Brexits.

Without a majority TM is vulnerable to a confidence motion in the HoC at any time. Could be why the DUP deal is taking time since she would need their support which could effectively mean they have to approve a hard Irish border.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know about that. Unless the UK agrees to a deal that is similar to Norway's and Switzerland.s, I don't see the EU accommodating the UK.  And since that would mean Freedom of Movement, which was the biggest objection Brexiters had to the EU, I don't see how May could offer that up to the Commons. And if no deal is agreed to, then what you're going to get is the hardest of Brexits.

No sense in leaving the single market or customs union. Free movement will be handled by changes to EU statutes AND UK government applying the exiting rules and Controlling our borders properly. Other issues such as Strasbourg can easily be handled. Sovereignty was always a non issue. We're not in Schengen land or Euro land. Where's the downside???

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2 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Precisely because it will be seized upon by the likes of Corbyn to be an event that is a consequence of a Tory government ... even though it's a tragedy that could just as easily have happened under any government. That's the point that's being made ... so get off your high horse.

No need to refer to this incident w.r.t the OP. You are supposing again and I have no horse but why can't people leave this stuff out? 

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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

No need to refer to this incident w.r.t the OP. You are supposing again and I have no horse but why can't people leave this stuff out? 


Because it is relevant ... May today being criticised ... Corbyn jumping on the bandwagon ... it's not for you to decide what's relevant and what is not ... so please give the virtue signalling a rest.



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Just now, AlexRich said:


Because it is relevant ... May today being criticised ... Corbin jumping on the bandwagon ... it's not for you to decide what's relevant and what is not ... so please give the virtue signalling a rest.



OP May ready for tough talks over Brexit - remember? 

This tragedy has nothing to do with Brexit so leave it out.   



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15 minutes ago, nauseus said:

OP May ready for tough talks over Brexit - remember? 

This tragedy has nothing to do with Brexit so leave it out.   



May is too frightened or too hung up to speak with deprived families and show some empathy


The big bad EU vampires will wrong her scrawny neck!

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6 hours ago, mommysboy said:

I am not.  It is not off topic.  We will be leaving higher EU standards. Shame on you!


Why would the UK even want to leave the EU standards especially if we want to sell to them?


Do you have any references to say that this will in fact happen?

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6 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Demos calling for May to go.  I think Dame Lame is probably the most hated PM ever.  Since people saw through her its been an unrelenting tide of criticism and derision.  There'll be riots soon.


It looks like the tragic event in London is being hijacked by a rent-a-mob who are politically motivated. This type of tragedy could have occurred under any council in the UK. I'm no fan of May or her approach to Brexit but I certainly don't blame her for what happened in London. 

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