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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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5 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

The vote was to leave , however it still remains that leaving the EU does not equate to leaving the SM , as explained in Oliver Norgrove's blog.


The vote leave campaign to maximise the vote share appealed to many different factions under the same umbrella. Some wanted SM , other Flexcit, and those who wanted what as now become known as hard Brexit.


The question therefore remains , who determined that leaving the SM was the referndum mandate, could it possibly have  been the disaster capitalists, Legatum Institute 

The bigger question is why did a Prime Minister have to told by the courts that her interpretation of her authority was incorrect.

What else has she interpreted incorrectly?

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9 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The bigger question is why did a Prime Minister have to told by the courts that her interpretation of her authority was incorrect.

What else has she interpreted incorrectly?

For the same reason you are ignored regularly. You don't know everything and neither does she.

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Does anyone know when the EU will implode? It’s just that many on here were making such predictions when the UK was the fastest growing country in the G7, and advising it was best to get out of a sinking ship. Now that we are the slowest growth country, some 17 months later, and the EU is growing faster,  I’m wondering if we’ve voted to get in the sinking lifeboat? The EU appear to be dictating the terms, but on here we were being told that they need us more than we need them? I don’t understand why so much was made of the £10bn savings from leaving the EU, when we are offering to pay at least £40bn to begin trade talks, and probably more when this is done and dusted? Did Vote Leave sell us a mangy pup? 


I miss Sgt Rock, what happened to him, with all his handy “facts”?

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6 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

The vote was to leave , however it still remains that leaving the EU does not equate to leaving the SM , as explained in Oliver Norgrove's blog.


The vote leave campaign to maximise the vote share appealed to many different factions under the same umbrella. Some wanted SM , other Flexcit, and those who wanted what as now become known as hard Brexit.


The question therefore remains , who determined that leaving the SM was the referndum mandate, could it possibly have  been the disaster capitalists, Legatum Institute 

What planet on you on? Everyone knew that a vote to depart this so called Union, 

was a vote to leave it COMPLETELY. Why are SOME remoaners intent on taking up the position of a fifth column in always talking the U.K. down. Have some confidence in your country, and stop waving the white flag.

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Has TM interpreted the FTA correctly?


“First, the best possible FTA with the EU will fall far short of being in the single market. This fact is simply not understood in the UK.

“Most real costs to cross-border business today are not tariffs – they are about standards, about customs procedures, about red tape.

“These are solved in the single market, but not in an FTA.”


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1 hour ago, aright said:

"For the same reason you are ignored regularly. "

Glad about that, what changed this time.


"You don't know everything and neither does she."

So its ok that she doesn't understand the constitution -  explains everything.



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Britain must accept more immigrants if it wants a free trade deal, Indian diplomat warns

Britain must accept higher levels of immigration from India if it hopes to sign a free trade agreement after Brexit, a senior Indian diplomat has warned, as he predicted it could take up to a decade to secure the deal.

YK Sinha, India’s High Commissioner to the UK, said "freer movement of people and professionals" had to form part of any future deal to ensure it was “mutually beneficial.”

Speaking to Indian business leaders in London, Mr Sinha said he was “very confident” that a “winning partnership” between the two countries would emerge after Britain's departure from the EU.


He then went on to say that a doing a deal won't be easy and might not be completed until 2030!

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7 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

The vote was to leave , however it still remains that leaving the EU does not equate to leaving the SM , as explained in Oliver Norgrove's blog.


The vote leave campaign to maximise the vote share appealed to many different factions under the same umbrella. Some wanted SM , other Flexcit, and those who wanted what as now become known as hard Brexit.


The question therefore remains , who determined that leaving the SM was the referndum mandate, could it possibly have  been the disaster capitalists, Legatum Institute 


You can waffle and prevaricate all you want. It's just a standard remainer ploy to mess up brexit. Anyone getting sucked into such nonsense just has to read the referendum question again. It's a very simple question.

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8 hours ago, Khun Han said:


The great thing about the internet is that it's easy to make up personas. Hell, I only run one business, and I've found myself having a moral battle with myself at times to take time outs to read and post on t'internet during the day.

Oh thee of little faith. PM me and I will provide details of all six companies and you will then publically apologise followed probably by a suspension.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

What planet on you on? Everyone knew that a vote to depart this so called Union, 

was a vote to leave it COMPLETELY. Why are SOME remoaners intent on taking up the position of a fifth column in always talking the U.K. down. Have some confidence in your country, and stop waving the white flag.



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15 hours ago, Grouse said:

Oh thee of little faith. PM me and I will provide details of all six companies and you will then publically apologise followed probably by a suspension.

Come on Grouse, we know you've delegated the cake. No need to mention suspenders either.

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7 hours ago, aright said:


I would prefer we Brexiters  be called Insurrectionaries. Unfortunately because of the intellectual attributes of Remainers they wouldn't have a clue what they are so  in future, and I think I speak for all of us , we should be known as "Freedom Fighters"  Please respect us..... no jokes about FF's :smile: 

I have great respect for Sam Houston, he was not ,as you suggest at the Alamo, but was at the Battle of San Jacinto where victory secured the Independence of Texas from Mexico. Our brave Freedom  Fighters secured the UK's Independence at the Battle of June 23,2016. :smile:


I didn't claim he was at The Alamo but he was in the same drama.


Though Sam Houston, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Texan forces, argued that San Antonio should be abandoned due to insufficient troop numbers, the Alamo’s defenders–led by Bowie and Travis–dug in nonetheless, prepared to defend the fort to the last. 


If you're going to criticise me, do me the courtesy of getting your facts correct ?


As as far as your "brave freedom fighters" (?) are concerned, they will be cannon fodder for the Komodo Cons in their Brave New World!

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40 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I didn't claim he was at The Alamo but he was in the same drama.


Though Sam Houston, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Texan forces, argued that San Antonio should be abandoned due to insufficient troop numbers, the Alamo’s defenders–led by Bowie and Travis–dug in nonetheless, prepared to defend the fort to the last. 


If you're going to criticise me, do me the courtesy of getting your facts correct ?


As as far as your "brave freedom fighters" (?) are concerned, they will be cannon fodder for the Komodo Cons in their Brave New World!

Brave New World "the society in Brave New World is split into five castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, with a few minor distinctions in between. Because of the technology wielded by the World State's leaders, caste is pre-determined and humans are grown in a manner appropriate to their status; the lower the caste, the dumber and uglier the individual is created to be."


Ring any bells?

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3 hours ago, aright said:

For the same reason you are ignored regularly. You don't know everything and neither does she.

I beg to differ. The Prime minister with all her advisors should indeed have all constitutional facts to hand

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22 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

The EU is not the SM. , the referendum question was to Leave the EU. not ,Leave the SM.

To keep repeating the error that leaving the EU equates to leaving the SM does not give it any more legitimacey.


Now you're just being silly. The single market is a function of the EU.



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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Tell that to the Norwegians.


What does the Norwegians being in the single market have to do with the single market being an EU mechanism? Robin said the EU and single market are separate entities. They're not. The fact that the EU allows select countries to buy their way into the single market doesn't change anything.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Britain must accept more immigrants if it wants a free trade deal, Indian diplomat warns

Britain must accept higher levels of immigration from India if it hopes to sign a free trade agreement after Brexit, a senior Indian diplomat has warned, as he predicted it could take up to a decade to secure the deal.

YK Sinha, India’s High Commissioner to the UK, said "freer movement of people and professionals" had to form part of any future deal to ensure it was “mutually beneficial.”

Speaking to Indian business leaders in London, Mr Sinha said he was “very confident” that a “winning partnership” between the two countries would emerge after Britain's departure from the EU.


He then went on to say that a doing a deal won't be easy and might not be completed until 2030!

Najev Sarna said the total opposite. Who do we believe 

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have to say this thread is getting tiresome for me. We now have the remoaners proclaiming that they accept brexit but want to have a say in the discussion which basically means keeping the UK. They now admit they lost to a majority and respect democracy, but want to change it and keep the UK in the customs union, the ECJ, pay a  so called 'divorce bill', be part of an EU army and let Brussels rule the UK.


You lot are despots. You are constantly trying to thwart the UK's talks with the EU, waiting for any chance to say' it was too difficult' or we can change our mind./ For me I find this line of defence as bad as those who want to see their country fall and be taken over.


Luckily we have a population who can see past the media and the BBC and those who would sell their soles to the devil. The EU is not Europe. The UK has never been European. We have a great big channel between us, luckily and as British people we have never let tyranny rule us.  The EU is a an army that uses tyranny but in a less invasive way than before It has decimated cultures and ideologies from within. That is what happens when you influx millions from another culture, religion or ideology..I am waiting for the 'little Englander' comments, but the UK is not that and more than England and that what makes it special for me. We are British. I am from an Irish family immigrant before you start trying to belittle me as a racist.


So don't expect a reply, this thread has become poisonous in my opinion from those sad, bitter remainers who want the country to go into turmoil but really can't justify the real value of the EIU. Yes the EU isn't perfect. And it never will be. 



I like my soles pan fried in butter.

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


What does the Norwegians being in the single market have to do with the single market being an EU mechanism? Robin said the EU and single market are separate entities. They're not. The fact that the EU allows select countries to buy their way into the single market doesn't change anything.

No, he did not say that they were separate entities. Here again is what he said:

"The EU is not the SM. , the referendum question was to Leave the EU. not ,Leave the SM.

To keep repeating the error that leaving the EU equates to leaving the SM does not give it any more legitimacey."

And a brief glance at the map of the eu and the map of the sm will establish beyond any doubt that the eu is not the sm.

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

 We have a great big channel between us,

That wouldn't include the channel between England and Ireland presumably.

Oscar Wilde (great Irishman): 'Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious'.

Edited by SheungWan
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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, he did not say that they were separate entities. Here again is what he said:

"The EU is not the SM. , the referendum question was to Leave the EU. not ,Leave the SM.

To keep repeating the error that leaving the EU equates to leaving the SM does not give it any more legitimacey."

And a brief glance at the map of the eu and the map of the sm will establish beyond any doubt that the eu is not the sm.


Feel free to split as many hairs as you want :coffee1:.

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