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May ready for tough talks over Brexit

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3 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Thailand has no concept of being controlled by a foreign union.

and has stringent controls of it borders and immigration.

Land is virtually impossible for UK immigrants to purchase.

The Thai economy is sustainable.    Is that is being small minded?

You realise that (inaccurately) pointing out the faults of one Nation  - albeit member of ASEAN - has no relation to the post I made? ....Apparently not..... 


The problems of one nation in no way justify or mitigate the sins of another.


However, do you really want a future UK to be on a par with Thailand.....but without the weather?

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3 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

I always think how small minded it is how those who lose a vote by the majority of people try their hardest to stop that democratic vote

QED - it is the "god given" right of any democratic country to change their mind. How petty can you get?

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16 hours ago, billd766 said:


To your first paragraph IMHO the EU will never change as the people who run it want more and more power for theselves and have no reason to want change.


Yes I CAN remember the UK before we joined the EEC and you are correct about the state of emergency was declared many times.


This was when the old Labour party was running the UK and the union block votes were running the old Labour party under Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan.


I can remember the dustmans strike, miners strikes, British Leyland strikes when finished off large British companies in the car industry. I remember when dead people were not buried or cremated. I can remember when the newspapers were out on strike due to Rupert Murdoch wanting to introduce new technology. All of those strikes and more were called by the labour unions.


Those unions were in effact running the UK, not the politicians who poeple had voted for.


The two biggest troublemakers were Arthur Scargill from the NUM




and "Red Robbo" aka Derek Robinson who was a shop steward at I think Longbridge.








Between the two of them IMHO they were responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect (think of suppliers, shops etc).


The saddest thing for the country was that they believed that they were "protecting" jobs for the workers and that they were doing the right thing.


Your memory is off. Derek Robinson was a sideshow and Arthur Scargill was hardly accused of 'running the country'. Scargill was more the leader of a hermit kingdom. The two union members who were accused of pushing the Labour Party around were Jack Jones of the TGWU and Hughie Scanlon of the AEU. The 'Terrible Twins'. Wilson was reported to have said to Scanlon at one point: 'Get your tanks of my lawn Hughie' (in reference to the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia). However, it was the miners strike in 1972 who prompted Ted Heath of the Tory Government of 1970-1974 to pose the question 'Who's In Charge?' and the answer came back 'Not You' when the electorate voted him out in 1974, returned Wilson and then gave Wilson a very small majority even at the second election in 1974. As for Derek Robinson, he was just one part of the disaster represented by the British car industry and rubbish management which drove the whole industry into the ground buoyed up for decades by arrogance and backwardness, (attributes celebrated today by our good friends the Brexiteers). And then the weird stuff got going when Wilson suddenly got up and walked away leaving Callaghan leading the show.........

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9 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

I always think how small minded it is how those who lose a vote by the majority of people try their hardest to stop that democratic vote

Actually the small-mindedness comes exclusively from those who want to stop the clock on the democratic process.

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I am only an outsider, but what I recall from the disastrous social unrest in the UK is this:

In Western Europe it was widely thought that the unrest was the result of the UK unions NOT having enough power and recognition...

Because the power was in the hands of the shop stewards.

UK governments would never sit down and negociate with the national  unions.

In Western Europe we even instutionalised this "social contract" in many advisory committees, with representatives of national unions, government, big and small employers.

In Europe the unions became integrated into the system.

In the UK, f ex the ferry boats would not sail out because of a strike of the catering staff, followed by a strike of the engeneeers, followed by a strike of the cleaners, and so on.

But then again, what could you expect in a hiso loso cast divided society?





5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Lincolnshire: flat and boring.

Hardly a rebuttal, swerve away from the main truth in the post, but that's the tactics of some that don't like the truth

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15 hours ago, baansgr said:

Hardly a rebuttal, swerve away from the main truth in the post, but that's the tactics of some that don't like the truth

Yeah, thats why he's on my ignore list.

5 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Hardly a rebuttal, swerve away from the main truth in the post, but that's the tactics of some that don't like the truth

What was the "truth" in that post. One brexiter's impressions of the immigration situation in Lincolnshire? You set a pretty low bar for "truth".

15 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

You realise that (inaccurately) pointing out the faults of one Nation  - albeit member of ASEAN - has no relation to the post I made? ....Apparently not..... 


The problems of one nation in no way justify or mitigate the sins of another.


However, do you really want a future UK to be on a par with Thailand.....but without the weather?

If you think that Thai immigration laws are 'faulty', go back to Bradford.


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A flame has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

3 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

This morning as an older Englishman (C20th) driving my Japanese car (C21st) down a road in Thailand to an Italian Company, listening to music by a C18th/19th Austro-German composer played by a 17 year old French girl, I was reminded of how incredibly petty and small-minded the concept of Brexit is.......


2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

If you think that Thai immigration laws are 'faulty', go back to Bradford.


I come over all faint north of Potters Bar.

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Your memory is off. Derek Robinson was a sideshow and Arthur Scargill was hardly accused of 'running the country'. Scargill was more the leader of a hermit kingdom. The two union members who were accused of pushing the Labour Party around were Jack Jones of the TGWU and Hughie Scanlon of the AEU. The 'Terrible Twins'. Wilson was reported to have said to Scanlon at one point: 'Get your tanks of my lawn Hughie' (in reference to the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia). However, it was the miners strike in 1972 who prompted Ted Heath of the Tory Government of 1970-1974 to pose the question 'Who's In Charge?' and the answer came back 'Not You' when the electorate voted him out in 1974, returned Wilson and then gave Wilson a very small majority even at the second election in 1974. As for Derek Robinson, he was just one part of the disaster represented by the British car industry and rubbish management which drove the whole industry into the ground buoyed up for decades by arrogance and backwardness, (attributes celebrated today by our good friends the Brexiteers). And then the weird stuff got going when Wilson suddenly got up and walked away leaving Callaghan leading the show.........


"And then the weird stuff got going when Wilson suddenly got up and walked away leaving Callaghan leading the show........."


I thought you didn't entertain conspiracy theories :laugh:?

7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Are your wife & children Thai?

That would make them immigrants.

That would guarantee them preferential treatment over white British, no?

Please clarify.


No my children are British. So in fact they do not obtain preferential treatment over their fellow Brits

Regarding my wife, well she is Thai, and again she does not receive preferential treatment over Brits, possible due to the fact that she is married to a Brit. 

  It would have possible been cheaper and less difficult as well as less stressful for her to have obtained entry into the U.K by way of Calais, as opposed to gaining entry into the U.K by legal means.


6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

No my children are British. So in fact they do not obtain preferential treatment over their fellow Brits

Regarding my wife, well she is Thai, and again she does not receive preferential treatment over Brits, possible due to the fact that she is married to a Brit. 

  It would have possible been cheaper and less difficult as well as less stressful for her to have obtained entry into the U.K by way of Calais, as opposed to gaining entry into the U.K by legal means.


Your children have double nationality?

Tell them to throw away their UK passport - alledgedly all immigrants do that.

And your wife? No UK passport that she can dump?


Your insinuation that she is discriminated against because of being married to a UK citizen is preposterous.Also, you could divorse her, and remarry her as soon as she has received her luxury villa from the UK taxpayer, no?


Basically, your wife and kids are IMMIGRANTS - and yet you blame immigrants for everything wrong in the UK.

PS. How much has your Thai wife paid over the years into the NHS? More than the average African immigrant?



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5 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

But we have not changed our mind , and if we did have another vote and it was remain ,shall we have another vote in 6 months , and every 6 months? or every year ?

I believe that the current proposal is to vote on whether the results of the negotiations should be the subject of a referendum. Is that going to be happening every 6 months? I don't have a clue as to how you came up with that number or the yearly one either.


Earlier today I posted a statement from the Japanese PM who said that anything but a very very soft Brexit would result in lots of Japanese firms leaving the UK. I believe that there are some major Japanese automobile manufacturers located in the UK. Oddly enough, not one Brexiter bothered to comment on that. Living in denial much?

14 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

yes and all the banks were going to leave and the economy was going to collapse and  everybody was going to lose their jobs if we left . dont hear any remainers quoting that ,living in denial much?

I seriously doubt that the Japanese ambassador would say such things without consulting Japanese industry first. Anyone who knows the first thing about supply chains in the automotive industry, for example, understands that products will cross borders several times as they are being manufactured. Hard to see how that will work in a hard Brexit world.

And no one said all the banks were going to leave. Just that the part of their work force that depends on EU transactions would have to leave. And that's a pretty big number. Brexit hasn't happened yet.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Your ignorance is amazing, firstly while my wife has previously never paid money into the NHS (N.I.)  one of the requirements for her entry into the U.K on a spouses settlement visa, was that she must pay for an insurance policy to cover any potential treatment, this will be in addition to N.I contribution she will make, when she takes up employment. This is not required for those immigrants from the E.U and elsewhere. 

 Why should my children throw away their British passport, they’ve used it, as have I, to gain legal entry into the U.K. unlike those illegal immigrants who do throw away their passports in order to prevent the authorities from returning them to their own country. However rest assured, that after Britexit is complete we will be throwing away Our Present British passports with the words “European UN union” on the front cover. 

  And what a childish remarks to suggest I should divorce my Thai wife. 

Lastly I do not blame the Legal immigrants for all the problems in the UK, that award  must surely go to the hated E.U.




Immigrants from the EU  have paid tax and social security in their home countries, and the agreement is reciprocal for Brits in Spain, France etc. Maybe they paid less? Well that is because some countries (guess which one in particular) have always sabotaged social and tax standardisation within the EU.

I assume you bring your wife and children to the UK to improve their prospects in life? Why are they entitled to that, whereas other immigrants are not?

And I note that you are back to your silly pics, you realise that they don't support your course, do you?


6 hours ago, nontabury said:

No my children are British. So in fact they do not obtain preferential treatment over their fellow Brits

Regarding my wife, well she is Thai, and again she does not receive preferential treatment over Brits, possible due to the fact that she is married to a Brit. 

  It would have possible been cheaper and less difficult as well as less stressful for her to have obtained entry into the U.K by way of Calais, as opposed to gaining entry into the U.K by legal means.


More details Nont. I assume after 20 years in LOS your children were conceived In Thailand but born in the UK. Is that correct ? If so why did you choose British citizenship for them .over Thai. What were your reasons for going to and after 20 years leaving Thailand? Finally why do you feel you and your family deserve preferential treatment coming into the UK a country you abandoned 20 years ago.? Like so many criticising ex pats do you feel your passport is nothing more than an insurance policy.

7 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

But we have not changed our mind , and if we did have another vote and it was remain ,shall we have another vote in 6 months , and every 6 months? or every year ?

That is a decision which is the prerogative of Parliament.

6 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

yes and all the banks were going to leave and the economy was going to collapse and  everybody was going to lose their jobs if we left . dont hear any remainers quoting that ,living in denial much?

Pushing the old Aunt Sally again.

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