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Fat Beggars


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Every day I walk around Bangkok, I see beggars and what is bothering me about this, is not that I see beggars, no, it's why do I not give my money to them. Maybe it's because I came from London, where there are more beggars than here believe it or not, and there I was almost 100% certain that those begging were not doing it to feed themselves, they were doing it because they wanted to score some drugs or booze or whatever, or as many of them were, just plain stupid and lazy. I think being exposed to that on a daily basis hardened me to beggars of any sort.

But now here in Bangkok I have no doubt that the beggars I see on the street are indeed in need and begging to survive. Yet as I walk past them I more often than not hear a little voice in my head saying... "no not this one... she's too fat! How can she be fat and be starving?" things of that sort, I also get the same voice when I see beggars dragging themselves along the streets when there is plainly no need to, "they're doing it to make you feel bad if you walk past them" my voice would say. Now I can't have anyone using emotional blackmail on me not even a beggar. The same goes for people with burns, limbs missing or cut off and then showing them off to their best effect. My voice tells me no!

So that leaves the little toothless old ladies sitting on the streets looking destitute, or the skinny little old men with bowls or cups out. These I always feel good giving my money to, and I try to as often as I have change in my pocket. But yesterday, one very old, very skinny beggar that I often give my change to, was sitting in the shadowy shop corner as I walked past and he was counting a one inch thick wad of 100 Baht notes. I had to laugh. I picked the wrong one to give my money to. Or did I??

What about yourselves, do you spread it around, or are there some people you do give to and some you don't?? Is it just me?


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IMO charity starts at home. If you fan out far enough on in your family tree, surely you'll find someone who could use a scholarship to attend a better school/college/university, or who wants to go for that second or third degree.


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I give to beggers occassionaly, depends what mood I'm in.

There's an old English guy sleeps out in one of the Piazzas I walk through in the morning. I'll often give him money for breakfast or sometimes a share of my lunch pack. Its pennies, I can afford it.

I don't give to the winos I see begging, nor to the gypsies who when not begging are thieving.

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I lived in Hanoi for about one year and got to know the beggars really well. Almost none of them would EVER ask a Vietnamese person for money. They just targeted white foreigners and seemed to take pleasure in bothering them as much as possible and following them around insulting them if they wouldn't pay up.

These "people" were nothing but nasty, parasitic scum. :o

When I felt the need to be generous, there were plenty of good poor people around who were too proud to ask for hand-outs. I would bring them food or give them some cash every once in a while and they never crossed over into taking up begging as a job.

They truly appreciated a little kindness. :D

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Fat people still feel hungry!

Time for you to read 'Down and out in Paris and London'.

I choose to give to the beggars who are either very elderly or those without legs.

Those able-bodied beggars could at least make an effort and gather plastic bottles, glass bottles, cardboard, tin cans, polystyrene, bottle tops, aluminium foil, old rags and newspapers out of garbage bins.

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