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tourist visa are just a pain in the b...!

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On 10/23/2016 at 11:35 AM, Grubster said:

If we had to jump through the hoops aThai has to to go to one of our countries, most of us would have never come here.


Yes because if Thailand offered the same kind of work opportunities, pensions, income benefits, unemployment benefits, housing benefits, free medical care, etc etc etc Along with level of wages paid for all classes of workers, combined with easy entry, there would be hardly any Thais left in Thailand !! 

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On October 24, 2016 at 0:18 PM, JackThompson said:


If our nation's GDP was 10%+ Tourism - foreigners spending foreign-earned capital - they might make it easier.



Yes, and they have a point, because in many ways, it is.  It's why many do jump through all the hoops.  That said, they could bring in far more wealth to Thailand if they opened / re-opened additional options to those with foreign-capital to spend in their country.  Instead, they let Billions of Baht that would otherwise be spent in Thailand go to Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.  This is unfortunate.

Have they stopped the 30 days on arrival plan? Cant get any easier than that I feel. I found it very easy to get my retirement extension here. I think Thailand has always been a bit of a closed economy, not allowing the big multinationals to take it over, not really a bad thing. I think most who go to Cambodia and Vietnam have issues with money. Living in a foreign country on 30,000 baht a month is not only a very unstable undertaking but adds little to the wealth of the country. Working here to make 30 or 40,000 baht a month isn't helping Thailand a bit, nor will it give you a very good future. That said I will miss all the guys who do all of that if they leave. I Think if you have enough money to make any difference to Thailand's economy you will find it easy to come and stay here. Vacationers would normally fit the 30 day option I would think. Terrorism is also making a big impact on travel, and I am happy to be scrutinized a bit for that cause.

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I don't think it is up to you to set the standard for what is a proper monthly expenditure.  A lot of the big spenders would be well under that if they didn't drink.  The median income for a Thai household is under 30K per month...not a lot of people starving.  You seem to not comprehend the value of learning English, so I won't even address that.  You're statement about the multi-nationals is about the most ill informed, uneducated thing I've read all week.  Food, machinery, technology?  been out of your cave lately?

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37 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


Yes because if Thailand offered the same kind of work opportunities, pensions, income benefits, unemployment benefits, housing benefits, free medical care, etc etc etc Along with level of wages paid for all classes of workers, combined with easy entry, there would be hardly any Thais left in Thailand !! 

Very true. I don't see that happening anytime soon so I guess you get what you get and can choose either place with the conveniences and problems of each. Maybe some would like some of those features you enjoyed in your home country without having to pay for them.  Thailand has there problems too. Coming here to find gainful employment with pensions and free health care would be rather foolish. Try making it go at home and then come here to enjoy your retirement, I know many who have done this very happily and successfully.

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13 hours ago, pattayalover said:

I can get a tourist visa, I got many from lao. what I don't want is to pay a rental car then travel 10 hours plus fuel and else, then just be told at the window : "sir, do you have a job.?" well no, I have no job this is why I go Thailand for 3 months.

"well sir you need to show us your job contract or we can not issue you a visa. sorry.... "

at least in Lao I will get my visa after a 30 days free entry.

so f... these embassies who make problem. no money from me for sure.
and I let you remember that in 2008 tourist visa were free for 2 years(even 2 entries were given for free) . I got 2 or 3 visa sent by post. all free.





You certainly got a point mon. Experienced similar to same BS about 'proof of employment' although it was for a multiple entry TV. 

Well i said, i don't work, not interested for the life of me, no matter where or what and most of all because i just don't have to due to income from savings going back more than 40 yrs (a.k.a. interest only, pays me about 65k worth in THB each of the 8 to 9 month i usually stay in TH, definitely more than i need).

Besides: a bit hard to keep decent jobs when travelling around half-year-wise up, ain't it, just technically!?
Proof of means: no problem of course, the required amount of EUR 6.000.- xx times over, naturally!


So then, all of a sudden, they wanted me to come up with a g-damned uni graduate degree, thought i'd be trippin' ... i mean i'm close to 50 years of age so said degree would have around zero meaning over 25 yrs after getting it in the first place, use- an worthless in that context - and pretty much any other - anyway.
Plus i never wanted one, never needed one so never had had one ... would i have been that dumb wasting a lot of time instead of earning good dough already - well, i highly probably wouldn't be where i'm now financially looking at my peers from back in the day ...


So obviously still making up steaming bullschlassach as they're going along, no one i talked to ever heard of that curve before but i'm surprised (well, no, not really actually) they gave you that shit for a meager SETV!


Do they really think to coerce people into their Elite-scheme that way? Well, not me for sure, not in this life ... 

Edited by jollyhangmon
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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

Have they stopped the 30 days on arrival plan? Cant get any easier than that I feel. I found it very easy to get my retirement extension here. I think Thailand has always been a bit of a closed economy, not allowing the big multinationals to take it over, not really a bad thing. I think most who go to Cambodia and Vietnam have issues with money. Living in a foreign country on 30,000 baht a month is not only a very unstable undertaking but adds little to the wealth of the country. Working here to make 30 or 40,000 baht a month isn't helping Thailand a bit, nor will it give you a very good future. That said I will miss all the guys who do all of that if they leave. I Think if you have enough money to make any difference to Thailand's economy you will find it easy to come and stay here. Vacationers would normally fit the 30 day option I would think. Terrorism is also making a big impact on travel, and I am happy to be scrutinized a bit for that cause.


The 30-days Visa Exempt is still available, though how many times one can use it in what time-frame before rejection is unknown, so risky for many frequent-travelers and/or longer-stayers to use.


I would disagree that tens of thousands of people spending 30K to 40K Baht / mo of foreign-sourced-capital into the country "isn't helping Thailand a bit."  Those working Thai jobs are another story.  Bear in mind, there are not social-services being provided - it's just foreign-capital pouring in to the economy, with sales-tax revenue to boot.  If they'd allow us to easily set up offshore-funded business entities here, they could also get income-tax revenue. 


I personally know dozens of expats who are afraid to even try to live here due to the difficulty in keeping a visa when under 50.  Although one can "fan-room" for much less in Cambodia on a shoestring-budget, a comfortable life-overhead is not much cheaper.  Most have a story about a friend, or friend of a friend, who couldn't get back in to Thailand after a visa-run.  This sort of thing does not happen in Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines, or similar - so they feel "safe" living there. 


I am a die-hard nationalist, so do respect the Thai limits on ownership of Thai land, self-sufficiency doctrine, etc.  I could respect a decision to restrict people like me (not married) to reside only in designated areas, in order to help preserve their culture from being flooded into obscurity by foreign-influence.

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4 hours ago, JackThompson said:


The 30-days Visa Exempt is still available, though how many times one can use it in what time-frame before rejection is unknown, so risky for many frequent-travelers and/or longer-stayers to use.


I would disagree that tens of thousands of people spending 30K to 40K Baht / mo of foreign-sourced-capital into the country "isn't helping Thailand a bit."  Those working Thai jobs are another story.  Bear in mind, there are not social-services being provided - it's just foreign-capital pouring in to the economy, with sales-tax revenue to boot.  If they'd allow us to easily set up offshore-funded business entities here, they could also get income-tax revenue. 


I personally know dozens of expats who are afraid to even try to live here due to the difficulty in keeping a visa when under 50.  Although one can "fan-room" for much less in Cambodia on a shoestring-budget, a comfortable life-overhead is not much cheaper.  Most have a story about a friend, or friend of a friend, who couldn't get back in to Thailand after a visa-run.  This sort of thing does not happen in Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines, or similar - so they feel "safe" living there. 


I am a die-hard nationalist, so do respect the Thai limits on ownership of Thai land, self-sufficiency doctrine, etc.  I could respect a decision to restrict people like me (not married) to reside only in designated areas, in order to help preserve their culture from being flooded into obscurity by foreign-influence.

I don't really know why they have the rules they have but they do and I have had no problems with them. The Thais have to live with our rules when they want to come our way, we have to live with theirs. I realize that and the rules could change to where I would have to leave, I realize that too. Lots of places to live in the world and its your choice.

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