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US election result will be like ''Brexit Times Five'', Trump says.


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And to be clear, I wouldn't write off Trump's chances of winning. IMO, there is still time enough for changes in trends (but of course, this also means things could get worse for him). Another thing, more a personal observation from experience, is that it's harder to accurately poll right wing voters. Playing the underdog card is not unheard of, and may contribute to election day motivation. That said, the whole voting in advance thing makes the situation more difficult to gauge.

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3 hours ago, Pinot said:



Come on guys, you can do better than this. 


I'm wondering what the future will be like for the GOP? Trump will hopefully be one of the final nails in a party built on racism, hate and utter stupidity. Good riddance to all of them, and hopefully conservatives in general. They're hurting human progress. Progress is a key word here. 


There is new definition for Conservatism now. My hope is that Republicans will learn something from the shellacking they're about to get, but stupidity is ingrained in so many, I'm not confident. 


I think it's more of the same idiocy we've seen from years of Fox News polluted koolaid. "No government is good government" doesn't move society forward. We are all in this together. 


I think the country moves in the direction of California politics where Republicans have been completely marginalized. I can dream. A good starting point will be the liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Can't stop it. 


It's over.  

As I said, CNN polls a larger number of democrats than republicans. Thus the skewed polls.




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5 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

As I said, CNN polls a larger number of democrats than republicans. Thus the skewed polls.




That's so funny, dude. There ARE more democrats than republicans! This is the core of the reason trump will lose. He never really stopped running his REPUBLICAN primary campaign. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's so funny, dude. There ARE more democrats than republicans! This is the core of the reason trump will lose. He never really stopped running his REPUBLICAN primary campaign. 


If Democrat voters are more urban based, they would be easier (not to say convenient) to poll. If current polling figures are correct, "there are more democrats than republicans" would not be very significant in this regard.

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8 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

CNN polls a larger number of democrats than republicans. Thus the skewed polls.

That's exactly what was said in 2012 of the pollsters then.  How did that work out for you? As for their being more democrats than republicans polled... First off, partly that's because there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. Reality may strike you as being unfair, but that's the way it is. In addition, if the numbers of democrats and republicans are out of whack with the genpop, pollsters make statistical adjustments. In fact, they make statistical adjustments all the time for that kind of thing. Standard practice  Anyway, give my regards to President Romney.

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Even if defeated, Trump will have been successful in obtaining a substantial number of votes, despite his obvious failings as a politician, although he has been helped to some extent by Hilarys deceptions.   This just proves that, not only in America, but world-wide, people are just sick of the status quo and will vote for anyone who offers change amd a move away from the way in which big business seem to be controlling everything , making the rich even richer and the poor and the middle classes no better off.  


Remember how the establishment in Britain were taken by surprise by the Brexit vote?  Trump is right to remind Americans of that event, which could either make voters who like the same old policies to vote for Hilary OR for those crying out for change to vote for him. The danger is that voters might go for change without fully knowing what that might mean, but are prepared to take the risk, as was the case with Britons voting to leave the European Union. 

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2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Even if defeated, Trump will have been successful in obtaining a substantial number of votes, despite his obvious failings as a politician, although he has been helped to some extent by Hilarys deceptions.   This just proves that, not only in America, but world-wide, people are just sick of the status quo and will vote for anyone who offers change amd a move away from the way in which big business seem to be controlling everything , making the rich even richer and the poor and the middle classes no better off.  


Remember how the establishment in Britain were taken by surprise by the Brexit vote?  Trump is right to remind Americans of that event, which could either make voters who like the same old policies to vote for Hilary OR for those crying out for change to vote for him. The danger is that voters might go for change without fully knowing what that might mean, but are prepared to take the risk, as was the case with Britons voting to leave the European Union. 

Or to put  it in another, much shorter version, masses of people can be highly susceptible to populist demogugary. 


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6 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Even if defeated, Trump will have been successful in obtaining a substantial number of votes, despite his obvious failings as a politician, although he has been helped to some extent by Hilarys deceptions.   This just proves that, not only in America, but world-wide, people are just sick of the status quo and will vote for anyone who offers change amd a move away from the way in which big business seem to be controlling everything , making the rich even richer and the poor and the middle classes no better off.  


Remember how the establishment in Britain were taken by surprise by the Brexit vote?  Trump is right to remind Americans of that event, which could either make voters who like the same old policies to vote for Hilary OR for those crying out for change to vote for him. The danger is that voters might go for change without fully knowing what that might mean, but are prepared to take the risk, as was the case with Britons voting to leave the European Union. 


Great losing speech. :intheclub:

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6 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Even if defeated, Trump will have been successful in obtaining a substantial number of votes, despite his obvious failings as a politician, although he has been helped to some extent by Hilarys deceptions.   This just proves that, not only in America, but world-wide, people are just sick of the status quo and will vote for anyone who offers change amd a move away from the way in which big business seem to be controlling everything , making the rich even richer and the poor and the middle classes no better off.  


Remember how the establishment in Britain were taken by surprise by the Brexit vote?  Trump is right to remind Americans of that event, which could either make voters who like the same old policies to vote for Hilary OR for those crying out for change to vote for him. The danger is that voters might go for change without fully knowing what that might mean, but are prepared to take the risk, as was the case with Britons voting to leave the European Union. 

This is nothing like brexit, you  have nothing equivalent to an anti democracy EU. It wasn't a racist vote in the UK it was about getting control of our country before the EU jumped off the cliff and not being able to get our country back. It's similar to the misinformation that the Donald does, he just lashes out for no reason and for me it's beyond comprehension that anyone would vote for that fraud. I agree with a lot of things Hillary says but I still wouldn't vote for her either. Is it Hobson's choice?.

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16 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

This is nothing like brexit, you  have nothing equivalent to an anti democracy EU. It wasn't a racist vote in the UK it was about getting control of our country before the EU jumped off the cliff and not being able to get our country back. It's similar to the misinformation that the Donald does, he just lashes out for no reason and for me it's beyond comprehension that anyone would vote for that fraud. I agree with a lot of things Hillary says but I still wouldn't vote for her either. Is it Hobson's choice?.


Your EU comments are utter codswallop and show a deep misunderstanding of the situation. Where are you from?

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Must read humor!:stoner::partytime2:


Republican political satirist P.J. O'Rourke trashes Hillary Clinton (hilariously) but ENDORSES her!



I endorse Hillary Clinton for president. She is the second-worst thing that could happen to America.


I endorse her. And all her pomps. And all her empty promises.


Better the devil you know than the Lord of the Flies on his own 757. Flying to and fro in the earth, with gold-plated seatbelt buckles, talking nativist, isolationist, mercantilist, bigoted, rude, and vulgar crap. 




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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Republican political satirist P.J. O'Rourke trashes Hillary Clinton (hilariously) but ENDORSES her!



I endorse Hillary Clinton for president. She is the second-worst thing that could happen to America.


I endorse her. And all her pomps. And all her empty promises.


Better the devil you know than the Lord of the Flies on his own 757. Flying to and fro in the earth, with gold-plated seatbelt buckles, talking nativist, isolationist, mercantilist, bigoted, rude, and vulgar crap. 




Well, you know the saying, keep your friends close, your enemies closer and sexual deviants as far away as possible.



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6 minutes ago, monkey4u said:

Its sad to think the USA will soon be ruled by one of these 2 loons  :ermm:

It's even more sad that President Hillary Clinton will have to deal with the far right wing loons in congress.:shock1:




Can’t Wait for It to Be Over? Don’t Kid Yourself

If you think it’s bad now, wait until January. We’ll be standing at the San Andreas fault line of dysfunction.




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 D. Trump asserts that he alone represents the true people,  the other parties are not legitimate representatives of the people ( rigged élections, MSM etc..)    After the "Yes" in the referendum on the Brexit, Nigel Farage spoke of a victory for the "real people." This means that the others, those who wanted to stay in the EU, are not the "real" people. The democratic system is in question.

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48 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Once again you've chosen an impeccable source.

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6 hours ago, Opl said:

 D. Trump asserts that he alone represents the true people,  the other parties are not legitimate representatives of the people ( rigged élections, MSM etc..)    After the "Yes" in the referendum on the Brexit, Nigel Farage spoke of a victory for the "real people." This means that the others, those who wanted to stay in the EU, are not the "real" people. The democratic system is in question.

Well, that;s the locus of the problem don't you think?


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Trump's oil slick is affecting the so-called 'down ballot' races.  Republican, read and weep. . . . . 



A Senate with a Dem majority will also be able to appoint chairpeople for important committees - that will be a factor for changing the Republican intransigence that's plagued Congress for a long time.  It's ironic, the Rep candidate keeps chiding politicians for doing-nothing - yet it's his own party members who have been saying 'no' - the same salaried reps who never have any progressive ideas to improve Americans' lives.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


The comments under that article were sad.  So many people deluding themselves with assurances such as "Trump will surely win because I don't see too many Hillary signs on my way to work", and "everybody at my dad's office is voting for trump!"


Who knew polling was as easy as walking around your neighborhood and looking at yard signs?

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15 minutes ago, attrayant said:


What a shocker.  I'll bet 91% of the Unibomber's coverage was hostile too.


Hey, hey, hey. Now there. At least the Unibomber had a manifesto. Hmm, maybe it isn't too far off a reference.


Per Kaczynski, "When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem."



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The Divider is now breaking the law - again! (no surprise to the sensible folks among us).


He actively/openly is recruiting vigilante poll watchers.  He tells them to watch the polling places in places where there are many minority voters (inner cities, primarily).


He says, "when I say 'watch,' you know what I'm talking about, right?"

"The only way she can beat us ......is if they cheat."

"We're putting out a lot of law enforcement."  




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On 25/10/2016 at 10:04 PM, daveAustin said:

Brexit x5? He likes to talk it up doesn't he. While I agree Trump winning would be a big deal, its significance surely pales in comparison to an entire country getting its sovereignty back and potentially sparking the end of the EU.


Small clarification: the UK is not a single country, it is a Union. One might also say that the USA is now a more unified union of states than the UK unless one is a die-hard old-school Confederate, the type whose mind-set will be firmly behind Donald Trump. I would in addition opine that the Donald's pomposity and sense of self-importance compares quite well with the average Brexiteer.

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Like Brexit?


Actually not so much even though that's the trumpist pipe dream.


Here's why:




That changes things. Since the Brexit vote, it has become evident that, beyond communicating a huge “screw you” to Britain’s political, media, and business establishment—which was largely on the Remain side—many Leave voters had little concrete idea what they were voting for. The consequences of a vote for Trump are a lot more clear: come January, he will be in the Oval Office. And ever since he won the Republican nomination, that hasn’t seemed like a prospect that a majority of Americans can unite behind.





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