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Cult's in Thailand??


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Thais are as easily sucked into cultish thinking as any other group of people.  It's a human proclivity to be drawn to believing silly notions.   Kids do it with fairy tales, and that's not odd.  But adults keep the ball rolling, and their fairy tales are more elaborate and expensive. It usually causes loss of money and tarnished personal relationships.  


That's part of the reason I stay single.  I don't want to be burdened with a spouse who has weird allegiances.  It's a drain of money, time, and mental facilities.   .....and it usually serves two primary purposes:  


>>>  giving the cult worshiper something to focus on which makes that person feel involved/significant, and


>>>  building up the ego and bank account of the person being worshiped.



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What cult would it be that the persons wife you know has joined.


The only ones l know of are different fortune teller types and the picture card stuff.

Don't really think they would be called cult's though.

Edited by Kwasaki
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1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

What cult would it be that the persons wife you know has joined.

The only ones l know of are different fortune teller types and the picture card stuff.

Don't really think they would be called cult's though.


Are Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Abrahamism, Hinduism, Voodooism, Islam, Metaphysics, Mormonism ....not cults?


They all are based on fairy tales.  They all seek hand-outs. They're all tax-exempt. They all skew science or, at best, glom onto scientific studies when they can't avoid it.  Cults and religions are never at the vanguard of scientific discovery. All their beliefs are based on fables and/or things that can't be scientifically verified in double-blind tests.


All believe in reincarnation, yet there is not one bit of science backing up reincarnation.  They're all built on pillars of hocus pocus.   Magicians, at least, admit their tricks are tricks.  Religionists, want everyone to believe their tricks are substantiated by brain waves.   All the human brains in the world couldn't move a matchstick 5 mm in a scientific test.


It's customary for religionists to say Atheists don't believe in anything, but that's not true.  We believe in science and nature, ......what's real.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Are Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Abrahamism, Hinduism, Voodooism, Islam, Metaphysics, Mormonism ....not cults?


They all are based on fairy tales.  They all seek hand-outs. They're all tax-exempt. They all skew science or, at best, glom onto scientific studies when they can't avoid it.  Cults and religions are never at the vanguard of scientific discovery. All their beliefs are based on fables and/or things that can't be scientifically verified in double-blind tests.


All believe in reincarnation, yet there is not one bit of science backing up reincarnation.  They're all built on pillars of hocus pocus.   Magicians, at least, admit their tricks are tricks.  Religionists, want everyone to believe their tricks are substantiated by brain waves.   All the human brains in the world couldn't move a matchstick 5 mm in a scientific test.


It's customary for religionists to say Atheists don't believe in anything, but that's not true.  We believe in science and nature, ......what's real.


I don't like religions either there one of the main causes of trouble in the world.


Waiting on OP because of course there's cults in Thailand,  his post is vague and don't know what his acquaintance is referring to as a cult.

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Thais (and many other nationalities) are hamstrung when it comes to choosing what philosophy to embrace.  There are some indelible givens that all Thai children are required to believe throughout their lives:  


>>> ghosts,

>>> fear of dark,

>>> reincarnation,

>>> a person's mind waves can affect another person's,

>>> mind waves can affect physical things,

>>> elders are inherently wiser than youngsters,  

>>> people are superior to all other species,

>>> some places are infused with spiritual energy, and others aren't,

>>> planets have profound and tangible effects upon people and events on earth,

>>> tossing little sticks on the ground can have profound effects on what ensues,

>>> some people can predict the future, beyond the obvious (Bkk will flood, for example),

>>> money is God.  


It takes a whale of perception to get over those humps.  Good luck.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Are Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Abrahamism, Hinduism, Voodooism, Islam, Metaphysics, Mormonism ....not cults?


They all are based on fairy tales.  They all seek hand-outs. They're all tax-exempt. They all skew science or, at best, glom onto scientific studies when they can't avoid it.  Cults and religions are never at the vanguard of scientific discovery. All their beliefs are based on fables and/or things that can't be scientifically verified in double-blind tests.


All believe in reincarnation, yet there is not one bit of science backing up reincarnation.  They're all built on pillars of hocus pocus.   Magicians, at least, admit their tricks are tricks.  Religionists, want everyone to believe their tricks are substantiated by brain waves.   All the human brains in the world couldn't move a matchstick 5 mm in a scientific test.


It's customary for religionists to say Atheists don't believe in anything, but that's not true.  We believe in science and nature, ......what's real.

Yes and there is nothing more beautiful than nature and the wonderment of the universe. Many seem to not even be able to see it. The only reason I would like to live to a very old age would be to see some more discovery. I don't call myself Atheist but maybe by definition I am. 

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the fundamental questions are who are you, where did you come from and where are you going to. most religions supply the answers to most of these questions and so are accepted by most people. the truth is much deeper than that and most people don't want to know.

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Speaking generally:


A cult is a group of people who are bonded by a shared belief system and typically follow the teaching of a charismatic leader.


Most religions are cults that have continued to grow and prosper following the death of the original leaders. i.e. Most  'mainstream' religions are successful cults e.g Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. Note that these organisations usually branch off into different streams, each claiming to have special understanding of  the teachings of the master.


A clear example of a cult is the Dhammakaya sect here in Thailand. If one takes the trouble to do a little research you will find that cults abound in the USA and UK. 


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5 hours ago, kannot said:



Don't see that as problem for the OP's acquaintances wife at least if she into Buddhism she is not being told to cut peoples heads off. 

That said Married to Thai wife and mess about big time, so everyone around her knows hang on to your goolies.  :biggrin:

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...sadly...almost every household has its own cult......


...but you will never know it.....


....when they step out they just have to .....'go through the motions'....with regards to 'Buddhism'....


...and 'nobody is the wiser'....publicly.....


....but they all know.....

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In the 70sThere used to be a lot of cults in the UK and USA including Hindu based ones, Christian based ones, buddist based ones and some entirely materialist. Many gravitated towards India and the Hippy trail where there were lots of young impressionable people, vulnerable and a long way from home. In my 3 decade in Thailand the only cult I have noticed is the American Evangelicals who are on a salary of 4K bucks while on missions here. These guys are as bad or worse than the Jesus people, the orange people, the divine light, the moonies, The Guru G crowd, the exegesis cult etc etc. 

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1 hour ago, jobsworth said:

the fundamental questions are who are you, where did you come from and where are you going to. most religions supply the answers to most of these questions and so are accepted by most people. the truth is much deeper than that and most people don't want to know.

Yes those are some fundamental questions which are worthwhile asking and trying to answer.

Answers can be found via science and nature.  Religious answers are steeped in metaphysics, fairy tales and hocus pocus.


For example, religions can't fathom that life sprung from interactions of organic molecules.  Most of who a human is, is water and bacteria.  All our organs, including brain/bone/blood/urine/bile/testosterone, etc, are collectives of specialized cells.  Religions and cults want us to believe there is some other force, variously called 'ether' 'god' 'prajna' or 'life force' or 'holy spirit' which infuses and propels all the processes.  Not so.  Life is collections of molecules, ....same for viruses, bacteria, blood, fungi, and for complex organisms like slugs, cacti and humans.

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Pianoman, who started this thread, is conspicuously silent.  Did his wife change cults?  Did she join a nudist colony in Sweden and burn all her clothes?  Or maybe she got an accounting degree and will spend the next 40 years in a windowless room staring at a calculator - as millions of Thai women do, each work day. 

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Well if you are looking for a serious read you can always track down a copy of one of the great academic scholars of Thai culture, Stanley Tambiah, and his tome Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-East Thailand.

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O.K., a little more information regarding this Cult / Situation...  Individual involved is a friend and I do not want to add to his problems by "Outing" him, but feel that this is serious enough to warrant trying to find more information regarding this "Group"...


"5 years ago my wife joined a religious cult, they took over her life and finances. _______then informed me that she belonged to the guy in the sky ___________________. I then joined the Taiwan run group to try and make things work. I became a vegetarian and went to a couple of their meetings, I stopped when I realised what was going on. People had to recruit others, by force or fear and also pay large amounts of money to get a front row seat in the sky. We built a nice house on the farm, when it was finished I was told it was for the cult to use, I took it back by force. Then a temple was built on the farm for their use and a large sum was paid to bless it. _______"


I am worried about my friend and also others who might become involved with this group, as they seem to be really trying to spread their "Word" /Bullshit...



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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Are Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Abrahamism, Hinduism, Voodooism, Islam, Metaphysics, Mormonism ....not cults?


They all are based on fairy tales.  They all seek hand-outs. They're all tax-exempt. They all skew science or, at best, glom onto scientific studies when they can't avoid it.  Cults and religions are never at the vanguard of scientific discovery. All their beliefs are based on fables and/or things that can't be scientifically verified in double-blind tests.


All believe in reincarnation, yet there is not one bit of science backing up reincarnation.  They're all built on pillars of hocus pocus.   Magicians, at least, admit their tricks are tricks.  Religionists, want everyone to believe their tricks are substantiated by brain waves.   All the human brains in the world couldn't move a matchstick 5 mm in a scientific test.


It's customary for religionists to say Atheists don't believe in anything, but that's not true.  We believe in science and nature, ......what's real.

Having said all that, Leicester City did win the Premier League last year.

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Pianoman, who started this thread, is conspicuously silent.  Did his wife change cults?  Did she join a nudist colony in Sweden and burn all her clothes?  Or maybe she got an accounting degree and will spend the next 40 years in a windowless room staring at a calculator - as millions of Thai women do, each work day. 

Or maybe he's waiting for some relevant commentary on his friends wifes perilous situation rather than glib wisecracks, obtuse pontification and personal opinions.

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11 hours ago, Gracas said:

I was a member of the "Bar Girl" Cult for many many year, but have now down graded to only part time.

Good for you; I think many of us are guilty of having worshiped at the shrine of the Beer Bar and of entering that heady 'zone' of intoxication, eye candy, music and pool before giving ourselves up to the god of lust.


Personally, I haven't done it for ages mostly because of the cost being so much greater than it was but also because as I get older I find the suspension of disbelief more difficult to arrive at!

Edited by piersbeckett
thought of more accurate phrasing
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