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Fining Yingluck For Rice Subsidy In 'Grey Area,' Critic Of Policy Says


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

What I mean is if your paying a lot of income tax and other taxes.. more can be spend on you too.. Also the better the infrastructure at economical hearts is the more money it generates. I would always invest there where it makes more money. However more could be done to help people in the north but to look at it per capita is unfair. 


For instance if road tax collected in BKK is spend in Isarn that would be totally unfair. If people are paying for something let them have it too.. don't let them pay for others. If a shopping center makes tons of money in local taxes.. do you think those taxes should be send to the north or spend around that shopping center to improve it there ?


I always hear people moaning about the north and other places... do remember they don't pay much tax into the system either. Should Chang Mai their taxes spend in Isarn.. or in Chang Mai ?

Good point but isn't it the "bread basket" of Thailand?

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17 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Good point but isn't it the "bread basket" of Thailand?


Bangkok is a lot quiter during Songkran with the great yearly exodus of Northern Thais. Bangkok will not be in this plum position without these workers. They deserved more for leaving their family to toil in Bangkok. 

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On 24/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, EricBerg said:

It's a good thing the corrupt are being stripped of their assets. First time the people in the Kingdom can see that bad leaders cannot get away with their plunder. Now hope this fight will get followup to lower levels as well. It's a start, nothing more than that.


If the bad guy in Dubai manages to make a comeback, lil sis no doubt will be compensated with plenty of money from the national treasury. But, if in the now unclear future the military can prevent return to power by the shinaclan, then real progress will have been made. It would be an important step on the long, long road of cleaning up the Kingdom. 


In the one month before the Crownprince will be King, Prem can do much "cleaning" in the ranks of the military. This surely will help in preventing the return of the beast.

In this uninformed post lies one of the reasons that this country is so divided. Your hatred of the overwhelmingly democratically elected governments of Thaksin and Yingluck  is manifested in your "bogey man" scaremongering. 

Yingluck is being subjected to a witch-hunt by unelected bully boys in uniform.

Chew on this you hater of democracy.

The rice pledging scheme was included in the Pheu Thai party manifesto and the voters chose to embrace it. 

Also of interest is the fact that nowhere in this witch-hunt has any of the cowards accused her (Yingluck)  of corruption.  Go figure! 

Talking of corruption.... Prayut's brother also the barking mad general's brother and nephew are in it up to their necks, not to mention the son of the corrupt Suthep. 

Pots and kettles. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:


Although to be fair, there is no manipulation of checks and balances under the junta, since there are no checks and balances.

This is a moot point.

Once you have MASS CORRUPTION combined with ABROGATION, SUBVERSION and MANIPULATION of all CHECKS and BALANCES which form the underpinnings of democracy, then you have made the very intent of democracy VOID. Ergo: Democracy had already ceased. Thus the past 2 coups were an unfortunate re-set caused by the above, brought about by the avarice and over-reach of Thaksin. Simply stating over and over 'but we came from election' is also moot once you have all but destroyed the intent and underpinnings of democracy. But these are the low woeful standards which Shin supporters here seem to 'aspire to' for the Thai people... Others reluctantly agree a re-set was needed or the road to an uninterrupted dynasty similar to a Marcos or Suharto or Hun Sen was assured.

Unfortunately his puppet sister bought into 'Thaksin speaks and Yingluck does' and the result is she willfully turned a blind eye to an 8 billion USD plunder, therefore IS guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' which is NOT excused under the civil liability law. End of. Unlike some Shin shills, this is not a full time gig for me so will have to leave it there.

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On 10/24/2016 at 3:20 PM, rijb said:

Will the military government fine themselves for their program losses, in the future?


Maybe - if they appoint themselves chair person and not bother to turn up; dismiss all warnings; intimidate any who dare speak out against the program; simply follow orders from a known crook; declare the program "self financing" to keep it off budget and away from scrutiny and fail to keep or pretend not to keep real accounts on the program.


Do you think Yingluck performed her job as chair of the rice scheme and PM in ensuring prudent management and sound accounting?

Edited by Baerboxer
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7 hours ago, halloween said:

Yeah, why should people hate bloated parasites stealing from those with almost nothing? It's just business, right?

Your words, not mine... no way did I allude to it being right, but hey same same, in many countries, even communists, it's been happening since man came down from the trees. Get over it, your whining will not fix it.

Edited by Rorri
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58 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Good point but isn't it the "bread basket" of Thailand?


Isarn.. far from it.. they only have one rice harvest a season. There are places that have 3.. where would you invest.. in those places that can harvest 3 times or Isarn where only one harvest can be had. If you had unlimited money you would distribute it fairly but that is often not the case. So you invest where you get the most bang for your buck.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

So you advocate government that keeps money where the money is and poverty where the poverty is.  Not everyone agrees with you. http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/thailand/overview  


There is also the question of how those people in Bangkok got so rich.  Do you think it would have happened without the provinces?


No I advocate spending there where i get the best return and rewarding people who pay taxes. In my country more money is invested per capita too in the big cities. Want to bet its the same where you come from ? You per capita is just a falsehood.. you need to look where money is made and taxes are paid.


Your one of those guys that loves spending other peoples money (socialists). I am one of those guys who works for his money and would like to see tax that I pay benefit me first. If I am paying road tax in BKK i expect the roads to be repaired and developed from it not send of to some other place.


Would you build a university in the middle or nowhere.. or in a big city ?  


That does not mean the poorer parts should not get nothing.. just not an equal share because they are also not paying equal taxes or have the same return on investment. 

Edited by robblok
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39 minutes ago, red roger said:

In this uninformed post lies one of the reasons that this country is so divided. Your hatred of the overwhelmingly democratically elected governments of Thaksin and Yingluck  is manifested in your "bogey man" scaremongering. 

Yingluck is being subjected to a witch-hunt by unelected bully boys in uniform.

Chew on this you hater of democracy.

The rice pledging scheme was included in the Pheu Thai party manifesto and the voters chose to embrace it. 

Also of interest is the fact that nowhere in this witch-hunt has any of the cowards accused her (Yingluck)  of corruption.  Go figure! 

Talking of corruption.... Prayut's brother also the barking mad general's brother and nephew are in it up to their necks, not to mention the son of the corrupt Suthep. 

Pots and kettles. 


So funny you call his post uninformed! Where did you get your informed opinion from - Shin news?


Thaksin and Yinglick were elected democratically. That's when their interest in democracy stopped. One resigned the caretaker PM role and then illegally re-occupied it and was removed. The second was removed by a court for an illegal abuse of power, which she has never denied. Thaksin was convicted of breaking the law, which he chose to run away rather than appeal.

Yingluck isn't the subject of a witch hunt. There are far more things that could be followed up if that were the case.

The rice pledging scheme was touted as self financing. But it seems it wasn't and nor were any financial and management accounts kept. That in itself would lead to negligence charges in many countries. Failure to turn up and chair any meetings, having appointed yourself chair, would also be seen to be somewhat negligent. But to be fair, Yinglcuk and her legal team are yet to give any evidence or comments to show how that wasn't negligent as charged. We wait with baited breath.


Doesn't matter what others have done, are doing or will do. This is about Yingluck and her behavior in managing the rice scheme in an appropriate, responsible and accountable way.

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16 minutes ago, Rorri said:

Your words, not mine... no way did I allude to it being right, but hey same same, in many countries, even communists, it's been happening since man came down from the trees. Get over it, your whining will not fix it.


That's true - corruption blights capitalism, socialism, communism and everything in-between. The common denominator being mankind.


But that doesn't mean every now and again we should miss the opportunity to see one punished.

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14 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Doesn't matter what others have done, are doing or will do. This is about Yingluck and her behavior in managing the rice scheme in an appropriate, responsible and accountable way.


That pretty much sum up your thought process and reasoning. It is all about the 10 odd years that you are here and ignored the last 84 years of history and the large gorilla in the room. It is all about what Yingluck did and disregard what kind of corruption, abrogation, subversion, manipulation of all check and balance, abuse of power, human right violation, nepotism and cronyism of the junta government. You can rid democracy with a coup. Can't do the reverse.   

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18 minutes ago, robblok said:


No I advocate spending there where i get the best return and rewarding people who pay taxes. In my country more money is invested per capita too in the big cities. Want to bet its the same where you come from ? You per capita is just a falsehood.. you need to look where money is made and taxes are paid.


Your one of those guys that loves spending other peoples money (socialists). I am one of those guys who works for his money and would like to see tax that I pay benefit me first. If I am paying road tax in BKK i expect the roads to be repaired and developed from it not send of to some other place.


Would you build a university in the middle or nowhere.. or in a big city ?  


That does not mean the poorer parts should not get nothing.. just not an equal share because they are also not paying equal taxes or have the same return on investment. 

You keep going on about taxes paid in BKK so there for they should benefit most from government policy's.

Well mate guess what every time a person buy's food in BKK or in some little village in Issan they pay the same VAT tax.

Every time they fuel up the car/motor bike/tracktor they pay taxes the same as in BKK.

Every time people in BKK pay the elec bill they pay taxes just the same as people in Issan, so your point is???

IMO gov't policy's and funds need to be placed in area's with the greatest need and merit, not where the greatest amounts of taxes are sucked from people.


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38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So funny you call his post uninformed! Where did you get your informed opinion from - Shin news?


Thaksin and Yinglick were elected democratically. That's when their interest in democracy stopped. One resigned the caretaker PM role and then illegally re-occupied it and was removed. The second was removed by a court for an illegal abuse of power, which she has never denied. Thaksin was convicted of breaking the law, which he chose to run away rather than appeal.

Yingluck isn't the subject of a witch hunt. There are far more things that could be followed up if that were the case.

The rice pledging scheme was touted as self financing. But it seems it wasn't and nor were any financial and management accounts kept. That in itself would lead to negligence charges in many countries. Failure to turn up and chair any meetings, having appointed yourself chair, would also be seen to be somewhat negligent. But to be fair, Yinglcuk and her legal team are yet to give any evidence or comments to show how that wasn't negligent as charged. We wait with baited breath.


Doesn't matter what others have done, are doing or will do. This is about Yingluck and her behavior in managing the rice scheme in an appropriate, responsible and accountable way.

If this isn't a wich hunt then you may need to have another think... Why do you think the junta leader refuses to go after his brother, his sister in-law, his brthers son, any family members, any corruption that has been exposed in his government is brushed off and everything is obove board.


Has any other PM/junta leader in the history of Thailand been held financialy accountable for a poor/bad/failed policy???

The answer is NO....!!!

If the junta want to go after those in power over bad policy then apply the tactic equally and not selectivly.


YL has been taken to taske over a poor/bad/fail plicy, now her political enemy's want to break her finacialy.


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37 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

You keep going on about taxes paid in BKK so there for they should benefit most from government policy's.

Well mate guess what every time a person buy's food in BKK or in some little village in Issan they pay the same VAT tax.

Every time they fuel up the car/motor bike/tracktor they pay taxes the same as in BKK.

Every time people in BKK pay the elec bill they pay taxes just the same as people in Issan, so your point is???

IMO gov't policy's and funds need to be placed in area's with the greatest need and merit, not where the greatest amounts of taxes are sucked from people.


Your WRONG many restaurants don't pay not those small ones in Issarn certainly not. Also they don't spend as much on things that do have vat included per person as people in BKK. 


You and I differ how we see things.. I believe that people who pay the most should get back the most.. you like spending others money like a true socialist. Different mentality lets agree to disagree. I will never be like that I feel that most tax should be spend on those who pay for it. 


Just like how road tax should be spend locally and there are other taxes like income and company tax.. where do you think most is generated.. so who do you think should keep the biggest chunk.. right BKK.


No problems that they get some of that money.. but its only fair that the biggest chunk stays where its generated. (and of course should get the taxes that were generated over there invested in their area)


Those are my views.. seen how socialism worked.. or communism.. it just does not work.  




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10 hours ago, robblok said:


And what is wrong with Prayut having to cough up money if some of his policies are as rotten as the rice program ?. If anything this is a good precedent making sure that politicians can't do what they wan't without any risk if they severely messed up. 


It would all make them a bit more careful with the taxpayers money as they should. 

Prayuth won't as he granted himself a full amnesty for any wrong doings prior, during and after the coup, then there was the referendum that now exonerates all political office bearers of wrong doings.   He has built an impregnable shield around himself and his junta friends.  Article 44 is another weapon that only he can personally invoke to arrest and imprison without trial those that attempt to go after him, his family or friends.  As his theme song implies, "You can't touch this"

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2 hours ago, sujoop said:

. Others reluctantly agree a re-set was needed or the road to an uninterrupted dynasty similar to a Marcos or Suharto or Hun Sen was assured.


Absurdity holds no bounds for you. Thailand has more coups than election and only one Prime Minister lasted a full term in the history of Thai democracy. Marcos, Suharto and Hun Sen ruled their respective countries for well over 20 years i.e. 5 uninterrupted terms. You seriously think Thaksin can hold premiership for that long with the establishment plotting behind the scene. I can say this that all the above dictators are military officers and only their kinds would have the guns and might to hold on to power for so long. Figure that out. 

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4 hours ago, robblok said:


No I advocate spending there where i get the best return and rewarding people who pay taxes. In my country more money is invested per capita too in the big cities. Want to bet its the same where you come from ? You per capita is just a falsehood.. you need to look where money is made and taxes are paid.


Your one of those guys that loves spending other peoples money (socialists). I am one of those guys who works for his money and would like to see tax that I pay benefit me first. If I am paying road tax in BKK i expect the roads to be repaired and developed from it not send of to some other place.


Would you build a university in the middle or nowhere.. or in a big city ?  


That does not mean the poorer parts should not get nothing.. just not an equal share because they are also not paying equal taxes or have the same return on investment. 

Ok, let's use your logic:


" Currently, 72 % of Thailand's general public expenditures are being spent in Bangkok, which is home to 17% of the country’s population and produces 26% of the GDP. In contrast, the Northeast, which holds 34 % of the country's population, receives 6% of the expenditures. "



72% of public expenditures go to the area that produces 26% of GDP.  By your logic shouldn't government spending in Bangkok be cut to approximately one third of it's current level? 


A little math will show you that per capita spending in Bangkok is 13 times greater than in the rest of the country.  Do the big cities in your country get that kind of spending preference?


As far as spending money where it gets the best results, if you check out page 28 here http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/993671468118138134/pdf/674860ESW0P1180019006020120RB0EDITS.pdf   you'll see that per capita spending on education is four times higher in Bangkok than the rest of Thailand.  Don't you think the junta would do a better job of preparing Thailand for a first world economy if it spent more money in the most underserved areas? 


I'm one of those people who believes government spending should go to the most underserved areas where there is greatest room for increases in productivity.  I'm also one of those people who prefer democracy to military autocracy.  Clearly you aren't.

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5 hours ago, sujoop said:

This is a moot point.

Once you have MASS CORRUPTION combined with ABROGATION, SUBVERSION and MANIPULATION of all CHECKS and BALANCES which form the underpinnings of democracy, then you have made the very intent of democracy VOID. Ergo: Democracy had already ceased. Thus the past 2 coups were an unfortunate re-set caused by the above, brought about by the avarice and over-reach of Thaksin. Simply stating over and over 'but we came from election' is also moot once you have all but destroyed the intent and underpinnings of democracy. But these are the low woeful standards which Shin supporters here seem to 'aspire to' for the Thai people... Others reluctantly agree a re-set was needed or the road to an uninterrupted dynasty similar to a Marcos or Suharto or Hun Sen was assured.

Unfortunately his puppet sister bought into 'Thaksin speaks and Yingluck does' and the result is she willfully turned a blind eye to an 8 billion USD plunder, therefore IS guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' which is NOT excused under the civil liability law. End of. Unlike some Shin shills, this is not a full time gig for me so will have to leave it there.

The absence of checks and balances on a thoroughly corrupt military government is a moot point?  Isn't your argument that there were insufficient checks and balances and too much corruption in the elected government?


My argument is that after a long period of corrupt autocratic rule, democracies often go through a period of corrupt democratic government until maturing into a cleaner form of government.  This takes many election cycles without military coups to happen. 


Corrupt military government never evolve into clean military government, and certainly not into clean democratic government.  That's why I supported elections in 2014, not another military coup.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Your WRONG many restaurants don't pay not those small ones in Issarn certainly not. Also they don't spend as much on things that do have vat included per person as people in BKK. 


You and I differ how we see things.. I believe that people who pay the most should get back the most.. you like spending others money like a true socialist. Different mentality lets agree to disagree. I will never be like that I feel that most tax should be spend on those who pay for it. 


Just like how road tax should be spend locally and there are other taxes like income and company tax.. where do you think most is generated.. so who do you think should keep the biggest chunk.. right BKK.


No problems that they get some of that money.. but its only fair that the biggest chunk stays where its generated. (and of course should get the taxes that were generated over there invested in their area)


Those are my views.. seen how socialism worked.. or communism.. it just does not work.  




Ahhh...a Trump supporter. Goes to support my suspicions that junta hugging yellows are mostly redneck conservatives.

Trickle down economics only benefits the rich.

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On 10/24/2016 at 3:46 PM, EricBerg said:

It's a good thing the corrupt are being stripped of their assets. First time the people in the Kingdom can see that bad leaders cannot get away with their plunder. Now hope this fight will get followup to lower levels as well. It's a start, nothing more than that.


If the bad guy in Dubai manages to make a comeback, lil sis no doubt will be compensated with plenty of money from the national treasury. But, if in the now unclear future the military can prevent return to power by the shinaclan, then real progress will have been made. It would be an important step on the long, long road of cleaning up the Kingdom. 


In the one month before the Crownprince will be King, Prem can do much "cleaning" in the ranks of the military. This surely will help in preventing the return of the beast.

this has nothing to do with stopping corruption. it is just political fighting. selective justice does not work. bangkok floods. yingluck is in trouble for not stopping it. current government who has also not solved the problem is not in trouble. end result bangkok will continue to flood.

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On 10/25/2016 at 6:27 PM, robblok said:

Your WRONG many restaurants don't pay not those small ones in Issarn certainly not. Also they don't spend as much on things that do have vat included per person as people in BKK. 


You and I differ how we see things.. I believe that people who pay the most should get back the most.. you like spending others money like a true socialist. Different mentality lets agree to disagree. I will never be like that I feel that most tax should be spend on those who pay for it. 


Just like how road tax should be spend locally and there are other taxes like income and company tax.. where do you think most is generated.. so who do you think should keep the biggest chunk.. right BKK.


No problems that they get some of that money.. but its only fair that the biggest chunk stays where its generated. (and of course should get the taxes that were generated over there invested in their area)


Those are my views.. seen how socialism worked.. or communism.. it just does not work.  




"many restaurants don't pay not those small ones in Issan certianly not."  

So are you saying the small restaunts in BKK do pay tax???   come off it mate, you know better than that...

Ok so lets agree to disagree, no worries,  now lets apply your logic,   ie; those that pay more tax should get more back.

I suggest to you that there are more people in Issan, more people working in Issan, more revenue in Issan and more taxes raised in Issan, so by your opinion on where and who should get more taxes spent on them, then ok ISSAN should be getting a hell of a lot more than BKK   You do know that BKK is a city and not a province,,,,,,?  

And for those out there, YES I do know Issan is the poorest PROVINCE in the country,  My point is that Issan the "province" gernrates more money and taxes than BKK the city.   Have a look at post 82,  heybruce.  that should help...

I say policy's and funds should be spent in the area's of greatest need.


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1 hour ago, aussieinthailand said:

"many restaurants don't pay not those small ones in Issan certianly not."  

So are you saying the small restaunts in BKK do pay tax???   come off it mate, you know better than that...

Ok so lets agree to disagree, no worries,  now lets apply your logic,   ie; those that pay more tax should get more back.

I suggest to you that there are more people in Issan, more people working in Issan, more revenue in Issan and more taxes raised in Issan, so by your opinion on where and who should get more taxes spent on them, then ok ISSAN should be getting a hell of a lot more than BKK   You do know that BKK is a city and not a province,,,,,,?  

And for those out there, YES I do know Issan is the poorest PROVINCE in the country,  My point is that Issan the "province" gernrates more money and taxes than BKK the city.   Have a look at post 82,  heybruce.  that should help...

I say policy's and funds should be spent in the area's of greatest need.


Bruce is going for typical red strategy.. finding false figures that are ancient


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Thai_provinces_by_GPP  BKK earns 44% of the GDP  the whole north eastern together just about 10%


Now.. 44% and getting 70 is wrong.. but id like to see data where it is said it really gets 70%.  But its clear that BKK makes almost half of the total country its GDP.. no wonder its gets loads of spending.


Fair should be that BKK gets 44% of the money spend. But also people spend more on taxes in BKK.. road tax for instance... I am pretty sure there are more cars per capita in BKK then in the northeast.. so they pay per capita also far more road tax.. and that would mean they are also entiteled to far more spending based on that.. combine that with the 44% of GDP and its only logical that BKK gets more money. 


Show me some real good data where it say 70% that is more recent and ill accept it. 





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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Bruce is going for typical red strategy.. finding false figures that are ancient


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Thai_provinces_by_GPP  BKK earns 44% of the GDP  the whole north eastern together just about 10%


Now.. 44% and getting 70 is wrong.. but id like to see data where it is said it really gets 70%.  But its clear that BKK makes almost half of the total country its GDP.. no wonder its gets loads of spending.


Fair should be that BKK gets 44% of the money spend. But also people spend more on taxes in BKK.. road tax for instance... I am pretty sure there are more cars per capita in BKK then in the northeast.. so they pay per capita also far more road tax.. and that would mean they are also entiteled to far more spending based on that.. combine that with the 44% of GDP and its only logical that BKK gets more money. 


Show me some real good data where it say 70% that is more recent and ill accept it. 


You trust Wikipedia referencing 2013 figures from the National Economic and Social Development Board of Thailand while calling World Bank figures from 2012 out of date.  I trust the World Bank figures, as do news organizations--they reference the World Bank, not the NESDB.


"Show me some real good data where it say 70% that is more recent and ill accept it."


I already did.  Here's the link, once again:  http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2012/05/10/thailand-public-finance-management-review-report  The information in in the second paragraph on the first page.

Edited by heybruce
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11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You trust Wikipedia referencing 2013 figures from the National Economic and Social Development Board of Thailand while calling World Bank figures from 2012 out of date.  I trust the World Bank figures, as do news organizations--they reference the World Bank, not the NESDB.


"Show me some real good data where it say 70% that is more recent and ill accept it."


I already did.  Here's the link, once again:  http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2012/05/10/thailand-public-finance-management-review-report  The information in in the second paragraph on the first page.

Chronologically 2013 is better then 2012


Your data comes from 2012 and is out of date.


The 70% is a 2012 figure .. ancient history.


Your also forgetting how much currently is invested in other parts of the country on those railways. Also billions are being pumped in the village fund.


Oh.. and 500 billion in spend on farmers NOT in BKK 25% of the budget.. so your 70% is really not accurate anymore.

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18 minutes ago, robblok said:

Chronologically 2013 is better then 2012


Your data comes from 2012 and is out of date.


The 70% is a 2012 figure .. ancient history.


Your also forgetting how much currently is invested in other parts of the country on those railways. Also billions are being pumped in the village fund.


Oh.. and 500 billion in spend on farmers NOT in BKK 25% of the budget.. so your 70% is really not accurate anymore.

In other words, I cite 2012 figures from a credible source on regional GDP and government spending, you cite 2013 Wikipedia figures on regional GDP and speculate on government spending, and you state your figures and speculation are superior.


I'll let the readers decide who has the more credible data.

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