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France moving more than 6,000 migrants, destroying huge camp 


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France moving more than 6,000 migrants, destroying huge camp 
ELAINE GANLEY, Associated Press


CALAIS, France (AP) — Lines of migrants with their lives in small bags walked to a registration center in the French port city of Calais Monday, the first day of the mass evacuation and destruction of the filthy camp they called home.


French authorities are beginning a complex, major operation to shut down the makeshift camp, uprooting thousands who made treacherous journeys to escape wars, dictators or grinding poverty and dreamed of making a life in Britain.


Under the eye of more than 1,200 police, the first of hundreds of buses arrived to begin transferring migrants to reception centers around France where they can apply for asylum. The camp will then be leveled in a weeklong operation. Hotels and even castles are among the hundreds of centers officials have been converting to migrant housing.


Authorities say the camp, known as the jungle, holds nearly 6,500 migrants who are seeking to get to Britain. Aid groups say there are more than 8,300.


The harsh reality of the move hit migrants on Monday. Some were happy to leave, others were confused or in shock.


Afghan Imran Khan, 35, risks expulsion if he accepts the French plan to move him to a reception center, because his fingerprints were taken in another European country. Under European rules, he must be sent back to the country where he first registered. "I will decide tomorrow (what to do)," he said.


Khan lives in a filthy tent, one of hundreds that are expected to be destroyed by the end of the week as their occupants depart, gradually closing down the camp that sprang up behind an official shelter housing women and providing showers and daily meals.


Unaccompanied minors, many with family members in Britain, were to be housed on-site in containers set up earlier this year as their files are studied in London to see if they qualify for a transfer across the English Channel. The humanitarian organization France Terre d'Asile says 1,291 unaccompanied minors live in the camp.


One 16-year-old Eritrean, Daniel, was heading to the registration center with his cousin, also an unaccompanied minor. "I'm not happy because it's finished, the jungle. I want to go to the U.K.," he said.


In Calais for eight months, he said he has tried daily to jump on trucks heading across the English Channel to Britain, like other migrants in the camp. "I don't want France," he insisted.


Fourteen migrants have died this year in the Calais area.


The unofficial camp, which sprang up 18 months ago, was previously tolerated but given almost no state help. Aid groups, and hundreds of British volunteers, have provided basic necessities. It devolved into a slum town where tensions bubbled, friendships formed and smugglers thrived.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-24
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Calm prevails as the Jungle is cleared

Catherine Hardy




CALAIS: -- France has begun clearing the sprawling “Jungle” migrant camp near Calais.


Bystanders say the mood is one of calm resignation, despite sporadic outbreaks of unrest overnight.


Armed police fanned out across the site as the operation got underway.


French Interior Ministry spokesperson Pierre-Henry Brandet said the authorities had not needed to use force.

The large police presence, he says, is just for security.


Moved on

The hundreds of migrants who had volunteered to move on were taken to reception centres by bus.


They were given medical checks and, if they have not already done so, and asked if they want to apply for asylum.

More than 700 had left the shanty-town outside Calais by midday.


Hundreds more are queuing outside an enormous hangar in the squalid shanty town, waiting to be processed before the bulldozers move in.


Officials expect 60 buses to leave the camp on Monday. The government expects the evacuation to take at least a week.


Despite the calm, some aid workers are warning that the trouble overnight shows tensions could rise.


Some migrants burned toilet blocks and threw stones at riot police in protest at the camp’s closure.


Charity workers expect hundreds will try to stay and cautioned that the mood may change later in the week when work begins on razing the camp.


Some think many migrants who are determined to reach Britain will simply scatter into the surrounding countryside and regroup in Calais at a later date.


Why is the Jungle being demolished?


France’s Socialist government says the camp is being closed for humanitarian reasons.


It plans to relocate those sheltering there to 450 accommodation centres across France.


However, France’s far-right National Front is warning the government plan could create mini Calais-style camps across the country.

Who are the people living there?

Many of the migrants are from countries like Afghanistan, Syria and Eritrea.


They want to get to the UK, either to join up with relatives already living there or to seek work.


And would this be possible?

Not necessarily.


Britain bars most of the migrants on the basis of EU rules requiring them to seek asylum in the first member state they set foot in.


Destination unknown


The fate of an estimated 1,300 unaccompanied children remains uncertain.


Last week, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve urged the UK to step up its efforts to identify and resettle child migrants.


Children with family ties have priority.


Discussions are underway with France over who should take in minors with no connections.


The UK Home Office (Interior Ministry) said on Monday it has reluctantly agreed to suspend the transfer of more children, on the request of the French.


For the moment, children are being moved to converted shipping containers at a site on the edge of the camp.

They are being interviewed by French and British officials.


What they are saying

“I hope this works out. I am alone and I just have to study. It does not really matter where I end up, I don’t really care,” – Amadou Diallo from the West African nation of Guinea.


“It’s cold here. Maybe we’ll be able to leave in a bus later, or next week,” – Abdullah, a teenager from Sudan.


“There is a risk that tensions increase in the week because at some point the bulldozers are going to have to come in,” – Fabrice Durieux from the charity Salam.


“Each time they dismantle part of the camp, it is the same thing. You are going to see them go into hiding and then come back. The battles will continue,” – Christian Salome, president of non-profit group Auberge des Migrants.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-25
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There you have it in a nutshell. The French have had enough, the UK has and the rest of Europe has also. The whole lie and story the EU in Brussels keeps forcing upon us, backed up with the TV networks like the BBC are they are from Syria and Libya etc and we should all pity them. Alternative news networks were reporting this over a year ago. I wonder when people will stop using their good intended compassion and start realizing they are being conned and fooled.


"According to l'Auberge des Migrants and Help Refugees, the camp has been dominated by predominantly Sudanese migrants, who made up 43 per cent of its population. 

In contrast 33 per cent were Afghan, nine per cent Eritrean, seven per cent Pakistani and just one per cent Syrian and Iraqi, according to a census they carried out between the 10th and 12th of September. "



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17 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

"I don't want France" he insisted.


And there you have the problem. These people don't crave safety, they want choice. They want to go to the country with the best benefits.

Yes...and you would have thought they would be happy with what they got, especially with being away from all the so call war and persecution....all it is is want want want, oh and to top it all they even behave like animals when they don't get it.  Then they wonder why people don't want them!

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17 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

"I don't want France" he insisted.


And there you have the problem. These people don't crave safety, they want choice. They want to go to the country with the best benefits.

Yes it's all " I want ' not ' I hope or I wish ", an amazing sense of entitlement.

Some interesting interviews with migrants being moved out of the camp ranging from acceptance to defiance with some insisting they'll be back to Calais as they'll continue in their attempt to cross the channel.

One who's dream was to go to England now ' hates ' England because they didn't let people like him and have closed the borders.

Absolutely no thought of entering other countries where they're no wanted, doing so illegally and then expecting everything they want will be handed over on a plate. 

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20 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

"I don't want France" he insisted.


And there you have the problem. These people don't crave safety, they want choice. They want to go to the country with the best benefits.


While I agree with you that some may be like that I should imagine that the vast majority want to go to the UK because English is their second language, I doubt if there are even 1% there who speak any other european language so is it surprising that they want to go to a country where they understand the language, maybe not perfectly but better than any other european language?

 The UK is a victim of its own success in exporting the English language.....

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24 minutes ago, zyphodb said:


While I agree with you that some may be like that I should imagine that the vast majority want to go to the UK because English is their second language, I doubt if there are even 1% there who speak any other european language so is it surprising that they want to go to a country where they understand the language, maybe not perfectly but better than any other european language?

 The UK is a victim of its own success in exporting the English language.....

Uh huh. So how is that not a matter of choice rather than relief from persecution?

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OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

 I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 

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2 hours ago, zyphodb said:


While I agree with you that some may be like that I should imagine that the vast majority want to go to the UK because English is their second language, I doubt if there are even 1% there who speak any other european language so is it surprising that they want to go to a country where they understand the language, maybe not perfectly but better than any other european language?

 The UK is a victim of its own success in exporting the English language.....


English is their second language? Really?

Those coming from North or Western Africa are more likely to have some French. I would guess many do not have much by way of a European "second language".

Apparently, some stayed in this camp for years, one would have thought they'd acquire some command of French by now.

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1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

 I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 

I'd stay and fight for my country like so many have done to make UK the country the migrants all want to go to. Unfortunately our politicians, mainly Labour, have made it the soft touch it is today. 


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5 hours ago, zyphodb said:

OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

 I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 

What would I do? I hope I would have stayed at home and tried to change the system, by whatever means necessary. I hope I wouldn't have abandoned my family to poverty while using all the money to pay the vile traffickers to take me to another country because someone told me they were going to give me everything I ever desired. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.

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“I hope this works out. I am alone and I just have to study. It does not really matter where I end up, I don’t really care,” – Amadou Diallo from the West African nation of Guinea.


Yes he does ( care ). It has to be somewhere that is going to support him while he gets a free education.

Just how dumb is someone that believes that the taxpayers of another country are happy to be paying for people from another country to get freebies at their expense?


It is worth remembering that none of us would be treated well if we turned up in those countries and demanded to be given free education, accommodation and food etc.


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Watching the mainstream propaganda news tonight from the BBC and SKY was difficult. So sad that the UK people, who genuinely care about problems around the world and always 'will put their hands in their pocket' to help. But for anyone who has lived in the Middle East and Africa, you can tell the people (men) in the news clips are from Africa. People of the UK you are being told a massive lie and playing on your good nature and kindness.


Do a bit of research and see these are not from worn torn cities desperate to move away. They are economic migrants, many not from the best countries who have not a lot to offer to a western civilization. They will not integrate or assimilate


Soon they (some) will be causing problems, committing crime, rape and assault and you will get those saying it isn't their fault. I feel sorry for my country (UK) for their gullibility. When you have lived in these counties, you understand the culture and the way things work. Its the UK's good will and liberalism that will be it's downfall.

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6 hours ago, zyphodb said:

OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

 I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 


Most of them are MIGRANTS and as such has no right when they`ve illegaly entered Europe."A little compassion" you ask.How much  is a little ? We cannot cater for all the Worlds poor,in Nigeria alone there are 150 million people which are dirt poor.......How many of them do we let in ?

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5 hours ago, jesimps said:

I'd stay and fight for my country like so many have done to make UK the country the migrants all want to go to. Unfortunately our politicians, mainly Labour, have made it the soft touch it is today. 



Deary me. Nurse!

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

“I hope this works out. I am alone and I just have to study. It does not really matter where I end up, I don’t really care,” – Amadou Diallo from the West African nation of Guinea.


Yes he does ( care ). It has to be somewhere that is going to support him while he gets a free education.

Just how dumb is someone that believes that the taxpayers of another country are happy to be paying for people from another country to get freebies at their expense?


It is worth remembering that none of us would be treated well if we turned up in those countries and demanded to be given free education, accommodation and food etc.



Is he didn't care where he ended up why didn't he apply for asylum in France as soon as he arrived there. After all the official language is French: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea


His case is just another reminder that these asylum shoppers think they have some god-given right to settle wherever they wish and that the host country has to take care of them.

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14 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

There you have it in a nutshell. The French have had enough, the UK has and the rest of Europe has also. The whole lie and story the EU in Brussels keeps forcing upon us, backed up with the TV networks like the BBC are they are from Syria and Libya etc and we should all pity them. Alternative news networks were reporting this over a year ago. I wonder when people will stop using their good intended compassion and start realizing they are being conned and fooled.


"According to l'Auberge des Migrants and Help Refugees, the camp has been dominated by predominantly Sudanese migrants, who made up 43 per cent of its population. 

In contrast 33 per cent were Afghan, nine per cent Eritrean, seven per cent Pakistani and just one per cent Syrian and Iraqi, according to a census they carried out between the 10th and 12th of September. "



Part of the problem is that people have short memories. Think back to 1999 and you might remember Sangatte and how much trouble that caused: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/may/23/immigration.immigrationandpublicservices1


Closing down Sangatte merely led to the problem erupting elsewhere such as has happened in Calais. Now that the asylum shoppers have been moved from there, the ground needs to be flooded to prevent them returning.


But the only way to stop it happening again is to go after the smugglers. Surely with all the technology we have at our disposal these days it isn't too difficult to identify who has suddenly become stinking rich without explanation. After all, the fees the smugglers charge are quite substantial in the range of 5,000 euros or more per person. Multiply that figure by a million (number of migrants who have landed in Europe this year) and it should be obvious you can't hide that kind of money in a box somewhere.


So somewhere somebody know who these people are. Maybe it's time to start offering substantial rewards for information leading to the arrest of the smugglers since without them, migrants have no way of making it to Europe on their own.

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Benefits in France and Germany are more generous than in the UK. They are not coming to the UK for benefits. Three reasons:

1. English language.

2. Supportive religious and cultural networks - established back in the 60's and 70's.

3. Loose regulation of employment and no ID cards - so its easy to find work in the black economy. This is far more difficult in other N European countries.


Combine the above with slack border controls (yes, they are slack - Mrs May cut border force funding by about 30% over the last 5 years) and its no surprise the migrants want to come to the UK.

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For several days already it has been reported (not on the bbc!) that there is no intention to close the Calais jungle ghetto. This was obvious when contracts for catering staff were renewed until the end of the year. Pray tell, if there will be no "jungle" in a day or so, why the heck do they renew thousands of pricey luvvie social workers, cooks and cleaners contracts? Rhetorical question. 

 This recent song and dance has solely been to facilitate flooding the Uk with more African males. You can conclude why this is neccessary-most forummers support this flood because they believe the incomers are vulnerable children , I know full well the reason. When Bob Geldof said he would bring 500 million Africans to England I thought he was joking.

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3 hours ago, jaidam said:

For several days already it has been reported (not on the bbc!) that there is no intention to close the Calais jungle ghetto. This was obvious when contracts for catering staff were renewed until the end of the year. Pray tell, if there will be no "jungle" in a day or so, why the heck do they renew thousands of pricey luvvie social workers, cooks and cleaners contracts? Rhetorical question. 

 This recent song and dance has solely been to facilitate flooding the Uk with more African males. You can conclude why this is neccessary-most forummers support this flood because they believe the incomers are vulnerable children , I know full well the reason. When Bob Geldof said he would bring 500 million Africans to England I thought he was joking.


Sure you're not confusing the story with this?


French court rejects bid to demolish shops at Jungle refugee camp


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On 10/25/2016 at 7:51 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

There you have it in a nutshell. The French have had enough, the UK has and the rest of Europe has also. The whole lie and story the EU in Brussels keeps forcing upon us, backed up with the TV networks like the BBC are they are from Syria and Libya etc and we should all pity them. Alternative news networks were reporting this over a year ago. I wonder when people will stop using their good intended compassion and start realizing they are being conned and fooled.


"According to l'Auberge des Migrants and Help Refugees, the camp has been dominated by predominantly Sudanese migrants, who made up 43 per cent of its population. 

In contrast 33 per cent were Afghan, nine per cent Eritrean, seven per cent Pakistani and just one per cent Syrian and Iraqi, according to a census they carried out between the 10th and 12th of September. "



Sudan :

300,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the war

1,000,000 people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 400,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries

Yeah why the hell are they fleeing, seems such a nice place there....

Stop complaining about the refugees and ask yourself WHY they left their own country!

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2 minutes ago, minimoi said:

Sudan :

300,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the war

1,000,000 people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 400,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries

Yeah why the hell are they fleeing, seems such a nice place there....

Stop complaining about the refugees and ask yourself WHY they left their own country!

So what about Eritiean and Pakistanis and other Africans? Wouldn't a more suitable country be one that is similar to their own culture and religion? Well as you are so upset you can always invite them into your house.


If you do some research, lots of refugees are not from worn torn countries but masquerading as Syrians, Afghans etc.

I would like to see the Saudis and UAE  countries take some of their own people in but knowing how they treat other Arabs and Muslims, I can understand why they don't want to go. They also have the space.


 Lets all go to the UK, free house, free schooling, free medical, free benefits and when we complain, they bend over backwards to do as we say and even make themselves feel guilty for expressing their own culture.

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1 hour ago, minimoi said:

Sudan :

300,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the war

1,000,000 people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 400,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries

Yeah why the hell are they fleeing, seems such a nice place there....

Stop complaining about the refugees and ask yourself WHY they left their own country!



Sorry we will not stop complaining ,until they stop coming to our country , STOP in the FIRST safe country , what part of that do you nor them understand?

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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So what about Eritiean and Pakistanis and other Africans? Wouldn't a more suitable country be one that is similar to their own culture and religion? Well as you are so upset you can always invite them into your house.


If you do some research, lots of refugees are not from worn torn countries but masquerading as Syrians, Afghans etc.

I would like to see the Saudis and UAE  countries take some of their own people in but knowing how they treat other Arabs and Muslims, I can understand why they don't want to go. They also have the space.


 Lets all go to the UK, free house, free schooling, free medical, free benefits and when we complain, they bend over backwards to do as we say and even make themselves feel guilty for expressing their own culture.

Saudi : 100.000 Syrian refugees there

UAE : 15,000 refugees

Eritrea : http://www.cfr.org/eritrea/authoritarianism-eritrea-migrant-crisis/p37239

Did you have a look at the people close to the borders of these countries and how is the situation over there? Do you blame them for willing to have a better life that the one they had in their countries?

You are quite happy to have your phone for cheap, using cheap labor, using raw ressources from Africa, while the people living there starve or are at war(sometimes because  of us)

Free house, free medical, free benefits? you have Hard facts for this? especially in UK, which is well known for its cheap cost when it comes to Medical and who has a lot of benefits.

Can you tell me where the UK is involved in wars currently? Maybe, just maybe if we stopped bombing their ass they would not come.


I think it quite funny for someone living in a country which is not his own criticizing the refugees who come to countries for better living. Ring any bell?

Did you flee your native country because of war ?


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15 minutes ago, i claudius said:



Sorry we will not stop complaining ,until they stop coming to our country , STOP in the FIRST safe country , what part of that do you nor them understand?

Know a bit before saying this : 400,000 refugees in countries bordering the places they flee. Did you have a look at the "camps"?

Learn a bit about the countries bordering the ones they leave...

Did you stop to the first country? Are you thai? Did some international company brought you here?

Why did you come to Thailand? I bet there are other countries closer from yours, is it because you wanted a BETTER LIVING?

I bet you did!

And if you create troubles in countries you bomb and mess with, it is fair to pay back in a way or another

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