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France moving more than 6,000 migrants, destroying huge camp 


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7 minutes ago, Caps said:

Well I don't give a to55 if they think they are going to be the next Richard Branson I still don't want them. Besides I thought it was EU ruling that they sought whatever they are after in the first country they arrive at? Which quite clearly is not the UK, thankfully

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Some children qualify for entry to the UK under the Dublin Arrangement as they have extended family members already in the UK, Some enter the UK via HMG enacted Dubs Agreement.

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you don t want them but you re not there neither and your previous post as well as this one show the "migration" is not the problem, it is racism the problem

I fluctuate between the two, not that's it's any of your concern. I don't mind if it's done properly, just turning up on the doorstep uninvited and expecting is what I don't like and I didn't make the EU law but I suppose it's only used when it suits

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Some children qualify for entry to the UK under the Dublin Arrangement as they have extended family members already in the UK, Some enter the UK via HMG enacted Dubs Agreement.

....and your point is?

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7 minutes ago, Caps said:


I fluctuate between the two, not that's it's any of your concern. I don't mind if it's done properly, just turning up on the doorstep uninvited and expecting is what I don't like and I didn't make the EU law but I suppose it's only used when it suits

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"ust turning up on the doorstep uninvited"

were you invited to Thailande?

Admitting you re a bit racist is already a plus, not like some others here in the same situation but hiding behind a wall of nonsense....

They do not expect nothing except maybe having a life and a way to construct a decent living for them and their family after their countries were bombed, in war, civil war...

Not that they will have this life they re dreaming, but at least they have something they didn t had at home : hope.

A bit like how the USA was built, a bit like the jewish people fleeing Germany and Austria,....

Maybe you should ask your government in UK why they still bomb Syria, why they bombed Lybia, why they use civil wars in africa to put the people they want to rule those countries....

When UK was an empire, they went to many countries, only to steal the ressources...

That's why people are scared of migrants : they are scared the migrant would do the same thing the western countries did in their colonies.


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"ust turning up on the doorstep uninvited"
were you invited to Thailande?
Admitting you re a bit racist is already a plus, not like some others here in the same situation but hiding behind a wall of nonsense....
They do not expect nothing except maybe having a life and a way to construct a decent living for them and their family after their countries were bombed, in war, civil war...
Not that they will have this life they re dreaming, but at least they have something they didn t had at home : hope.
A bit like how the USA was built, a bit like the jewish people fleeing Germany and Austria,....
Maybe you should ask your government in UK why they still bomb Syria, why they bombed Lybia, why they use civil wars in africa to put the people they want to rule those countries....
When UK was an empire, they went to many countries, only to steal the ressources...
That's why people are scared of migrants : they are scared the migrant would do the same thing the western countries did in their colonies.

I am not going to deny it. But it's good to see you are missing/deliberately forgetting the point I also made about the EU law? So unless they are going to paddle along the Mediterranean Sea across the Bay of Bisque and up the English Channel then it's not a UK problem, it's the problem of the country where they landed and it should be dealt with accordingly so your ramblings don't really count for much in the scheme of things
I also didn't just turn up......I applied correctly as I always do, please don't just type rubbish if you are trying to have an adult debate

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


Some children qualify for entry to the UK under the Dublin Arrangement as they have extended family members already in the UK, Some enter the UK via HMG enacted Dubs Agreement.


And the other 99%of "children" are just scroungers out for what they can get

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2 hours ago, Caps said:


....and your point is?

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You were querying the regulations for entry to the UK, as the most recently granted entry from Calais are children I pointed you to the relevant to the regulations.

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12 minutes ago, Caps said:

I am not going to deny it. But it's good to see you are missing/deliberately forgetting the point I also made about the EU law? So unless they are going to paddle along the Mediterranean Sea across the Bay of Bisque and up the English Channel then it's not a UK problem, it's the problem of the country where they landed and it should be dealt with accordingly so your ramblings don't really count for much in the scheme of things
I also didn't just turn up......I applied correctly as I always do, please don't just type rubbish if you are trying to have an adult debate

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Forgetting the EU law? Why that because of the "the migrants should stay in the country they first landed"? Well as far as I know UK is not willing to have anything to do with EU laws anymore right? so if there was an agreement between France and UK then it is an agreement between a member of the UE and UK...and even if UK is still under UE laws, that doesn t mean two countries can't haver bilateral agreements. And yes it is an UK problem as the people seem strangely willing to go there so except if you follow Trump nonsense and build a wall all around the island well you have  a problem as well. I am not sure I can take YOUR interpretation of the UE laws for the real way laws are applied there.



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3 minutes ago, i claudius said:


And the other 99%of "children" are just scroungers out for what they can get


Plenty of govt stats to research on genuine refugees versus economic refugees, so prove your claim,

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Minimoi  I D 64

Just turning up on the doorstep uninvited"

were you invited to Thailande?

Admitting you re a bit racist is already a plus, not like some others here in the same situation but hiding behind a wall of nonsense....

They do not expect nothing except maybe having a life and a way to construct a decent living for them and their family after their countries were bombed, in war, civil war...

Not that they will have this life they re dreaming, but at least they have something they didn t had at home : hope.

A bit like how the USA was built, a bit like the jewish people fleeing Germany and Austria,....

Maybe you should ask your government in UK why they still bomb Syria, why they bombed Lybia, why they use civil wars in africa to put the people they want to rule those countries....

When UK was an empire, they went to many countries, only to steal the ressources...

That's why people are scared of migrants : they are scared the migrant would do the same thing the western countries did in their colonies.




You are it seems according to your claims a Thai national like me.

I am a Thai citizen as well as a U K citizen mixed race parentage.

Can we and should we not look at the actions of our  administrations here over the years with regard to the Royhingya and Bangladeshi's?


Perhaps you would be better off not espousing your  puerile xenophobic jingoistic racial views.You do our country Thailand no good at all rambling on about a matter which has nothing to do with you or even affect you.

Edited by shunter
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Just now, shunter said:

You are it seems according to your claims a Thai national like me.

I am a Thai citizen as well as a U K citizen mixed race parentage.

Can we and should we not look at the actions of our  administrations here over the years with regard to the Royhingya and Bangladeshi's/


Perhaps you would be better off not espousing your  puerile xenophobic jingoistic racial views.You do our country Thailand no good at all rambling on about a matter which has nothing to do with you or even affect you.

Me xenophobic? what a joke! you should seriously re-read the posts.

I am the first one to claim Royhingya extradition to please China was stupid, the bombing at Erawan was certainly due to "avenge" the extraditions..even if El dear Commandante Prayut said it had nothing to do..

Thailand is a nationalist country, with many flaws as well...but this is Off Topic. the topic is children coming to UK and a bunch of expats who left UK, because they couldn t afford to live the way they want there or had some other views here, ranting about the "great risks" those migrants are for UK and assimilate them as leeches coming there to enjoy the "huge benefits" UK offer them while not working....


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52 minutes ago, minimoi said:

Rubbish comment, thinking they just come to be like leechers here...try to live 2 days the life they have in camps and with the "huge amount of help" Uk gives to them..They come to work...not to get retired

I think you just stole the Bullshitting comment trophee..99%...admit you're racist like Caps, at least it your comments would make sense


If it is racist not to want people coming to the country you love and have contributed to for God knows how many years and will not integrate  , if it is racist to not want people who live in their own little areas and will not  even wear the same sort of clothes as the locals but make their wives dress in a black bag. if it is racist to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state , and if it is racist to not want nothing but men who run away and leave the women behind when there is a war on , then yes i am racist .now go on shout the shout about i admit to being a racist then go off and wrap yourself in cotton wool in that magic land you seem to inhabit . because you are in a very lonely land that very few of you inhabit .

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Simple one i see 7 by 7 no longer agrees with your every word and you with his , he seems to have gone off somewhere still i see you have a NEW poster who you both agree with each other ,what a coincedence . welcome minimoi .lol

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9 minutes ago, i claudius said:


If it is racist not to want people coming to the country you love and have contributed to for God knows how many years and will not integrate  , if it is racist to not want people who live in their own little areas and will not  even wear the same sort of clothes as the locals but make their wives dress in a black bag. if it is racist to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state , and if it is racist to not want nothing but men who run away and leave the women behind when there is a war on , then yes i am racist .now go on shout the shout about i admit to being a racist then go off and wrap yourself in cotton wool in that magic land you seem to inhabit . because you are in a very lonely land that very few of you inhabit .


I'm not taking a pop at you IC but consider the following, in the context of what you've written above:


"coming to the country you love and have contributed to for God knows how many years and will not integrate" - do you speak read and write Thai?


"people who live in their own little areas" - do you live in a farang ghetto or in a Thai village/moo bahn?


"to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state"  - are you still using a convenience address in the UK in order to claim UK state pension increases and easy access to the NHS, free of charge?


Since I already know the answers to the above, I wonder why you think the UK immigrants you describe above and you, are really that much different? Honest question, no slight intended.





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Thanks for admitting you re racist. I am sure you feel better now...
As I see the Nationalists are not yet winning neither in UK and France I bet you are in minority...
A country you love? why did you leave it then?
Do you have the same arguments about jewish men leaving Austria and Germany during WW2? 

Don't go there Sonny,because my father did leave his country,and came to Britain to fight,yes fight married a local girl and became a proud British man,with proud British kids ,so forget that little barb because it's something I could use against the scroungers that come now but don't ,out of respect for my father who worked all his life and claimed nothing

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I'm not taking a pop at you IC but consider the following, in the context of what you've written above:
"coming to the country you love and have contributed to for God knows how many years and will not integrate" - do you speak read and write Thai?
"people who live in their own little areas" - do you live in a farang ghetto or in a Thai village/moo bahn?
"to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state"  - are you still using a convenience address in the UK in order to claim UK state pension increases and easy access to the NHS, free of charge?
Since I already know the answers to the above, I wonder why you think the UK immigrants you describe above and you, are really that much different? Honest question, no slight intended.

Actually I can speak Thai,but can't read or write it,no I live amongst Thai people,although I admit they are by no means poor , I have taken nothing from Thailand only contributed , as I have said many times my wife ,son and I lived in the UK many years but just came to live here for quite a few reasons that I won't bother to go into,but I do feel I have integrated as I do have quite a few Thai friends ,I even eat Thai food (but not Som tam)

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Just now, i claudius said:

Actually I can speak Thai,but can't read or write it,no I live amongst Thai people,although I admit they are by no means poor , I have taken nothing from Thailand only contributed , as I have said many times my wife ,son and I lived in the UK many years but just came to live here for quite a few reasons that I won't bother to go into,but I do feel I have integrated as I do have quite a few Thai friends ,I even eat Thai food (but not Som tam)

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And the third point?


"to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state"  - are you still using a convenience address in the UK in order to claim UK state pension increases and easy access to the NHS, free of charge?

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1 hour ago, chiang mai said:


And the third point?


"to not want the sort of man who was in the papers today living in Germany and has 4 wives and 23 children all living off the state"  - are you still using a convenience address in the UK in order to claim UK state pension increases and easy access to the NHS, free of charge?


If i was , i would have paid in all my life for it , so i would not be ashamed . just because some Polotician says we cant have it ,does not mean we do not deserve it , now about this guy with 4 wives and 23 children who has never paid in a penny and does not work any thoughts ?

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1 hour ago, minimoi said:


You re not your father, you fought for nothing and you live in Pattaya with your 23 yrs younger wife who clean the house and car for you...So I go where I want and having great parents do not make you great or a hero


Just realized , your not even worth talking to .

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Just now, i claudius said:


If i was , i would have paid in all my life for it , so i would not be ashamed . just because some Polotician says we cant have it ,does not mean we do not deserve it , now about this guy with 4 wives and 23 children who has never paid in a penny and does not work any thoughts ?


You're too funny IC. You forget what you've written in the past that others know, but that's OK. All I was trying to get to was the differences between you and "them" given the circumstances of both are really very similar.


And whilst trying to write this post by PC speakers are bleeping me with repeated changes to your original post so sorry if we're not entirely in sync.


No big deal IC, except that I think you believe that one rule applies to you and that another one applies to every other nationality!

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


You were querying the regulations for entry to the UK, as the most recently granted entry from Calais are children I pointed you to the relevant to the regulations.


Ah ok, I get you now...would that be the same children who when in the media looked old enough to be my dad :whistling:

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On October 25, 2016 at 2:22 PM, zyphodb said:

OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

 I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 

They are a bunch of cowards that won't fight for what they think is right in their country, If your forfathers had ran every time things got tough where would you be? Women and children OK, but thats not to much of what I am seeing.

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7 hours ago, minimoi said:

Yes I have, I just have to look at the official stats available both on the internet and where I work.

And yes there is a lot of Irony, you just do not see it as you re a part of the studied group.

Because, not like the retired westerners, they fleed their country and are willing to work in the country they come, not just enjoying "benefits" as you say. And one more time : the balance between cost and incomes of the migrants play in their favor, and do cost money. (see the link I posted earlier)

If those migrant in Calais had the choice they would probably like it better to stay in their homecountry if they had any chance to have a job a way to improve their living and were not bombed on daily basis.



Nope. Claiming something is not the same as demonstrating it. About the same if I opined that you do not actually work with the BOI and do not possess access to such data.


And nope again - not part of the bigoted generalizations you espouse, sorry to disappoint. Get a new crystal ball. Moreover, I did not say anything about "just enjoying benefits" - that's an out of context spin you put on my words, pretty demonstrative of your debate style.


It seems like the migrants in Calais were, for the most part, more interested in crossing over to the UK than actually making France their new home. And that crystal ball again - you do not, I think, possess any real knowledge as to what these migrants would have liked. And no, not all of their home countries are/were bombed "on a daily basis".

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5 hours ago, minimoi said:

Me xenophobic? what a joke! you should seriously re-read the posts.

I am the first one to claim Royhingya extradition to please China was stupid, the bombing at Erawan was certainly due to "avenge" the extraditions..even if El dear Commandante Prayut said it had nothing to do..

Thailand is a nationalist country, with many flaws as well...but this is Off Topic. the topic is children coming to UK and a bunch of expats who left UK, because they couldn t afford to live the way they want there or had some other views here, ranting about the "great risks" those migrants are for UK and assimilate them as leeches coming there to enjoy the "huge benefits" UK offer them while not working....



" ...but this is Off Topic. the topic is children coming to UK and a bunch of expats who left UK, because they couldn t afford to live the way they want there or had some other views here, ranting about the "great risks" those migrants are for UK and assimilate them as leeches coming there to enjoy the "huge benefits" UK offer them while not working...."


Actually, this is not the topic. If you're having trouble focusing, here's the headline of the OP: France moving more than 6,000 migrants, destroying huge camp. This is not specifically about children coming to the UK (that was covered on a couple of recent topics) and it certainly not about your views regarding foreigners residing in Thailand.



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5 hours ago, i claudius said:

Simple one i see 7 by 7 no longer agrees with your every word and you with his , he seems to have gone off somewhere still i see you have a NEW poster who you both agree with each other ,what a coincedence . welcome minimoi .lol


I dunno about that, but always inspiring to see a newly minted member plunging head on to such topics. Almost as if continuing past arguments with familiar posters.

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4 hours ago, chiang mai said:


You're too funny IC. You forget what you've written in the past that others know, but that's OK. All I was trying to get to was the differences between you and "them" given the circumstances of both are really very similar.


And whilst trying to write this post by PC speakers are bleeping me with repeated changes to your original post so sorry if we're not entirely in sync.


No big deal IC, except that I think you believe that one rule applies to you and that another one applies to every other nationality!


We are here legally. We follow the host country's rules. We do not ask for handouts. We do not riot. We do not demand special rights.

If we were doing some of these things, we'd be summarily deported.


Many of us are gainfully employed here, or spend hard earned money locally. Some of us support our local extended families, and obviously, are immediate ones.


Yes, there are those that come here for cheaper cost of living, sex or whatnot. They are still here, for the most part, legally.


Some posters seem to have trouble with the concept of countries regulating their borders and immigration. I think more so when it does not concern them personally. Doubt there would have been that much negative public sentiment in Europe if things were done in an organized manner, following rules, taking a slower pace or providing better comprehensive treatment of these issues.

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