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Nation's Morality To Be Rated


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(Another Decisive and Resolute Action from the Culture ministry to save the country and our souls. :o )


Nation's morality to be rated


It seems we never run out of measurement indices that come in familiar and unfamiliar acronyms _ Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), Satisfaction with Life Index (SLI), Subjective Life Satisfaction (SLS), Happy Planet Index (HPI), Gross National Happiness (GNH), and so on. Thailand is about to get one of its own: ''Gross National Morality'' (GNM), to measure the quality of virtue among Thais.

Kriengkrai Sampatchalit, deputy permanent secretary for culture, said the GNM project was a part of a national campaign to create a moral society, one of the six policy platforms espoused by the interim government.

He said rating virtues is a ''tough nut'' as it deals with abstracts such as responsibility, honesty, humility and mercy.

''You can judge when people do good or bad things to others. You can tell a market is full of cheating vendors if you see shoppers using a scale [to check],'' he said. ''But you need better information than that to tell how good or bad a society as a whole is.''

Culture Minister Khaisri Sri-aroon said the ministry could draw on crime rates, economic and poverty statistics, consumer complaints, healthcare and education data as well as research into corruption to flesh out the project.

Bangkok Post


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doctor - cure thyself.

the most corrupted and useless people in the country, all the military and governmental administration, telling hard working folk how to run their lives. Is the Big Brother coming in a soldiers boots to the bedroom as well?

Edited by londonthai
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It's the caretaker Govt making a bunch of decisions that will be reviewed after the next elections.

The people in power seem to have gotten their jobs thru connections and deals rather than actuall qualifications.

A bunch of self impressed bigshots making stupid decisions that nobody questions.


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Interesting idea, coming from the type of people that possess all the morals, ethics, and principles of insects.

Another authoritarian top-down missive from people who do not live in the real world.

Just what does the "Ministry Of Culture" actually do? :o

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the mind police are coming....yes they are....and if you're thinking the wrong way they'll take you away and fix you....yes they will...they have lots of tortu.....nonononono...they have lots of nice pleasant things to do to you to help you think the right way...yes they doooooooooo

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This crap is so sad. I've been a lot of places is the world and there are people (societies/cultures) I like better than others, but I've really never found any that were superior/inferior to any other--just very different.

Everywhere I have been people are about as dishonest and they are allowed to be. If nobody is watching and they won't get caught, they steal. If they are horny, they have sex with anybody they can--male, female (even animals are at risk if nothing else is available).

The measure of morality doesn't have to do with the people, it has to do with gov'ts (or the mores of a smaller society). Good laws with enforcement will make for honest people.

So here's what they will come up with:

Young people are going to the dogs:

Young men are running around, driving too fast, drinking too much etc.

Girls are dressing with spaghetti straps and short skirts and doing bad things.

The 25+ young men are beating their wives and neglecting their children and engaging in extramarital affairs.

The 25+ women are too demanding and not attending to the needs of the family.

The old people are wonderful, but they are dying off and their will be no culture left when they are all gone.

It's been like this for the last 100,000 years and I suspect it will continue.

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This crap is so sad. I've been a lot of places is the world and there are people (societies/cultures) I like better than others, but I've really never found any that were superior/inferior to any other--just very different.

Everywhere I have been people are about as dishonest and they are allowed to be. If nobody is watching and they won't get caught, they steal. If they are horny, they have sex with anybody they can--male, female (even animals are at risk if nothing else is available).

The measure of morality doesn't have to do with the people, it has to do with gov'ts (or the mores of a smaller society). Good laws with enforcement will make for honest people.

So here's what they will come up with:

Young people are going to the dogs:

Young men are running around, driving too fast, drinking too much etc.

Girls are dressing with spaghetti straps and short skirts and doing bad things.

The 25+ young men are beating their wives and neglecting their children and engaging in extramarital affairs.

The 25+ women are too demanding and not attending to the needs of the family.

The old people are wonderful, but they are dying off and their will be no culture left when they are all gone.

...and foreigners are a threat to the culture...

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Back in the Bible Belt of the USA, one of the best sermons I ever heard was entitled, "Whose Morality?" in which the preacher showed that the agenda of the "Moral Majority" evangelists was narrow, hateful, and perverted.

Thailand has to have one of the lowest rates of petty theft on the planet. Even sex workers seem afraid to steal one satang.

Grand theft, however, was raised to a new level by Thaksin.

But, for MORALITY to be measured by the government, beggars belief. Isn't there a monk available for that sort of thing?

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