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Why so much criticism of Thailand?

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


Nobody cares about 7-11 and KFC dude its a non-point. 


so if the price is 100 baht for 2-3 t-shirts, they add on 20 baht, then discount it? 

There are many problems in Thailand, one for the expat is that of perception - one feels that to bolster feelings of inadequacy they latch on to some rather innocuous matter and blow out of all proportion until it really assumes the characteristics of a major paranoid delusion - over pricing of foreigners is such a case - how can some people be so daft as to not realise how to buy something - apart from govt sanctioned dual pricing I seldom pay more than any other person in this country, regardless of race creed or color. These people are not seldom actually "overcharged' (like everything has a fixed price!?!?!), and if they are it is not because they are foreigners, it is because they "saw you coming".

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2 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

and many people who have lived here for years, decades even, also  fail to grasp the true nature of graft corruption and nepotism in Thailand - a country where 65% of the population believe that corruption is OK and a necessary tool for oiling the wheels of both the economy and government.


I agree with your post but I would put that way higher than 65%. Those Thailand polls are misleading as they insinuate that people don't like corruption when they have to PAY, but I guarantee 95% are completely fine and believe it to be 100% OK if they are on the receiving end of it. Like, its their right or something. 

Just now, cumgranosalum said:

There are many problems in Thailand, one for the expat is that of perception - one feels that to bolster feelings of inadequacy they latch on to some rather innocuous matter and blow out of all proportion until it really assumes the characteristics of a major paranoid delusion - over pricing of foreigners is such a case - how can some people be so daft as to not realise how to buy something - apart from govt sanctioned dual pricing I seldom pay more than any other person in this country, regardless of race creed or color.


Yo, I pay it all the time, I don't care at all cause it greases the wheels, but you better believe I notice it. Im not about to just blindly give away cash to some joker. 


Im talking with other poster that says he pays, all the time, thai prices. Its fuggin impossible. Its impossible for you too unless you buy the same stuff from the same place all the time. 

7 minutes ago, Strange said:


I agree with your post but I would put that way higher than 65%. Those Thailand polls are misleading as they insinuate that people don't like corruption when they have to PAY, but I guarantee 95% are completely fine and believe it to be 100% OK if they are on the receiving end of it. Like, its their right or something. 

Sorry but the pole was internationally run - Google them if you like.

people are often happy to pay as they see it as either avoiding bureaucracy or saving time. it is also a key to making money.

when it comes to minor "on-the-spot" fines to the police they often don't even consider the whys and wherefores at all, but I have worked in industry in Thailand now for 15 years and I know that many more educated people are now becoming aware of what a huge monkey on the back of the thai economy this is.

1 minute ago, cumgranosalum said:

Sorry but the poles are internationally run - Google them if you like.




The POLLS you love, please, provide a link. This isn't my first rodeo, old-timer. 

4 minutes ago, Strange said:




The POLLS you love, please, provide a link. This isn't my first rodeo, old-timer. 

Enough of the ad hominems - if you disagree go and do your own research, I come to this topic with a wealth of knowledge, if you want to take part get yourself up to speed and don't rely on others to do the work for  you that they have already done themselves.

9 minutes ago, Strange said:


Nobody cares about 7-11 and KFC dude its a non-point. 


so if the price is 100 baht for 2-3 t-shirts, they add on 20 baht, then discount it? 


   If people were claiming that foreigners pay more than Thais for commodities, then giving an example of the numerous outlets that charge the same price is a relevant point .

  Market traders give a price , you make an offer , and then to come to an agreed price,  that is the way of markets the World over

   The trick is to know the value of the thing that you want to buy, you can ask around to get the value, if you are nt sure .

  Thats the way markets work .

12 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

Enough of the ad hominems - if you disagree go and do your own research, I come to this topic with a wealth of knowledge, if you want to take part get yourself up to speed and don't rely on others to do the work for  you that they have already done themselves.


You disagree with ME dude. YOU provide justification for your disagreement. Otherwise its just your opinion and feelings witch I couldn't care less about. 


*Comes to thread with "wealth of knowledge"*


*Provides no knowledge*

12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

If people were claiming that foreigners pay more than Thais for commodities, then giving an example of the numerous outlets that charge the same price is a relevant point .

Market traders give a price , you make an offer , and then to come to an agreed price,  that is the way of markets the World over

The trick is to know the value of the thing that you want to buy, you can ask around to get the value, if you are nt sure .

Thats the way markets work .


Yeah, giving the price of 7-11 and tesco is an irrelevant point.


And you think that if a random unknown Thai walked into MBK (for example) and wanted to buy some shoes, you would get the same price? 


OP.  Just another homegrown America-hating troll trying to use his obsession to silence anyone with criticisms of what goes on in Thailand and wanting to discuss those issues here.   Terminally lame.   The criticism that Thailand gets here isn't always, but is usually well-earned.

7 hours ago, joeyg said:

Sorry I disagree. And I believe you are seriously ill informed about the mega/global corruption in the USA and it's influence on the entire world.  If Thailand "disappeared" I wonder if it would be noticed?

Sure  it would be missed, didnt you read  all the countries clamouring to  acknowledge the Kings  death..........:thumbsup: as reported by Thai media..............only

3 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

There are many problems in Thailand, one for the expat is that of perception - one feels that to bolster feelings of inadequacy they latch on to some rather innocuous matter and blow out of all proportion until it really assumes the characteristics of a major paranoid delusion - over pricing of foreigners is such a case - how can some people be so daft as to not realise how to buy something - apart from govt sanctioned dual pricing I seldom pay more than any other person in this country, regardless of race creed or color. These people are not seldom actually "overcharged' (like everything has a fixed price!?!?!), and if they are it is not because they are foreigners, it is because they "saw you coming".



"Thailand has great potential, but highly placed, influential people are holding it back." Ain't that the truth!


The corrupt and control freaks are the highly place influential people? :whistling:

4 hours ago, Strange said:



so if the price is 100 baht for 2-3 t-shirts, they add on 20 baht, then discount it? 


   Well, not for 2-3 T-Shirts , but they usually add on a few baht, expecting me to try to get a discount , when I agree to the full price, they give me a discount, the real price ,  in future, when I go back, they just state the normal price . Thais are usually just given the normal price, they probably know that Thais will pay it and foreigners will try to get a discount .

   Foreigner comes along, add 20 Baht, he asks for a discount, take 20 Baht off , everyone does home happy


I knew this topic would be the proverbial dog-chasing-its-own-tail when the OP in Post #1 felt the need to say:   And please let's keep it civil

15 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Criticize where it is deserved.  The current Thai government deserves little praise as does Clinton or Trump.   Leadership world wide is not less than exciting.  The current leader of Hong Kong is gawd awful, but the women running Korea, Taiwan and Burma probably deserve some praise. 


Feel lucky to work with Thais in and outside of Thailand.  They are patient, talented, and hardworking.  Thailand has great potential, but highly placed, influential people are holding it back. 



Haha Thais are patient?Do U not drive on Thai roads?I ??


7 hours ago, Strange said:


You disagree with ME dude. YOU provide justification for your disagreement. Otherwise its just your opinion and feelings witch I couldn't care less about. 


*Comes to thread with "wealth of knowledge"*


*Provides no knowledge*

I have done so - it is unfortunate you cannot understand....but it seems to be characteristic of your posts

13 hours ago, joeyg said:

Again my point is Thailand's "social injustice" and crimes against humanity are nothing compared to those committed my country, the USA.  "Big Brother"  Sophomoric at best.


Valid point... but then again the people who die from the atrocities committed by the USA die in different countries. You might be right because the US population would only care about how much their secret service or global corporations (like Coca Cola) is actually murdering. The biggest murderer is probably the CIA who keep destabilizing countries to keep the drugs/oil flowing or keeping countries in debt. But this is something the government does and people don't necessarily know about. Different from Thailand, where everyone should know that their salt water fish is fished with 80% slave labour and nobody cares. 

11 hours ago, joeyg said:

Now really, that is deep man.  "Psych major"?

That's it?  That's all you got?


Your question has no purpose other than to wind people up.  It's called trolling.

11 hours ago, Enoon said:


The question you seem to be asking is:


"Why do contributors to ThaiVisa complain about Thailand a lot".


The answer would be that Thailand is the main focus on ThaiVisa and the contributors either live in Thailand, spend a lot of time in Thailand or feel some sort of intense connection with Thailand.


Consequently most comments, good (there are plenty) or bad, are to do with Thailand.


That's seems normal enough.


What seems a bit strange it that so many people seem to have huge problems with their places of origin.  Places of origin which, one way or another, have allowed them to acquire the means to live the highlife in Thailand.


Means which they would have had a lot less chance of acquiring if they had been born in Thailand.


Your post reads like an excuse to criticise the US rather than defend Thailand.  You sound like just another old man who can't cope with the inevitability of change which has left you high and dry.  


It seems your time, your world, has passed. 











Thanks for the entertainment.  

" You sound like just another old man who can't cope with the inevitability of change which has left you high and dry.  It seems your time, your world, has passed. "


I was happy and "loaded" in San Diego.  Still happy and "loaded" here.  Hard work and perseverance paid of, big time.  With a great retirement in my second favorite place on the planet.  Like I said , let's keep it civil and on topic, please.


If I were to leave Thailand I would definitely go back to one of my properties in San Diego.  Most beautiful place in the USA in my opinion.


However back on point.  Why so much criticism of Thailand?

18 minutes ago, Boatman37210 said:

That's it?  That's all you got?


Your question has no purpose other than to wind people up.  It's called trolling.

Your entitled to your opinion but I will tell you honestly it's not a fact.  Got a feeling they're really gonna be coming out of the wood work today.  heads out of the bottle for a while, 'till later anyway.

11 hours ago, gamini said:

They whine about the government here too. Especially those from the UK. The present government in the UK is an absolute joke. Nobody knows what others are doing, the FM is an alcoholic clown. The leader of the opposition is pathetic and two UKIP  leaders coming to blows in public and charged by the police. The GB Pound is plummeting and a whole lot of other problems. I would prefer the Thai government any day even though it's a military government.

Yep.  We're pretty much on the same page.  Seem like about 10% of BMs in touch with reality.  Give or take a few...


32 minutes ago, wump said:


Valid point... but then again the people who die from the atrocities committed by the USA die in different countries. You might be right because the US population would only care about how much their secret service or global corporations (like Coca Cola) is actually murdering. The biggest murderer is probably the CIA who keep destabilizing countries to keep the drugs/oil flowing or keeping countries in debt. But this is something the government does and people don't necessarily know about. Different from Thailand, where everyone should know that their salt water fish is fished with 80% slave labour and nobody cares. 

Good points.  I don't eat sea food or drink Coke.  Triva question.  How many countries is the USA bombing currently?  Answer 7. (Iraq for 25 years BTW) How many is Thailand bombing? Answer 0.  http://benwilliamslibrary.com/blog/?p=612

2 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

I have done so - it is unfortunate you cannot understand....but it seems to be characteristic of your posts

Thank You.

13 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Apologies... TV can sometimes bring out the worst in me.  Like one of those people whose personality changes for the worse after they drink alcohol.  I'm actually ashamed of myself for being that petty.  And with regards to the actual topic, I like both Thailand and the USA.  My sister lives in California and I always have a great time when I visit.  Best restaurants. 

Lived in San Diego for 30 years.  Would go back in a heart beat.  What I keep trying to get at is  "the powers that be" are light years beyond in corruption and global destruction than Thailand could ever hope to be.  http://benwilliamslibrary.com/blog/?p=612

14 hours ago, Strange said:


If WW3 happened right now, how safe is Thailand going to be for you with a US passport? 


If the US pissed off the world, how safe will you be in Thailand with your US passport? You think Thailand will harbor you? Keep you safe?


Most likely if the shit hit the fan like you believe, visa rules will change for us here in Thailand. They will not want us here. 


Im not ill informed, you don't even make any points. 

Asked previously but you ignored the question.  Again no offense it's a serious question. And my career was in Medicine.  Are you under the influence of drugs?  Or do you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse.  A substance abuse history would explain much about the pattern of your responses.  I understand it might be embarrassing to reply in the open forum in front of other "BMs."  Please feel free to PM me.  There is treatment out there.


The issue with Thailand is that corruption permeates to each and every daily transaction...the USA and other countries maybe corrupt, but nothing like Thailand...you're simply wrong about that...


for example, I assume you did not use a forged passport to get here, you have not raped a child, drukenly killed an innocent citizen by driving without a license...in the USA you would be in jail with no bail if you committed any of those acts...here in Thailand, such matters could be cleared with 5,000 baht paid to the right person...


I have to pay more for rent, food, medical care, and services than Thais...to get my electricity turned on, I had to pay a tip/bribe of 3,000...the list goes on and on...THAT'S the difference in corruption...in the USA, corruption is restricted to the upper echelons of politics...here, it is a daily occurance that is known, approved, and encouraged...

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