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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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On 29/10/2016 at 7:09 AM, sirineou said:

Announcing something like this a few days before the election, is serious business.

Comey better make everything he has public very soon , or he is toast either way.

The democrats will go after him if he does not have anything but he negatively affects HRC's campaign. Or if HRC wins and then he come out with evidence that could have caused her to loose, the Republicans will go after him.

So unless he publishes soon he is toast. Either way his timing is terrible, this is not going to end well for him.


If he had something he would have already said it, obviously it is just a pathetic attempt to smear whilst he also neglects his duty to inform the people of all he knows about the Trump connection to the Russian hacking.  He is toast for sure but at his age perhaps he cares more about the tax breaks for the rich that Trump will offer than keeping his job.

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:

he also neglects his duty to inform the people of all he knows about the Trump connection to the Russian hacking

Lets examine this and find out why Comey hasnt done, what you think he should be concentrating on.


Have you noticed there has not been one shred of /evidence/proof brought forward to even suggest Russian involvement. You may have also noticed that there has been almost no reporting by the media or any comments made by the WH on this for over 2 weeks now. The only people that ever bring this up, still with no evidence, are the Clinton campaign and its supporters trying to deflect HRC corrupt and illegal activity.

So lets just leave this right were it belongs, in the manufactured conspiracy theory box.

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5 minutes ago, dcutman said:



Have you noticed there has not been one shred of /evidence/proof brought forward to even suggest Russian involvement. You may have also noticed that there has been almost no reporting by the media or any comments made by the WH on this for over 2 weeks now. The only people that ever bring this up, still with no evidence, are the Clinton campaign and its supporters trying to deflect HRC corrupt and illegal activity.





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The sense of panic among the dems on msnbc is palapable...theyre struggling to keep it together...they need some lessons on how to deal with disappointment coming down the pike. Never heard so much whinging and moaning outside of thaivisa. 


Ms Abedin is already finished....her head will roll after the defeat....as for madam, she will need more than the usual bag of tricks to escape...wonder if assange is plannig something spectacular on november 6. 

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32 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Lets examine this and find out why Comey hasnt done, what you think he should be concentrating on.


Have you noticed there has not been one shred of /evidence/proof brought forward to even suggest Russian involvement. You may have also noticed that there has been almost no reporting by the media or any comments made by the WH on this for over 2 weeks now. The only people that ever bring this up, still with no evidence, are the Clinton campaign and its supporters trying to deflect HRC corrupt and illegal activity.

So lets just leave this right were it belongs, in the manufactured conspiracy theory box.


I feel the joint FBI Czech arrest of the Russian suspected to have done the hacking is actually a little evidence of Russian involvement in the hacking. 

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On 10/29/2016 at 1:12 AM, keemapoot said:


Yeah, really serious move. Clinton is already screaming for him to disclose the nature of the investigation, and that he owes that to the American people. Otherwise, it's just a last ditch effort by the GOP putting pressure on their man to tip the scales. In any event, he has opened a new can of worms. If there is something the voters need to know, better tell everyone now. 


Didn't the little witch owe it to the American people to disclose all the emails she had destroyed?

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

The sense of panic among the dems on msnbc is palapable...theyre struggling to keep it together...they need some lessons on how to deal with disappointment coming down the pike. Never heard so much whinging and moaning outside of thaivisa. 


Ms Abedin is already finished....her head will roll after the defeat....as for madam, she will need more than the usual bag of tricks to escape...wonder if assange is plannig something spectacular on november 6. 

Wikileaks Warns It Is Launching "Phase Three" Of Its Election Coverage


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Just conjecture, but what if the FBI was forced to reopen the investigation because Wikileaks already had the email contents of Weiner/Abedin's computer and intended to release it? The FBI would have to reopen the investigation for national security reasons, and whatever is found there, or not, involving Clinton and the State Dept would not be because Comey is targeting her, but seeking to protect the institution. Yes, it seems I've fallen into the rabbit hole but at this point it all seems so surreal to me.


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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


I feel the joint FBI Czech arrest of the Russian suspected to have done the hacking is actually a little evidence of Russian involvement in the hacking. 

One might think that, and the Obama administration started a very dangerous game threatening Russia with cyber retaliation. If there was any evidence, even one little shred, the Obama administration would be all over this, but we just have total silence. 

This is the most likely reality. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/russian-hacking-suspect-arrested-czech-republic-229975


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On 10/29/2016 at 8:09 AM, sirineou said:

Announcing something like this a few days before the election, is serious business.

Comey better make everything he has public very soon , or he is toast either way.

The democrats will go after him if he does not have anything but he negatively affects HRC's campaign. Or if HRC wins and then he come out with evidence that could have caused her to loose, the Republicans will go after him.

So unless he publishes soon he is toast. Either way his timing is terrible, this is not going to end well for him.




Comey right now reminds me of the Army dish we got regularly of creamed beef on toast, which everyone knew well as shit on a shingle -- that's Comey already. Once you become a joke in Washington you can really just forget it.


So as they say, the only question at this point is which tray to serve him up on... 


A new Politico/Morning Consult poll finds Hillary Clinton has a slim three-point lead over Donald Trump one week before Election Day, 42% to 39%, with Gary Johnson at 7% and Jill Stein at 5%.


“In a separate poll conducted before Comey’s disclosure, Clinton was leading by three points in the four-way race… Put simply, there is not yet evidence that the revelations have drastically altered the contours of the election.”



Given the weekend poll found 83% of Americans knew of the Comey Coup, then if not now, when.


The HRC massive and extensive field operation has gone to warp speed to turn out even more early voters now and also on November 8th to get 'em to the polls in continuous runs. Suddenly everyone over here recognised Hillary needs our vote. And we need Hillary you-know-where the next four years.



N.B. She measured the drapes a long time ago.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:




Comey right now reminds me of the Army dish we got regularly of creamed beef on toast, which everyone knew well as shit on a shingle -- that's Comey already. Once you become a joke in Washington you can really just forget it.


So as they say, the only question at this point is which tray to serve him up on... 


A new Politico/Morning Consult poll finds Hillary Clinton has a slim three-point lead over Donald Trump one week before Election Day, 42% to 39%, with Gary Johnson at 7% and Jill Stein at 5%.


“In a separate poll conducted before Comey’s disclosure, Clinton was leading by three points in the four-way race… Put simply, there is not yet evidence that the revelations have drastically altered the contours of the election.”



Given the weekend poll found 83% of Americans knew of the Comey Coup, then if not now, when.


The HRC massive and extensive field operation has gone to warp speed to turn out even more early voters now and also on November 8th to get 'em to the polls in continuous runs. Suddenly everyone over here recognised Hillary needs our vote. And we need Hillary you-know-where the next four years.



N.B. She measured the drapes a long time ago.


Yeah, seems like there's a poll for everyone now. Well, I'm done. Sent my ballot in, selecting neither of the front runners. Looks like a lame duck presidency from day one. Hey, have you noticed Jingthing's avatar is starting to look a little bit like the Picture Of Dorian Grey?






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CBS News polled nationally Saturday and Sunday.


They found...



Hillary Clinton Maintains Swing State Leads As Comey Email Letter Flops


By Jason Easley on Sun, Oct 30th, 2016 at 10:52 am


Republicans hoped that FBI Director James Comey's letter about new Clinton related emails would swing the election for them, but a new series of CBS News Battleground polls shows Clinton keeping her lead and within 2 points of Trump in Arizona


According to CBS News, “And the larger demographic difference defining the race between Clinton and Donald Trump has been a gender gap – slightly larger now than the last time in these states – that offsets a smaller movement of Republicans to Trump.”


To put it another way, Hillary Clinton’s support with women is going up at a larger rate than Republican movement towards Trump.  (emphasis added)





So, here from CBS News polling Saturday and Sunday are the backfired Comey Coup's consequential blowback numbers from among the large number of Trump must-win states...


Pennsylvania Clinton 48%  Trump 40% 

North Carolina Clinton 48%  Trump 45% 

Colorado Clinton 42%  Trump 39%

Arizona Trump 44%  Clinton 42%



Further, the NBC Survey Monkey national poll on Sunday -- released moments ago -- found no change to the 6-point lead HRC had last week M-F over Donald Trump.

Sunday NBC Poll:

Clinton 47%  Trump, 41%

Monday through Friday NBC poll of last week:

Clinton 47%  Trump 41%

Comey Coup Chokes. 



Here moreover are certain state polls released on Sunday with data gathered and compiled before the disastrous to Republicans failed Comey Coup. The value of the polls in the context of the failed Comey Coup is that even if the Coup had been successful, Trump would have had to continue to look at an electoral mountain very high before him... 



Alaska: Clinton 47%, Trump 43%, Johnson 7% (Cracium

AK is a really solid red state. The single and only reason AK is being polled at all this cycle is that HRC came out strongly in a random poll several months ago.


Florida: Trump 46%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 4% (NYT/Siena)

Florida: Clinton 45%, Trump 44%, Johnson 5% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

Florida: Clinton 48%, Trump 47%, Johnson 1% (Gravis)


North Carolina: Clinton 47%, Trump 41%, Johnson 8% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

North Carolina: Clinton 48%, Trump 45% (CBS News/YouGov)

North Carolina: Clinton 49%, Trump 47%, Johnson 1% (Gravis)

NC used to be a solid red state.


Pennsylvania :Clinton 48%, Trump 40% (CBS News/YouGov)

Reliably blue.


Colorado: Clinton 42%, Trump 39% (CBS News/YouGov)

Ever more deeply blue.


Arizona: Trump 44%, Clinton 42% (CBS News/YouGov)

Profoundly red state, although Bill and Hillary won it in 1996


Utah: Trump 32%, McMullin 30%, Clinton 24% (Dan Jones & Associates)

A lot of Utah Republicans are using the McMullin candidacy to try to deny Trump Utah's 6 Electoral College Votes.


Maine: Clinton 48%, Trump 37%,  Johnson 5% (University of New Hampshire)

Solid blue.



Bottom line: Comey Coup and career collapse.

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39 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Yeah, seems like there's a poll for everyone now. Well, I'm done. Sent my ballot in, selecting neither of the front runners. Looks like a lame duck presidency from day one. Hey, have you noticed Jingthing's avatar is starting to look a little bit like the Picture Of Dorian Grey?






Rebirth of America will be radically different from the mirages of the extremist Mad Max right.


The painting of Dorain Grey seems to get around cause I've had it for decades now. Served me well it has -- very well.

Edited by Publicus
Reduce the post.
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10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Comey Coup Fail.


The rebirth of America will be radically different from the mirages of the extremist Mad Max right.


The painting of Dorain Grey seems to get around cause I've had it for decades now. Served me well it has -- very well.


Spin it how you like, but you and I both know Comey had no choice to report what he did once he became aware of it.


Here is a list of just some of the complications that will attend the rebirth:




Stillborn if you're lucky.

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2 hours ago, balo said:

I hate FOX news , just switched over a few times to see whats going on and it's the same garbage they preach every minute of the day.  

In US the Presidential election is held on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November so the 8th -- as with  this year -- is the latest it can be held. So the max days BS this election year. Great.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Normal people are not following this day to day. It takes time for them to pay attention and form an opinion.


It's only the politicized like us who sit on the edge of our seats in morbid fascination. A huge percentage are too busy surviving or couldn't give a rat's ass. If any of them do vote then they vote with their wallet. E.g. tax cuts =vote, tax hike= no vote, Obamacare same. Then there's those who always vote for the same party regardless all their lives.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Spin it how you like, but you and I both know Comey had no choice to report what he did once he became aware of it.


Here is a list of just some of the complications that will attend the rebirth:




Stillborn if you're lucky.


Congrats, appointed to the Ignore Honor Roll...

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Just now, Publicus said:


Not going anywhere except for the Ignore function, which is the wise and prudent choice, now directly.


Yeah, OK, send me a postcard.



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5 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Comey Coup and Career Collapse.



Your uncharacteristic brevity is much appreciated.





WHITE HOUSE: FBI director 'is in a tough spot,' Obama doesn't believe he's trying to influence the election

"What I have observed in the past is that Director Comey is a man of integrity. He's a man of principle," Earnest said. "He's a man who's well regarded by senior officials of both parties."

Earnest also made clear that Obama doesn't think that Comey is trying to compromise the election.

"The president's assessment of his integrity and his character has not changed," Earnest said. "For example, the president doesn't believe that Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. The president doesn't believe that he's secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party."




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8 hours ago, Prbkk said:

In the event it will be a Pyrrhic victory: she is damaged beyond redemption. As someone else on here suggested, a better choice would Pence V Kaine ( or Sanders).


I've said from my very first post on this issue that this act by Comey, if not supported by indictable material, is very out of character for such a straight arrow guy. I find it really hard to believe he just went rogue and off the rails for the GOP. I think there is a secondary thought in his mind.


He knows, and knew, before he started this shitstorm, that such a vaguely worded revelation would likely not result in Trump being elected. The numbers just don't get there, and the revelation is not explicit enough to change voters' minds in significant numbers to make a difference. If I am right, that means somebody at FBI has seen and understood the implication of what was found on Weiner's computer, and it is someone Comey trusts implicitly, and furthermore, the use of that information will be a legal battle royale when the time comes to use it against Clinton.


In light of the above, Comey knew that this was serious enough to disclose, that it would impact the election and maybe control of the Senate, but would not be enough to keep Clinton from being elected. Comey knows, that once the legal procedure starts, the President will be embattled, and he knows that in worse case, Kaine will ascend to the Presidency, so that the net result will be the Dems won, and the GOP won to some extent, so that is perhaps in his mind a balanced result. If Clinton survives the storm, Comey knows he is toast, so he has an exit plan in that event.


That would be a result that serves his sense of duty to his Directorate office (though radically expanding its power to be affect a Presidential Election a la J. Edgar), serves his sense of duty to the GOP, and at the same time, results in a Democrat in office, which is likely what the public wants.

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9 hours ago, 212Roger said:

Pardon me; I though you meant Joe Walsh of the Eagles.  My bad.  By the way, have you ever heard "Hotel California" in Thailand?  555


Perhaps it was my mistake to say "not a fan". Yeah, I meant the ex-congressman, not the singer. I am however a fan of both the Eagles and Joe Walsh's solo career (Life's Been Good).

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52 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I've said from my very first post on this issue that this act by Comey, if not supported by indictable material, is very out of character for such a straight arrow guy. I find it really hard to believe he just went rogue and off the rails for the GOP. I think there is a secondary thought in his mind.


He knows, and knew, before he started this shitstorm, that such a vaguely worded revelation would likely not result in Trump being elected. The numbers just don't get there, and the revelation is not explicit enough to change voters' minds in significant numbers to make a difference. If I am right, that means somebody at FBI has seen and understood the implication of what was found on Weiner's computer, and it is someone Comey trusts implicitly, and furthermore, the use of that information will be a legal battle royale when the time comes to use it against Clinton.


In light of the above, Comey knew that this was serious enough to disclose, that it would impact the election and maybe control of the Senate, but would not be enough to keep Clinton from being elected. Comey knows, that once the legal procedure starts, the President will be embattled, and he knows that in worse case, Kaine will ascend to the Presidency, so that the net result will be the Dems won, and the GOP won to some extent, so that is perhaps in his mind a balanced result. If Clinton survives the storm, Comey knows he is toast, so he has an exit plan in that event.


That would be a result that serves his sense of duty to his Directorate office (though radically expanding its power to be affect a Presidential Election a la J. Edgar), serves his sense of duty to the GOP, and at the same time, results in a Democrat in office, which is likely what the public wants.


First half of the post is typically well reasoned, if I may say so.


I know however and say with a certainty the second half of it gradually meanders off into some nether land of someone thinking things through while driving home in heavy traffic amid a torrential downpour.


Granted, a guy in Comey's position in Washington has multiple internal pressures and almost uncountable cross currents of strong inputs -- both overt and covert -- throughout the bureaucracy, to include by those above him in the pecking order. Everything is at bottom political, while one conducts himself as a professional who is on top of it all.   


I do myself believe as you yourself believe, i.e., that this will work itself through. I can't say how nor would I want to try to analyse it to offer a thorough or a comprehensive projection, even in a broad outline. Given Washington is Washington, one thing that does strongly suggest itself is that it would be more than remarkable were Comey to survive this "shitstorm." People in the middle of a given Washington shitstorm inevitably find themselves suddenly with microphones shoved in their face with reporters asking what he/she thinks about having just been fired. (If it comes down to it, Comey would likely resign after having been offered the option.)


People in Washington want heads to roll and they take a perverse pride in putting heads to the roll. And this one is the ultimate struggle among the daily struggles there, i.e., the campaign to elect the Potus. Comey inserting himself into it as he has before the election -- immediately before the election in this uniquely bizarre campaign in every respect -- makes him the most high profile bureaucrat in the history of the country.


No agency director is allowed by everyone in Washington to get that big and survive to tell about it. The guy running the FBI especially and in particular. No appointed bureaucrat can demonstrate this kind of power and judgement. It goes beyond the system of checks and balances, and it shakes the foundations of the proscription of separate but equal branches of government.


Testimony to the fact is that President Obama has remained personally silent on this. Comey has no doubt taken notice of it. To date, Comey's only institutional support is from the Republicans in Congress, the House besides. This is not in Comey's interest professionally or politically. Comey is a together guy in his head, however, he is not political. And Washington DC is far and away above all else, political.

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Trump is going to win this election.  Its time to drain the damn swamp and get back to America for Americans again.   Oh I am going to enjoy watching all the SJW's pack there back packs and head north to Canada, french fries in schools again, english as the official language.  A decent supreme court for the rest of my life anyways.  Yes, this is one happy Roo.  


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