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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


You and your Trump-level pals cannot grasp the most basic concepts of criminal law here, that you could easily just wiki, and that is the problem. Normally I would never bring it up, but really, the most simplistic stuff you just can't get. Lucky I am gladly wasting time today, because that's what this response is, a total waste of time. :smile:




I am not familiar with American criminal law but have had some 30 years experience in criminal law within the Australian system,  initially in law enforcement thence in private industry.  The law there is based on the English system but overtime each State and Territory governments have enacted their own. 


So  now here you are squawking off about people not grasping the basic concepts of criminal law without any knowledge of other poster's backgrounds.  And your claim to fame is, oh sorry, you've already told us, you're a Wiki expert.  Now that tells us a lot, maybe that is how you scored those alleged qualifications you boast about. :wai:

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


Since we're having on-topic fun, here is the original quote from 1927, and which everyone got to know from Mel Brooks Blazing Saddles, which rings so true right now when trying to explain why Comey acted extra-judicially by issuing the letter and shitstorm without having obtained a warrant yet to read the emails:



Maybe you should check your facts, a warrant was obtained and that is now allowing the FBI to dissect the emails found on Weiner's computer. :wai:

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3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Maybe you should check your facts, a warrant was obtained and that is now allowing the FBI to dissect the emails found on Weiner's computer. :wai:


Yes, of course. I was talking about Comey's disclosure before he had that new warrant.

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Invest in pharmaceuticals that help depression. Half the nation will need them for the year(s) following the election. Don't matter who you vote for. Both are equally disappointing in their own way. What a whitewashing and abuse will follow while they are in office. For the next president it will be more of using your office and connections to clean your history. Unless everyone writes in Bernie! Good guys finish last.



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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


You are right. Would you kindly agree to represent me to write a letter to my alma mater, asking for a refund for 8 years of undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate crap instruction? 


I see the problem - only 8 years of 'education' about Psychology, Arts and Women's Studies, including a post-degree Diploma in Basket Weaving.  

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39 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Yes, of course. I was talking about Comey's disclosure before he had that new warrant.


Talk about disingenuous….he had valid legal grounds to access wiener's laptop…he found a huge pile of what looked like incriminating evidence connected to another case of national importance….so he informed congress, hey we've found something that could be significant….then he got permission to dig deeper into the emails…..textbook compliance.


I cant believe you're a lawyer…..where did you go to school…I'd make a better lawyer than you.

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

On balance I think I will take the Clinton nonsense over Trump getting into bed with Putin.


"Never in its wildest dreams could the old Soviet politburo have imagined it would get a U.S. major party candidate so congenial to its interests."

Trump, Putin, and the Alt-Right International : In boosting Trump and funding fringe parties in Europe, Russia has helped construct a new kind of "comintern"—and it's even more effective than the Cold War version.


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What is this in here today, revenge of the retards? My goodness.  Let me state this as simple as I can. Comey did not have legal justification to take the action he took, inserting himself into the position of influencing a Presidential election, based on emails he had not seen, nor could he see because he did not yet have the warrant to view them. Therefore, any pronouncement as to the contents should have been delayed until after viewing them. He recently got such a warrant to view them, but the damage is done. 

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


Talk about disingenuous….he had valid legal grounds to access wiener's laptop…he found a huge pile of what looked like incriminating evidence connected to another case of national importance….so he informed congress, hey we've found something that could be significant….then he got permission to dig deeper into the emails…..textbook compliance.


I cant believe you're a lawyer…..where did you go to school…I'd make a better lawyer than you.


AND .............. he made a commitment to Congress that he would keep them informed if anything happened or changed in regards to the Clinton email investigation. Not informing Congress, after having agreed to notifying Congress, is a serious criminal offence punishable by a prison term.

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4 hours ago, Prbkk said:


CNN is the only one available to most people and I have to say it's a sick joke ( FAR worse than Fox, Hannity excluded). They can't be trusted. Not only on this issue but others, eg the story still on the website, headlined " Australian PM wants to ban migrants". ....an outrageous lie: it is a proposal to ban people who try to arrive illegally in Australia by boat but CNN offers no qualification and makes it into something it's not.

CNN poses as an honest broker but is anything but; at least with FOX you know the slant before you switch it on.


CNN poses as an honest broker but is anything but


1) Sounds like someone is delusional and needed to reach for the remote back in 1992 when they were watching what everyone on the planet started calling the Clinton News Network.


at least with FOX you know the slant before you switch it on.


Uh huh, as you were saying, going back a quarter of a century now... 

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6 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:

Ok seems like last one fell flat.. Let me try again

And for you Trump haters.. I haven't forgot about you either







Both great stuff - but the Grammy goes to ........................... DELETE IT !!!


Keeping in the pro-humour vein (and pro-Trump) here is my contribution to tonight's entertainment:



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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Comey did not have legal justification to take the action he took, inserting himself into the position of influencing a Presidential election, based on emails he had not seen, nor could he see because he did not yet have the warrant to view them. 


Terrible work, counsellor. You're implying that the highest law enforcement official in the land should remove himself from investigating a crime of national importance and risking that a potential felon could win a presidential election and occupy the highest office in the land. Creating even bigger potential global embarrassment to the office of the president should she need to be arrested later.


That's grounds for disbarment right there.


I put it to you that simply finding and studying the titles of official emails from the ex-secretary of state on the laptop on a person who is not meant to have them is grounds enough to take further action and alert congress…using non-alarmist language…which is what Comey had pledged to do anyway….and did.


You are excused, Counsellor.



Edited by JHolmesJr
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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:


I can see it's going to be useless to try to explain these legal concepts on this forum.


As you were.


It's been fact and reality since Day One here that all one can do with these guyz is to hammer 'em. That's all they can relate to or understand. They don't know anything else except a 2x4 between the eyes and across the nose.


The law means nothing to 'em. Argument -- forget it unless we're talking about stepping outside the pub. Do unto others exactly what they have in store for you. 

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Both great stuff - but the Grammy goes to ........................... DELETE IT !!!


Keeping in the pro-humour vein (and pro-Trump) here is my contribution to tonight's entertainment:



Good one...

Just to keep it balanced... Here's another

Can I vote for Abe.. He's hardcore!!'

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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8 hours ago, Morch said:


You can disagree all you like, but Trump was not nearly as anti-media during the primaries. Quite the opposite at times. And again, a lot of what Trump complains about is simply the media reporting things he actually said. The link provided refers to voters perceptions, not to actual bias.


You are right that Trump often doesn't help himself but the Press loved him in the Primaries because he was outrageous and a celebrity but nobody expected him to get as far as he has. Once he became a serious contender the liberal Press (journalists are mostly liberals) freaked out. It's pretty obvious that collectively they are behind Hillary if you look at the donations to her campaign from the media, 96%, compared to Trump who received only a tiny fraction, 4%. 

This makes the media not journalists but advocates.



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10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It's been fact and reality since Day One here that all one can do with these guyz is to hammer 'em. That's all they can relate to or understand. They don't know anything else except a 2x4 between the eyes and across the nose.


The law means nothing to 'em. Argument -- forget it unless we're talking about stepping outside the pub. Do unto others exactly what they have in store for you. 


Now if a Trump supporter cited that little ditty, they would be accused of inciting violence, yet you come on here being so full of yourself that anyone who has a differing opinion needs to be (hammered) whacked between the eyes with a lump of timber.  Good one Mo, showing your true self I see, just like the rest of the leftist thugs.  :wai:

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27 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Terrible work, counsellor. You're implying that the highest law enforcement official in the land should remove himself from investigating a crime of national importance and risking that a potential felon could win a presidential election and occupy the highest office in the land. Creating even bigger potential global embarrassment to the office of the president should she need to be arrested later.


That's grounds for disbarment right there.


I put it to you that simply finding and studying the titles of official emails from the ex-secretary of state on the laptop on a person who is not meant to have them is grounds enough to take further action and alert congress…using non-alarmist language…which is what Comey had pledged to do anyway….and did.


You are excused, Counsellor.




People who have the knack of humor should do it more often, thx.

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9 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Lynch has been emasculated (if that's possible of a female), humiliated, and cornered. There is a lot of analysis in the news. She is a weak sister. She has painted herself into a corner. Will also go down in time.


Lynch is politicized and compromised the DoJ when she met Bill on the tarmac to talk about "family and golf". FBI agents demanded nearby witnesses to put away cameras and cellphones.

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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Now if a Trump supporter cited that little ditty, they would be accused of inciting violence, yet you come on here being so full of yourself that anyone who has a differing opinion needs to be (hammered) whacked between the eyes with a lump of timber.  Good one Mo, showing your true self I see, just like the rest of the leftist thugs.  :wai:





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