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Children still stranded after Calais camp bulldozed


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Children still stranded after Calais camp bulldozed




Up to 200 children spent the night at a makeshift school on the edge of the Calais ‘jungle’ after spending the previous night sleeping rough.


The tent city, which was home to thousands of migrants hoping to make it to Britain, was bulldozed in just three days, some unaccompanied minors were relocated to shelters elsewhere in France, but others are determined to cross the Channel.


One young migrant who had been in the camp for eight months said: “My all friends go. All friends. I have in the UK, my sister, my two cousins, everything. Some people from here go, they have no anyone in UK. Why am I not going to UK? I want to go to UK.”


Britain is accepting a small number of children whose families are already in the country, while France says it will rehouse them, both are blaming the other for not doing more.


“The authorities have not offered a solution. I mean, if It was not for us where would these kids be sleeping? In the Jungle?” asked Care4Calais volunteer, Gloria Micallef. “It’s really unsafe. There was a massive fire by the bridge yesterday. The jungle was never a place for kids. Never. Even when it was okay-ish and it’s definitely not a safe place for kids now.”


The Calais camp became a symbol of Europe’s failure to cope with the migrant crisis. With it gone, aid agencies are pushing authorities to not to fail in their duty to look after the children.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-29
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This is what the do gooders and the BBC want to keep the sob story in the headlines.

How did all the children get to Calais, are we to believe everyone one of them left home without their families knowing ? 


Watching BBC interviews with some of theses migrants it's now common the hear the interviewer quoting an age, which is unlikely to be verified, and the ' teenagers ' etc always have their back to the cameras or are wearing a hoodie so never a chance of seeing their face which might give an idea as to an age group.

I don't believe the migrants themselves always insist on this and I see the BBC's hand in it as they just love the sob story angle.



Edited by NongKhaiKid
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" With it gone, aid agencies are pushing authorities to not to fail in their duty to look after the children. "


If they are indeed "children" - they are in the sovereign territory of France, and have been for quite some time.


France has blatantly and consistently ignored both EU, UN and French laws regarding child protection. Wonder why?

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6 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

" With it gone, aid agencies are pushing authorities to not to fail in their duty to look after the children. "


If they are indeed "children" - they are in the sovereign territory of France, and have been for quite some time.


France has blatantly and consistently ignored both EU, UN and French laws regarding child protection. Wonder why?

The camp is not gone. Aerial photos taken today show a good few tents have gone, but all infrastructure there and still loads of tents. Clearly still very much open. Msm is being particularly frustrating over this "jungle" issue. Why bother lying? For what end?

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The west is slowly being destroyed,within 20 years you will not recognise it ,the left and snowflakes can wring their hands as much as they like,but all I see for the world of the future,is calamity,this is just the start, its not to hard to see how its going to end ,I thank the gods that I was born in a better time ,and will not see it ,but my children and grandchildren will,God help them

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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Look how grateful this lot are. They're not getting bombed anymore and nobody is sniping at them from a building somewhere yet they're complaining that there's no halal meat and that they're being forced to eat rice and vegetables instead: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3883938/Demolishing-Jungle-won-t-stop-migrants-tell-Sue-Reid-hell-bent-escaping-racist-France-Britain-deported-UK.html


Why should Britain or any other Western country be forced to accommodate these parasites. Some of them have already been deported from the UK as illegals, but they still try to get back there.


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French Pres. Hollande claims the Jungle camp no longer exists and the BBC's doing their best to prove him wrong.

He and the Interior Minister have called their counterparts in Britain to press for more children to be taken across the Channel totally ignoring it's self-inflicted injury by the French who allowed these children, in fact all migrants, into France and permitted them to travel across the country without any attempt to stop and register them.


For a long time TV news channels have been following migrants and interviewing them recording their refusal to be registered and fingerprinted as it might prevent them getting to where they want to go irrespective of the fact they have no automatic rights and generally are't wanted. I presume French TV have been doing this too so the French govt knew what was going on yet allowed 10,000 plus to arrive in and  live around Calais unhindered.

Now like Merkel and Juncker they want to be bailed out of the mess they've created.

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That strange bloke, Hollande, can bleat all he likes but this is all on the French. I'm sorry if this sounds heartless, but if these 'kids' are not prepared to be housed in France (and refugees/immigrants are supposed to stay in the first EU country they hit), then send them on their way back to their homeland. Having said that, I'd have the immigrants over the wishy-washy brigade any day who, if they had their way, would have the UK population at around 100M by now. Thank god Britain is an island.

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I don't get it. Why is this dragging on? Why is it apparently so impossible to just ship them back to where they came from?


Sense of guilt? But why? Governments and charities of rich countries spend billions on aid, medical and scientific assistance to help those nations at the bottom. Those countries need these people to help with their development - albeit that may involve a struggle. It's a moral hazard for rich countries to accept them.

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7 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

French Pres. Hollande claims the Jungle camp no longer exists and the BBC's doing their best to prove him wrong.

He and the Interior Minister have called their counterparts in Britain to press for more children to be taken across the Channel totally ignoring it's self-inflicted injury by the French who allowed these children, in fact all migrants, into France and permitted them to travel across the country without any attempt to stop and register them.


For a long time TV news channels have been following migrants and interviewing them recording their refusal to be registered and fingerprinted as it might prevent them getting to where they want to go irrespective of the fact they have no automatic rights and generally are't wanted. I presume French TV have been doing this too so the French govt knew what was going on yet allowed 10,000 plus to arrive in and  live around Calais unhindered.

Now like Merkel and Juncker they want to be bailed out of the mess they've created.


Of course. The socialist and highly unpopular Hollande dare not offend the parts of his supporters who believed the "solution" to all this was to force the UK to "accept responsibility" and allow all these illegals into the UK. Simply pass the problem on whilst politically claiming they acted in accordance with human rights and EU "traditions".

The fact they ignored international and French law and allowed this to become such a problem is simply ignored. Much better to show what a nice guy he is to the illegals and how hard he is on those bad British.


I hope May told him to fcku off.

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59 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

I don't get it. Why is this dragging on? Why is it apparently so impossible to just ship them back to where they came from?


Sense of guilt? But why? Governments and charities of rich countries spend billions on aid, medical and scientific assistance to help those nations at the bottom. Those countries need these people to help with their development - albeit that may involve a struggle. It's a moral hazard for rich countries to accept them.


If France acted in accordance with international law and French law then they would have never allowed this. But they didn't. Now it's all just politics and media. If France processed them many would be no more than illegal immigrants and face deportation. Many to Africa and to regimes friendly to France. That might cause some issues. But more importantly France would face criticism from withing the EU, especially from Germany whose leader has repeatedly cried that the EU states don't do enough, don't take their fare share etc etc etc; and from little Luxembourg who wants Hungary expelled or suspended from the EU for not simply accepting Germany's quota dictate, claiming it's against our EU traditions and HR laws.


France would have to face off against Germany and Hollande knows the reality is Germany really tolerates French pretense of "leading' the EU and if challenged on something like this, France could not rely on its usual hypocrisy and do as we say not as we do habit to get out and still keep face. 


France was hoping to push this over to Britain and that didn't work either. Hence they are now having to do something but still trying to deflect issues to Britain if they can.

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This problem has been rumbling on for about 20 years (remember Sangatte in the late '90s).  The French have been trying to make it a British problem.  Its not a British problem, its not an EU problem - its specifically a French problem.

British governments have been far too soft and Mrs May made drastic cuts to (already weak) border security whilst in the Home Office.

I would like us to remain in the EU but with stringent border security, ID cards and tight control of the labour market to reduce opportunities for illegal working - which is a magnet for these migrants.

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On 10/30/2016 at 2:47 PM, Baerboxer said:


If France acted in accordance with international law and French law then they would have never allowed this. But they didn't. Now it's all just politics and media. If France processed them many would be no more than illegal immigrants and face deportation. Many to Africa and to regimes friendly to France. That might cause some issues. But more importantly France would face criticism from withing the EU, especially from Germany whose leader has repeatedly cried that the EU states don't do enough, don't take their fare share etc etc etc; and from little Luxembourg who wants Hungary expelled or suspended from the EU for not simply accepting Germany's quota dictate, claiming it's against our EU traditions and HR laws.


France would have to face off against Germany and Hollande knows the reality is Germany really tolerates French pretense of "leading' the EU and if challenged on something like this, France could not rely on its usual hypocrisy and do as we say not as we do habit to get out and still keep face. 


France was hoping to push this over to Britain and that didn't work either. Hence they are now having to do something but still trying to deflect issues to Britain if they can.

I don't think its quite that simple.


How this was allowed to happen when genuine refugees are supposed to stop in the first country in which they arrive?  Most likely because politics (in those first countries) necessitated allowing the refugees (genuine or economic) to move on as they couldn't deal with the problem on their own.  Understandable.


So they arrived in the next country, and the same problem arose - with the added problem that it became even more difficult to distinguish between genuine refugees and economic refugees as they converged in a couple of countries?  Especially as (I gather) few had any genuine identification papers and so authorities had to pretty much take the refugees word for where they came from/why/age etc.


A very difficult situation made worse by so many economic refugees lying - which has resulted in compassion fatigue.  More than unfortunate for the genuine refugees.

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41 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I don't think its quite that simple.


How this was allowed to happen when genuine refugees are supposed to stop in the first country in which they arrive?  Most likely because politics (in those first countries) necessitated allowing the refugees (genuine or economic) to move on as they couldn't deal with the problem on their own.  Understandable.


So they arrived in the next country, and the same problem arose - with the added problem that it became even more difficult to distinguish between genuine refugees and economic refugees as they converged in a couple of countries?  Especially as (I gather) few had any genuine identification papers and so authorities had to pretty much take the refugees word for where they came from/why/age etc.


A very difficult situation made worse by so many economic refugees lying - which has resulted in compassion fatigue.  More than unfortunate for the genuine refugees.


I think it's very simple. None of these people are genuine refugees. Genuine refugees take refuge in refugee camps in a neighbouring country, from where they can be assigned to other countries if necessary as part of a controlled process. Once they start forcibly crossing country after country with a particular destination in mind, they are economic migrants. Solution is simple: Give them some funds and ship them all back to where they came from and let them start a legitimate refugee process if necessary.


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On 30/10/2016 at 8:04 AM, daveAustin said:

That strange bloke, Hollande, can bleat all he likes but this is all on the French. I'm sorry if this sounds heartless, but if these 'kids' are not prepared to be housed in France (and refugees/immigrants are supposed to stay in the first EU country they hit), then send them on their way back to their homeland. Having said that, I'd have the immigrants over the wishy-washy brigade any day who, if they had their way, would have the UK population at around 100M by now. Thank god Britain is an island.


I totally agree.


France should leave these migrants pass without worrying about their plight. They are Anglophones, they crossed the Greece and Italy, then France and now they have to continue their journey to the country of their choice.


Besides no mistake, closing the Calais jungle is a step in that direction. Most quickly leave them unattended makeshift housing to continue their way join their relatives and friends in the UK. And tomorrow there will be no camp nor police or army to stop them.

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On 29/10/2016 at 5:27 PM, freebyrd said:

I saw an Afghan 'kid', 16 being interviewed on TV today. He looked more like early 20's to me.

The charity Save The Children has apparently got plans to rename itself Shave The Children, to better reflect its involvement in moving these young men to the UK. 


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So more 6ft children with beards, 4 wives and a children to boot. Although it may sound absurd, the evidence has already been reported that it isn't so ridiculous.


So the UK is taking even more, of these so called 'Calais migrants in. When will people wake up and start realizing it is a con and they are being taken for a ride.  The UK peoples good nature is being abused and it should stop now.


"Hundreds more child migrants from the demolished Calais Jungle camp will come to Britain over the next few weeks. Three hundred have arrived recently and a further 350 to 400 are also likely to come here."



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Wow...TV's finest and most emphatic are out in droves today again!

Good to see so many outstanding, upright and humane citizens voicing their loving opinion!


Honestly, I start thinking, you need a war, very close to the place you are living!

Maybe then, you will show a little more empathy to refugees!


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35 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Wow...TV's finest and most emphatic are out in droves today again!

Good to see so many outstanding, upright and humane citizens voicing their loving opinion!


Honestly, I start thinking, you need a war, very close to the place you are living!

Maybe then, you will show a little more empathy to refugees!



As explained above (#17), these people are, by definition, not refugees.


Just to add: my ancestors went through centuries of war and hardship. None of them ran off to other countries. They stuck it out and fought for what they believed in, and I would do the same. Hard lessons, no doubt, but societies need to learn to sort themselves out and not become psychologically dependent on other nations.

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Wow...TV's finest and most emphatic are out in droves today again!
Good to see so many outstanding, upright and humane citizens voicing their loving opinion!
Honestly, I start thinking, you need a war, very close to the place you are living!
Maybe then, you will show a little more empathy to refugees!

You mean economic migrants,get it right

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:


As explained above (#17), these people are, by definition, not refugees.



Your definition is incorrect. Try researching the legal definition of a safe country by way of international law. In any case after reaching places such as Greece, many of the asylum seekers were waived though to other EU countries in breach of the Dublin Regulation primarily because they were under funded / under resourced to deal with the influx. I understand current estimates are around 40% are genuine refugees.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Wow...TV's finest and most emphatic are out in droves today again!

Good to see so many outstanding, upright and humane citizens voicing their loving opinion!


Honestly, I start thinking, you need a war, very close to the place you are living!

Maybe then, you will show a little more empathy to refugees!



In the town where I was born in the UK which was Poole in Dorset, along with Bournemouth has several hundred unemployed people living on the streets as there is nowhere available for them to live.


Many of them are ex-servicemen and women and the others are civilians.


There are thousands more living in private rentals as there is no public housing available and paying very high rents for the "privilege" of doing so. . Many people are without jobs and without even the prospect of getting a job. Without a job of course there is no prospect of them EVER owning their own house.


These are only two towns on the South coast of England.


The unemployment rate for Poole aged between 16 and 64 is 22%.




Unemployment rate for Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset and the UK. Note from the site.


Quote "It doesn’t include the amount of people seeking work who don’t claim JSA, or people claiming Universal Credit. For more information there is news update explaining the count here".




More information on job statistics here.




Now the PC people, the luvvies etc want to bring in hundreds and thousands of immigrants who are totally unqualified for the majority of jobs in the UK, who mostly cannot speak English, who will strain the local resources, schools, hospitals, housing, jobs etc and will be a net drain on the local and national economy.


This will be repeated all over the UK and yet DM07 thinks that we ought to empathise with the refugees.


I will certainly do so and welcome refugees into the UK BUT ONLY when all the UK citizens have houses and jobs and a decent standard of living.


If this makes me show less empathy and makes me less PC, then so be it.

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:


In the town where I was born in the UK which was Poole in Dorset, along with Bournemouth has several hundred unemployed people living on the streets as there is nowhere available for them to live.


Many of them are ex-servicemen and women and the others are civilians.


There are thousands more living in private rentals as there is no public housing available and paying very high rents for the "privilege" of doing so. . Many people are without jobs and without even the prospect of getting a job. Without a job of course there is no prospect of them EVER owning their own house.


These are only two towns on the South coast of England.


The unemployment rate for Poole aged between 16 and 64 is 22%.




Unemployment rate for Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset and the UK. Note from the site.


Quote "It doesn’t include the amount of people seeking work who don’t claim JSA, or people claiming Universal Credit. For more information there is news update explaining the count here".




More information on job statistics here.




Now the PC people, the luvvies etc want to bring in hundreds and thousands of immigrants who are totally unqualified for the majority of jobs in the UK, who mostly cannot speak English, who will strain the local resources, schools, hospitals, housing, jobs etc and will be a net drain on the local and national economy.


This will be repeated all over the UK and yet DM07 thinks that we ought to empathise with the refugees.


I will certainly do so and welcome refugees into the UK BUT ONLY when all the UK citizens have houses and jobs and a decent standard of living.


If this makes me show less empathy and makes me less PC, then so be it.

Classic 1933/Germany- argument: making refugees and everybody else responsible for the sh1tty situation your country is in!

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Classic 1933/Germany- argument: making refugees and everybody else responsible for the sh1tty situation your country is in!


Unlike your argument of making every country responsible for the whole refugee problem in the world, which is different of course, but only in your mind.


BTW how many refugees do you have living with you or that you support?

Edited by billd766
Extra line of text.
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