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What % of your diet is Thai food?


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28 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

I can barely eat Thailand in American it is awful and not even close to real Thai food


I don't know where you are eating over here, but Thai food in the west is rarely a patch on decent Thai food in Thailand. It is invariably dumbed down for western palates.


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2 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:



For the the most part, the doctors were dedicated and knowledgeable,

the quacks weren't allowed privileges at our medical center.


I'm sure they were, but there have been cases where doctors have practised for decades and like some of us 'lesser beings', are not waht the seem, and have been found to be everything from incompetent to murderous. When I was a serving professional I was expected to practice what I preached. I didn't tell people to exercise and then sit on the sofa and watch TV as many of the medical profession do.


You have great admiration for Doctors, I prefer to take each one on merit. We have differing opinions, so let's leave it at that.

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3 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


I'm sure they were, but there have been cases where doctors have practised for decades and like some of us 'lesser beings', are not waht the seem, and have been found to be everything from incompetent to murderous. When I was a serving professional I was expected to practice what I preached. I didn't tell people to exercise and then sit on the sofa and watch TV as many of the medical profession do.


You have great admiration for Doctors, I prefer to take each one on merit. We have differing opinions, so let's leave it at that.



You can can always find the exception if you

look hard enough!!

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4 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:



You can can always find the exception if you

look hard enough!!


As we've apparently found with each other.


When it comes to Doctors, I'm at the stage in life where I really don't expect to have to 'look hard enough'. If it says MD on their door, then that should be sign enough that I am in safe hands.


And yes, before it's said, I am a lot younger than you.

Edited by freebyrd
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2 hours ago, fruitman said:



Go to a mall in BKK and Thai food is hard to find except on the foodcourts. 


I like to eat meat/fish but not in a Thai dish since the meat is not what i call meat. Organmeat we feed to the dog/cat and the Thai pork has too much fat to my liking.


Thai fruit is great but full of chemicals so we grow our own.

I wanted to grow my own Vegs, but Mrs Possum says only some parts of Thailand are suitable for growing vegs, like in Issan, where it is colder, I live in Central Thailand.

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When you eat store bought honey do not be content that it is healthy unless it is from France or Germany. I am a beekeeper in USA and except for some European countries no truth in labeling is required for honey so sold honey is diluted, sugar, flavoring and chemicals added. Chinese honey is the worst but you will not know it is Chinese honey. You cannot look or taste honey to see the quality unless you are one of the few experts in the world. Read up from a professsor at Texas A&M that is the only American that tests the quality of honey and you will be horrified at what is sold as honey. I personally would never put any honey purchased at a grocery store in my mouth. Too expensive to raise bees and sell honey for the prices they charge without cutting it and adding chemicals to it. Beekeepers never feed their own bees with store bought honey because of potential disease threats to their own bees and the unknown chemicals in store bought honey. If I will not feed my bees the honey I cannot feed my family the same honey. We can thank companies like General Mills and Monsanto and the large commercial beekeepers for lobbying our politicians that truth in labeling is not good for food consumers. 



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1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

100% I think i live in Thailand if i remember correctly. Thai food more unhealthy than foreign food?  Is that why i see so many 200 pound and up foreigners rolling down the street that look as if they are about to drop dead? In the sixteen years i have lived here. I have very rarely if ever seen a foreigner eating in a REAL Thai restaurant. Likely less than fifty and that is counting every corner of Thaiand i have traveled to. My Thai wife oftens asks me why she sees so many foreigners eating expensive unhealthy foreign food. I ask the same question. Travel half way around the world and eat at Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King or some German restaurant. The same goes for basic travel. Foreigners tend to follow each other like cattle. The same restaurants, the same bars, the same buses, the same trains, the same hotels /guesthouses. Why come here? I know the answer but afraid i might offend most here with the truth.


You've never seen foreigners eating real Thai food in Thai restaurants and have been in every corner of Thailand?? 


I have no words for this....solly

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25 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I wanted to grow my own Vegs, but Mrs Possum says only some parts of Thailand are suitable for growing vegs, like in Issan, where it is colder, I live in Central Thailand.


Now winter is coming so you can grow vegy. It also helps if you grow them in shade, under a net but also some vegy won't grow in every place.


My MIL in central thailand grows loads of great vegy's, no chemicals used and they taste so much better. The government even made a movie about her to show on thai tv so others can learn/see her.

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I eat Thai food about once a week, and that's when I make it, and only for dinner – – pad Thai, Laab Moo, Pad Krapow or the like (sorry about the spelling).


Typical week would see: –


Breakfast: toast and tea or cereal with diced dried fruit and of course milk.


Lunch: Subway vegetable sandwich or sushi, or if meeting someone in Starbucks, perhaps one of their unhealthy croissants. Plus a large cup of tea.


Dinner: if eating out it will be at my local Italian restaurant and won't be a pizza, but if eating in will be pasta with a home-made tomato, olive, garlic and herb sauce, accompanied by a salad. Occasionally I will make a small pizza with various toppings and this will also be accompanied by a salad. If I'm feeling in the mood I will prepare a few other dishes such as duck with orange sauce, beef bourguignon, chicken stuffed with brie, chicken saagwala and a few Greek dishes with my home-made lamb spiced sausages............I do like experimenting with dishes.


Dinner will always be accompanied by red wine, and whilst this used to be one bottle an evening, I have managed to cut down to about 60% of a bottle now!!



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On 10/31/2016 at 0:51 PM, Steiner said:


This BS again! How is Thai food healthier than western food ? Everything Thai is fried or overcooked, laced with sugar and oil, even som tam etc is full of sugar and far from healthy, and the size of vegetable portions, if included at all, are tiny.

They cook in the cheapest thin pots, so masses of oil are necessary to stop it sticking anyway, that's just how Thai's like it, oily and sweet!

Compare that to boiled and jacket potatoes, boiled or steamed vegetables and grilled meats and fish, pasta, salads, no comparison, western is way healthier.

Some people aren't slackers and eat out all the time.Eat at home have control over what you eat.

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Vilage food life.

A visit to the big lotus weekly...

Dont buy rice because family harvest it and divide it up between the family.

Noodles,with chopped cucumber,green pepper and raw cabbage,every morning.

A ham or chicken sandwich ,with a glass of oj,mid day.I buy baked beans,tinned toms and Tuna.

Wifey cooks Pad Thai,bah mee gai/gai/khung,cow pat gai/moo,/khung,

massaman or penang curry.during the week.I may do something a bit felang,sometimes,pigs kidneys with fried egg and chips,some pork ribs on the BBQ.We buy tomatoes and potatoes at the market in our local town,Spring onions,bean sprouts,Chilli,etc.We pretty much eat what we want,we share the cooking.I dont use butter on bread,i use low cal mayonnaise.So generally we eat all sorts.I drink 2 beers a night,no more.

My wife has come to love felang food,she is till 45 kilo's and i am a healthy 80 kilos.i am 6ft tall.

The fun part,is to listen to my MIL cursing my wife for eating felang food,whilst looking at her with a demonic eye and mashing her isaan shit(which icant stomach)between her discoloured,gappy railings,and bending over her pot burner like a witch doctor cooking some vile concoction that includes stinking small fish.

Ces't la vie.

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2 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Really? From your previous answer about MSG I'd have thought you're in dire need

Please let it rest.  You are obviously a medical/nutritional/biochemical expert.  I yield  to your superior clinical and academic experience.  What did you say you line of work was?

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14 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Some people aren't slackers and eat out all the time.Eat at home have control over what you eat.

I eat out with friend sometimes but I prefer to eat at home.  Always been that way.

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Just now, joeyg said:

Please let it rest.  You are obviously a medical/nutritional/biochemical expert.  I yield  to your superior clinical and academic experience.  What did you say you line of work was?

It's simple really. Food faddists carry on about "organic" food when anything inorganic would kill them because all food is organic. Similarly you can't exercise anaerobically because that means without air, so that <deleted> who talk about "aerobics" when they mean exercise ...


It's not a question about being a "medical/nutritional/biochemical expert" but someone who cares about the bastardization of the English language

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2 hours ago, xylophone said:

I eat Thai food about once a week, and that's when I make it, and only for dinner – – pad Thai, Laab Moo, Pad Krapow or the like (sorry about the spelling).


Typical week would see: –


Breakfast: toast and tea or cereal with diced dried fruit and of course milk.


Lunch: Subway vegetable sandwich or sushi, or if meeting someone in Starbucks, perhaps one of their unhealthy croissants. Plus a large cup of tea.


Dinner: if eating out it will be at my local Italian restaurant and won't be a pizza, but if eating in will be pasta with a home-made tomato, olive, garlic and herb sauce, accompanied by a salad. Occasionally I will make a small pizza with various toppings and this will also be accompanied by a salad. If I'm feeling in the mood I will prepare a few other dishes such as duck with orange sauce, beef bourguignon, chicken stuffed with brie, chicken saagwala and a few Greek dishes with my home-made lamb spiced sausages............I do like experimenting with dishes.


Dinner will always be accompanied by red wine, and whilst this used to be one bottle an evening, I have managed to cut down to about 60% of a bottle now!!



I like a lot of your menu combos.  Sounds tasty.  I of course would look for the veggie substitutes  for the meat where possible.


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1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

It's simple really. Food faddists carry on about "organic" food when anything inorganic would kill them because all food is organic. Similarly you can't exercise anaerobically because that means without air, so that <deleted> who talk about "aerobics" when they mean exercise ...


It's not a question about being a "medical/nutritional/biochemical expert" but someone who cares about the bastardization of the English language

Please say what kind of work you did/do?


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Just now, SaintLouisBlues said:

I'm a Nobel prize-winning biochemist

Well that explains it then.  Nice one.  Now try the truth.  And remember the OP was What % of your diet is Thai food.  "Nobel" attempt at highjacking the thread.  "There's always one."

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On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 1:51 PM, Steiner said:


This BS again! How is Thai food healthier than western food ? Everything Thai is fried or overcooked, laced with sugar and oil, even som tam etc is full of sugar and far from healthy, and the size of vegetable portions, if included at all, are tiny.

They cook in the cheapest thin pots, so masses of oil are necessary to stop it sticking anyway, that's just how Thai's like it, oily and sweet!

Compare that to boiled and jacket potatoes, boiled or steamed vegetables and grilled meats and fish, pasta, salads, no comparison, western is way healthier.

Absolute crap. Western food is killing us all. I was married to a Thai lady an expert cook and she ate mostly raw veggies and salads, very little fried food. I myself eat western food but only lightly steamed veggies, no spuds or anything processed. All my meat is stewed with veggies and fish I eat lightly cooked. Basically a plant based diet. If you eat anything from a packet or a tin you are poisoning yourself. Wakeup man  eat real food not frankinfood.

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1 hour ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I'm a Nobel prize-winning biochemist


3 hours ago, xylophone said:

I eat Thai food about once a week, and that's when I make it, and only for dinner – – pad Thai, Laab Moo, Pad Krapow or the like (sorry about the spelling).


Typical week would see: –


Breakfast: toast and tea or cereal with diced dried fruit and of course milk.


Lunch: Subway vegetable sandwich or sushi, or if meeting someone in Starbucks, perhaps one of their unhealthy croissants. Plus a large cup of tea.


Dinner: if eating out it will be at my local Italian restaurant and won't be a pizza, but if eating in will be pasta with a home-made tomato, olive, garlic and herb sauce, accompanied by a salad. Occasionally I will make a small pizza with various toppings and this will also be accompanied by a salad. If I'm feeling in the mood I will prepare a few other dishes such as duck with orange sauce, beef bourguignon, chicken stuffed with brie, chicken saagwala and a few Greek dishes with my home-made lamb spiced sausages............I do like experimenting with dishes.


Dinner will always be accompanied by red wine, and whilst this used to be one bottle an evening, I have managed to cut down to about 60% of a bottle now!!


Franken food all of it.cereal and dairy is crap food you need protein like bacon and eggs for breakfast. Go Paleo.


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