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Farewell Pattaya.


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15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmmm. I loved Pattaya as much as it would be possible to love a place. It's hard to say goodbye.

Gone does not mean that I have forgotten Pattaya, and I will, no doubt, be on here again in the future.

However, I feel for you, so please feel free not to come on this thread anymore- just pass on by to something much more interesting and important.

That's an interesting sentiment about returning for visits; if I were to ever pick-up stakes and leave, I doubt I'd ever return...in fact, I'm sure of it.

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Hmmmmm. I loved Pattaya as much as it would be possible to love a place. It's hard to say goodbye.
Gone does not mean that I have forgotten Pattaya, and I will, no doubt, be on here again in the future.
However, I feel for you, so please feel free not to come on this thread anymore- just pass on by to something much more interesting and important.

No point in burning bridges so I agree with you. Chiang Mai is such a 180 from Pattaya. It's a bit like a western city, loads of young and old farang women and it's unusual to see young Western women in Pattaya but they are everywhere in CM, also far less scammers and farang prices are more consistent. But it was a bit to western for me.

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26 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

That's an interesting sentiment about returning for visits; if I were to ever pick-up stakes and leave, I doubt I'd ever return...in fact, I'm sure of it.



... Gone does not mean that I have forgotten Pattaya, and I will, no doubt, be on here again in the future. ...

I think he's saying he won't be back in Pattaya or Thailand but will be posting on TV.

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On ‎07‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 1:07 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I wandered down to the night market and ordered a big English breakfast in one of the few places that had a/ AC and b/ western food, only to be told that it would take 20 minutes ( or so ).  A disappointment that was sadly not the last of my night's excursions.

The night market itself is like a scene from a post apocalyptic movie ( devoid of life ), and there were more stall holders than shoppers, despite seemingly half the stalls being closed.

I also stopped by the small ( by Pattaya standards ), and only, bar beer complex, which is enough to make a Pattaya lover cry in desperation, given that there were only about 5 or less ladies in each of the bars that were actually open. In some a solitary girl sat behind the bar in a forlorn hope that someone would stop in for a bevvie.

Speaking of desperation, the most desperate of the desperate must surely be the poor souls that work in one of the many, many massage places that line Loi Kroh. With the exception of the one that must be where all the Chinese tours go, most seemed devoid of customers, though some were lucky to have a few.

However, all is not lost. Bus loads of Chinese tourists were checking in to one of the 5* hotels I was passing by.


So, wat's to do around here? They do have loads of tours if that floats your boat. The big malls are as good as any in Pattaya and the hiso totty is great.

Seemingly a temple on every corner if one likes that sort of thing.

Probably thousands of cheap to middling hotels and guest houses, and plenty of restaurants ( as long as you aren't in the habit of eating after midnight ( actually I don't think there is much of anything open after midnight ).


I do hope that there is actually going to be a high season in C M, or it's going to be really hard to survive up here.


Have to report that last night the night market was crowded ( or at least had a substantial number of tourists ) and all the stalls were open.

I am puzzled as to why there would be so many last night and few the night before, as I'd have thought tourists would arrive on a Friday or Saturday, not on a Monday. Whatever, the stall holders will be happy.

However, more tourists in the night market didn't mean the bars or the massage places were crowded, though some bars definitely had more customers. I didn't notice specifically, but possibly the new tourists were Asian, as we know they aren't into bar beers.

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Have to report that last night the night market was crowded ( or at least had a substantial number of tourists ) and all the stalls were open.
I am puzzled as to why there would be so many last night and few the night before, as I'd have thought tourists would arrive on a Friday or Saturday, not on a Monday. Whatever, the stall holders will be happy.
However, more tourists in the night market didn't mean the bars or the massage places were crowded, though some bars definitely had more customers. I didn't notice specifically, but possibly the new tourists were Asian, as we know they aren't into bar beers.

Most of the night markets are totally packed and the Sunday market /walking St has so many that I turned back last week it was chaotic however it's nearly all backpackers.. And couples

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I had a nice house in California near the beach.  But the place is a boring purgatory with a bunch of judgmental uppity people.


If you are a fairly healthy male, have decent money, like many many opportunities for inexpensive or expensive ladies, like to drink some, like to be near a beach, like to walk to eat, walk to the mall, walk to the movie, walk to the bars, walk to a Gogo: then Pattaya is a great place I think.

So for me, it is really great and I never plan on leaving. Much better then any place I have been for my lifestyle desires.


CM is nice for a few days.  Kind of like Siem Reap.  But a total bore for me for longer periods.

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51 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I had a nice house in California near the beach.  But the place is a boring purgatory with a bunch of judgmental uppity people.


If you are a fairly healthy male, have decent money, like many many opportunities for inexpensive or expensive ladies, like to drink some, like to be near a beach, like to walk to eat, walk to the mall, walk to the movie, walk to the bars, walk to a Gogo: then Pattaya is a great place I think.

So for me, it is really great and I never plan on leaving. Much better then any place I have been for my lifestyle desires.


CM is nice for a few days.  Kind of like Siem Reap.  But a total bore for me for longer periods.

Very hard to beat the beaches in California.  Nothing around Pattaya compares.  Especially as you can't swim in them here! :sad: 


Walking around here?  During most of the year, you're a sweaty mess after just a few minutes.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Very hard to beat the beaches in California.  Nothing around Pattaya compares.  Especially as you can't swim in them here! :sad: 


Walking around here?  During most of the year, you're a sweaty mess after just a few minutes.

I've always walked a lot in LOS, and sweated. I carry a small towel for the sweat and water for dehydration.

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I walk a lot too, my main means of exercise, I am not a gym guy. 


Walk either early morning or late afternoon/early evening.


I though the water off California is really cold + white sharks? I don't go into water below 25Deg.C anymore, no thanks man.

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I walk a lot too, my main means of exercise, I am not a gym guy. 
Walk either early morning or late afternoon/early evening.
I though the water off California is really cold + white sharks? I don't go into water below 25Deg.C anymore, no thanks man.

White sharks there.. Dark sharks here

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On 11/9/2016 at 3:04 PM, craigt3365 said:

Very hard to beat the beaches in California.  Nothing around Pattaya compares.  Especially as you can't swim in them here! :sad: 


Walking around here?  During most of the year, you're a sweaty mess after just a few minutes.

Sure they are nice but freezing water and bad rip tides.  I have herniated discs in my lower back and I love the heat here and love to walk and sweat.   I swim here all the time there are spots that are decent in fact, I am heading out right now. 

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44 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Sure they are nice but freezing water and bad rip tides.  I have herniated discs in my lower back and I love the heat here and love to walk and sweat.   I swim here all the time there are spots that are decent in fact, I am heading out right now. 

I never experienced bad rips, but cold water, YES!  6 years now near the NaJomtien beach.  I've been in maybe 1 time.  Hard to do so when my buddies keep coming out with various infections on a regular basis. We tried Bang Saray a few years ago and got turned off by all the trash in the water.  Just under the surface.  Insane.

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