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I have now been in Thailand for 6 years and married to a local lady for 2 of them,no problem????

Having just read about the Aussie who has been arrested and all the correspondance about him from those who know him,those who dont and want to crucify him (I dont know him and CAN NOT make any comment on his case) I wish to tell of the situation I am faced with.

My wife and have decided to adopt 2 boys (brothers) which all my friends here and back in the UK applaud. However the trouble starts when I take them into town either shopping or for ice cream or just to walk round the stores looking at toys,like any NORMAL father does,if my wife is not with us you would not believe the looks I get from both Thais and ferang's, especially the female's I can read faces the same as any one else "Look at the dirty old man with those young boys" or similer,yes I am getting well on in years but that is not the point,who are they to cast doubts on my integrity or intention's?I know or feel that one day someone will say something to me and as old as I am there will be big trouble.I will end being arrested and then they will come crawling out of the woodwork with all the tales about my character and what should be done to me.All by people who dont know me or my backround.

:o My problem do i fail in my dutie's to my two boys and not take them out? or do I try and put up with the C#$#% and work on keeping my temper?



sorry mate its a put-up-with-it scenario. Don't let it cause you, or your family, problems. Its the same when you go out with just your Mrs probably. Thais and farang with both think you are a tourist and she is a 'working girl'.

At home, those that do bnot know you will usually assume she is an ex-bar girl - because they saw some documentary or other on Thai Bride Catalogues!

I suppose we can sympothise with the majority of Muslims that get the 'evil eye' because of the bad sections of their society - terroists.

I've been married 6 years coming up - we have 2 kids (coming up 5 and 3) - when we go out and about together we get the looks and whispers - speaking good Tghai dispells this somewhat with those in earshot. With the kids, we do not attract a second glance. This annoyed my wife for a long time - she is upper middle class and hated to be thought of as a pro - now she ignores it. Take her advise, its just not worth worrying over - you can't change it, and you shouldn't let it impact you family relationships.

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