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Obama worries black vote is not solid enough for Clinton


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Obama worries black vote is not solid enough for Clinton



CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — President Barack Obama twice generated a historic wave of African-American support on his way to the White House, but worries now the black vote "is not as solid as it needs to be" for Hillary Clinton.


Obama's and Clinton's travel schedules are taking them to swing-state metro areas with significant black populations, and the two officials are fixtures in black-audience media. Their message is consistent: Clinton will fight for the black community, while Republican Donald Trump would turn back the clock for voters that helped propel Obama to comfortable national victories. Former President Bill Clinton is pitching in too, with an unannounced stop in Detroit Wednesday night to meet privately with black ministers and boost his wife's chances in battleground Michigan.


"I need everybody to understand that everything we've done is dependent on me being able to pass the baton to somebody who believes in the same things I believe in," Obama told nationally syndicated radio host Tom Joyner in an interview broadcast Wednesday.


Obama said early voting is up among Hispanics, but not among black voters. The president warned that Trump would obliterate his record, even digging up first lady Michelle Obama's White House vegetable garden. "You think I'm joking?" Obama asked.


Hours later, he reminded an enthusiastic audience in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, that Republicans in the state tried to make it harder to vote with sweeping election law changes, only to have a federal court strike down the law because it "targeted black voters with surgical precision."


So "it's easier to vote than ever" in North Carolina, Obama said. "What's our excuse?"


An Associated Press analysis of early voting data in North Carolina shows blacks have cast 111,000 fewer ballots than at this point four years ago, when Obama lost the state by about 92,000 votes. Clinton aides note that GOP officials there reduced early voting sites for the initial week of early voting, and they say they can make up the difference by Election Day now that more sites are opening.


Black voters' share of early ballots request is also down a few percentage points in Florida and Ohio, though the Clinton campaign points to strong early turnout in key urban counties with large numbers of blacks and Hispanics.


To be clear, Clinton will win the black vote by overwhelming margins, just as Obama and a generation of Democratic presidential nominees before him. On her way to her party's nomination, Clinton won more than 3 out of 4 black voters. And even with an apparent tightening of the general election in the final weeks, Clinton still has many more paths to the required Electoral College majority of 270 votes than does Trump.


Yet, problems could arise for Clinton if Trump draws a surge of white support. That would make her African-American margins and the overall black turnout especially critical in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Then, it could matter whether black voters make up 15 percent of the Ohio electorate, as they did in 2012, or something closer to 9 percent, as they did in 2004, when Republican President George W. Bush won the state and a second term. Nationally, black voters cast about 13 percent of presidential ballots for Obama's two victories, up from the 11 percent benchmark in previous decades.


Democrats are trying to leave nothing to chance.


Obama's appearance in North Carolina followed an appearance Tuesday in Ohio. He has two Florida rallies Thursday, in Jacksonville and Miami, and he plans to return to the state Sunday, visiting Orlando on the final day of early voting in the state. Vice President Joe Biden met earlier this week with black leaders in Philadelphia, and Michelle Obama has taken a prominent role in the campaign.


Clinton, meanwhile, warmly embraces Obama's sentiments. "I want to build on the legacy that President Obama has given us," she told radio host LeRoy Jones, another nationally syndicated black media personality, earlier this week.


Her campaign is broadcasting an ad on black-audience radio stations hailing the former secretary of state as "fighting for us," in contrast to Trump "demeaning our community." A female voice in the ad says, "Listen to how he talks about us." One audio clip has Trump singling out a black supporter at a rally in California: "Look at my African-American over here," he said. In another, Trump lambasted Obama as "the most ignorant president in our history."


As she travels to battleground states, Clinton has focused on nonwhite voters and encouraged early voting. Many of her events are near early voting sites.


She spent Sunday at a soul-food restaurant and a black church. On Tuesday, she traveled with Congressman John Lewis, a civil rights hero from Atlanta, who reminded Clinton supporters of the struggle to secure the right to vote.


"We must get out and vote like we've never voted before," Lewis told a crowd of about 4,000 people in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. "Don't let anyone keep you home."


Associated Press Writers Dave Eggert in Lansing, Michigan and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.


Barrow reported from Atlanta. Associated Press reporters Julie Pace in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Hope Yen in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-03
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If this is any indication of what the Democrats think of Blacks, Crooked Hillary is indeed in trouble :saai:


Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head.” 

A new video released by Project Veritas Action, a top Democratic donor is caught on camera disparaging members of the African American community at a fundraiser for North Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Deborah Ross.

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The evidence is overwhelming:


NYT: Trump Is Right — Democrats Do Nothing for Black Voters


As the first reports emerge of falling black turnout in early voting — a threat to Hillary Clinton’s ambitions — the New York Times Magazine has published an essay by a black reporter arguing that Donald Trump is right about at least one thing: Democrats have abandoned black voters.


Edited by metisdead
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

So "it's easier to vote than ever" in North Carolina, Obama said. "What's our excuse?"

The excuse is that you have done nothing to improve the lives of blacks during your eight years in office. Example is black youth unemployment at 32% and intercity violence has skyrocketed. It will be business as usual if Hillary gets elected and the black population is beginning to realize the truth.

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2 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

They can always go back to the Democrat plantation in 4 years if it doesn't improve

But what has improved for them in the last 16 years? Has anything?

Change was the slogan used but what actually did.

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obama has done nothing really for Blacks. And most times is lily whit in his actions. Hillary has never been positive about blacks...

that said Trump is vile. He is extremely Raciest,even endorced by the Klan....

saddly most black voters are in aware that there are 5 parties running for office. The bought and paid for media in the US sees to that

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Yeah, sure.

Nothing to lose.

Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me cheap?

Maybe jump off of it? The waters are fine. Nothing to lose. Free swimming.


A black church in Mississippi was reportedly set on fire and graffitied with the words ‘Vote Trump’ late Tuesday night, according to several news reports Wednesday.


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34 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure.

Nothing to lose.

Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me cheap?

Maybe jump off of it? The waters are fine. Nothing to lose. Free swimming.


A black church in Mississippi was reportedly set on fire and graffitied with the words ‘Vote Trump’ late Tuesday night, according to several news reports Wednesday.




I thought maybe you were a Cleveland fan?

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If nothing else American politics is entertaining.


“We also have some teams going into the ghettos in Philly with 40s [malt liquor] and weed to give out to the local residents, which we think will lead to more of them staying home,” a spokesman told the Politico website. “We have had success with this in the past.”



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Obama is really pinning his hopes on his corrupt justice department that they can manage another whitewash to salvage his so called legacy. He is gonna come out looking like a big steamy turd on this one, and hopefully a co-conspirator.


Judgement day is coming is coming folks and its looking more likely every day that the Clinton Crime Family is gonna meet its maker. Just like all other crime families that managed to evade justice, they always get arrogant, careless and underestimate what determined FBI field agents are capable of.

















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1 hour ago, Mosha said:

On BBC this morning, one black American said he wouldn't vote Clinton because she isn't black. I think the report was trying to compare her with Obama.

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It's not a question about whether the vast majority of African Americans support Hillary over trump (they definitely do as for any democrat), but it IS a matter of whether enough of them will feel motivated enough to actually VOTE. 

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Donald Trump will be helping only himself if he is elected. He could care less about anyone except himself and his family with the exception of his wealthy cronies. The average black, white. or other person of color in the middle class or poor will continue to be looked down upon by Trump. He has never worked a real job in his life and has never walked among the real people of America.

The jobs he will create for America are those that pay $7.25 per hour -minimum wage-.  In his mind- there will be plenty when he deports 11 million  people . Go ahead- vote for him- I hope you and your families enjoy picking strawberries; plucking chickens in processing plants or working in slaughterhouses. Also, if your are in Thailand and Trump is elected- your pension will be 20% less than it is now because his election will sink both the stock market and the Dollar. So.... go ahead...

vote the false messiah in and ignore all the advice of economists; former military leaders; and everyone else who knows what Trump really is. The only constitutional crisis will come when the House votes to impeach him and the Senate convicts him.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure.

Nothing to lose.

Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me cheap?

Maybe jump off of it? The waters are fine. Nothing to lose. Free swimming.


A black church in Mississippi was reportedly set on fire and graffitied with the words ‘Vote Trump’ late Tuesday night, according to several news reports Wednesday.



Insurance fraud most likely. 


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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure.

Nothing to lose.

Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me cheap?

Maybe jump off of it? The waters are fine. Nothing to lose. Free swimming.


A black church in Mississippi was reportedly set on fire and graffitied with the words ‘Vote Trump’ late Tuesday night, according to several news reports Wednesday.



Not very subtle Democratic Propaganda.

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Black people voting for Trump hmm. If your black and a bit down on your luck President Trump will do his utmost to cancel your food stamps and social benefits and find you meaningful employment like mowing lawns or cleaning pools. Hold on a moment the illegal Mexicans have that area sewn up tight. 

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Black people voting for Trump hmm. If your black and a bit down on your luck President Trump will do his utmost to cancel your food stamps and social benefits and find you meaningful employment like mowing lawns or cleaning pools. Hold on a moment the illegal Mexicans have that area sewn up tight. 


DT certainly does have the black vote. He has "Micheal the Black Man" (known black supremacist) as a major supporter and he appears at DT rallies in Florida right behind the big man himself.




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" Barack Obama twice generated a historic wave of African-American support on his way to the White House, but worries now the black vote "is not as solid as it needs to be"  "


possibly, just possibly, they feel let down by Obama and his Democrat successor?

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The reason many blacks, minorities and students won't vote against the Trump is because of Republican voter suppression. They have publicly acknowledged exactly what they are doing and why, to stop those exact groups from voting because they usually vote Democrat. While I voted for Jill Stein, would have been Bernie if Clinton and the DNC/corporate blue dawg Democrat elite hadn't cheated him out of the primary victory we all needed, blacks, minorities and students are not going to vote for the orange fascist.


America has hopefully sunk to it's lowest election ever. I'm not betting on it. As William Bendix said on "Life of Riley", "What a revoltin' development this is".

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What have Democrat congresspeople done for blacks?  Several things, including making health insurance more accessible.  Dems try to help all folks, including middle class, poor, disadvantaged, whether they're black, brown, yellow or whatever.  Even if Reps want to clutch onto the fairy tale that Dems have done nothing for blacks, they they've got to admit their Republican lawmakers have done a lot less.   


As for schools, Dems are helping blacks by encouraging school busing - which is anathema to Republicans.  Dems also advocate free lunches for inner city kids.  Republicans don't even think about such silly issues.


Republicans say they want to abolish the Dept of Education.  What they're aiming for is stratified schools.  In other words: residents of rich areas (mostly whites) should be able to keep going to well-funded elite schools, and residents of inner cities (mostly blacks and minorities) can keep going to underfunded schools.  Trump, ever the shrill alarmist, paints a picture of the inner cities as hell, with the likelihood of getting shot every time a person steps outside their front door.   Not really true, and Dems want to level the playing field.


Another reason the Reps want to abolish the Dept of Education is to get Church schools everywhere, which teach anti-science 'Creationism' (everything is designed by a God) instead of scientifically accepted 'Natural Selection.'   Koch Brothers pour hundreds of millions of $$'s into school district candidate races, mainly for that reason.

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