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Terror attacks rock three southern Thai provinces


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23 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Thanks for the history lesson Kiwikeith, the Vikings invaded Britain in the 8th century but eventually they dispersed. Who cares when the muslims came to Thailand they are not welcome now. Because Islam is still in the 13th century inbreeding with 1st cousins, decapitating infidels, practising paedaphilia, and shagging young boys and GOATS. They need to advance their mentality and get into the 21st century or be destroyed. You would be well advised to stop appearing to stick up for them.

Forgot to mention, to pack your stuff on the buffalo and go to the countries who provide with Sharia law and everything what you want as Saudi Arbia and yemen.

And if they use some off their brains they can get a free ticket from head off police back to this beautiful countries.

Bye and have a save trip

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23 hours ago, BigFun said:

So what are you saying? Isn't he ULTIMATELY responsible as the leader of the country? Do you also not think he could TELL  the army in charge to say that (obviously not provable by you or I). Does he carry NO RESPONSIBILITY for either massacre? Did he also not order THE WAR ON DRUGS where there were thousands of EXTRA JUDICIAL murders? 


Why defend the guy? Are you in his inner circle? 

Geez - do you know the difference between ordering an action and being responsible for that action?? It's not a nuanced difference. In this case there is even evidence (see my earlier post) that the political leadership in Bangkok actually ordered  the ranking military leader on the ground to negotiate rather than attack. But those sorts of facts go past you when you believe that Thaksin is the root of all evil...

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3 hours ago, gchurch259 said:


There are several websites you can go to and get stats some Muslim some Non-Muslim. Most report over 800 million out of 1,4 Billion are illiterate.


When you have a culture does not allow Free Will in their lives and denies Woman equal treatment, it is best to keep them semi literate.

Yes, please share those websites/links. That was my point. I have been unable to find any stat close to the figure you quoted.


Look, the Trumpist tactic of saying "I saw it somewhere" without being able to identify the source doesn't work on people who have not been brainwashed. [Who remembers the time when he claimed that 100s of Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating 9/11?], a claim later shown to be entirely false. Some of us need evidence to support our views... just saying "it's out there" doesn't wash. 

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1 hour ago, Docno said:

Yes, please share those websites/links. That was my point. I have been unable to find any stat close to the figure you quoted.


Look, the Trumpist tactic of saying "I saw it somewhere" without being able to identify the source doesn't work on people who have not been brainwashed. [Who remembers the time when he claimed that 100s of Muslims in New Jersey were celebrating 9/11?], a claim later shown to be entirely false. Some of us need evidence to support our views... just saying "it's out there" doesn't wash. 

One stat source comes from wikislam, "Modern Day": https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_-_Education_and_Employment

India Muslims (14.4% of the population) have a literacy rate of 68.5% (2011)

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Overreaction. These are teeny-terrorists, ie targeting soft targets: under-armed car-showroom security men, as well as inanimate targets. oh for these cowardly-custards to run into some real adversaries. The disgrace is the strategy of the  armed forces - sending in thousands of inexperienced troopers, barely out of high school, with no fighting experience. You do have  to wonder, does each side have a hidden strategy, to keep this tragedy ongoing?

The insurgents are it is true far from the most effective terrorist outfit currently active in the world. This could change rapidly.

The Thai military are simply not interested.
1) it is a long way from Bangkok (this could change rapidly too).
2) It is too much like hard work (real soldiering).
3) It would interfere with their political activities.

They leave most of it to an assortment of paramilitary outfits and local defence militias.
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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

One stat source comes from wikislam, "Modern Day": https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_-_Education_and_Employment

India Muslims (14.4% of the population) have a literacy rate of 68.5% (2011)

Sorry, I'm not sure what point you're making. Gchurch259 (1st page here) claimed that the literacy rate in the Muslim world is 6.5%. He's not been able to provide any sources for that figure... all he's said is that there are websites 'out there' that prove this. I've googled and not found any. Your stats here reinforce my argument -- was that your intent?

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2 minutes ago, Docno said:

he's said is that there are websites 'out there' that prove this. I've googled and not found any. 


My intent -

I googled and found two sources matching his stat but I only cited one. That's my first point. I don't agree with the 6.5% stat though as there is a lack of academic support in the sites I found.

My second point is that there are countries where there is an above median (>50%) literacy rate for Muslims that doesn't lend support to a very low overall literacy rate for Muslims.

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5 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


My intent -

I googled and found two sources matching his stat but I only cited one. That's my first point. I don't agree with the 6.5% stat though as there is a lack of academic support in the sites I found.

My second point is that there are countries where there is an above median (>50%) literacy rate for Muslims that doesn't lend support to a very low overall literacy rate for Muslims.

But just to be clear - the source you cited (WikiIsam) doesn't 'match his stat' of 6.5% ... not even close.

Moreover, we have to be careful about comparisons between the 'Muslim world' and 'Christendom' (haven't heard that word in a couple of centuries) because other non-religious factors, such as GDP, will also play a role in literacy. [Yes, that can get circular too ... why do non-oil-rich Muslim countries tend to have lower GDPs?]. Cheers. 

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