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I received a call this morning from a semi regular TG. She works at NEP. Though this is a rather private matter, I thought I would post the issue in order to listen to points of view, comments and obvious advise. I have been traveling to BKK since 03 and know the ropes failry well. I have many freinds in BKK, know the city well and even own a new 4 bedroom home in Ragsit. I still work in the US and have my own business. Anyway 4 weeks ago I was with this BG who I enjoy spending time with in her apartment. She's 24. I did not use proetction on several occations (yes I know) and she now says she is 4 weeks pregnant. I wonder how common this is. Is this a story for money, how can I be certain its mine ect..I intend to ask her to have the pregancy terminated and will pay thoses costs. Anyone have any sage advice or know others who have been so notified.

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Phew... Wow. At least you know you are fertile.

Four weeks you've known her. And she already knows beyond doubt that she is preggers....



Hey I'm wiling to take the bashing on this...I expect it. I have actually known her since August, not that that is very long either. you know how gray the issues can become. And I'm not sure what point is being made regarding my nationality. What's the point? That i care?

I have been traveling to BKK since 03 and know the ropes failry well.

you are mistaken

I did not use proetction on several occations (yes I know)

you are an idiot

intend to ask her to have the pregancy terminated .

you are a selfish idiot.

not to worry though , there are thousands like you here.

consider yourself bashed.

Before you ask her for an abortion, ask yourself first for a blood test. :o

Yup it'll be the long three month blood sentence for you mate. Get yourself booked into the clinic pronto!

There is a DNA paternity testing lab in Pattaya, google it and use it!

...and start thinking with your other brain!

iirc it's 'start thinking with your other head'! :D:D:o


Some signs of pregnancy in a dog are appetite change, your dog acting different, and an enlargement of the stomach. Normally you will be able to feel kicking of puppies in the 4th-5th week.Not any sooner. But if your dog hasn't gone into heat then your dog probably isn't pregnant.



Ok, on a serious note. I will be surprised if I know more than the majority of people here, but I do believe it is quite common for a some bargirls to have unprotected sex with more than one customer. If no condom with you, why not the next bloke.

Eventually lady becomes pregnant. She then contacts all her regulars she had unprotected sex with and tells them the kid is theirs. Hopefully at least one will do something about it.

Abortion is generally not an option, something about leaving an unborn spirit in a state of limbo.

Now I'm not saying the kid isn't yours, nor am I saying it is, and neither am I saying she is pregnant. Just trying to give you something apart from abuse, what you do now is entirely up to you.

Just one more thing. If you decide to tell your mum you got a thai bg pregnant, can I come please


I would wager abortion will not be an option. There is a strong belief that the spirit of the unborn child will not go on to "paradise" or be reincarnated, but will remain in limbo as a ghost, able to haunt ones dreams and such.

Not using a condom with a prostitute? Are you trying to commit suicide? You should be going for an HIV/AIDS test. You can be tried for murder in the U.S for knowingly passing on the virus.

Do you realize that you may be putting others lives in danger?

As far as the child goes, get a paternity test done. If it is yours, take responsibility and raise and support the child as best you can. To do otherwise would be cowardly.

Eventually lady becomes pregnant. She then contacts all her regulars she had unprotected sex with and tells them the kid is theirs. Hopefully at least one will do something about it.

Just one more thing. If you decide to tell your mum you got a thai bg pregnant, can I come please

Gotta love thailand!!!!!! :o:D


This is exactly the situation I believe I have here...I thought and did receive confrmation of this scam here and thanks. She has no qualms about terminating the pregancy, though she feigns some sadness...yea right. and she has already texted me her account number at Kasicorn with the bank tarnsfer code!!!! By the way..why the &^%$ would I tell my dear old mum about this...some real momas boys here I suppose. ..Oh well now you can go back to discussing the high cost of papayas or latest visa run news.

This is exactly the situation I believe I have here...I thought and did receive confrmation of this scam here and thanks. She has no qualms about terminating the pregancy, though she feigns some sadness...yea right. and she has already texted me her account number at Kasicorn with the bank tarnsfer code!!!! By the way..why the &^%$ would I tell my dear old mum about this...some real momas boys here I suppose. ..Oh well now you can go back to discussing the high cost of papayas or latest visa run news.


This is exactly the situation I believe I have here...I thought and did receive confrmation of this scam here and thanks. She has no qualms about terminating the pregancy, though she feigns some sadness...yea right. and she has already texted me her account number at Kasicorn with the bank tarnsfer code!!!! By the way..why the &^%$ would I tell my dear old mum about this...some real momas boys here I suppose. ..Oh well now you can go back to discussing the high cost of papayas or latest visa run news.

And you can go back to your highly responsible and monogamous lifestyle :o:D:D


this thread is personification of all things nauseating at TV. whether the OP is a troll is irrelavent, though the more paranoid among you are certainly going to scream that the loudest

You sit comfortably behind a computer an heap abuse and judgement upon someone you know nothing about. you bring nationality into the issue, and make smug remarks about aids clinics and HIV tests.

I am certain that none of you superior intellects have ever cosseed the line with a woman, be she of any nationality. none of you could have ever gotten caught up in a moment and done something you regret.

If you have, i am sure you behaved responsibly if confronted with a potentially life changing situation.

How you of such moral standards as to call others cowards for having the sense to keep themselves out of harms way, can hide behind your own self rightousness when confronted with a real world situation that really will give you a chance to test your character simply astonishes me.

to the op, blood tests, DNA testing are available. blood tests will rule you out if you are lucky, if not it will at least include you in the running for fatherhood. then dna testing is possible

to hose of you in your glass houses, beware, irony is only humourous when you winess it. when it happens to you, its called karma.

now go back to feeling good about yourselves.


Hey TS, ive heard of this time and time again in Thailand. Yes, Nationality is an issue here(Its called Thai Visa),so what. Theres good and bad with every country. I love Thailand. I wish the OP the very best of luck and hope he sorts everything out! By the way, youre right, no woman will have me :o

this thread is personification of all things nauseating at TV. whether the OP is a troll is irrelavent, though the more paranoid among you are certainly going to scream that the loudest

You sit comfortably behind a computer an heap abuse and judgement upon someone you know nothing about. you bring nationality into the issue, and make smug remarks about aids clinics and HIV tests.

I am certain that none of you superior intellects have ever cosseed the line with a woman, be she of any nationality. none of you could have ever gotten caught up in a moment and done something you regret.

If you have, i am sure you behaved responsibly if confronted with a potentially life changing situation.

How you of such moral standards as to call others cowards for having the sense to keep themselves out of harms way, can hide behind your own self rightousness when confronted with a real world situation that really will give you a chance to test your character simply astonishes me.

to the op, blood tests, DNA testing are available. blood tests will rule you out if you are lucky, if not it will at least include you in the running for fatherhood. then dna testing is possible

to hose of you in your glass houses, beware, irony is only humourous when you winess it. when it happens to you, its called karma.

now go back to feeling good about yourselves.

Got a bargirl up the stick in the past by any chance :o

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