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Some Republicans are discussing their plans for President Clinton — starting with impeachment


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Some Republicans are discussing their plans for President Clinton — starting with impeachment

By Mike DeBonis

The Washington Post


WASHINGTON: -- Senior Republican lawmakers are openly discussing the prospect of impeaching Hillary Clinton should she win the presidency, a stark indication that partisan warfare over her tenure as secretary of state will not end on Election Day.


Chairmen of two congressional committees said in media interviews this week they believe Clinton committed impeachable offenses in setting up and using a private email server for official State Department business.


And a third senior Republican, the chairman of a House Judiciary subcommittee, told The Washington Post he is personally convinced Clinton should be impeached for influence peddling involving her family foundation. He favors further congressional investigation into that matter.


Full story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/11/03/no-honeymoon-for-hillary-congressional-republicans-openly-discussing-impeachment/


-- The Washington Post 2016-11-04

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Anything Republicans and the Party controlled by rightwhingnuts can't control they must destroy.


Impeachment btw is for actions taken in office. Not anything that may have occurred before taking office, nor anything done after leaving office.


Bill's impeachment was widely known by the general public to be political, which is the primary reason it failed, and it failed miserably. Any impeachment of a Potus Clinton after January 20th would be viewed in the same light.



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1 hour ago, webfact said:

And a third senior Republican, the chairman of a House Judiciary subcommittee, told The Washington Post he is personally convinced Clinton should be impeached for influence peddling involving her family foundation. He favors further congressional investigation into that matter.

There folks is your snapshot of the next four years. Infighting back biting the works non compliance non cooperation everything. Four years of a bunch of adults acting like children is your reward for voting and thinking things will change. Look out for the military to pull a junta move. 

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Anything Republicans and the Party controlled by rightwhingnuts can't control they must destroy.


Impeachment btw is for actions taken in office. Not anything that may have occurred before taking office, nor anything done after leaving office.


Bill's impeachment was widely known by the general public to be political, which is the primary reason it failed, and it failed miserably. Any impeachment of a Potus Clinton after January 20th would be viewed in the same light.




But it was o k for Bill to lie on oath to the American government and people.


How values have slipped. And we wonder at the lies of governments.

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29 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But it was o k for Bill to lie on oath to the American government and people.


How values have slipped. And we wonder at the lies of governments.


All we can do is be vigilant and prioritize them.

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27 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But it was o k for Bill to lie on oath to the American government and people.


How values have slipped. And we wonder at the lies of governments.


Only conservatives have values.


We know all about it.


More lies from FBI and Faux shot down today about a pending indictment against a Potus Clinton to include the Clinton Foundation.


FBI is dominated by the Breitbart & Faux News & Republican Right Sector of American Society and Politics Party. Head Office is in the U.S. House of Representatives where the Inquisitors sit daily.


Director Comey is ignoring or has dismissed the fact he is a member of the Executive Branch who reports only to the AG or Potus. The due respect an FBI director must have for the Congress has become a John-prostitute relationship however. Comey is consequently not much longer for the same office J. Edgar Hoover once polluted too.


Comey not only is on the wrong horse, he's on the wildest horse of 'em all, Donald Trump. Bad call by a definitely stupid guy who thinks his mass of rightwing agents are more important to him than either the AG or Potus.

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The key word to this is SENIOR Republicans. There is great need for term limits to both branches of the Legislative section of the US government. It is the thorn in the heel of the democratic process. Being a Senator or Representative for decades yields too much power and makes them virtually untouchable. The limits of 8 years for a term of President was instituted and negates the hungriness for one to gain too much power. These SENIOR legislators have absolutely nothing to lose as they know they will be re-elected year after year from their respective hometowns due to the favors and bills they pass to benefit their home districts. They are given seats on powerful select committees to rule as lords over the land. They use the blank check provision to declare witch hunts on so called scandals and misdeeds by rivals which cost the taxpayers millions of dollars each year to pay "special" prosecutors to be billed by the hour.  Sad thing is the only way to get term limits introduced is by the states which these career politicians  have a strangle hold on!

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Key phrase is "some Republicans," as in "some Republicans" are dangerously out of their wingnut minds. 


It's been 8 years of demonizing black President Obama which will be followed by more of the same for America's new woman President. 


It's over. Crawl back under your gold plated rock Trump. The worst candidate in American history and all his supporters should be ashamed of themselves. 


Donald Trump President of the United States? Jeesh



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10 minutes ago, doggie1955 said:

Two things can happen...Obama can pardon her before he leaves the White House or If she wins, then she can pardon herself.

And this is no joke!



Well, there are two things that can't happen. Want to try for a third? She can't be pardoned because she's not charged with anything and she can't pardon herself. 


Oh you WERE JOKING, that's funny. I always have trouble getting the right wing jokes. 




Carry on.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

And a third senior Republican, the chairman of a House Judiciary subcommittee, told The Washington Post he is personally convinced Clinton should be impeached for influence peddling involving her family foundation. He favors further congressional investigation into that matter.


I think the FBI are way ahead of you on that one.



Hillary Clinton faced fresh allegations of corruption yesterday as it emerged that the FBI had been investigating her family charity for a year and agents were pressing for an imminent indictment.



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55 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

It looks to me like this is a blatant attempt by extreme right wingers in the FBI to rig the election. 


The Trump Foundation have been barred from fund raising in the city of New York because of systematic abuse of charity funds. The Clinton Foundation on the other hand have always had a clean bill of health. I think we are witnessing a coup by the extreme right wing in the US!

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We are in desperate need a political reset in 2020. 


I don't know if it should come in the form of additional national parties or fresh new faces with inspiring ideas that rise up within the existing parties, but this rabid, hyper-partisanship is having a negative impact on our nation at home and abroad.  This story in the OP is incredibly depressing because there is so much work that needs to be done.

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4 hours ago, Pinot said:


Well, there are two things that can't happen. Want to try for a third? She can't be pardoned because she's not charged with anything and she can't pardon herself. 


Oh you WERE JOKING, that's funny. I always have trouble getting the right wing jokes. 




Carry on.

Actually, you can be pardoned in advance. George H.W. Bush pardoned in advance Casper Weinberger as well as 5 other officials involved in the Iran Contra affair.

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It is increasingly clear that the GOP has become the White Supremacist Nationalist Party with an agenda to secure and maintain White power. Forget an agenda to bring America forward or solve it's problems. I went to high school in the deep South and always knew that the Civil Rights movement only pushed the hatred and racism underground and now it has re-emerged with a vengence...but I am hopeful that sanity and a progressive agenda will find a way. Realistically, there will always be a dynamic tension between regressive and progressive forces simply because we live in a dualistic universe and must find a balanced path...

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Although not being at all religious, this guy has since last year become increasing convinced God has finally taken the big step to become a background member of the Democratic Party....



Ron Brownstein: “Even with the race’s late turmoil, Trump still faces long odds against overcoming Clinton’s lead in enough states to win.


“The problem for Republicans is that even if Trump succeeds in the near-term, his insular appeal to his preponderantly white coalition has exposed the party to a clear long-term risk. Win or lose, all evidence suggests Trump is further alienating a Millennial generation that is already cool to the GOP—and is poised to become the electorate’s largest cohort in 2020.”



If not God, then it would leave The Powers of Nature as the only explanation for all of this Republican Party madness. 


Unless that is, the Republican Party has simply up and decided to abolish itself. 

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On 11/4/2016 at 2:45 PM, Baerboxer said:

But it was ok for Bill to lie on oath to the American government and people.

How values have slipped. And we wonder at the lies of governments.


Bill lied once "I have not had sexual relations with that woman."  

Bill is not running for prez, in case you haven't noticed.  Neither is Weiner, The Pope, or Bozo the Clown.

If you want to talk about lying, let's look at Trump. He lies and childishly exaggerates so often, that telling the truth is an anamoly for him.


Re; the OP.   Republicans give a whole deeper meaning to "being poor losers."  They're like a football team that, after losing the game, they attack the ref, rip up the stands, and piss all around the stadium.


17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

He's (Comey) on the Horse of Justice my friend! :smile:


You'd probably say the same of McCarthy in the 1950's.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Bill lied once "I have not had sexual relations with that woman."  

Bill is not running for prez, in case you haven't noticed.  Neither is Weiner, The Pope, or Bozo the Clown.

If you want to talk about lying, let's look at Trump. He lies and childishly exaggerates so often, that telling the truth is an anamoly for him.


Re; the OP.   Republicans give a whole deeper meaning to "being poor losers."  They're like a football team that, after losing the game, they attack the ref, rip up the stands, and piss all around the stadium.



You'd probably say the same of McCarthy in the 1950's.


Bozo the Clown is running for President, and her name is Hillary Clinton.

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On November 4, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Publicus said:


Impeachment btw is for actions taken in office. Not anything that may have occurred before taking office, nor anything done after leaving office.



That is ok....an indictment and incarceration will be fine too. 

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

He's on the Horse of Justice my friend! :smile:


Comey is Silver!


Trump is riding James Comey to freedom, justice and the American way. 


Obama made a mistake appointing Comey. This should be a lesson to HRC. Never try and work with these asshats. They're off the deep end and...Darling, get me another Sangsom coke? And another get another dlink for you, darling. As I was saying...the GOP is toast. TSK


James Comey doesn't make it through Christmas. 


Hi ho Comey,...AWAY



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*Deleted quote edited out*


Over half of Americans believe in Astrology.  54% think the JFK assassination was an inside job.  40% believe in ESP or other 'psychic' phenomena,  and a similar number believe in ghosts.  Finally, upwards of 98% of the world's population believe in some sort of magical sky fairy who directs everything that happens on the planet.


I know you'd like nothing more than to scrap the whole judicial system and replace it with the People's Court of Public Opinion, but that is precisely why we have a justice system - so that people don't get convicted based on ignorant beliefs and innuendo.  

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


Comey is Silver!


Trump is riding James Comey to freedom, justice and the American way. 


Obama made a mistake appointing Comey. This should be a lesson to HRC. Never try and work with these asshats. They're off the deep end and...Darling, get me another Sangsom coke? And another get another dlink for you, darling. As I was saying...the GOP is toast. TSK


James Comey doesn't make it through Christmas. 


Hi ho Comey,...AWAY




The mistake Obama and the then Democratic house made in 2009 was not pursuing a full fledged congressional investigation into the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This was decided in the hopes of fostering some semblance of bi-partisanship cooperation and to not disparage the efforts of the troops still in Iraq .  In hindsight. based on subsequent republican behavior over the past 8 years, this was a big mistake. 


Hopefully, if Hillary can win along with a Senate majority, hearings can be held and then we shall see who actually goes to jail.


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