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Prosecutor: Four Thai police attacked man and beat him to death, say witnesses


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The problem arises when you get a military Junta installed , Thailand has had these problems before, anyone wearing a uniform regards themselves above the law , regardless of the laws , and you could end up dead or disappeared, so gradually and ever so slowly the police as well as the military start applying their meaness on the public and if you happen to be on the receiving end just too bad, shades of Thailand 1980's..............................:coffee1:

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The man probably owed money to a mafia run business with support of some of the local police officers. They came to give him a lesson , not sure if they meant to kill him but it looks that way . 


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Rarely are the police held to account for any crimes they commit here. Just the concept that it would go higher up the good chain is ludicrous. Of course it is a positive move, that the prosecutor is even calling for charges to be brought. But, it will not happen, and if it does, nobody will be sentenced to prison time. The police continue to be "above the law".

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35 minutes ago, balo said:

The man probably owed money to a mafia run business with support of some of the local police officers. They came to give him a lesson , not sure if they meant to kill him but it looks that way . 


Yes I think the prosecutor should ask around and find out how many others owe these cops money.

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2 hours ago, Khun Paul said:

Thainess at its best, about bloody time the PM ( general ) did what he said he would do. Sort out the only uniformed group that is the cause of many infractions of the law, THE POLICE .

Will his harsh punishment be the same as before, transfer.

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4 hours ago, DuiDui48 said:

People just had enough..me too.Two policereports done..nothing have happened..In one case the policechief wrote the report,the wrongdoers sigh the report..but police writing the report stood up turn us his back..looked out thrue his window..waiting for money from us from him to put HIS name under the report...Btw,he didn't get dime..and he wrote his name with while eyeing us..not happy.


 What in gods name are you rambling about? 

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7 hours ago, JoePai said:

If Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda can be held accountable (although I doubt it) this would certainly be a move in the right direction for Thailand

Why?  Inactive post for a month or paid holiday depends on your point of view.

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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:



Surely the criminal prosecution should come first.

In this case the police refused to prosecute themselves. 

Thailand does have a wonderful law that allows people to bypass police and prosecutors and file a civil complaint by themselves. 

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5 hours ago, cooked said:

And there are people that think that shooting drug suspects in the Philippines is a good idea.


exactly, the ignorance of this decision and power that comes with the ability to take the law into anyone's hands is scary.. yea, in theory and in dream world, all problems are eradicated bc no one is alive to contest them.  this part of the world is moving in the wrong direction fast.. I really do hope the police are held accountable..hope

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"His head was smashed into a motorcycle, a fence and then pounded into the concrete. The back of his knee was stamped on."

Such stories make me sick.
It's time, that such heavy criminals in uniform, are sent into prison for a long time.

That this kind of "colleagues" are covered by the royal thai police is completely incomprehensible to me. 

Such brutal thugs are a disgrace for every police force.
Hopefully this time, the prosecutor can free the society from these killers.

Edited by tomacht8
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When I was about 12 years old I loved to read "Master Detectives" and "True Detectives" magazines. One day my dad asked me what I would like to be when I grew up. I said, "A policeman". Then I asked him what do I need to study to become a policeman. He answered, "You don't have to study anything at all" he said that with a disappointed look on his face. May be he was beaten by the police I never asked him. He was not happy with my answer at all.

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Yup. The brown clowns - Thailand's finest. Even if it was a 200-pound gorilla with hundreds of thousands of baht on the table, it still didnt warrant this kind of physical abuse. If what the witnesses say is true, then I hope these idiots - including the ones sitting high up in the station, get what's coming to them and then some.

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